NEWS AND news and notes Notes NWS To Play Key Role in Winter Olympics million people during the Olympic Winter Games. We In a few short months, the eyes of the world will will continually provide the latest high-tech weather, turn to Utah as an estimated 3500 athletes and officials water and climate information," said Jack Kelly, di- from 80 countries will participate in the XIX Olym- rector of the NWS. "The public will be relying on us pic Winter Games. as they plan their commute from venue to venue and The Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) for how to protect themselves from the outdoor elements." the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 today announced At least twice each day, the weather service will a unique partnership between NOAA's NWS, the Uni- issue a special hazardous winter forecast during the versity of Utah, and Salt Lake City's KSL-TV to pro- games for the various transportation corridors leading vide the most accurate, timely, and venue-specific to the Olympic venues. This forecast will aid the pub- weather forecasts during the Games. lic who will be traveling to and from the various "park The Winter Olympics will be staged in Northern and ride" lots and also help transportation officials en- Utah 8-24 February 2002. With the Wasatch Moun- sure a smooth flow of traffic. tains rising more than 11,000 feet as they form the dra- "We want everyone to be weather-wise and matic perimeter of Salt Lake City, the city and weather-safe during the Games. Our job will be very surrounding areas will host those competing for top important to ensure people coming to Utah will be pre- honors in seven winter sports and more than 78 medal pared for various winter weather conditions that can events. In addition, the world's top Paralympians take change in a short period of time," Kelly said. "We the same stage 7-16 March 2002 for the VIII know the National Weather Service forecasts and Paralympic Winter Games. This will be the first time warnings will be an important tool for people associ- a host city has integrated preparations for both of these ated with or attending the games." world-class sporting events. SLOC's Olympic Games chief meteorologist is According to Mitt Romney, president and chief Mark Eubank. He will lead the 13-member team of executive officer of SLOC, this is also the first time private meteorologists who will focus on preparing an Olympic Committee has called on government and forecasts for the outdoor venues. At least one meteo- private meteorologists as well as academic experts to rologist, equipped with a variety of meteorological join together to share forecast responsibilities. SLOC data, will be at each venue. This team will also con- has assembled the special group they are calling the tinually brief SLOC management officials, venue Salt Lake 2002 Weather Support Project. The com- managers, coaches, and athletes on weather conditions bined weather team specialists' efforts will provide a and forecasts. Eubank's team will be responsible for safe competition venue for the athletes and weather the forecasts for the opening and closing ceremonies. forecasts for the general public. Eubank is also KSL-TV's chief meteorologist at the Romney explained that each partner will be respon- local NBC-TV affiliate. sible for a specific function during the games. The The University of Utah has developed weather NWS will provide the base-level meteorological and tracking systems designed specifically for Utah and hydrological services used by the weather partners. the Games. Five years ago the university received This includes issuing winter storm warnings to the funding from the U.S. government and began install- state's two million residents as well as an estimated ing weather sensors that detect temperature, wind, hu- 1.5 million visitors expected to come to the games. The midity, and precipitation at each of the venues. Each weather service will also brief public safety, aviation op- venue has an average of three sensors. erations, security, and emergency management officials. "The Olympics present a wonderful opportunity for "The weather service and our sister NOAA agen- the University of Utah's Meteorology Department to cies will work together to ensure the safety of several do some much valued service, while at the same time 1764 Vol. 82,, No. 8, August 2001 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 01:44 PM UTC Total Ozone Column Measurements & UV-B Accurate Ozone and Solar Irradiance with Handheld Meter, Long Term Stability for Erythemogenic UV Microtops II, a handheld 5-filter channel sunphotometer, is a breakthrough in Total Ozone Measurements! An inexpensive portable ozonemeter with the mm accuracy of Dobson and Brewer spectrometers. Real time, on-board data processing, stores raw and processed data, displaying ozone, water vapor, AOT and spectral intensity. Fast scanning permits measurements from moving MICROTOPS II platforms. The 501 UV-Biometer, follows the CIE erythemogenic action spectrum more closely than any commercial meter. Stability