KalacharkrḲa fₕor WͩoĆrld Peace By His Emżżżż inȾȾȾȾ en ceՈՈՈՈ Bᯡᯡᯡᯡ eееееru⍪⍪⍪⍪ K˶˶˶˶hy­­­­ enͶͶͶͶ ts e Rinpoche 17 to 19 October 2008 17 October 2008 Friday ¤ ¢¡¤£¦¥¨§© 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Kalachakra Puja 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm Lama Dance 18 October 2008 Saturday ¢¡¤£¦¥¨§© 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Kalachakra Puja 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm Kalachakra Preparation Initiation ¢¡¤£¦¥¢ ¤ ¤ 19 October 2008 Sunday ¢¡¤£¦¥¨§ © 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Kalachakra Puja 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm Kalachakra Actual Initiation ¢¡¤£¦¥¢ ¤ Venue Sponsor: Organised By: Khyenkong Tharjay Buddhist Charitable Society Ngee Ann Cultural Centre 26A Lorong 23 Geylang Singapore 388364 Ngee Ann Auditorium Tel: 67473982 Teochew Bldg. 97 Tank Road www.khyenkong-tharjay.org For enquiries, please call 97972662 or 81610020 1 Buses: 64, 123, 139, 143 (Nearest MRT : Dhoby Ghaut Or email [email protected] Station/Dhoby Ghaut) Kalachakra Tantra The word Kalachakra means “Wheel of Time” and refers to the unique representation of the cycles of time contained within the Kalachakra Tantra. The meaning of the word tantra is “eternal stream of continuity”. According to tradition, the Kalachakra Tantra was taught by Buddha Shayamuni to King Suchandra of the mythical kingdom of Shambhala around 2,500 years ago, and its practice cultivated there ever since. Shambhala – also known as Shangrila – is a paradisiacal realm, a land of joy and purity, in which both worries and suffering are unknown. Some sources view Shambhala as a land existing purely in the dimension of energy. The Kalachakra Tantra reached India from Shambhala around 1,000 years ago, before being transmitted to Tibet, where it continues to be practiced today. The Kalachakra Tantra is divided into three parts: the External, the Internal and the Alternative Kalachakra. The External and Internal Kalachakra focus on the life and time cycle of the cosmos and of man. They have contributed significantly to the Tibetan astrological and medical sciences. The Alternative Kalachakra represents a comprehensive system of exercises for practicing Buddhists. It depicts the methods by which both the world around us and our bodies – the External and Internal Kalachakra – can be transformed into a state of enlightenment rfreḲe Ǻfroනm all worries and suffering. ̱ 7 ͛ ᪕ & r Ⓒ 7 Ḳ ͛ ū r Ḳ Ǻ න ¤ Ľ Ȟ ᜬ Ǎ 7 r Ⓒ Ո ϕ Ḱ 4“KǺalaන chakra” Ո ͛ “ɩ ŷ« ū ”ˌ ʞ ł න 7 ϕ 4Tantra “ ” eternal stream of continuity ! " # ¤ $ r Ḳ Ǻ න % & '( ) * + , - . ¤ / 40 r 1 2 34 5 6 7 Ǻ 8 9 : ;< = / > ?2@ ,5A 00B ;C ;Ǻ = D E F G H I / J K L 44 5 6 S uM chN an4 drO a P 6 « Q R S gՈ AE Th i %X Uj Vk Wl X38m 7Sn h8 ao m9p b hՈ aY lq aZrE 4[ r\ s] /^t_ u` v47aS(hb a nc gr rd ilḲa: Ǻ4 න5 w6 4e 5f 6 8“ 9 / t x y z CD E F ϕ / ł න ” K L 4 r Ḳ Ǻ න { G | & } ~ ᾬ | ŷ̲3ͱ ^/ r Ḳ 4 ^ r Ḳ ^ͱr Ḳ ₑ 3¦ ᵯ ^ƻ Ǎ“ ” ϣ “ʁ ”^r “Ⓒ ”ϕ Ḱ 7 ẋ ࣏ ȭ u v ּ ƚ̲ ¨Ŀ :ሳ ̲ƚ rɹ Ḳ£ ^Ʃ ͱċ r໐ Ḳ/r Ḳ̲r«© &1 .