O R G A N I Z A T~I~I 0 N A L B R E AK D O W N - .!1-01-73 I. /SPECIAL PROSECUTOR/ - Vacant A. Exec. Asst. - Kreindler B. Secretary - Campbell II. /DEPUTY SPECIAL PROSECUTOR/ - Ruth A. Exec. Asst. - Feldbaum B. Secretary - Stagnaro III. /LAW AND POLICY DIVISION/ LAW RESEARCH SECTION i. Chief - Lacovara 2. Attorneys: a. Geller b. Gevlin c. Glazer d. Kaye e. Palmer f. Rient g. Wei~berg Clerical: a. Kaslow b. Graham c. Robinson, R. d. Raney e. Thevenet So PUBLIC RELATIONS SECTION i. Chief - ~ 2. Asst. - Barker 3. Clerical: a. Rollenhagen b. Westfall "C. ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION i. Administrative Officer - Mann ~. Asst. - Bryan ~ 3. Clerical: a. Clancy b. Molock (part-time) c. Pfe~tz d. Thompson, M. e. Williams, M. f. 6 students IV. /~ROSECUTION AND INVESTIGATION DIVISION/ ao INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECTION i. Chief - Bratt 2. Professionals: a. Boczar b. Chideckel ,/ 2 c. Denny d. Dickman e. Fahey f. Goetcheus g. Housman h. Noonan i. Ordemann j. Pidano k. Willis Clerical: a. Dicks, L. b. Ingram c. Lusby d. Robinson, C. e. Stewart f. Wright So TASK FORCE #1 - WATERGATE i. Chief - Vacant 2. Attorneys: a. Ben-Veniste (acting chief) b. Frampton c. Goldman d. Iason e. Volner Clerical: a. Breniman b. Pyles c. Schwarz ~~ " .- d. Swann~ e. Williams, A. TASK FORCE #2 - PLUMBERS i. Chief - Merrill 2. Attorney~: a. Akerman b. Bakes c. Breyer, C. d. Hecht e. Horowitz f. Martin 3. Clerical: a. Morris b. Snell c. Zorger ~ASK FORCE #3 - CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS i. Chief - McBride Attorneys: ¯ ~ a. Galus -~,.~ "~’ ....~ b. Haberfeld ~,~,~,~ .... c. Koeltl d. Quarles e. Sale f. Tuerkheimer (EOD 11-11-73) g. Witten Clerical: Q a. Canty b. Johnson c. Mayes d. Thompson E. TASK FORCE #4 - DIRTY TRICKS i. Chief - Davis 2. Attorneys: a. .Fox~ b.~ Ruane- 3. Clerical: a. Monroe F. TASK FORCE #5 - ITT i. Chief - Connolly 2. Attorneys: a. Hammond b. Hoeber 3. Cle£ical: a. Amiger ***INTERMITTENT EXPERTS: a. Breyer, S. - ITT b. RUff - CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS c. Heymann - PLUMBERS d. Lebensohn - GENERAL (ITT) - Psychiatrist e. Vorenberg - GENERAL IO ARCHIBALD COX Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force Born: May 17, 1912 - Plainfield,New Jersey Education BA Harvard-College~ 1934 LLB Harvard Law School, 1937 Employment: 1937-1938 Law Clerk for Judge Learned Hand of the C~rcuit Court of Appeals in New York 1938-1941 ¯ Associate with the Boston firm of Ropes, Gray, Best, Coolidge & Rugg 1941 National Defense Mediation Board 1941-1943 Officeof the Solicitor General, Department of Justice 1943 Assistant to Thomas K. Finletter, Special Assistant to the Secretary ofStat~ 1943 Associate Solicitor, Department of Labor 1946-to .present Professor, Harvard Law School In 1958, became Royall Professor of Law, this chair., established. In~lglb, is the~oldestendowed one at Harvard Law School 1952 Chairman, Wage Stabilization-Board 1958-1960 Worked with Senator Kennedy on the Kennedy-lves bill, Kennedy-Ervin bill and related labor legislation 1960- Appointed .as Solicitor ,General of the United States 1965- Resigned, returning to Harvard as Willston Professor of Law, a chair he has held since 1968 Chairman of five-man committee of inquiry that sought to find the underlying causes of the. disturbance to help restore.order on the campus at Columbia University IIENRY S. RUTH, JR. Deputy Special Prosecutor,. Watergate Special Prosecution Force Born: April 16, 1931 in Philadelphla, Pennsylvania Education: BA from Yale University and L.L.B. from University of Pennsylvania Law School l!llltary Service: Army Counter-lnte11Igence Corps - 1955-1957 Employment: 1957-1961 Assoc. Attorney, Philadelphia Law Firm of Saul, Ewing, Remlck.and Saul 1961-1964 ¯ Spec, Attorney, Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, U. S. Dept. of Justice 1964-1965 Atty. Office of Criminal Justice, Depty Atty Gen. Office, U. S. Dept. of Justice 1965-1967 Depty. Dir., President.’s Commission od Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice 1967-1969 Assoc. Prof. University of Pennsylvania Law School 1969,1970 Dir. of National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, U. S. Dept. of Justice May 1970 to June 1973 - Dir. Mayor’s Criminal Justice Coordlnatlng Council,. New York..C1ty Honors: Member., Governor’s Comm. on. Crlme (crlmlnal Justice . plan~ing agency for Pa.) 1967-1969 Member, Board of Dir., Pa. Prison Society, .1968-1969 Member, Dist. Atty. (Philadelphia) Committee on Alcohollsm and Drug Addiction, 1969-1969 Consultadt, Joint Legislative’ Committee for the Study of Crime and Cr~inal Jus~ice~ in New.Jersey, 1968 Member, Pennsylvania Council on Crime and Del.inquency, 1967-1969 . Consultant, Office of Econcmic Opportunity-Legal Svcs. 1967-1968 ~tant, Nat..Ommission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1968 Oons~Itant, National Adv. Ommission on Civil Disorder, 1967 ~m~er., American Bar Association ~isory C ~cmmittee to the ~~ Ommittee on Crime PreVention