30 Recent Literature 2016-2018 Kukila 22, 2019 Recent Literature 2016-2018 Compiled by: BAS VAN BALEN, IMAM TAUFIQURRAHMAN, COLIN TRAINOR & MUHAMMAD IQBAL Journal Papers (English) Abdillah, H. & M. Iqbal. 2016. First record of Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri for Indonesia. BirdingASIA 25: 73-74. Aimassi, G. & E.C. Dickinson. 2018. Hemixus sumatranus Wardlaw Ramsay, 1882, and Hemixus sumatranus Salvadori, 1888. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 138(2): 135-139. Albayquni, A. & R.B. Prasetyo. 2017. Large Wren Babbler Turdinus macrodactylus: first record from Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 28: 56-57. Aliabadian, M., N. Alaei-Kakhki, O. Mirshamsi, V. Nijman & A. Roulin. 2016. Phylogeny, biogeography, and diversification of barn owls (Aves: Strigiformes). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119: 904-918 Al-Reza, D.D., L.B. Prasetyo & R. Hermawan. 2016. Biodiversity of plants and birds in reclamation area of PT Bukit Asam, Muara Enim, South Sumatera. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 22(3): 158-168. Alström, P., P.C. Rasmussen, C. Xia, M. Gelang, Y. Liu, G. Chen, M. Zhao, Y. Hao, C. Zhao, J. Zhao, C. Yao, J.A. Eaton, R. Hutchinson, F. Lei & U. Olsson. 2018. Taxonomy of the White- browed Shortwing (Brachypteryx montana) complex on mainland Asia and Taiwan: an integrative approach supports recognition of three instead of one species. Avian Research 9: 34: 13pp. Alström, P., F.E. Rheindt, R Zhang, M. Zhao, J. Wang, X. Zhu, C.Y. Gwee, Y. Hao, J. Ohlson, C.Jia, D.M. Prawiradilaga, P.G.P. Ericson, F. Lei & U. Olsson. 2018. Complete species-level phylogeny of the leaf warbler (Aves: Phylloscopidae) radiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 126: 141-152. Anonymous. 2016. A Bat Hawk Macheiramphus alcinus hawks for bats at Gomantong caves, Kinabatangan, near Sandarkan, Sabah, Borneo. BirdingASIA 26: 87. Anonymous. 2017. Caught on camera: Storm's Stork Ciconia stormi. BirdingASIA 28: 114. Ashari, H. & D. Astuti. 2017. Study on phylogenetic status of Javan Plover (Charadrius, Charadriidae, Charadriiformes) through DNA Barcoding Analysis. Biosaintifika 9: 49-57. Ashari, H., D.M. Prawiradilaga, J.A. Eaton, Suparno & F.E. Rheindt. 2018. New records and range extensions of birds from Timor, Alor and Rote. Treubia 45: 47-64. Astuti, D., H. Ashari & S.N. Prijono. 2016. Phylogenetic position of Psittacula Parakeet bird from Enggano Island, based on analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome B gene2016. Phylogenetic position of Psittacula Parakeet bird from Enggano Island, based on analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome B gene. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography 6(2): 1-5. Astuti, D. & S.N. Prijono. 2018. Diversity of the Ornate Lorikeet (Trichoglossus ornatus) birds based on mitochondrial DNA protein coding gene. Biosaintifika 10(2): 465-471. KUKILA Balen, S. van & J. H. Fischer. 2016. The little-known, confusing calls of Blackprovided Partridge by View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk CORE Melanoperdix niger. BirdingASIA 25: 77-79. brought to you by Bashari, H. & I. Rosyadi. 2016. Anmerkungen zum Halmahera-Königssittich. Papageien 7: 240-242. Bashari, H. & T. Arndt. 2016. Status of the Critically Endangered Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea in the Tanahjampea Islands, Flores Sea, Indonesia. Forktail 32: 62-65. Bashari, H. & O. Legrand. 