Ⓒ ū^Ƅª ໐« ᪂¬ Ոᵯ ǀḰ ¡­ H® =¯ ¢ £໐ ǣ 0± Z ū` ¤ǣ ¥V ¦7 §² ³ ´ Ō – 2 Shambhala This is a pure land in our world, only to be perceived by beings of pure minds and karmic affinities. At the time of the 25th Shambhala King, about 400 years from now, Shambhala will manifest and rule the Earth for 1,000 years. Her subjects, possessing spiritual powers will lead mankind to Dharma, and away from confusion and suffering. The Buddha prophesized that “all those who received the Empowerment will be reborn there, fully prepared to ōōpōō ra@@@@ ctĭĭĭĭ ice and attain Liberation”. % ¥ ¦ 1 T Ո 8 9 ¶ i a · ¸ ¹ 8 ^a º » ¼ m ǣ ½ 4w L ൪ & ' ⒸC⑃ Ír ¿ ৰ Á'ª7ÂÎ445;6B AA B7 ÃÏ ÄÐ 7ͣ ra ] 4{ 5ɩ 6ᩲ A7 9ࠢ ÅỞ Æ Ç È{ ;Ë 9¤ 4¦0Â0ି ÊÍ ËK ¦ . = ³ ´1,0 00Y Z E [ ẻ ̝ ^` _ 4. ┄ ƨ ᵯ D ź ň [ 8 ᣄ ¤ a á ˸ ã » ȑ m Ç ϣ ;9 ǀ ̣ ͣ ᱷ H ť Â Í K è é 7 ~ ê º ë “ ” Kr alḲ acŷ haǪ kra Mandala In 2002, H.E. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche performing the 5 days Grand Kalachakra Empowerment in Kuala Lumpur. Photo taken unintentionally without any special effects, with Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche’s (1905–1989) image in the middle. 3 The Initiation During the preliminary Buddhist teachings, monks from the monastery create the drawing mandala of Buddha Kalachakra. Its completion is celebrated with dances. The ensuring three-day long initiation is based on this drawing mandala, which is a symbolic representation of the palace of Kalachakra. Buddha Kalachakra is enthroned at the center of the mandala with his consort Vishvamata. On the last day, a long-life ceremony accompanied by five dakinis will be performed. The initiation consists of a series of complex visualizations during which analogous to human development, different aspect of human nature are purified and transformed. These serve to loosen our habitual attachment to the concept of the ego and lead the mind into a state of purity and wisdom. H.E. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche received his first Kalachakra initiation from H.H. the Dalai Lama in Norbulingkha or “Summer Place” at the age of seven. He went on the receive his second and third initiation from His Holiness in 1974 and 1985 respectively. In 1976 and 1981, Rinpoche also received the Kalachakra empowerment from the H.H. the 16th Karmapa in Nepal and the Very Venerable Kalu Rinpoche in Rumtek (Sikkim), respectively. Upon the request of his disciples, Rinpoche has compassionately agreed to ˸˸c˸˸ o****nduct Kalachakra empowerment for the first time in Singapore. r( ᜐᾬ | Ȯ ┦ 7 ñ ă Æ ග : r Ḳ õ Ո ŷ Ǫ 4ŷ Ǫ 7 ǀ gÅ Ñ õ ø & ù 9l Ոǐ rẔ Ḳּ ŷ ǪȌ &4 ª !