AGWAY PETROLEUM CORPORATION HEATING OILS - GASOLINE - 24 HR. BURNER SERVICE Phone 272-8002 505 TAUGHANNOCK ITHACA DI RECTORY 257 Dusinberre Rhea H wid Adelbert B h400 Trip- EAGLES LODGE 124 W Green see Fraternal hammer rd (B1) Order of Eagles and p 45 Dutcher Margt emp Senior Citizens h309 E Court Ealum Rlchd L (Mary) grad stu CU h64 Shera­ Duthie Mary E prof emeritus CU h 109 Glen pi ton dr Duthie Robt C (Christine) dentist 517 E Buffa- Earl Eileen 0 (Mrs Jas W) sec CU h Hasbrouck lo h320 Hook pi Apts (39·E) Dutton Lydia P Mrs emp CU res Candor Earl Gee A Jr (Winifred D) co-op ext special, st duVigneaud Vincent (Zelia) prof CU h200 White Poultry Industry CU h224 Warren pi Park rd Earl Jas W (Eileen 0) stu CU h Hasbrouck Duxbury John M research assoc CU res 1855 Apts (39·E) Slaterville rd Ear I Marie H tchr IS res T rbg Dvorak Chas F .Jr sr ext assoc CU r467 Troy rd Earl's Swap Shop Earl M,x prop 539 W State DWinell Cora h205 N Albany Earle Brian 0 asst Communication Arts CU res Dworsky Barney retired r8 Winthrop pi 1871 Hanshaw rd DWORSKY LEONARD B (Diana) prof and dir Earle Bruce P (Lynn A) stu h Pleasant Grove Water Resources and Marine Sciences Apts (8H) Center Cornell University h8 Winthrop pi Earle Cliffard J (Lisa D) prof CU h314 Elmwood Dwyer Thos F acct CU r223J2 Linden av av Dyce Elton J prof CU res 39 Hillcrest rd Earle Crysta I A sten Biometry CU res Locke Dvce Rolf B research assoc CU res Arec i bo Earle Eliz (Mrs Clifford J) research o ssoc CU PR h314 Elmwood av Dyckes Douglas F (Martha) postdoctoral a ssoc Earle John B emp CU res Locke CU hlOO Fairview sq (5K) Earle Leonard grad asst IC res Ludlowville Dyckman Thos R (Alice A) prof CU h402 Win­ throp dr EARLE ROBERT (Marion) member Board of Dye Dorothy Y wi d Jo s A h522 Dryden rd (F· Education and dir of marketing Tompkins 1A) County Trust Company hl12 Kay Dyer R Scott grad stu CU h508 Hanshaw rd Earle Wendell G (Francella) prof CU h1318 Dyer Saundra L Mrs tchr IS res Brooktonda Ie Hanshaw rd Cay Hts Dygert Mary K Mrs NIH Predoctoral Trainee CU East Hill School Doni Lee prin 105·109 Stev.art res Spencer av Dykema Norman D (Ellen F) field sales mgr East Hill Supply Co Inc pres Gerald T Glazier MCCo h330 Winthrop dr v-pr es John P Ray sec Mildred M Glazier Dykeman Peter A grad asst CU res Trumansburg treas Judi Ray liquor dealers 416 Eddy Dykman Judy (Mrs David) sec Gea E Treyz Inc East Ithaca Food Storage (CU) 126 Maple av r Groton rd East Lawn Cemetery before 921 Mitchell Dylla Douglas Waide IS res Berkshire East Lawn Cemetery Assn of lice 934 Mitchell Dymek Eug J h 107 Midway rd Eastburn Judith B Mrs sten Agronomy CU res Dyne Shi rl ey (Mrs Thos L) wal tres s State Di ner Ovid h402 CoII ege av Eastburn Lester gardener CU res Ovid Dyne Thos L (Shirley) grad stu CU h402 Col­ Eastern Art r hc i cl Insemination Co-op Inc Chas lege av J Krumm gen mgr 219 Judd Fall s rd Dzrki ewi cz Peter A emp CU r'Y22 Dryden rd Eastlack Chas L (Miriam E) asst prof CU h221 Dzubas Friedel visiting critic CU rl19 The Ridgedale rd Knoll Eastman Alberta E Mrs emp Statler Inn CU res S LanSing E AND M CAR WASH RobtSMiller prop310 Elmira rd Eadie W Robt (Laura C) prof CU res Chatham Mass Eagan Frances P editor and asst d ir of publi­ Massachusetts Mutual cations CU h400 Triphammer rd Cay Hts Life Insurance CO. (J2) REPRESENTED BY Eager Helen H Wid Wm H h400 Triphammer rd Lauren E. Bly. CLl" Carman B. Hill. CLl: (L 1) \\ alter W. Schlaepfer Eagle Envelope Co John B Burl ing prop 123 Heights ct 130FOREST HOME DRIVE 257-0434 ~. S. BARR & CO., Inc. Members New York Stock Exchange - American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) STOCKS - :\ICTl".