CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES-4 ASSAM PART IX-A TOWN· DIRECTORY .Director of Census Operations, Assam Registrar Genera. of India (In charge of the census of India and vital statistics) Office Address: 2A Mansingh Road New Delhi 110011, India Telephone: (91-11 )3383761 Fax: (91-11)3383145 Email: [email protected] Internet: http://www.censusindia.net Registrar General of India's publications can be purchased from the following: • The Sales Depot (Phone:338 6583) Office of the Registrar General of India 2-A Mansingh Road New Delhi 110011, India Directorates of Census Operations in the capitals of all states and union territories in India • The Controller of Publication Old Secretariat Civil Lines \ Delhi 110054 • .~Itab Mahal ~ te Emporia Complex. Unit No.21 Be. ba Kharak Singh Marg Ne\~ Delht110 001 • sale!.\ outlets of the Controller of Publication all over India Census data ,'wailable on floppy disks can be purcha~'~d from the following: • Office of live Registrar General. India Data Proce'ssing Division 2nd Floor, .~. Wing Pushpa Bhav."an Madangir Roatj New Delhi 110 i.162, India Telephone: (91-1'1)6H81558 Fax: (91-11)6S180295 Email: [email protected] © Registrar General of India The contents of this pul)lication may be quoted citing the sou rce clearly CONTENTS Page No. FOREWORD (v) PREFACE {vii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (be) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (xi) SECTION-A 1-48 Analytical Note Chapter-I Introduction 5 Chapter-II Status and Growth History 7. Chapter-III Physical and Locational Aspect 15 Chapter-IV Municipal Finance 21 Chapter-V Civic Amenities 23 Chapter-VI Civic and Other Amenities in Notified Slums 28 Chapter-VII Medica_l,_ Educational, Recreational and Cultural Amenities 29 Chapter-VIII Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 33 Chapter-IX Primary Census Abstract 45 SECTION-B 49-137 Statements Statement-I Status and Growth History 52 Statement-II Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 64 Statement-III Municipal Finance 76 Statement-IV Civic and Other Amenities 84 Statement-V Medicat Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 92 Statement-VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 106 TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENS'US ABSTRACT 114 APPENDICES Appendix-l Location of tpwns arranged In alphabetical order 141 Appendix-II Towns arranged according to population size 144 Appendix-Ill Towns arranged districtwise according to population size 146 Appendix-IV Towns showing their outgrowths with population 148 Appendix-V Places of tourist Interest in the town( of the state 149 (iii) (Iv) Page No. SECTION-C 151·183 Maps 1. Administrative Divisions, 1991 155 2. Urban Population, 1991 157 3. Location and growth of Urb~n Centres 1971-91 159 Urban Land use Maps 4. Dhubri 161 5. Jorhat 163 6. Sibsagar 165 7. Sualkuchi 167 8. Dibrugarh 169 9. Bongaigaon 171 10. ]aglroad 173 11. Gqwahati 175 12. Tinsukia 177 13. Silchar 179 14. Tezpur 181 15. Nagaon ~83 FOREWORD The State-level Town birectory was brought out for the first time after the 1971 Census. The tradition of compilation of such a Directory after every census 1$ continuing since tllen with some minor modifications. It Ilrovldes basic data on demographic, economic, social and cultural aspects In respect of each town In a state. This publication has In fact proved to be of immense utility to planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. The basic frame of the Town Directory of 1991 series is more or less the same as in the case of earlier censuses. The Town Directory Is divided Into two sections: Section-A, besides providing primary census abstract, contains an analytical note, the town directory covering 7 statements (I-VI and IV~A) and a few appendices. The statements No. I to VI provide for each town information on the origin and .growth history of population, physical aspects, latest position regarding municipal financ;e, civic, medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities available In the town as a whole as also details on trade, commerce, industry and banking Institutions etc. Statement IV-A introduced for the first time In 1981 Census provides information on the availability of civic and other amenities in the notified slums of the cities and large towns having 50,000 or more population each. Section-B contains a number of important maps including maps on land-use pattern. It Is hoped that the present volume will be useful to the Central/State Government departments, district administrations, local bodies etc. In micro-level planning and administration of the urban areas and for preparing the development plans In relation to their hinterland. The maps on land-use which present morphology of the towns are expected to be helpful to the town planners for working out balanced, well Integrated and farsighted developmental plans. The data for the town directory have been corrected and compiled pafnstakingly in the Census Directorate by a team of devoted workers