2017. Rapid bird surveys at Tempe Lake and Pallime Estuary, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 28: 107-111. Bashari, H. & R. Martin. 2018. Records of Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula and Northern Pintail Anas acuta on Karakelang Island, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 29: 48-49. Bashari, H., B. Mangangue & A. Mangangue. 2017. Incubation strategy of Philippine Scrubfowl Megapodius cumingii on Manumpitaeng islet, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 27: 82-85. Beastall, C., C.R. Shepherd, Y. Hadiprakarsa & D. Martyr. 2016. Trade in the Helmeted Hornbill Rhinoplax vigil: the ‘ivory hornbill’. Bird Conservation International 26(2): 137-146. Kukila 22, 2019 Recent Literature 2016-2018 31 Bergin, D., Chng, S., Eaton, J., Shepherd, C. R. 2018. The final straw? An overview of Straw-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus zeylanicus trade in Indonesia. Bird Conservation International 28(1): 126-132. Braun, M.P., M. Reinschmidt, T. Datzmann, D. Waugh, R. Zamora, A. Häbich, L. Neves, H. Gerlach, T. Arndt, C. Mettke-Hofmann, H. Sauer-Gürth & M. Wink. 2017. Influences of oceanic islands and the Pleistocene on the biogeography and evolution of two groups of Australasian parrots (Aves: Psittaciformes: Eclectus roratus, Trichoglossus haematodus complex). European Journal of Ecology 3(2): 47-66. Brooks, D.M., Adul & S.M. Cheyne. 2018. A camera-trap survey of avifauna in a Bornean peat- swamp forest. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130(4): 969-980. Burner, R.C., V.L. Chua, M.L. Brady, P. van Els, P.O.M. Steinhoff, M.A. Rahman & F.H. Sheldon. 2016. An ornithological survey of Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128: 242-254. Burner, R.C., S.B. Shakya, T. Haryoko, M. Irham, D.M. Prawiradilaga & F.H. Sheldon. 2018. Ornithological observations from Maratua and Bawean islands, Indonesia. Treubia 45: 11-24. Bušina, T., N. Pasaribu & M. Kouba. 2017. Flocking and foraging behaviour of the Sumatran Laughingthrush Garrulax bicolor. Forktail 33: 134-135. Chng, S.C.L., J.A. Eaton & A.E. Miller. 2017. Greater Green Leafbirds: the trade in South-east Asia. TRAFFIC Bulletin 29(1): 4-8. Chng, S.C.L., C.R. Shepherd & J.A. Eaton. 2018. In the market for extinction: birds for sale at selected outlets in Sumatra. TRAFFIC Bulletin 30(1): 15-22. Chng, S.C.L., M. Guciano & J.A. Eaton. 2016. In the market for extinction: Sukahaji, Bandung, Java, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 26: 22-28. Chua, V.L., B.T. Smith, R.C. Burner, M.A. Rahman, M. Lakim, D.M. Prawiradilaga, R.G. Moyle & F.H. Sheldon. 2017. Evolutionary and ecological forces influencing population diversification in Bornean montane passerines. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 113: 139-149. Collar, N.J. 2018. Notable proposals for the taxonomic revision of Asian birds in 2017. BirdingASIA 30: 33-47. Collar, N.J. 2017. Notable taxonomic changes proposed for Asian birds in 2015. BirdingASIA 27: 11- 19. Collar, N.J. 2017. Species-level changes proposed for Asian birds in 2016, and discoveries of new taxa. BirdingASIA 28: 12-22. Collar, N.J. 2017. Subspecific diagnoses in the Scarlet-breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus forsteni. Forktail 33: 46-52. Cros, E. & F.E. Rheindt. 2017. Massive bioacoustic analysis suggests introgression across Pleistocene land bridges in Mixornis tit-babblers. Journal of Ornithology 158: 407-419. Crossland, A.C. & S.A. Sinambela 2017. A survey of waders in the Jayapura Area, Papua Province, Indonesia, April 2017. Stilt 71: 37-41. Crossland, A.C. & A.W. Sitorus. 