\L FC\DS - BONDS - SINCE 1924 501SAVINGS BANK BLDG. Tel. 607 - 273-6565 CREDIT BUREAU OF ITHACA REPORTS "Serving Tompkins Countv Over 40 Years" COLLECTIONS 273-7023 273-6526 119 South Cayuga (2nd) ESTABLISHED 1927 258 H. A. MANNING COMPANY'S Eaton Francis (Louise) ernp Ci tv h655 Spencer rd (tr) ACME PEST CONTROL Eaton John Stech assoc CU res Dryden SERVICE Eoton Louise (Mrs Francis E) mall clk CU r655 Work Guaranteed on all Types Spencer rd (tr) Eaton Margt M wid H Word h217 Esty of Pest and Termite Control Eaton Paul D stu r140 Pine Tree rd Tel. 844-8702 Eaton Wm H drfts CU res Brooktondale 16W. Main St. Dryden, N.Y. Ebbert Jas C (Lucy) stu CU h190 Pleasant Grove rd (06) Ebbert Lucy (Mrs Jas C) tchr Odessa Central Eastman Bruce W (Alice M) emp City h244 Sch h 190 Pleasant Grove rd (06) Pennsylvania av Ebel Jos G adm o s s t CU res Newfield Eastman Carol L Mrs library asst CU res Lud­ Eberhardt LOUIS J animal tech CU res Cayuta lowv i l le Ebert Norman J emp IS Dist res W Shore rd Eastman David D supervising editor Publica­ Eberts Paul R (Elinor V) assoc prof CU h230 tions Div CU res 1245 Warren rd Renwick dr Ren Hts Eastman Frances F Mrs medical records librar­ Eccleston John (Ann) grad stu CU h244 Cornell ian TCHosp h302 SPlain Quarters Eastman Gera Id P (Janice L) emp Elcor Inc h Echols Florence D stu r711 Hanshaw rd Coy 412 Hector Hts Eastman Janice L (Mrs Gerold P) sten CU h Echols John M (Nancy D) prof CU h711 Han­ 412 Hector shaw rd Coy Hts Eastman Judith A teller Ithaca Savings & Loon Echols John M Jr stu r711 Hanshaw rd Coy Hts Assn res RDI Newfield Echternkamp Lynn B tchr IS Dist r220 Trip­ Eastman Judy sten CU res Trbg hammer rd (5-25) Eastman Lester F prof CU r61 Burdick Hill rd Echternkamp Sherri II E grad asst CU h220 Trip­ Eastman Lindo B lob tech Babcock Inc r969 E hammer rd (5-25) State Eckblad Jas W (Jane E) instr CU h120 Pleasant EASTMAN ROBERT (Tenney Lee) pres Robert Grove Apts (7B) Eastman Inc res Tare Ranch Eckblad Jane E (Mrs Jas W) sec CU h 120 EASTMAN ROB ERT INC pres Robert Eastman Pleasant Grove Apts (7B) advertising agency direct mail and com­ Eckelmann Hermon J Rev (Emily S) pastor munications specialists 1111 Hanshaw rd Faith Bible Church and research o s so c CU £1251-1616 see front cover h 117 Christopher cir Eastman Ruth Mrs h1171'2 Hudson Ecker John H (Jeanette) const wkr h414 Casca­ Easwera Gangudharam (Sulila) emp CU h119 di 110 SharwrlI ct Eckerlin Richd (Joan) lob tech TCHosp r1871 Easwera Suhlc (Mrs Gangudharam) emp CU h Hanshaw rd 119 Sharwrll ct ECKERT ESTHER (Mrs Walter) v-pres W F Eaton Albert L (Hazel P) retired hl008 E Shore Fletcher Co Inc res Danby dr Eckert Esther Mrs emp IS res Hornbrook rd Eaton Carl F (Mary A) emp Cooke's Cadillac h Econo-Car of Ithaca Jock Paveling prop 1020 505 Hector Trip lend ter Eaton Claro sr clk IC res Dryden EDDIE'S GULF SERVICE prop Edward C Eaton Edw 0 (LOIS H) assoc prof CU h140 Joseph 302 W Seneca Pine Tree rd Eddigate COin Laundry Donald J Lucente prop 323 Eddy ,..