and ContrOl, 1968-1969 Y~m~ber, Gore’s Crime ContrOl Planning Board, State of New York, 1970 to June 1973 Y ~mber, Mayor Lindsay’s Cabinet, 1971 to. J~ 1973 S~, at- Albany ~z~r, E~h=,lal ~, J~1 of-Crimina~ c~ti~ Mr. Ruth and his wife, Tina. llve in Brooklyn, New York with ’their three daushters. -2- JAMES VO~ Associate Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special Prosecution Force 1/10/1928 - Boston, Massachusetts Education: AB Harvard College, 1948 LLB Harvard Law School, 1951 ~litar~: United S~ates Air Force ~ployment: 1951-1953 Attorney in Air Force General Counsel’s office 1953-1954 : Law Clerk to ~ Court ~ustice#Fe.lix Frankfurter 1954-1962 Private practice in Boston with Ropes and Gray 1960-1962 Partner Professor of Law, Harvard Law School 1962 to present Director, Cehter for Crhninal Justice, Harvard Law School, 1969 to present 1964 Appointed first Director of the Office of ~iminal .Justice, u.~ s. De~t of Justice by 1964-1967 Served as Special Assistant to Attorney G~neral’s Kennedy, Katzenbach and Clark 1965-1967 ~x~u~..,D~r of the ~siaent.!s~ C~ssion on Law ~~t ~ ~stra~ of Justice Honors-. Dir., NAACP .Legal. Defense Fund,. New World Foundation, Police Foundation Member, M~ssachusetts Governor’s Committee on Law Enforcement and Administration of )(Z~Iriad.n.-~J. Justice Former Cha~, Mass. State Omn~dttee on Juvenile Behavior ).~. Vorenberg and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Cambridge, ~ssachusetts with their five children. WATERGATE SPECIAl. PROSECUTION FORCE United States Department of Justice 1425 K Street, No.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 June 1973 PHILIP B. HEYMANN, Associate Special Prosecutor, Watergate Special. Prosecution Force Mr. Heymann, 40, is a Professor at the Harvard Law School and has taught there since 1969. Prior to Joining the Harvard faculty, he was the Executive Assistant to Under Secretary of State Nicholas deB. Katzenbach from September 1967 to January 1969, and then served for six months in the Public Defender’s program in Washington, ~. C. He was .Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of International Organizations from March 1967 to September 1967. Mr. Heymann was the Deputy and Acting Administrator of the Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs in the Department of State from September 1965 to March 1967. For four years prior to Joining the Department of State, he was an attorney in the.Office of the Sol.lcltor General in the Department of Justice. Mr. Heymann was a clerk for Associate Justice John Marshall.Harlan of the SuPreme Court in 1960 and 1,961. He graduated ~ro~ Harvard Law School in 1960 and received his undergraduate degree from Yale University in 1954. He served in the Air Force from 1955 to 1957. Mr. Heymann and his wife, the former Ann Ross, have two children, Stephen, 17, a~d J~dy, 13. Their home is in Belmont, Massachusetts. FOR I~LMEDIATE RELEAS’E TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1973 SP Special PrOseCutor Archibald Cox today announced that ames F. Ne 43-year-old attorney from Nashville, Tennessee, will join his staff as a speclal assistant. Mr. CoX said Mr. Neal-will ~ssist in the preparation of the Watergate case and will be working with the team of Earl J. Silbert, Donald E. Campbell ~nd Seymour Glanzer of the U. S. Attorney’s office. Mr. Neal’s appointment, Mr. Cox said, "will be for as long as I can convince him to stay. The present arrangement is that he will work for two weeks or longer if he can." Mr. Neal is the-third attorney to join Mr. Cox’s staff. It was announced last week that Philip E. Heymann, 40, and James Vorenberg, 45, both Harvard law professors, would be appointed special assistants. They were also sworn in today. A native of Nashville, Mr. Neal is the senior partner in the firm of Neal ~nd Harwell. He served as a special assistant to former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy from 1961 tO 1964, and then was appointed as the U. S, Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, a post he held until 1966 when he left government service. OVER -2- Mr. Neal received his B. A. degree from the Univecsity of Wyoming in 1952; his law degree from ~randerbilt ~Jniversity in 1957 and his master of law from Georgetown University in 1960. He presently lectures at Vanderbilt University. He also served in the U. S. Marines during the Korean War and was discharged with.the rank of captain. Mr. Neal. is married to Ellen Julie Neal and has a son, James Jr., 13, and a daughter, Julie Ellen, I0. PHILIP ALLEN LACOVARA Counsel to the Watergate Special Prosecution Force Mr. Lacovara is currently serving as Deputy Solicitor General of the United States. In that post he has been respon- sible for supervising all federal criminal cases and related matters in the Supreme Court and in the past year he has argued five criminal cases for government, including two dealing with the scope of investigative powers possessed by grand juries.
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