Regn. No. KERBIL/2012/45073 2â tD (TU&86}O(8 dated 5-9-2012 with KNI Government of Kerala Reg. No. KLITV(N)/634/2015-17 2016 ca waunn KERALA GAZETTE an cm Xe 3 Gm EXTRAORDINARY mU)1a.3cb1aaya1 ctbvs2m)1amz PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 2016 (wlIVo6nJ( 16 - *a1nnvmai. •16th December 2016 ni3eJso xua_1 (WDJOS 1192 Wfl2 1 1st Dhanu -1192 2181 Vol. 5 } Thinivananthapuram, No. Friday 1938 (8fl(Pn03Y(flo 25 25th Agraha)?ana 1938 caø ouLeea& cmw)(/0cn)JoccD6m (6)n®. na).) flJcthn Qh16monJm6m3clS n. Q. ( uios1) (IXDJ(8 48J2016/m.at,J.9.0J. 2076 (w7av06nJ(8 76 7792 UXDd Z I n4Jflt. (G%& . CnTh(S 757/2016.-2016-6)eJ Octh(b mwø - Lwa3(n)2uG)6m (3Tic 16i (2016-00 ) Si-Qo QJÔ,n (1)-30 QnJQiaan LnJ&O(bo 0)W3,00 (MW1a0(06MU5 aIlcnl eo 2016 (w1oto6nJ(3 16 -Do 010010100 m.p. (anos1) 47/2016 mcnim001 osflpo 2016 W1(fl)o6T)J(8 16-Do UBt001016)0 2180-00 (1)(Th(8 (unm)0w006m Tx91c0 nCfl).(1Ie(Z.63. 756/2016 cejn51 mlau s(Th*1thY Qfl9WDnJCflLnJc06000 oiluooei aaozJ woaaonlpl TU6034 L4JP2S 2LJRlOTh OJ(Th1O%JO .-60.w 0.kswL.%w Mjwuojqd, 2016 33/41 18/2016/S-fl. OA 2016-6)ei cjaØ fflWø-(WOø3(fl)2L()6lfl (u1&ei (2016-6eJ ) 52-00 2015-6)eJ oø munb-1w3alDcn)v)6m (njla,(oo, ømawoolql) a156l3T316)eJ 5-00 sifliao a1nJo(1ft lnJ8O(60, (1)ø89,1Q) cmow1€th3c6m3u8 ni1m1aoth14 Gdb(D@ cnx86)o(8, n&sDoeJ 6)a31 QflaCfl)m (91b000019126')S 8omon1 Laol. mu. ngyr8. amonom€n (e 1mobo6n8 iniaâ, jnolc8, J2cmw0$a11(DIu5, n006mocoio) m1moø& m1ø1&QCm. 8006x 63TOGSOAdh aoejoniwl 3 nj&aiaio$1&&eo. I! (D(flJ(& 758/2016.-2016-6)eJ aaø (flWO-LWOQD(TU11061T) (U1 (2016-00 9) 54-00 WtthciJQ2JO 2015-6)eJ aaø muø -LwoalDcTU2umGrn (mlomm (namoo1q1.tho3) aJ6m3&62J 3-00 aI5flJo th210J301 LnJcBD(ttO ant8a,(m (mbu)1 e,o cbGm3u8 (111(11 o'o w1 co1o@wrJ 0 (DøoO) 6W6) U6)nJSIU)l, C&,® (Th(8O6)D(8, tuI(RJO2J GhthOaJ fli1.SG)MT) MOM301910105 mnw3 a'n6u3cm1(8 gmmilmoma (bnJ.th&&6)CTh, (=)30Xm:- wnfl( th'?36TüCfl5I(d nito3mxn wøoo1çkies Cn$1. no. (W)3n0Cfl08 6mnx8aeaZ (14An3 GintlikM5O) nh1s,mLCD WIC(0)301QS ! LnJ2(3Ub(øTh amlaomlooM ()ff(3UO m)Jaoe(b6m miflonicU 6m31(O8 W1(fl) t0611 (c) nilacrum mmomoolqlojos 10b1. (GIb(1&CW8 (P)D(3CWth, mbu$1&,30 ni&w110$ nican wi,eini LnJBBUO6XD1O) n4)o.n4J)(8.ng).E733(B LUOT 0001 ng)o. C36fl8, LUbl. 6)6)4OGflfl DCWnZ, LCTh1. nil. 6>a. i6fli3nfllo asTmth, 100. 6)6. 0. Ql3.m51, • 6kth3jl LUDI. aft nil. cn)etl(0308. 3 9b1. nil. W. (T1)(Th1Ubn, nionild luSt n])Ok430a6 CflhjS 6)nJøCflJ0flJ2(8 UJ'. caiom1ti aae6ni, donio U01. nfl. sl. c(w0cn: (moQ0&6)ø it Luol. 4)0. (fl)Jø0, ©cM26mln)afl (i) 6xn)1a3 §01, .. 6xmlafl eceo4 aQcnlm.)lpB annticpZ oao8ocain (ii) sD6PS gomS .. s'sn8 oax8, axnø- w3l0m)06m Jcthn, nW06fl)0â0 - (iii),04mulasl5w n1(Tfl)(8.. n6I1J10flD(8 (n1mumce@ao tuoeJ6m3ao) (mlouao n3eJ6fl3o), owzøoztth Qianj nOJO6m0&o mM3aeo6 moaiml8cquo a12cn5 uieuS (I) nilacmm @*cw3o1g1es .. emc.s01, niluoei 6k604 eaithic8 ecruLas)l QJlcB,CfU(T) (TOGm)0C. ID ng)(fl). (?JQ$5. 63. mmi 759/2016.