378 CUl\IBERLAND. [ KELLY'S FARMF.RS-continned. Tiffen Isaac, Glasson, Carlisl~ Trobear W. Rottington, St. Bees S.O TllUmpson Joseph, Hope Beck,Bracken- Tiffen J. Laverick Stone, Aikton,'Vigtn Troughton Josepb, Town end, POllSOll­ thwaite, Cockcrmouth Tiffen Thos. Kirk Bampton, Carlisle by, CaIder Bridge RS.O Tbnmpson Jsph. 'Vesthead,"Wythburn, Tiffen ~William, Edderside, Holme St. Tronghton Matson, Arnaby, TheGreen, Grasmere R.S.O. Westmorland Cuthbert, Maryport Millom S.O Thompson Mrs. M. Slack,Rosley,"Wigtn Tiffin E. Bhmnerhasset,AspatriaR. S.O Troughton Robert, Windy Slack &; Tbompson Mrs. Margaret J. Little Tiffin Edwd. West end, Aspatria RS.O Thwaites Yeat, Thwaites, Brough­ Corby, Warwirk Bridge, Carlisle Tiffin John, Aspatria R S.O ton-in-Furness Thumpsan Mrs. Mary, :Newbiggin, Hav Tiffin ~William, Well ~ouse, How Troughton Wm. Whole Pippin, 'Yhic. Mill, Carlisle bound, Greystokc, Pennth ham, Silecroft S.O Thompson Nicholas, The Grange,Great Timperon J.M.Kelsick,Dundraw,'Vigtn Tunstall John & William, Littlfl Orton, Oarlisle Timpron W.A1doth,Ahbey Town,Carlsl Broughton, Cockermouth "rhompsun N. B. Great Orton, Carlisle TinkleI' Miss Eliza, Hunsonby, Lang- Turnbull John & Thomas, Greell­ Thomr!lOll H.·We. N en tOll,.\spfltriaR. SO wathby R. S. 0 quarries, Rosby, Carlisle Thompsun Richard HeY'lOod, D.C.,J.P. TinkleI' John, Roe end, Burns, St. T llrnhull .T ames, Hill house, 'Valron Nunwick W. Great Salkeld. Penrith ,Tohn-in-the-ValPj Keswick (Hig-h), Carlisle 'l'hompson R. Bu!'k, Kirkoswald H.S.O Tinning TIros. Rnsh-on-Esk, Kether, Turnbull John, Black line, Kixon, Bewcastle, Carlisle Thompson Rohert, Melmel'by, Lang- Carlisle Turnbnll John, Suutberfield, J.Lbey wathby R.S.O Tinning- F. Rose trees, Nethpr,Carlisle ~Water Town, Carlisle Thompson Hobert, The Ashes, Swck- Tinning Hobert, Sparket mill, 'fllrnbull .Tohn, Southernby bound, dalewath hound, Dalston H. S. 0 Millock, Penrith Hesket K ewmarket, ""Vigton ~ether,Crlsl Thompsun R. Upper Denton, Carlisle Tinning W.Smalmstown, Turnbnll John, iYetheral, Carlisle Thompson Spencer, Coulderton, Low- Tinnion llenry, Arlecdon 'rurllbull Richard, 13rackenthwaite, side Quarter, St. Bees S.O Tinnion R Park boo Harrington R.S.O Rosley, Carlisle Thompson Thomas, Aspatria RS.O Tinnion Shepberd, Micldam, Lawca, Turnbnll Robert, Wolsty hall, Holm8 Thompson T. Bankhd. Dundraw,Wigtn PaJrton, Whilphavpn St. Paul, Carlisle 01lghter~ide, Thornpson Thomas, Edensteads, Low Tinnion Wm. Maryport Turner ~Wm. & Robt. Laithes, Penrith Crosby, Carlisle Tinniswood George, Hay dose, Hon- Turner Francis, Gill, Egremont 8.0 Thompson Thomas, High houses, field, Carlisle Turner Francis, MiddletoWll, Low- Bewaldeth, Cnckermollth Tinniswood lsaac, Salkeld dykes, Great side Quarter, St. Bees 8.0 Thompson Thornas, Matterelale end, Salkeld, Penrith Turner Henry, Laithes, Penrith MatterdaJe, Penrith Tinniswood John, HalIrigg, Plumpton Turner John, Black beck, Haile, Thornpson iV. Brir!h:un. Cockermouth street, Penrith 13eckermet St. John S.O Thompson 'Vm. C'attNlpn, Penrith Todd J·oseph William .