Inside this Newsletter... New Board of Directors · Treasury History On-Line. We have discovered many websites where you and Officers Elected can find a vast wealth of information about former Treasury Secretaries. The Nominating Committee presented a · Treasury Guards. The Department slate of 15 nominees for the 2004-2005 armed its male employees during the Board of Directors of the Association at the Civil War to help protect the Building and Annual Open Meeting on December 10. April 2004 the Department’s operations . Votes were tendered at this meeting by all members of THA who were present. New Donor Gift for 2004 From the newly-elected Board members, officers were elected by a separate ballot. General membership in THA is only $12 a Officers for 2004-2005 are: Michael D. year. Members who join or renew with a Serlin, President; Mary Ellen Withrow, Vice donation of $50 or more receive a gift that President; Marcus W. Page, Secretary; expresses THA’s thanks and lets the David J. Monroe, Treasurer; and, Thomas member display his or her support for the P. O’Malley, Board Chairman. Association. Membership at any level is fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Your dues and donations support Besides the officers, the other directors on THA’s work of preserving Treasury history the Board include several continuing mem- and making it accessible to members and bers and two new members. They are: the public. Donald C. Alexander; Suzanne Cosme (new); William F. Falls; John F. Flood, Jr.; For 2004, THA is offering donors a paper- Abby L. Gilbert; Paula A. Mohr; Clifford R. weight of fine white Carrara marble, the Northup; Judith S. Ochs (new); Charles H. material used for the Cash Room floor. Powers; and, Maggie K. Rindler. The paperweight is 3" square by 1" thick, bearing the THA logo. Each paperweight ASSOCIATION The Board of Directors meets quarterly to is mounted with a stone with a historic develop new initiatives as well as policy view of the Treasury Building, ca. 1867. and program decisions, with intervening voting conducted by e-mail. The day-to- Donors at this level may also choose any day operations of THA are managed by the of the 1990’s series of THA ornaments officers and seven committees. The com- that remain in stock. The 2003 donor gift, mittees and chairs are: Executive Commit- a travel alarm clock and calculator, is also tee, Mr. Serlin; Membership Committee, available, but very few remain. THA will Mr. Falls; Commemorative Products Com- not reorder the ornaments and clocks, so mittee, Mr. O’Malley; Finance Committee, if you request one of these items please Mr. Monroe; Programs Committee, Ms. indicate a second and third choice. Withrow; Publications Committee, Ms. Mohr; and, Public Communications Com- For an easy way to renew your member- mittee, Mr. Powers. ship, visit www.treasuryhistoricalassn.org. TREASURY HISTORICAL Matthew Brady Photo of the U.S. Treasury Guards, 1865. See next page for article on this photograph. NEWSLETTER Page 2 NEWSLETTER Personalities from Treasury’s Past — Treasury’s First “Homeland box onto the stage, after firing the Security” Unit Provided mortal shots into President Abraham Vast Wealth of Treasury Lincoln, causing a 3 ½ inch tear in the Protection in the Civil War History Available On-Line upper right edge of the flag, and a fracture in Booth’s leg. The original of Historical information about former The Treasury Guards was a regiment of this flag is now on exhibit in the Lin- Treasury secretaries is accessible on male employees of the Department, coln Museum in the lower level of the Internet in ways that most of these formed into a militia during the Civil Ford’s Theater, and duplicates of the men could not have imagined. Below is War, to be available to assist in the de- flag have been placed on the restored a sampling of some of the websites fense of Washington. The Treasury Presidential box in the main theatre which offer a wide variety of historical Guards, with other departmental units, area, just as it had been displayed on facts, images and ideas for further were called up to protect Federal build- the day that Lincoln was shot, as well reading about the men who have held ings in July 1864 when Confederate as in the Andrew Johnson suite in the this important office. General Jubal Early threatened to in- Treasury Building. vade Washington. Their ongoing re- · www.ustreas.gov/education/ sponsibilities undoubtedly included the Through research by the Treasury history/secretaries/index.html protection of Treasury’s Building, em- Historical Association, identification Interested in what President Tyler’s ployees, stock of currency and coin, and has been made of the Treasury treasury secretary looked like? Want to currency manufacturing operations from Guard officers of 1865. However, no know when Andrew Mellon served