:::::::. Pro. [tnl'J ienic. PROCJ:SSED FOODS IfIam"" U, V and W expire ad, 20; X, Y and Z expire Nov. 10; MEAT b ..._ lltamps fair Pic. C. D and E, Book 3. expire 001. 30: BUGAR l\amp 14 and HOM]; CANNING .tam"" 15 ana 11 uplre ad. !IleI'J 31; SHOE IfIamp No. 11 vaUeI lnel.,InJlalr: I'UEL OIL IOWA: Fair, continued cooL !IV. 1 coupons '43-'44, U]lire Jan. I ..... Iowa City's Morning Newspaper lit, _ FIVE CENTS TIll A ••OC~l'ID hi•• IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1943 Tn& A.SOO~TID 7&1•• VOLUME XLIV NUMBER IS !Ia lit Bible Allied Air Forces Pound Germans in Greece,' • Iio)y IPealt 10 Over (rete, Oodecanese Aid ' Pa~isiinSr BaHle; <Dutskirts vlee. park. Jlruggle Assumes Proportions of lIalian Fight I and ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AI-,iook an increasing toll of German'cept for the German-occupied fort = lim, (AP)-By land, air and slla air strenath in that are'a allied at Zara . the allies hav~ gr~dually devel- headquarters announced. ' ~e 30-mlle 10D&' and ellht- rno oped an oUenslve 10 the Balkans . mOe wide Island of Cberso is 25 line until it has become a companion These blows followecl a aeries miles us, or &he italian naval ) ~ G campaign to that in Italy. of raids announced S1lDtIay In base. of Pola at tbe bead of the so W11h allied arrrorces or bo&h which elaht atrflelcls In Greece, lstrlan peninsula and 20 miles E t· N · D f P't' P d' t 1943 R d ill MrlhWetlt Africa _nd the middle Crete ~nd Rhodes were attacked. south of Flume whlch Ute par- n Ire all e ense OSI Ion re IC &cor - e­ .., lCorchlnll" tbe Germa.ns In The Germanl! have movect 2,000 &laan forces of Gen. DruII" Tiro d , S~Yiel~ Widen Bridgeheads ts. Gnece, Crete and the Dodeca- troops into Valona and other 'Al- sa7 they have under direct at- · c: . ~d - Islaacls. and Greek and banian ports to meet a possible al- &act. Th e t d b N Ad r.oo · ,.0000v patriots battlln« them lied invasion from Italy, it is re- The capture of Cherso was an- r a ene y ew yance . • IaDd, the Balk.n fWhilll,l' ported. nounced in a communique broad- , On Western Bank of Dnieper 0 i ~ , ....J' Is more extenfsve than at One reason for the German air cast by the free Yugoslav radio. t . t 111 ttme a1nce the British evac- force's wea1meea is told by Poles, In addition to holding the north- . U P U By JUDSON O'QUINN _led Ihelr expeditionary force Yugoslavs, Czechs, Slovaks and ern Dalmatian coast, the Yugo- ALLIED HEADQUARTER , ALGIER. (AP)-Fighting .. Ihe sprlnl of 1941. Austrians whom the Germana slav patriots said they had oc- tlleir way north·westward from Benevento through sticky Italian * * * LONDON, Tue. day (AP)-The Red army captured Gomel's At least a dozen German divi- drafted as ground crews. These cupied all of the myriad islands mud, Li ut. en. Mark Vi. Clark'. American and Britisl1 fOl'ces eastern suburbs yesterday, killing 3,000 Germans and clearing the sions are engaged in an effort to desert at the earliest moment and along the coast. h 8\'1' cnptured Pontelandolfo and t11rown into jeopardy the entire WASHINGTqN (AP)-Predie- left bank of the ozh river oppo ite that vital rail hub in lower hold fast in the dark and bloody hid, in the woods until the allies Thll partisans said the Ger- Na:r.i defelll:lC position along tbe flood-wept Voltumo river north Hons of record-smashing food pro- Whitc Ru ia, and also widened its grip on the west bank of the mountains.. arrive. mans were falllnll" back In the of aples. duction this year are now being Dnieper in the Ukraine, Moscow announced carly today. borne out as American farmers A A commumque lss.ued ~n Cano Sunk area, ~ust across tbe Seizure of l'alltellllluolio 12 mil '8 beyond Bene\' uto placed push the harvesting of late crops broadcast communi9-ue. re~ord~d by"the Soviet monitor said ==:: by the YUgoslavs dlscloSlOg that bridle from Flume. I' 11'· . '.1 • I.' hi' I · ' .1 • ,d' • Slavs Capture Cherso, wesb amid generally favorable weather ] Germans were s lsl,n In frUItless •. enemy lIalian naval units had aided the Other fresh successes announced It IC ~ 1 S nstrluc a 1nOlO lIg way w 11 C I W,mull T . , ~r to th ,OO~ ~o~~ter-at~acks Illma partisans by shelling the Germans Control Gulf of Fiume by the patriots were the capture Mrdltcl'J'aneau coast abo\'e the Volturno. 