---2016-eei ce,ø mwcb-(w3ai0m)o)6m cm49100 (2016-eel 9) 55-Do nJcthctJo 2015-eel 6ab m(rnb -cwoalocm2umGm. (njla,cnm mbcmoolglceua) aJ56Z31316)eJ 4-00 aJ50Jo aa1ni3G51 lnJ&000 • (mbw183cb6n3q nflm1030, (3,%(0@ cn.x&oeo8, oewjnm @u som1 nibmoei e&,o1 nj1amm mowwoolq1nos ula1ni cB3a211 øni°la,&aem, nøoth- nu1agni aaIalç7l (a) eam&rzioaB .. tuot mil. nyi8. momomag • 63nr]1o&io) • - mthozi (Thfl)o@061fl a no fl6DT31(Y8 cyikth noo mo8 ai&tu1eB aeja6 moaimlthaguoo JT (Thlboc1)I31(ø8cdbno moam1t8cquoo 6)aJ6)nJ5 (06TT (GIboW6fl3Cl3 ng)o.n .n.Qo(O1a mlm5 ORMOMB c.uñ n)o. cmJøo, - a,'txrI&mleJlc2eJaQ WOCfll(8OqUbo 6aJg6)j5 øn zio&ml, 6xeo4 (I) 6xroLa61, 6X1O&thfl 6kth3 øm1cn)1p8 (am1cw1'j08 o(Bponicr&) snma womd 1eo s'D6n Lu)oaocn)Lcm6m flJô,J, n)O6ThO&o n)&m1a1ni nØ6lJ1m1 ng)cdcn)1cth%I51di (m1ora0 nioei6?3T30) (m1ø1ce,o nJoeJ6m3o), enJo(M2acon0I c1Jcth$ n4)fl6fl)O&o crottaw<8mom8 a,'nsnZm.fle1aei&3 mommi80Qaoo 6)nJ(U) aflboCJD6M3@1(8 CD1CTI5 O6U (GcthU nflo,m.xn cumo©oo1qias @aicniZ 6xm19501, nJlOiJOeJ 6hthO4 6xnLa,o1 (nacn3 63nr11aemo) ojl€e,crucn anboonl91. WflJ(8jO6)S cmcbnJ1a8Lc.Jaocbo, si. QcO,. CMWO, woim3øf &iJo&nftp& 6)avLs4o7. nJ1on16)o1j ni1 Tmonimwm16i @owao mmej. nWcmo(* 1(U)161 6)nJO(Th aqUOo S(Ta)CITh$1Cñ Qa1oaea(wom%.) 2016 cwl(n)omR8 16-oo Xa$kYl6)ei (fl).. (@TDS1) 47/2016/maui@flJ. mcnøo©1 06kJSfl1(U)o 2016 QJ)1(Tho6flJ(8 16-00 01001100 2180-00 ComiCs OôiCb (WTUOWO(06T1) U)(TUQ1(OZ nØCT.Ol(8.63. CflCThC8 756/2016 (UI)1 5 Ln1aDscr)1)cm2fin ol mDJ(DLnics,Qøo (flM8&6)D8 2016-6)QJ OtSØ Cfl(n(0-LU)3ø3Cfl)1U6m cm&916 56-00 flJ& n4J161 3Ø2 (mbWtthOøo QIS Ow1aQaCfl)Yi1Cflo AXBøm)flJS6W3U6 m1rcriae anmlm~ moal nilotioej Ghe,O1 QJltthCfl)G) (G1b18(5)DO191 (b1cthøllø(fl. 2016-6eJ athø mwø-Lw00cn)1cu)6m (m&q16X (BtbWtthDøo nj1m1c800w1 nJ1u00eJ @a0j1 nila,mxn (woaco)oo1R1cofic8 6)J)c8øo6)cn mlap inl&@2 (mmlm~o c2(mO6)SDçjo tQCDOCØS ei*m1m8, 4&ab1&51ni - eavi1g1 ngymlni 0 aeamth1oio m.)cSe6)36 m1o00m1. L.-.icn eJato thin qmm1a - CU16m)DnJ(n6m3u3. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Local Self Government (IA) Department NOTIFICATIONS G. 0. (P) No. 48/2016/LSGD. 16th Decembe,; 2016 Dated, Thiruvananthapurarn, 1st Dhanu, 1192. - I S. R. 0. No. 757/2016.—Wl-iEREAs, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 51 of the Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016 (9 of 2016), The Greater Cochin Development Authority has been constituted as per notification issued under G. 0. (P) No. 47/2016/LSGD dated 16th December, 2016 and published as S.R.O. No. 756/2016 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 2180 dated 16th December, 2016. Now, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (52) of the Kerala Town and Country Planning Act. 2016 (9 of 2016), read with rule S of the Kerala Town and Country Planning (Development Authorities) Rules, 2015, the Government of Kerala hereby appoint Sri C. N. Mohanan (Laxminarayan Bhavan, Chappurayil, Puthencruz, Ernakulam) as the Chairman of the Greater Cochin Development Authority. The term of office of the Chairman shall be three years. 161 II S. R. 0. No. 758/2016.