WHITTON AND HEATHFIELD Draft Supplementary Planning Document I February 2014 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Planning Policy and Wider Context 3. Spatial Context 4. Vision for Whitton and Heathfield 5. Objectives 6. Character Area Assessments 7. Features and Materials 8. Guidance for Development Sites 9. Shop Front Guidance 10. Forecourt Parking Appendices Relevant Policies and Guidance 1. Introduction The purpose of this Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is primarily to establish a vision and planning policy aims for, and assist in defining, maintaining and enhancing the character of, Whitton and Heathfield Village, and to provide guidance in this regard. The SPD will ultimately form part of the Village Plan. By identifying key features of the village, the SPD clarifies the most important aspects and features that contribute to local character to guide those seeking to make changes to their properties or to develop new properties in the area, as well as advising council officers and members making decisions on planning applications. The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames has been divided into a series of smaller village areas. Each village is distinctive in terms of the community, facilities and local character – as are many sub areas within the villages. The villages of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames are attractive with many listed buildings and conservation areas, the local character of each being unique, recognisable and important to the community and to the aesthetic of the borough as a whole. Whitton and Heathfield Village Planning Guidance SPD area 4 The core of this SPD is a series of character The community was initially involved through: area assessments for the component areas of Whitton and Heathfield. These character ■ Drop in session at Whitton Youth Zone, areas have been identified through the Britannia Lane (Dec 7th 2013) similarity of key features that are deemed to ■ Resident walkabout around Whitton (Dec define their local character. The assessments 8th 2013) establish dominant features and materials as ■ Online questionnaire (running Dec 7th to well as an overall description of the street 20th 2013) pattern and housing types. ■ Stakeholder and business workshop (Jan 9th 2014) The boundary for the SPD has been defined based on a number of criteria as follows: This formal stage of consultation provides a further opportunity to help shape the SPD. ■ taking account of physical and administrative boundaries, including the The Village Planning Guidance is Rosecroft Gardens conservation area complementary to the wider Village Plans boundary to avoid this being separated that have been produced for each village area, from other areas of related character; and which include issues and actions for continual ■ how local communities viewed their local improvement. The SPD fulfils the aim of areas when asked through the Council’s residents having greater control and influence 2010 ‘All-In-One’ survey. over planning and development decisions in their local area, being an adopted document This SPD has been produced by the Council under the London Borough of Richmond working closely with the community. This has upon Thames planning policy framework, and ensured that local residents, businesses and linking to the relevant Village Plan stakeholders have been genuinely involved in defining the important features – as well as the opportunities and threats – that define their local area. Consultation events for the Whitton and Heathfield Village Plan 5 2. Planning Policy and Wider Context 2.1. Planning policy framework 2.2. Key planning policies DMP Policy DM DC 1 Design Quality CS Policy CP14 Housing - Housing Standards & Types New development must be of a high The London Borough of Richmond upon SPDs cannot create new policies but 14.D The density of residential proposals architectural and urban design quality Thames current statutory planning policy expand on policies set out in higher plans, should take into account the need to achieve based on sustainable design principles. framework is set out in adopted Plans which notably the Core Strategy (CS) and the the maximum intensity of use compatible Development must be inclusive, respect local make up the Local Plan – being the Core Development Management Plan (DMP). This with local context, while respecting the character including the nature of a particular Strategy, adopted in April 2009, and the SPD relates to a considerable number of quality, character and amenity of established road, and connect with, and contribute Development Management Plan, adopted higher policies, notably: neighbourhoods positively, to its surroundings based on a in November 2011. There is an online thorough understanding of the site and its proposals map and also a range of guidance CS Policy CP7: Maintaining and Improving the CS Policy CP12 River Crane Corridor context. provided by way of Supplementary Planning Local Environment The Council will improve the strategic Documents (SPDs) and Guidance for the corridor to provide an attractive open space 7.B All new development should recognise In assessing the design quality of a proposal area. This SPD will form part of the planning with improvements to the biodiversity. distinctive local character and contribute to the Council will have regard to the following: policy framework upon adoption. There is creating places of a high architectural and also a range of evidence base studies that the DMP Policy DM HO 3 Backland Development urban design quality that are well used and ■ compatibility with local character Council has undertaken which help to guide There will be a presumption against valued. Proposals will have to illustrate that including relationship to existing policy making. loss of back gardens due to the need to they: townscape and frontages, scale, height, maintain local character, amenity space and massing, proportions and form The Council is preparing a Site Allocations biodiversity. (i) are based on an analysis and Plan (SA Plan), which will include site- ■ sustainable development and adaptability, understanding of the Borough’s specific proposals for the whole borough, subject to aesthetic considerations DMP Policy DM TP 9 Forecourt Parking development patterns, features and other than Twickenham town centre (which layout and access The parking of vehicles in existing front views, public transport accessibility and ■ is already covered by the Twickenham Area gardens will be discouraged especially where: maintaining appropriate levels of amenity; ■ space between buildings and relationship Action Plan). The SA Plan will become part to the public realm ■ this would result in the removal of (ii) connect positively with their of the Local Plan when adopted. The site- architectural features such as walls, gates surroundings to create safe and inclusive ■ detailing and materials specific proposals in the SA Plan will look and paving, or of existing trees and other places through the use of good design ahead over the next 15 years setting out vegetation or; general principles for development and be principles including layout, form, scale, A full list of relevant policies is appended. where such parking would detract from used to determine planning applications on materials, natural surveillance and Policies of note include: ■ the streetscape or setting of the property. these sites. The SA Plan sites in Whitton are orientation, and sustainable construction. included in Section 8 of this document, which CS Policy CP8: Town and Local Centres goes into more detail on design objectives. Retail and town centre uses will be DMP Policy DM DC 7 Shop fronts and shop supported providing that it is appropriate signs to the role in the hierarchy of the centres, The Council will resist the removal of shop and respects the character, environment and fronts of architectural or historic interest. historical interest of the area. 6 DMP Policy DM HD 1 Conservation Areas – 2.3. Planning policy aims Residential areas Other designation, protection and enhancement Buildings or parts of buildings, street This SPD reinforces the existing planning ■ Maintain and improve the residential ■ Seek to minimise any adverse effects from furniture, trees and other features which policy aims which have been established environment through ensuring changes the large crowds visiting Twickenham make a positive contribution to the character, for Whitton and Heathfield, which seek to and extensions to houses are compatible Stadium. appearance or significance of the area should achieve the following: with the character of the area. ■ Improve areas which are less attractive be retained. ■ Ensure new development is appropriate in such as service roads, blocks of domestic Whitton Centre terms of scale and materials and includes garages and inappropriate shop fronts. DMP Policy DM HD3 Buildings of Townscape sufficient car parking. Merit ■ Improve the range of shops and services ■ Ensure that grass verges, street trees and 2.4. Wider Context (Village Plans) Preservation and enhancement of Buildings in Whitton Centre and particularly other vegetation are retained and that of Townscape Merit and the Council will use encourage independent shops to improve front garden parking is limited. Village Plans have been developed for each its powers where possible to protect their choice develop the evening economy and of Richmond’s 14 villages. Each Village Plan significance, character and setting. avoid further provision of betting shops. Community Facilities
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