led by Shri Deba Nanda Chuti3, A.C.S., Deputy Director under the direction of Shrl N.C. Dutta. I.A.S., Director of Census Operations, Assam. These data were collected through local administration and various concerned departments of t'he State Government. The task of planning, finalisation and coordination of ihis publication was carried out centrally by Dr. M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Smt. Mlnati Ghosh, Deputy Registrar General (Map), provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. The draft manuscript compiled in the Census Directorate has been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters by Shri J.P. Joshi, Investigator under the guidance of Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Senior Research Officer. I thank all other officers who have contributed to this project. New Deihl (A.R. NANDA) Dated 21 st February, 1994 Registrar General, India (v) PREFACE This directory would have been most appropriately prefaced by my predecessor, Shri N.C. Dutta, I.A.S. (Retd.}.1 who had ably piloted the 1991 Census Operations In Assam to Its successful end. His vast and thorough knowledge of the state had been of immense help while tabulating complicated n~n-ceruus data done under his direct supervision. What was left for me after I took over charge when he.. 'retired from service on 30/4/93 was drafting of the analytical note. I extend my warmest thanks ~nd appreciation to him. This volume is the third in the series, though in 1981 it had to be brought out without population figures due to the 1981 Census-being inoperative in the state on account of the distllrbed condition at that time. The volume may prove useful and informative fOF planners, administrators, research workers, academicians, etcetera. It throws ample light on the various facts," aspects and trends of the process of urbanization in the state which Is usually cohorted by problems of housing, water supply, sanitation, etcetera. Co-operation and assistance of a high order was generously given by all the civic administrations of the statutory towns and 'by the districtlsubdivisional authorities in case of non-statutory towns. They had all supplied us with the requisite data that fill the columns of statements I to VI. My sincere thanks go to them all. Constant technkal advice and guidance were provided by Shri A.R. Nanda, Registrar General, Indial Dr. M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (S.~.) and Smt. Minoti Ghosh, Deputy Registrar General (Map). My deep gratitude goes to them all. In my office, painstaking endeavour made by Dr. Sunil Kumar Barua, Investigator in preparing the first draft and the unstinted effort displayed by Shri A. Pyrtuh, Deputy Director of Census Operations in editing, redrafting and scrutinizing all the inset tables and the statements incorporated in the volume are highly appreciated. The wonderful sincerity and devotion exhibited by the, staff of the Social Studies Section, partlfularly S/Shri "Ranjan Goswami, Indrajit Das, Computors and Mohan Rajkhowa, Aboni Borthakur, A$sistant Compilers who had done the entire tabulation, under the guidance and supervision of Dr. S.K. Barnah and Shri Prabhat Kalita, Investigators, the meticulosity shown by Shri Ramani Barman, Statistical Assistant in comparing the final draft diligently typed by S/Shrl Bipul Chandra Seal and Bidur Chandra Naidu and the excellent sincerity and enthusiasm displayed by Shri M.S. Chauhan, Hindi Translator in translating this volume Into Hindi which is expertly typed by Shri Kaushlendra Kumar, Hindi Typist deserve special commendation. Lastly, Shri Sailendra Kumar Barna, Investigator and his team in the Census Cell had industriously prepared the town·wise Primary Census Abstract. Shri K.C.S. Bhagabati, Research Officer (Map), Dr. R. Kumar, Sr. Geographer and their team in the Map Section have prepared all the maps incorporat~d In this volume. I thank them one and all. Guwahati (T. SENAPATI) November, 15, 1993 Director of Census Operations, Assam (vii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. Shri A. Pyrtuh Joint Director 2. Dr. S.K. Baruah Investigator 3. Shri S.K. Barua Investigator 4. Shri P. Kalita Investigator 5. Shri Akhll Deka Computor 6. Smt. Khana Das Computor 7. Smt. P. Bhattacharjee Computor 8. Shri L.K. Nath Asstt. Compiler 9. Shri S. N. Rabha Proof Reader 10. Shrl A. Borthakur Asstt. Compiler 11. Shri K.N. Gogoi Sr. Stenographer 1.2. Shri Dllip Das Jr. Supervisor 13. Shri J.N. Ghosh Jr. Supervisor 14. Dr. R. Kumar Sr. Geographer 15. Shri K. Das Cartographer 16. 5mt. S.K. Chetia Sr. Draughtsman 17. Smt. M. Kalita Artist 18. Smt. B. Mahanta Draughtsman 19. 5mt. R. Mazumdar Draughtsman 20. Smt. Mamoni Kallta Draughtsman (Ix) NOTE EXPLAINING THE CODES USED IN THE TOWN DIRECTORY To facilitate presentatIon of data In the publication, some codes have been used In the different statements which .are explained below : Statement-) Column-2 M.Corp_ Municipal Corporation (Civic Administration Status) M.B.
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