'lhe ~azl8 I'lth('r must conditions the agriculture depart- seekll1g to stem the RUSSian surge beyond Its three lrutlal Dmeper along the Adriatic coast indicated LONDON (AP)-The Yugoslav of Bijeljina, 75 miles south of meet this n ew threat ucce fully or soon r esume their full- 'cale ment repdrted ,yesterday. .river bridgehead . that a sea punch has been added liberation army claimed last night Vinkovci and about the same dis- withdrawal toward Rome. Crop production, taken by it- (A LOl,1doll radio broadea t recorded by CB said Soviet forces ID th~ allied effort. the capture of the important is- tance west of the former capital PontelandoUo. on the eaatel'n flank of the Voltu ruo wllerl' it self, will be about seven percent already ha~ "penetrated the outer defen e of Kiev," Ukraine .For the sixt.h strai~ht .day allied land of Cherso, which commands at BeJgra~e, t~e town o.f Kamnica turns northward, i ' in the mountainous country between that below last. yeru;'s p .henomenal capital on the DniepocA) . Rlrforces carfl~ a Slzzhng attack the entrance to the Gulf of Fiume, near B.reclca m Sloverua and the slream and the Tammaro river and about six miles north of one level. But thiS dec me wlll be more The capture of Novo-Belitza a rail junction suburb of Gomel than offset by an indicated in- . ,..... ' ~o the enemy m Greece and the and said It controlled the whole SlavoOlan. town. of. Cacen on the bend of the a10re l'h'el'. crease of 12 percent in the produc- and other locahtle across the ,ozh rIVer from the mam ,PrIze, Jllands of the Aegean Sunday and coast of northern Dalmatia ex- Zagreb-VmkovCl railway. All' d tit d Ie pa ro s were repor e tion of livestock and livestock .hreatened the early flanking of \jki l'lniRhin~ with tht' Germans Representative Asks products, such as c.attle, hogs, the entire 200-mile German line on the nOl·th bank of the VoltUI'­ sheep, poultry and eggs. SI"des AII"gn o'nIssue in ·Wbite Rus. ia and the sevcr- IJO, but no immediate effort to Milk output is expected to drop ance of th.; nnemy's already U.S~ ' to AHack British Midget 'Subs cross the stream In force was ex­ Kimmel Trial at Once one percent below the 1942 record, Of 10 Percent .Levy feeble connections with German pected. German artillery was con­ the department said. Ukraine positions. To :neet unprecedented demand Gomel, whose raUways radiate cenirated to lay a destructive fire Says Case Will Reveal ·for direct food crops there are Pdt R I to Warsaw Mlask and Modlev Bougain~ill~ Cripple :Nazi 'Ti~p'itz' on the more obvious crossing of , Facts of Jap Attack bumpcr crops of potatoes, flee, ropose 0 ep ace Is the sou'thern anchor or th~ the swollen river. b.eans, peas a~d pean~is. Produc- Income, Luxury Taxes German White RUll81an line and At Pearl Harbor Dec, 7 I. I LONDON (AP)-British midget lion of the prmcipal 011 seeds as a For Ten Bl'lll'on 'Needs the center of an Industrial area Ordinnrily the 'Vollul'OO is only group wlll be about the same as submarines, penetrating the heav­ waist deep, but recent rains have in 1942 and a third greater tban just above the ~rlpet mal'llhes, In Solomons ily-guarded Norwegian hideout of 'Supreme Courf WASHINGTON (AP)-An im- the German fleet, )lave crippled Gent water racing· between its mediate court martial to bring out in any other season. WASHINGTON (AP)-Neither Two hur;tdred ~Ies to th~ north the mlghty battleship Tirplh; and Will Review Case sieep 10 to 15-foot banks. The "aU the facts, conditions and cir- The third largest corn crop on Republicans nor Democrats, as a other Soviet Units convergmg on Japs Strengthen Base left her apparently immobilized. record - 3,055,60C,OOO bushels _ party, appear likely at this stage Vitebs~, upper a~chor. of the . Of 'Co'.ld~ie' winding shearn varies from 100 cumstances" of the successful noW is being gathered, the depart- to suuport a 10 percent lederal ene~y s defense llOe 111 Wh~te Three of the small subs-a Wit~ 40,000 Troops feet to 200 yards in width. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ment said. sales talC, but the idea shapes up Russltl, r~ccd through 40 more vil- -e for hitherto und isclosed weapon for In Defensive Move WASHINGTON (AP)-A draft With Clark's main forces stall~ Dec. 7, 1941 was demanded yes- The department emphasized as the big issue in writing legis1a- lages, k\Ued 1.300 more enemy ~s to the British-are missing. A group of the submersibles, 1,000 miles registrant who flatly refused to temporarily against this water t erd ay b y R eprescn tatlve· Co I e however, that the supply of corn' tion to funnel new billl'ons into the troo.ps, capturedt d frhuge d quantities40000 R of you take the army oath was granted and other feed grains and mater- wartime treasury.
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