COUNTY COUNCIL LOCAL COMMITTEE FOR BARROW Minutes of a Meeting of the County Council Local Committee for Barrow held on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 at 10.15 am at Barrow Fire Station, Phoenix Road, Barrow-in-Furness, LA14 2NS PRESENT : Mr R Guselli (Chair) Mr W Bleasdale Ms J Heath Mrs A Burns Mrs T Macur Mr J Hamezeian Mr D Roberts Mr KR Hamilton Mr MH Worth Ms LV Hammond Also in Attendance:- Mr P Cray - Senior Programme Manager Ms E Haughin - Solicitor Mr M Hendry - Finance Officer Ms J Hounslow - Senior Democratic Services Officer Mrs K Johnson - Area Support Manager - Barrow & South Lakeland Mrs A Meadows - Area Engagement Officer Mr S Reed - Senior Manager - Facilities Management Mr G Thomas - Highways Service Manager Mr D Gawne - Agenda Item No. 4 Public Participation PART 1 – ITEMS CONSIDERED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS 52 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology for absence was received from Mr D Marcus. 53 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST Ms J Heath declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item No. 11 Local Revenue Scheme as a member of the events committee at Chetwynde School. Mrs T Macur declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item No. 9 Appointment of LEA Governors of Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools as she is a governor of Ormgill Primary School and St Bernard’s Catholic High School. Mrs A Burns, Mr R Guselli, Mr K Hamilton and Mr D Roberts declared a non- pecuniary interest in any items relating to Barrow Borough Council as members of the authority. 54 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED, that the press and public be not excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business. 55 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chair introduced Mr Derek Gawne to the Committee, he asked the following question: ARC Recycling received funding from the County Council a couple of years ago to purchase a van, forklift truck and racking. The company is not a registered charity and as of 1 st September 2012, Companies House had received no returned accounts since 2009 but a request had been made to them to close the company. He had spoken to one of the Directors who told him that they were opening a similar facility in Blackpool and would be transferring donated items to that facility. What does this council plan to do about those assets leaving the county? The Chair thanked Mr Gawne for his question and stated that he had asked officers to make enquiries on his behalf and a written answer would be sent to him as soon as possible. 56 MINUTES Mr Worth referred to Minute No. 28 Presentation from DONG Energy and Mr Sills promise of a written answer giving a breakdown of how many employees were from the Furness area and on the establishment of a Community Benefit Fund. It was agreed that the Chair write to Mr Sills seeking an update on both questions. RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2012 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 57 PRESENTATION - BARROW CARE HOME The Committee received a presentation from Peter Cray, Senior Programme Manager, Resources on the care home in Barrow. Work should have started in July but unfortunately there had been a delay due to a brick built sewer which ran further across the site than first thought. United Utilities (UU) had quoted £257,000 to divert it, the contractor had received a quote of £81,000 from a local operator who also carried out work for UU. He was still waiting to hear from UU as to when they could start the work. Cumbria Care had been consulting with staff and were writing to the families of residents to update them on progress. He assured members that the project was definitely going ahead. The Chair was disgusted by UU’s treatment and added that it was unforgiveable of them to hold up the construction of a much needed care home. He asked the Senior Manager – Facilities Management to ask 2 the Corporate Director to intervene. Members were all in agreement and asked the Chair to write to UU on behalf of the local committee. RESOLVED, that the presentation be received. 58 LOCAL COMMITTEE DEVOLVED BUDGET 2012/13 - MONITORING REPORT HIGHWAYS BUDGET The Committee received a report from the Corporate Director – Resources which presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 31 July 2012. The Chair had recently spoken to the Highways Transport Manager to ensure that there would be no underspends at the end of the year. RESOVED, to (1) note the budget allocations for 2012/13 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date; (2) note the Highways Revenue budget is showing a projected underspend of £119,589 against budget; (3) note the Highways Capital budget is a projected overspend of £4,198 against budget. 