change <2% annually. Field life exceeds 30 years, based on classic R-B meter built by same designers. In use by over a dozen National Laboratories and Meteorological Services, in over 25 countries. WWW.SOLAR.i COM I [email protected] ffHAR LIGHT CO 721 OAK LANE PHILADELPHIA, PA 19126 TEL: : 215 927 4206 FAX: 215 927 6347 fulfill our role as teachers and researchers," said Ed- snow and prepare the course according to the Olym- ward Zipser, professor and chair of the University of pic guidelines before the scheduled start time. Utah Department of Meteorology. "Approximately Romney of the SLOC stated, "As we saw during one-third of our students have been involved in some the downhill and super-G world cups this year at aspect of this weather program. We are excited about Snowbasin, the weather is highly variable and plays the opportunities the partnership with the National a key role in Olympic competition. We are confident Weather Service, KSL, and SLOC is bringing to the the weather specialists we have assembled will make university both short- and long-term, and proud that the venues safe for athletes and comfortable for we can make a contribution." spectators." The joint weather support project forecast team al- The official Olympic Weather Center will be lo- ready exercised its collaborative forecasting and com- cated at the weather service's Salt Lake City Forecast munications capabilities during many World Cup and Office, where the representatives from the private and U.S. Finals competitive events staged in Utah this government meteorological teams will prepare their February and March. These events served as good tests daily forecasts. for the games' organizers, sports managers, volunteers, coaches, and athletes, as well as the weather partners NASA Technology Takes Off into Dark and who are working diligently to ensure everything and Stormy Nights everyone will be prepared for the games. The National Aeronautics and Space Administra- This winter, one of the test events was canceled tion (NASA) will use an Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle because too much snow fell just before the event was (UAV) for a research mission to better understand how scheduled to begin. Volunteers at Snowbasin Resort lightning forms and dissipates during thunderstorms. near Ogden, Utah, did not have time to remove the The remotely piloted, high-flying aircraft will fly Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1765 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/06/21 01:44 PM UTC above and around the dangerous disturbances, gaug- ning potential of the storms in the hopes of better un- ing the various elements that unleash the fury of derstanding how different physical characteristics in storms. the atmosphere can contribute to development of light- Part of NASA's UAV-based science demonstration ning. These data will increase understanding of light- program, these flights will show the ability of this type ning and storms, while providing federal, state, and of aircraft to carry earth-viewing scientific payloads local governments new disaster-management informa- into environments where an onboard pilot would be tion for use in the areas of severe storms, floods, and exposed to life-threatening hazards. This capability wildfire. will benefit both U.S. scientific and commercial ob- This is one of two projects selected from 45 pro- jectives well into the new millennium. posals received in response to a solicitation issued in The mission will utilize the ALTUS UAV, built by 2000. The solicitation requires that the missions be General Atomics in San Diego, California, taking ad- managed in "Principal Investigator" mode: Each vantage of its remotely piloted capability, along with mission's lead investigator is responsible for choos- its high altitude (up to 55,000 ft) and slow speed. Re- ing the UAV best suited for the experiment, and then searchers from the University of Alabama at Hunts- managing all aspects of the mission for NASA. NASA ville, with colleagues from NASA's Goddard Space has identified approximately $8 million to fund the Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, will chase down two UAV missions over a period of four years. thunderstorms in Florida to better understand the re- The mission is part of NASA's Earth Science En- lationship between storms and lightning. When a de- terprise, a long-term research effort aimed at under- veloping storm is spotted at NASA's Kennedy Space standing how human-induced and natural changes Center in Florida, researchers will send the ALTUS affect our global environment, while providing prac- above and around the storm, while the remote pilots tical societal benefits to America today. The Earth remain safely on the ground. Science Enterprise provides the sound science needed "This mission combines the exciting use of UAV by policy and economic decision-makers to assure re- technology with sound science to unravel the mystery sponsible stewardship of the global environment.
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