7 OPINIONS The "finer things" of the Quad Cities .VER y. how the years quickly pass. Has Snoop regained the get-fresh flow that Over the past year, the Quad Cities' Mal- The nights of playing Sega he once possessed? Tune in and find out lards, Thunder, and River Bandits have M32X in Carlsson 219 are noth- for yourself. ali brought home their respective league H H ing more than a distant memory. The old Thinking about asking out that cute baby championship titles. How many teams can biology and chemistry buildings, which in your American Government class? Be boast players like Michigan State jour- stole many of my afternoons as an under- a man, ask her out to dinner, and then take neyman Matt Steigenga or his Fab classman, have been replaced by million- her to a Quad Cities classic, Whitey's ice Fiveness, CBA MVP Jimmy King? Only The Observer is published dollar science centers. Age and academic cream. Whitey's is a staple of every suc- one—the Quad City Thunder. Thor, the weekly by members of the credits tell me my time on these college cessful first date and boasts a selection big, hairy mascot of the team, does get a Augustana College grounds is just about over. So, I feel that that puts even 31 Flavors to shame. Luck- little too excited sometimes. But it's quite it is my duty to pass down some nuggets ily, the powers that be have left this sym- a sight when he starts slam dancing to the Observer staff. of knowledge to you, the Augustana stu- bol of political incorrectness untouched. I tune of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" dur- Augustana College dent. This week's topic: Jimbo's Guide know that Food Service already sells this ing player introductions. 639 38th Street, to a little Quad Cities Culture. frozen treasure in twenty-gallon tubs, but Mallards games are also quite a sight 1 admit that the Quad Cities aren't ex- at Whitey's they won't charge you 23.89 to behold, especially on Molson Nights. Rock Island Illinois 61201-2296 actly the hippest metro área to live points for a single dip cone. Chanting "get the puck out" and watch- Editorial Desk (309) 794-7485 in. The only nightlife in ing the all-out brawls on the rink are a Advertising (309) 794-7484 Rock Island is accessible Whitey's is a staple of great way to spend an evening. The real to those with a proper ID, entertainment value of these games comes Editor-In-Chief: Alexis A. Didzerekis either fake or legit. But every successful first date from watching the spectators, who have Opinions Editor: Marilee L. Reu don't let these insignifi- and boasts a selection had a few too many Molsons. During News Editor: Richard Mv Nelson cant shortcomings sway that puts even 31 Flavors breaks in play, a few dirty old men might Features Editor: Angela D. Cashmore your opinion about life in remove their shirts and chug some brew Sports Editor: Chris S. Downing to shame. in a meager attempt to get their images Arts Editor: Paul V. Allen Things change the first time... displayed on the Jumbotron. That's a Graphics Editor: Kyle R. Ford Jim McDannald Gather together your friends and make spectacle not seen at too many NHL Photography Editor: Amanda L. the Quad Cities. This collection of cities a midnight pilgrimage to the Home of the games. The length to which some of these Henderson has a unique character, which is hard to Magic Mountain, Ross'. The first exit off whacked-out members of society will go Copy Editor: Jamie N. Hope equal. It's too easy to complain about how the 1-74 Bridge in Iowa leads to a temple for a few seconds of airtime is quite amus- Production : Jaime M. Yuhas bad things suck around here, so I am go- built to worship the fat and cholesterol ing. Get out to some of these games and Contributing Writers: Erin Borsdorf, ing to do just the opposite. Almost four gods. The task of assaulting a Magic see what Quad Cities' minor league sports Jonathan Davis, Lawrence Decker, years in this área have allowed me to find Mountain and its seemingly limitless teams are ali about. Jonathan Ireland, Magnus Jonsson, Toby and enjoy the "finer things" that the QC amount of melted cheese and ground beef Kepner, Sarah Knoblauch, Lindsey Kotz has to offer. Yes, thafs right—the "finer should not be taken lightly. Continuing to This collection of cities Justin List, Jim McDannald, John things." eat past the point of a full stomach will has a unique character, Polanshek, Beth Vanderberg, Jane Van Crank up the bass and turn your dial to cause some severe hurt for anybody. When Vooren the only good thing ever to come out of combining such a mountainous task with which is hard to equal. Contributing Photographers: Ana St. Ambrose University: KALA 88.5 FM. appetizers or large vanilla shakes, proceed Jacobs, Brian McCarrin, Dennis Rufolo The self-proclaimed "Butter of the Quad with caution. A wise man once said that, From rap stations to minor league sports "There is nothing finer, than eating at your ities" turns out continuous jams and and from ice cream to hearty meais, the Business Manager: Clayton A. Guler urban hits that are sure to put some soul diner," and with Ross' in mind, I have to variety found in the Quad Cities is one of Advertising Director: Kelli S. Dietman into your stroll. Btg Wayne Skeezy and agree. a kind. Don't let your college years at the crew give you the inside info about What is the minor league sports capital Augustana pass without experiencing Faculty Adviser: Michael P. Nolan what's going down. Will Puffy ever re- of the world? I would make a strong argu- some of the "finer things" the Quad Cit- mix Neal Diamond's "Sweet Caroline"? ment that you are currently residing in it. ies has to offer. The views expressed in Letters to the Editor do not necessarilv reflect the Reflections on leaving home and coming to college views of the Observer or ike many other high school se- population of today. To make a long story look back and see that I was really just Augustana College. niors, I trudged through a very short, we were finally growing up. excited. Llong and drawn-out college se- Shortly after summer began, my The day of my deluge finally carne. The Letters to the Editor may be sent to ection process. After reading hundreds thoughts turned to wondering about what first few days on campus were total chãos. the Observer via campus mail. AH of brochures, filling out many applica- my life in college would consist of. The Moving in was an interesting experience, letters must be signed in order to ap- ions and going on several visits, I still only real reference I had to college life and the orientation activities seemed to pear in the Observer. Letters must be íad no idea where I wanted to go. I con- was an old copy of Animal House, so I never end. I received enough flyers and received in the Observer office (Old idered my options a little further, and I decided I had better get some more infor- brochures and information letters to fill Main 15) the Friday prior to decided to attend Augustana College. mation. I began to ask some of my older the recycling bin by myself. Making new publication. With my college selection out of the friends who were home from college to friends was the first real issue I faced. way, I decided to get back to good-old give me the scoop on college life, but the Since everyone élse on campus had the Advertisements appearing in the high school life—little worries, little only words Icould seem to get out of them same idea in mind, this carne very easy. Observer should not be construed to íomework, and a lot of free time. For the was "beer," "party" and "girls." This was The only real problem I had was remem- imply that the Observer, the College. or next several months, the wonderful and everything, but I also bering everyone's name. the student body supports the use of word "college" seemed so wanted to hear about the part that in vol ved Since I began college, I have gotten particular products or services. ar away. I new that it books, studying and student involvement. involved in many different activities. Not would eventually get here, After ali, I did want to get an education only has this allowed me to meet many Subscriptions to the Observer are $15 3ut I proceeded to follow while I was at college. new people, it has also given me a sense and can be made payable to he I'11-worry-about-it- The best advice I received ended up of accomplishment. I would definitely The Observer, Augustana College, aterphilosophy. After ali, coming from the people I least wanted to recommend to ali students that they get 639 38th St. Rock Island, Illinois 61201. his was my sénior year of hear from about college life: my parents. involved in as many activities as possible. Not only did they give me unlimited ad- The only part of college I was not pre- A first-year perspective vice, suggestions and encouragement, but pared for and still am not completely ad- POSTMASTER —send address change John Polanshek they also took care of ali the financial justed to is living on my own.
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