59 LOCAL COMMITTEE DEVOLVED BUDGET 2012/13 - MONITORING REPORT COMMUNITIES BUDGET The Committee received a report from the Corporate Director – Resources which presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities Budget as at 31 July 2012. RESOLVED, to (1) note the budget allocations for 2012/13 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date; (2) note the unallalocated resources of £207,002 in the Communities Revenue budget as at 31 July 2012; (3) note the balanced Local Member Capital Schemes budget as at 31 July 2012. 60 APPOINTMENT OF LEA GOVERNORS OF NURSERY, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS The Committee considered a Schedule which outlined the position regarding vacant County Council Governor positions at County Council Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools in the area. 3 RESOLVED, that subject to their approval the following be appointed:- School Representative Community, Nursery & Primary Roose School Mr Steven Newby 139 Flass Lane Barrow-in-Furness LA13 0GW Voluntary Aided Our Lady of Furness Catholic Dr Simon Harvey Federation Stonegarth Gargreave Farm Kirkby-in-Furness LA17 7TS Community School Yarlside School Mr Peter Kent 12 Yarlside Road Barrow-in-Furness LA13 0ER Reappointment Greengate Infant & Nursery Mr Peter Thomas 6 File Street Barrow-in-Furness LA13 9BU Reappointment Secondary Community Walney Mr Dennis Laird 21 Bankfiled Gardens Walney Barrow-in-Furness LA14 3SN Reappointment St Bernard’s Catholic High School Mrs Tina Macur 53 Harrogate Street Barrow-in-Furness LA14 5LZ 61 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S WORKING GROUP 4 The Committee received the minutes of the Children and Young People’s Working Group (CYPWG) meeting held on 3 August 2012 and considered the recommendations contained therein. RESOLVED, to (1) note the minutes of the Children and Young People’s Working Group held on 3 August 2012; (2) approve an indicative amount of £4,000 to be allocated to the Walney Musical Theatre towards the cost of putting on a production of Peter Pan and the cost of hiring the scenery, properties and costume hire from the 0-19 Service Grants Budget; (3) approve an indicative amount of £1,500 to be allocated to Barrow Sixth Form – the Furness Influence towards the cost of purchasing lighting equipment from the 0-19 Service Grants Budget; (4) approve an indicative amount of £12,000 to be allocated to the Furness Education Consortium for the “Raising Aspirations Together” from the 0-19 Service Grants Budget and that updates be provided at future meetings of the working group. 62 LOCAL REVENUE SCHEME (ELECTORAL DIVISIONS) The Committee considered a report form the Chief Executive which sought to commit elements of the 2012/13 Local Revenue Scheme budget and included Members’ proposals that had been sufficiently worked up, to enable Local Committee to consider spending decisions. RESOLVED, to agree (1) a contribution of £800 towards new toilets for King Alfred Bowling Club for Walney South Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (2) a contribution of £2,200 towards venue hire for Walney Musical Group for Walney South Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (3) a contribution of £1,000 towards the distribution of small short term loans by Barrow and District Credit Union for the Walney South Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; 5 (4) a contribution of £1,000 towards a mini-bus for 128 Air Training Corps for Newbarns Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (5) a contribution of £500 for a new laptop and broadband for Barrow Wanderers FC for Newbarns Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (6) a contribution of £5,000 towards a mini-bus for Ormsgill Nursery & Primary School for Ormsgill Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (7) a contribution of £3,000 towardsverge hardening for Maryport Avenue for Walney North Ward for the Highways Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (8) a contribution of £1,114 towards 3 benches for North Scale Bowling Club for Walney North Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (9) a contribution of £1,500 towards equipment for Walney Terriers for Walney North Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (10) a contribution of £934 towards dropped kerbs at Trent Vale for Walney North Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (11) a contribution of £250 towards plants for new garden at Headlands for Askam & Ireleth Parishh Council for Dalton North Ward for the Public Realms Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (12) a contribution of £300 towards the Bluebell Charity for Dalton North Ward for the Community Infrastructure Revenue Programme; (13) a contribution of £3,483 towards marquee lining hire for Chetwynde School for Dalton North
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