as attack. source reveals which name is associ- secretary? Go to the Treasury cura- ated with each man in the Matthew tor’s website for portraits and answers. Despite their “national defense” mission, Brady photograph. The Regimental the armed Treasury Guards did not be- officers (men in round, brimmed hats · www.americanpresident.org/ come a part of any military organization. and belt across their chests) are be- history/h_home.shtml All male Treasury employees, 18-45, lieved to be Lt. Col. G. B. Kenniston This website focusing on the American except those exempted for health rea- and Major David R. B. Nevin. Each of presidency was developed by The sons, were required to join the Treasury the 10 companies of the Treasury Miller Center of Public Affairs at the Guards. Although it was a common Guard was led by a captain: Com- University of Virginia. Cabinet mem- practice for a gentleman to be allowed pany A, Capt. Green Adams; Com- bers and their biographies are listed for to pay another person to serve in his pany B, Capt. Frank Jones; Com- each presidential administration. For place when he was drafted into the Un- pany C, Capt. William G. Moore (from example, did you know that Daniel ion Army, such exemption from service the War Department); Company D, Manning, who served as Grover Cleve- in the Treasury Guards was not pro- Capt. Samuel B. Morse; Company E, land’s treasury secretary from 1885 to vided to Treasury’s male employees. Capt. F.A. Howard; Company F, Capt. 1887, dropped out of school at age 11? The Treasury Guards, numbering about Levi Beardsley; Company G, Capt. · www.nps.gov/frhi/home.htm 1,000, drilled at least two days each Albert S. White; Company H, Capt. The website for Friendship Hill National week for several hours after the regular Myron A. Tappan; Company I, Capt. Historic Site presents information business hours. The exact location of Isaac Hackett; and Company K, Capt. about Albert Gallatin’s home in western their drills does not appear to have been A. Jordan Swartz. Pennsylvania, biographical details documented. Through rigorous drills On September 27, 1865, Treasury about the man who was the fourth sec- and training, the group was brought to a Secretary Hugh McCulloch requested retary in history (and the longest- high state of discipline and efficiency for that the Treasury Guards be dis- serving Treasury secretary), and a dis- service in the event of an emergency. banded. Secretary of War Edwin cussion of his role in the Whiskey Re- Contrary to the views of many, there are Stanton disbanded the unit by Special bellion. no records that indicate that the Treas- Order 548 on October 16, 1865. This ury Guards had responsibilities for deliv- was one more step in the process by · www.law.emory.edu/FEDERAL/ ering payroll to Union troops in the field. federalist/ which the Nation reunited its states of Interested in learning more about what The women clerks of Treasury bought a the North and the South to build a Alexander Hamilton was up to before flag for the Treasury Guards. It was 6 strong union. he became Treasury’s first secretary? by 6 ½ feet, of a navy blue field, with a large spread-wing American eagle in Treasury Historical Association The Federalist Papers, in which Hamil- P.O. Box 28118 the center holding a sheaf of arrows in ton, John Jay and James Madison ar- Washington, DC 20038-8118 gued for the ratification of the Constitu- the right claw and an olive branch in the tion, can be accessed online. left. Below the eagle, “U.S. TREASURY Message Line: (202) 298-0550 GUARDS” was inscribed in a white rib- (This article is the first of an occasional bon. This flag was loaned to Ford’s Website Address: www.treasuryhistoricalassn.org series on web sources dealing with Theater on Tenth Street on April 14, Treasury’s history.) 1865, as part of the decoration of the E-mail Address: President’s box. It was this flag that [email protected] assassin John Wilkes Booth caught the spur of his boot, as he leaped from the Inside this Newsletter... Personalities from Treasury’s Past — • Alexander Hamilton Exhibition. The Joseph Nourse, Register, New York Historical Society opens a six- A Life-Long Treasury Career month exhibition on the first Treasury Secretary on August 28. In recent times, Treasury employees usually • Accused Treasury Spy (?). THA’s retire after 25, 30 or 40 years, with portions of guest lecturer for June was historian- author R. Bruce Craig, whose book their service spent in other departments and August 2004 Treasonable Doubt: the Harry Dexter agencies. Rare is the case for a public ser- White Spy Case examines the case of vant to spend half a century at Treasury; but, the accused Assistant Secretary of the at the beginning of our national government, Treasury during the FDR Administration.
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