—in exercise of the powers conferred by section 54 of the Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016 (9 of 2016), read with rule 3 of the Kerala Town and Country Planning (Development Authorities) Rules, 2015, the Government of Keiila hereby constitute the General Council of the Greater Cochin Development- Authority with the following members, namely:- GENERAL COUNCIL Chairman (Ex-officio) .. Sri- C. N. Mohanan Two Members of the Local Self Government Institutions having jurisdiction in the area of the Development Authority M.L.As. Representing any I. Sri-Anwar Sadath, Aluva area within the jurisdiction Sri Roji M. John, Angamaly of! the Development Authority Sri Hibi Eden, Emakulam Sri V. K. Ebrahim Kunju, Kalamassery Sri K. J. Maxy, Kochi Sri V. P. Sajeendran,. Kunnathunadu Sri V. D. Satheesan, Paravur Sri Eldhose Kunnappilly, Perumbavoor Sri Anoop Jacob, Piravom Sri P. T. Thomas, Thrikkakara IL Sri M. Swaraj,- - Thrippunithura 7 (d) (i) Secretary of the Secretary of the Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation, Kochi Town Planner District Town Planner, Town and Country Planning Department, Ernakulam Executive Engineer Executive Engineer! (Roads and Bridges) (Roads and Bridges), Public Works Departmeiit, Ernakulam (e) Other three persons nominated by the Government (1) The Member Secretary of the Secretary, Greater Cochin Development Authority Development Authority. III S. R. 0. No. 759/2016.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 55 of the Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016 (9 of 2016), read with rule 4 of the Kerala Town and Country Planning (Development Authorities) Rules, 2015, the Government of Kerala hereby constitute the Executive Ccsmmittee of the Greater Cochin Development Authority with the following members, namely:- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (a) Chainnan of the Development .. Sri C. N. Mohanan Authority (Ex-officio) Two Nominated Members of the General Council from among Members of the Local Self Government Institutions nominated by Government Nominated Members of the SriM. Swaraj, General Council from among Thrippunithura the MLAs Sri K. J. Maxy, Kochi 8 (d) (i) Secretary of the Municipal .. Secretary, Corporation Municipal Corporation, Kochi Town Planner .. District Town Planner, Town and Country Planning Department, Ernakulam Executive Engineer Executive Engineer (Roads and Bridges) (Roads and Bridges), Public Works Department, - Ernakulam (e) Two members of the General Council from among persons nominated by Government (1) Member Secrtary (Ex-officio) .. Secretary, Greater Cochin Development Authority. By order of the Governor, T. K. JOSE, Principal Secretary to Government. Explanatory Note (This does not form part of the notification, but is intended to indicate its general purport.) As per G. 0. (P) No. 47/2016/LSGD dated 16th December, 2016 and published as S.R.O. No 756/2016 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 2180 dated 16th December, 2016, the Government of Kerala have constituted The Greater Cochin Development Authority to exercise the powers and to perform the functions under section 56 of the Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016. Now the Government have decided to appoint the Chairman of the Greater Cochin Development Authority and also to constitute the General Council and Executive Committee in exercise of the powers conferred under, the Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016.
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