ा ໐ᜐ න .7 W˸ ɬã ბD ɡ« Ñ ;ᜬ Ǎ r Ḳ 8 ᜐú 4ᜬ WǍ ŷ4Ǫû Ƿ[ ǡ aՈ r} ḲQ õẢ ɡ7 ⑃ ȳ = Æ Å 3ż CE Q * ᜐ4 Vishvamata ¡ ˸ ã ࣏ Û ) & h ̩ ƾ Ո ᢆ ̿ ඈ g4ẝ b ᢆ ̿ Ȑ 3¦ ି ᵯ · 7 Ǖ ʉ ẋ ࣏ :{ ¸ᒍ ";®8 ¯­ K^XḰ 8­ ^¦ #¸ $Ո %Ȉ & Ոo ´☦ Ō44Ʒ ¦ m Å ¦ ି =¥ Ë >Ո I ʨ Ǻ é ! ' ( ) * + , [ 3- . r r/ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 w 2 7 Ո Í 8 9 : 2 » 6 Ë á ৰ ˸ ã 4û 3 '^“ ”' + , [ Ả න w Í 8 = B 6 û á E p Ո r Ḳ õ ; < ৰ = p ^ৰ } p Ո r Ḳ ˸ ã19474 1985 3 '^ ' + , [ > Ȉ /w 2 7 Ո ৰ 1 ~ ? = B ^~ g@ » 2 7 Ո 2 (19+76, [ 6 19813A õ B C û á r Ḳ õ Ո ˸ 16ã 4 õrD ˸E ãă 4ū Ƅ Ո F [ < G [ H I Ո + , [ J 3K L & ~ M N O ৰ E p Ո r Ḳ 4 Kalachakra for World Peace The Kalachakra for World Peace, a ceremony for peace and tolerance is being held from 17th to 19th October 2008. In this event, words such as peace, tolerance and sympathy have acquired a new and potent relevance. Thus the significance of this ceremony has always unite different religions and nationalities and bought about a contemplation of positive and peace promoting forces. Kalachakra for World Peace is a ceremony that has a bearing on the cycles of time. It helps participants view these as a sequence of inner influences and external reactions and to recognize and harness undreamed-of positive forces. At the end of the ceremony there is joy: Joy of Life, Joy of Tolerance, Joy of Peace, Joy of Harmony and Sharing. With the spirit of the Kalachakra as a universal symbol of peace, not only will it be possible to bring about a symbolic transformation of inner and outer peace but we can also learn to allow this peace to manifest itself tangibly in our everyday lives. It is a time ࠻࠻t࠻࠻ o ˖˖˖˖ren dААААerʐʐ ʐʐ th¿¿¿¿e hidrdeḲnₕₕₕₕ visib̓̓̓̓ leͩͩͩͩ anĆĆĆĆ d explain the mysteries! ;P & 1 T Q R- ໐ * S Ո r Ḳ õ ˸ ã ~ = Æ Å 3 ' ? T K ? T * ᜐ4rẝ P Æ 0 ି U Q R3V W ^I X 2002Y Z 10Å G 30[ 3\ 11Ո ] 3 ͛ ^^ m 4;_ V  ` 7 ~ = “ Æ a ”m :“ ] Ȑ ” A “M ^]” Ȑ b c Ո d · ^Ƿ e Ê Ȍ f g Ñ h i“  j gE ” Q R3k V Ո ~ Ȑ 1 T 4;& l G 1 T Q R໐ * q ˸ëã ~ = Æ ȑ Æ rr Ⓒ ϕ Ḱ Ո ~ ּ න ϕ g& E ₑ < m n o Sͣ Ո͛ rp ḲՈ õū |;t= }Æ ~Å ¨r Ẕs Ϭᜐ;» h; ]t {ƨ ɩᵯ ᩲͱՈrࢳu ǽv ¸ y^̲4rw L Ո x y ^D z {  ᒍ ; |˴ { ՈÑ Uȋ Vdž 4¤ ;= Æ ໐ ǣ ϣ ʁ Ո U V V W Ո U V Q RՈ U V Ƶ ☝ W r Ḳ Ո ஂ ࠢ ŷ« E h 1 T Q RՈ ê 1 ᜬ Ǎ 4Ʒ ] i m r ǡ ͱrW ̲rՈ Q ݑ ǒŌ Ոk Rl këWëUë˲ ëף \Rr ȅȐ ;r >Ϗ mϦ ᩭͱ¥· ¦Ո ƚQ IR§ ¨ᩭ rࠢ ǒͣ ┉ Ոn Traϣ ϣϏ Ϗ Ⴎ ϏrϦ» - 5 Kalachakra Stupa in Rinpoche’s Monastery-Bodhgaya, India In the Mahaparinibbana Sutta, it is said that whoever make offerings to a stupa with a devout heart will reap benefit and happiness for a long time.
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