& .\. iVatson, Turner John, Dean Scales, Ullock, Thompson iVm. Lowhnlrn. EskdaleS.O High Bank hill, St.affielcl, Kirkos- Cockermouth Thompsou 'Villiam, Lowlhwaite,iVater wald R. S. 0 Turner Mrs.John,Rigg head, IIethers· MiJlock, T'pnrith Tudd Mrs. AnTI, Mireside, Bromfield, gill, Carlisle Thompson William, Marsh side,:\'lillotn .A.spatria R. S. 0 Turner .T. Greenrigg,Caldbeck,iYigton Above S.O 'fodd lsaac, Hodderup Tower, Garri- Turner J oseph, Unthank, Penrith Thompson i-Vm_ \1ite house, Carleton, gill, Carlisle Turner W. Greenrigg, Caldbck.Wgtn Holmrook, C?il:nforth. Todd I. Ske\gill ho. _~Ist{)n, C8rlisle T-weddle Messrs..Askerton castle,Crlsle Thompson Wilham, M:oorslde, Dear- Todd .T. Stainton. Birkhv. BooUe S.O Tweddle George, High Greenhill, haITl, Carlisle, Todd .T~ 'l'hornby MonT, Aiktnn,iVigton Stapleton, Carlisle, Thompsoll 'V.Wig'(J'onby; Aikton,WigtD Todd Mrs. .Tane. Gillbank, Holme ~ St. Tweddle George, High Moss thorn, Thomson .Tamps, Henry s hlll,Hethers- Cutbbert Carlisle Belbank, Carlisle gill. Carli~le Todd J. Ki~gmoor, Abbey Town,Car1s1 Tweddle G eorge, Sleetbeets, Bew­ Thn"!'hl1r~ .Tohn, Scales, Bromficld, Todd .Tohn, Onlton, Wig-ton castle, Carlisle ., ~p'ltna R. fL 0 Todd .Isph, C'Jwlyers, Holme St. Paul, Tweddle G eorge, South Green hill, Thornbor~ugh .Tohn, M~ddlesceugh Carlisle Stapleton, Carlisle, foot. Mlddle~cell[;h. Carhsle T dd T "T 1 1 B It C l' 1 Tweddle John, Long park, West h<h h C' T r-. h C 1'1 0 ,. new anc s 1'0. oons, arIse .1 nrn arrow.. ,ow ,_,ros Y, ,arISe T dd MMM th b P 'th Scalehy, Carlisle ~·V·II· SI': G tors. arv, 0 el~ y enn TIIOrH1JOITOW • 1 ranI, upngg, a es- T dd Sa 1 G'll ".. th b' P 'tl Tweddle J. Allergarth,.Askerton,Crlsle gill, Dalston H.RO 0 m. Tl, lUO er y, eun I Tweddle Mrs. Joseph, Sandy syke, Thornburn .Iames, Great BroughtQu, Todd Mrs. S. Moor encl ..':fhursby, CI:lsI Cockermouth Todhunte.r Mrs. Ann, Wlg-gonby, Alk- Lyneside, Longtown R.S.O 'Vl[~ton Tweddle Philip, Knockupworth,Grins· Thornthwaite .Tohn & Sons, Redmain, tDn, dale, Carlisle Cockermouth Todhunter Henry, Murrah, Penrith Tweddle Thomas, How mill, Xewbig­ Thornthwaite .John, Moorland Close, Todhur:-ter John, Barkbeth, TIassen- gin, Carlisle Eaglesfield, Ooekermouth thwalte, Keswick . Tweddle Thomas, i-Varnall ball, Se­ To~hunter Joh~~ Th[}rnthwaite John J. Eaglesfield, Stotglll, Hesket bergham, Dalston RS.O CoCket'lDcmth ::'\ eWlnarket, i-' 19ton Tweddle WiIliam, Clark's hill, King· ThrelkeH J. Macey bk. lve Gill, Carlsl TodhuntClI' J. BUTton high, Whitehavn water, Carlisle Thrclkpld J.Burhle cot.lveGill,Carlisle Todhunter .Toseph, 'I'ownend, llesket Twenlyman J. & T.