2016. The status of Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris on the central east coast of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Stilt 69-70: 2-6. Crossland, A.C. & A.W. Sitorus. 2018. Javan plover Charadrius javanicus nesting amongst crop cultivations on a riverbed. Stilt 72: 39-41. Darras, K., D. Rahman, W. Sugito, Y. Mulyani, D. Prawiradilaga, A. Rozali, I. Fitriawan & T. Tscharntke. 2018. Birds of primary and secondary forest and shrub habitats in the peat swamp of Berbak National Park, Sumatra. F1000Research 7: 229. Decicco, L.H. 2016.The first description of the nest of Seram Golden Bulbul Thapsinillas affinis affinis from Seram, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 26: 71-72. Denmead, L.H., K. Darras, Y. Clough, P. Diaz, I. Grass, M.P. Hoffmann, F. Nurdiansyah, R. Fardiansah & T. Tscharntke. 2017. The role of ants, birds and bats for ecosystem functions and yield in oil palm plantations. Ecology 98(7): 1945-1956. Dewi, A.R., N.E. Purnomo, R.A. Ahmadi, I. Purwianshari & M.H. Ashshidiqi. 2016. Field records of Zappey's Flycatcher Cyanoptila cumatilis on Java and Sumatra, with notes on the distribution and status of Blue-and-white Flycatcher C. cyanomelana in Indonesia. Forktail 32: 36-40. Dinanti, R.V., N.L. Winarni & J. Supriatna. 2018. Vertical stratification of bird community in Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 134-139. 32 Recent Literature 2016-2018 Kukila 22, 2019 Eaton, J.A. 2018a. A new Dwarf Sparrowhawk Accipiter nanus in south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. BirdingASIA 30: 9-10. Eaton, J.A. 2018b. Identification of Hierococcyx hawk cuckoos, and the first record of Northern Hawk Cuckoo Hierococcyx hyperythrus for continental South-east Asia. BirdingASIA 30: 68-73. Eaton, J.A. & F.E. Rheindt. 2017. New avifaunal records from the Flores Sea islands, Indonesia, including a novel Phylloscopus leaf warbler. BirdingASIA 28: 97-106. Eaton, J.A., S.L. Mitchell, C. N.G. Bocos & F.E Rheindt. 2016. A short survey of the Meratus Mountains, South Kalimantan province, Indonesia: two undescribed avian species discovered. BirdingASIA 26: 107-113. Erniwati, E.A., M. Zuhud, Y. Santosa & I. Anas. 2016. The value of secondary forest patches for bird conservation in palm oil landscapes of Riau, Sumatra. Biodiversitas 17: 791-798. Febrianto, I., Ciptodwihandono & F.N. Tirtaningtyas. 2016. Behaviour of breeding Javan Plover Charadrius javanicus at Wonorejo fishponds, Surabaya, Indonesia. Stilt 69-70: 77-78. Fischer, J.H. & A. van der Kaaden. 2016. Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta exhibiting signs of the pigment deficiency 'dilution'. BirdingASIA 25: 84-86. Fischer, J.H., N.S. Boyd, A. Maruly, A.-S.van der Kaaden, S. Husson & J. Sihite. 2016. An inventory of the Bukit Batikap Protection Forest, Central Kalimantan. Forktail 32: 26-35. Fischer, J.H., S.E.I. Jones, J.F. Brodie, A.J. Marshall, E. Setiawan, A. Wain, T.B.T van Berkel, O.R. Wearn, A. van der Kaaden, A. Granados, J. Mathai, S.M. Cheyne & M.J.H. Denny. 2017. The potential value of camera-trap studies for identifying, ageing, sexing and studying the phenology of Bornean Lophura pheasants. Forktail 33: 92-102. Fitzsimons, J. 2017. Eye-browed Jungle Flycatcher Vauriella gularis tackles large prey.
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