------------------., Edds Lillian E ext aide CU h547 Warren rd ELMSHADE TOURIST HOME Edds Lola J wid Wm F r547 Warren rd MR. & MRS. 'EDWARD I. PIERCE, Owners Eddy Donald D (Edith A Q) lecturer CU h240 Renwick dr CLEAN - COMFORTABLE ROOMS Eddy Kristin grad stu CU h131 N Quarry REASONABLE RATES AMPLE PARKING Eddy Loretto (Mrs Leon 0) switchboard opr (2 Blocks South-Off Stare St.j RBros res 214 Ellis Hollow Creek rd Eddy Street Barber Shop prop Michl David 315 402 S. Albany 273-1707 Eddy -C. A. -Coma Insurance Agency LIfe Health FIre Auto lUanne Liabilit» Group Bonds 502 WEST COURT STREET - 273-4184 . ~l, r;.. CREDIT BUREAU OF ITHACA ~. REPORTS "Serving Tompkins County Over 40 Years" COLLECTIONS 273-7023 273-6526 119 South Cayuga ( 2nd) ESTABLISHED 1927 ITHACA DIRECTORY 259 Eddy Street Records (Chas W Indelicato and Chas Wells) 418 Eddy Edelman Fronk E (Doris 0) consultant ice LOEB RHOADES & CO. cream Dairymen's League h419 N Cayuga Member New York Stock Exchange Edelman Hen dr ik (Annakee) asst dir CU Li­ American Stock Exchange braries h418 Mitchell Edelman Henry D grad stu CU h30 Sheraton dr and Leading Commodity Exchanges Edelman Herbert 0 elec eng CU res 767 N Trip­ Tel. 273-1190 127W. State St., Ithaca hammer rd Edelman Rosemary stoff attorney NYS Low Revision Comm h Lansing Aprs East 1-3F 600 Warren rd Edwards Betty J Mrs emp IC res Candor Edelman Wm H (Audrey M) phorrn Rite-Aid Cen­ Edwards Eliz Mrs r102 First ter h 103 Landmark dr Edwords Fronc i s E dispatcher CU res Lodi Edelsberg Susan R grad stu CU h220 Tripham­ Edwards .lo s asst supt safety di v IC res Dryden mer rd (27) Edwards Morgery M asst CU r708 Stewart cv Edelson Julie B stu h 100 Homestead rd Edwards Nancy (Mrs Paul) adm sec Computer Edelstein R,v,cka B (Mrs Robt M) head resident Services CU h 1686 Han show rd Holmes Hall IC res Holmes Hall Edwards Poul (Nancy) mech Chuck's Varna Mo­ Edelstein Robt M (R,v,cka B) osst prof CU res bil h 1686 Hanshow rd Holmes Hall Edwards Theod emp CU h519 EState (6) Edelstein Stuart J asst prof Science CU res Edwards Victor H asst prof CU res 204 Pinck­ 1 Hall Woods dr ney rd RD7 Edgar Glendon rno in t CU res Cortland Edwards Wm C asst program dir CU h 190 Edgercldf Apartments Mrs Louis Hermon prop Pleasont Grove rd (P-l) 934 Stewart o v Eells Rlchd C grad stu CU h319 Highland rd Edgerton Edith S (Mrs Louis J) sec CU h110 ( 1-lB) Brandyw I ne dr EFRAMSON GUSTAF E (Sally K) prop Bear Edgerton John W grad stu r110 Brandywine dr Elecfric h216 E lincoln Edgerton Louis J (Edith S) head pomology dept Eframson Josephine wid Emil concessionaire CU h 110 Brandywine dr T aughannock Pk Concess ion h611 W Edgerton Mary L stu r110 BrandYWine dr Seneca Edgren Jacqueline (Mrs Edw) sr sten Tompkins Egan Frcnc rs W (Rita F) pres Egan's IGA Super County Dept of Social Services res Dryden Mkt h 1 Winthrop Edmonds Bernice C Mrs emp CU res Harford Egon '11m M .lr (Marianna) pc i nt mq and decora­ Edmonds Robt E (Lana K) sales rep Therm
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