THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY April 9, 1960 partly explain why their investiga- ' The authors seem to be convinced debt to Hill, Stycos, Back and their tors were given answers which are that the medically preferred me­ many helpers. They have pioneer­ encouraging to the research work­ thods of contraception offered by ed a way into very difficult territory, ers. "Yes, we only want 2 child­ the clinics are essential for bringing and they have been good enough to ren", "Yes, we think your education down the birth rate. If this is their share their thinking processes as programme was fine". How much conviction they have overlooked the well as their data with all who take were these verbal answers checked fact that the birth rate in their own the trouble to read their book. Any­ by hard facts? Not enough. Pro­ and other Western countries has one who has had experience of this been brought down mostly by the bably also too much reliance was type of field work will appreciate; use of two such "inferior" methods how much labour has gone into this placed on answers given at one or as douching and withdrawal, with study. If they have not got all the very few interviews. People do not condom. The difference is that answers, neither has anyone else. usually reveal their true selves im­ people in the West not only said they They have shown the value of their mediately, and Puerto Ricans no wanted small families when asked approach and their method of work: doubt share with most ordinary by investigators but they were also that it also has weaknesses is under­ rural people an understanding of determined to have small families. standable. It is no easy task to in­ the truth of the saying that "a soft All who arc concerned with the vestigate the social and psychologic­ answer turneth away wrath". population problem are much in al aspects of human reproduction. Jayaprakash Narayan's Thesis Report of a Discussion Rajni Kothari IN discussion-groups and seminars dian genius rather than a mutilated gives rise to excessive concentration in India, by and large, speech- version of an imported political of power. making tends to overshadow genu­ structure. The most important ex­ In place of such a system, J P ine 'discussion' and enthusiasm to ponent of this theme, no douht, is would like India to be organised on present one's own ideas is rarely Shri Jayaprakash Narayan who has the model of a "communitarian so­ matched by receptivity to other also performed the valuable service ciety", a society made of small, people's ideas. Secondly, the view­ of making articulate the hidden pre­ compact, "'optimum" communities points presented arc more or less mises of the Sarvodaya ideal. Be­ where the individual, possessed by a standardised viewpoints. Even fore reporting on the discussion on "sense of community", is also en­ where there is controversy—very the 7'hesis, therefore, it is necessary abled to participate directly in the often there isn't any—the purpose to give here a brief summary of the process , of decision-making and of the discussion seems less to re­ Thesis proper. where the prevailing pyramidal solve the controversy than to dis­ The thesis consists of (1) an ana­ structure is replaced by a system of solve it in high-sounding rhetoric. lysis of the prevailing political sys­ "ever-widening, never-ascending cir­ Thirdly, the value of a discussion- tem in India and (2) the way out. cles" with the individual at the group or a seminar is judged more The author is entirely dissatisfied centre and the country and finally from the brilliance displayed by in­ with the parliamentary system in the whole world at the circumfer­ dividual speakers than by the qua­ general, wherever it exists, more ence. The important task is to cre­ lity or level of discussion. Positions particularly in India. A parliament­ ate this "sense of community", to remain unaltered and every one goes ary government is at best an "elect­ inculcate a philosophy in which the home none the wiser. ed oligarchy". It rules by passive essentially social nature of man is Such a discussion-group met in consent rather than by active parti­ brought into an organic relation Bombay to discuss Shri Jayaprakash cipation. Its evils are centralisation with the "totality", to base human Narayan's thesis: "A Plea for Re­ of power, bureaucratisation of all organisation on the principles of construction of Indian Polity" which initiative, party politics, demago- trusteeship, "dharma" and a volun­ has been in private circulation and guey, manipulation of mass media tary limitation of wants and to evolve has attracted considerable attention of communication, etc. These in­ institutions to suit the "social genius of late, both in India and abroad. herent defects of the system are all of India" so that they may "sustain, The group was organised by the the more accentuated in India be­ revive and strengthen the whole fab­ Indian Committee of Cultural Free­ cause of lack of proper traditions ric of Indian society". dom and met on the 16th and 17th and a conventional code of political More concretely, J P envisages a of March at the Indian Merchants* behaviour, lack of self-governing re­ system in which at the base—or Chamber Hall. gional and professional bodies, an rather at the centre (the symmetry irresponsive and irremovable majo­ I he has in mind is oceanic, not archi­ rity faced by an irresponsible and tectural)—there are the "primary THE THESIS resourceless Opposition, and econo­ communities" more or less of the Discussion on the working of mic backwardness, giving rise to size of the existing revenue ullages. democracy in India seems to be as­ centralised planning and widening These are the "self-governing, self- suming of late a new dimension tentacles of bureaucracy. The root sufficient, agro-industrial, urbo-rural, with the revival of the theme of of the evil lies in the "baffling vast- local communities". Beyond them "indigenous democracy", of a polity ness" and complexity of modern in­ are the "regional communities" in that would suit the needs of the In­ dustrial society which, of necessity, which a number of primary commu- 585 April 9, 1960 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY DURGAPUR STEELWORKS 586 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY April 9, 1960 nities come together. Similarly, a The criticisms voiced in the dis­ comment, much of which was eon- number of regional communities cussion could be conveniently group­ fused, A large number of partici­ form into the "district communities", ed into six. pants took the position that it was which in turn form the "provincial 1. In defence of parliamentary both impossible and undesirable for communities" and finally there is institutions : all citizens to participate in govern­ ment. Professor Dantwala. Shri the "National Community". A hope The experience of this form of is also expressed that "a day might Kunte and others pointed out that government in India was too limited government was too technical a mat­ come when the. national communi­ to justify the conclusions drawn by ties might federate together to form ter to be handled by untutored mas­ J P. Professor Ham Joshi strongly ses. What was needed was an effi- the World Community". This is pressed the viewpoint that the defects the structure. cient expertise. The function of the in the present system were more in­ people was to throw out a govern­ The manner of conducting busi­ cidental than inherent and the real ment that they did not like. For ness is also simple. At the local problem in India was to build up this, they were provided with the level, there is the "Gram Sabha" of the existing institutions and lay instrument of elections. Parliament­ which the membership extends to all down proper conventions for the ary government was a government adults in the village. The Executive same. Experience of England has by consent. History is full of inst­ of the village is to be vested in the shown that sound local self-govern­ ances where more participating "dram Panchayat" formed not by ing institutions provided ample op­ systems with their referendunis. and elections but by "general consensus portunities for citizen participation plebiscites had played into the of opinion in the Sabha", Failing and given a strong tradition of hands of demagogues and dictators. agreement, the selection is to he by democracy, parties could also be a A government that ruled by con- "drawing lots". At the regional great educative influence. Profes­ sent must always keep its ears close level, the Gram Panchayats will be sor Dantwala made the point that to the ground. Participation must integrated into a uPanchayat Samiti" I lie simultaneous existence of the be limited to a few ; consent, how on the basis of indirect elections present evils on the one hand and ever, must come from a majority. from the Gram Panchayats. Follow­ parliamentary institutions on the ing this pattern—and always on the other at. best established a correla­ 4. Examination of the Commu­ basis of indirect elections — there tion, not a causal scheme. The nitarian Society ; will be the "District Council", the evils, he suggested, are not because Alongside these criticisms on the "State Assembly" and the "Lok of but in spite of parliamentary traditional lines, there were a few Sahha". At each level, the admini­ government. They were more of an others who took a different position stration is to be carried on by "com­ economic and social nature, it on J P's Thesis. They directed their mittees of representative bodies" stems that he hoped that good plan­ criticism on the 'constructive' part which are to be assisted by civil ning and efficient administration of the thesis.
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