· Parkbroom,Crlsle Threlkeld .Toseph, Grange, Ke~wick Newmarket, n'igton Twentyman John, Greyrigg house, Threlkelri Joseph, ~kirsgin, Penrith Todhunter T.Hutton f'oil.Dacre,Penrth Aikton, Wig-ton 'Threlkeld Joseph n. Longland's head, Todhunter i-Villinm, Cargo, Carlisle Twentyman John, Hawkrigg house, Kirkbride, Carlisle Todhunter 'Villiam, Stoney hougb, iVaverton, Wi~on Tbrelkeld. Mrs. Matilda, The Hill, iVhitehflven road, 1Vorkington Twentyman J. Orton rigg, Carlisle Abbev Town, Carlisle Toge James. 10 Pasture I'd. Arlecdon Twentyman J. R. Dundraw, Wigton Threlkelri Thomas, Langwatbby R S. 0; Tomlinson J. FI1H.T(irk Bampton,Crlsl Twentyman Louis, i-Yest end,Wigroll Threlkeld Wm. n.c.. P.C.Bascodyke,' Tomlinson Wm. Jerriestown, 1Yest- Twentyman Thomas, Stankend, Ab- Aimtahle Low Quarter, Kirkos- linton, Carlisle bey Town, Carlisle wald R.S.O Toppin J. Cumrew, How Mill, Carlisle TyndaIl M.Skinburness, Silloth R.S.O Threlkeld 'Vm. Ewen close, Arma- Toppin J.C.Musgrave bLShltn.Penrth Tyrrell E. Town end, Gosforth S.O thwaite R. S. 0 Toppin Mrs. Sarah, Gamble,sby, Tyson 1Villiam & John, Croftfoot, Threlkeld W., jun. KirkoswaJrl R.S.O Langwathby RS.O Ennerdale, Cleator 8.0 Threllfall Mrs. Hachael, Peel place, Topping Christoph!'r. Port Carlisle, Tyson Abraham D. Hill top, Wan­ Gosforth, Holmrook Burgh-by-Sands R.S.O thwaite,St. J ohn-in-the-Vale, Kswck Thwaite John, Peter house, Eassen- Topping- J. Anthorn, Kirkhrido R S.O Tyson Edward, Hazel head, Ulpha, thwaite. K!'.~wick Topping .Tos.Anthorn, KirkbrideRS.O Broughton-in-Furness 8,0. Lancs Thwaite T.Gillhk. Portinscale,Keswck Topping Thomas n. Bowness, Carlisle Tyson Edwu. Whabouse, Eskdale S.O Tbwaites Timothv & John, Curth- Towers John W. Miller pI. Bracken- Tyson :Mrs, Elizabeth, Castle rigg, waite, Rosley,. Carlisle thwaitf', CoC'kermouth Distingt()n R. S. 0 Tbwaites D. B'uugh,'Vavorton, i-Vi!!tn Towers Wm. Row end, WalJertbwaite, Tyson Henry, Eve Croft, Haile, Bec- Thwaites .John, Drumburgh, Burgh- BooUe S,O kermet St. John S.O by-Sands R.S.O Townson Richard & Betsey,Low""Yath Tyson Hy. Kenniside, Cleator S.O Thwaites John, Stpel end, WythlJurn, mill. Clpator S.O Trson H.Nethcr Wasdale,Gosfrth.S.O Gra"merp, R~. O. i-Vestmoreland Tremble .Tohn, Huthwaite ball, Set- Tyson H. Scalegill hall, "Egremnt. S.O Tickell John, Shundraw, Burns, St. murthy, Cockermouth 'I'yson lsaac, Calder bridge S.O .Tohn-in-the-Vale, Keswirk Tremble MissM. Burgh-by-SandsR. S. 0 Tyson I. l'etersburgh pk. Beckermet Ticl,pH .hph. 'fhornthwaite, Keswick Tremble 'Villiam T.Da!ston R.S.O St. Bridget, Beckrmt. St.John 8.0.

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