Kumoricon 2011 - Updated: 09/05 10:17 AM Hilton September 3rd - Saturday Main Events %ive E"ent# Panel 1 Panel 2 )anel 3 Panel , Workshop Karaoke Console Gaming %A0 Gamin$ Chibi Room PhotoBooth Auto$rap.# Viewing 1 Viewing 2 Heritage &isco"er B/C Discovery A Oak Hemlock Cedar Pine/Spruce Alder Parking Garage )arkin$ Garage Ash Birch )arkin$ Garage Discovery E Discovery D *pen Gamin$ (.i'# S3eet Home (1-6, Sub8 7:00 AM Magic Knight %uc+ Star 1ayearth (1-3, Dub) (1-3, &ub) 13+ 8:00 AM 139 *ur Home'# Fo< &eit (1-3, Sub) %ovely *pen Mic )/-13 9:00 AM (omplex )anelist (1-3, Sub) Meetin$ How to &og Da # Make Cat 10:00 AM Gurren (1-3, Sub) AMV Iron )arent's !ars *pening (olorin$ Lagann: The (eremonie# (hef /uide to Movie (heck-In Anime (Movie, Dub) Sekaiichi 11:00 AM Magic: =.e 2olunteer Hatsukoi /at.erin$ Wit. Todd Advanced Meetin$ PG-13 1obotech ChibiSPLOSION *rigami (1-3, Sub) Tales from -ig Fanficcing the Script Styling: Clannad (1-3, 'lazBlue: To#.okan Dub) 12:00 PM FU0imation 6(hris Cason8 Karaoke 'eginner (ontinuum Sensou Industry -riting (ontest Shift 13+ )anel (lones, Robots, )attern Making (1-3, Sub) and Airships 'unnies, Auditions Tournament 'asic Software and 'asics 6)aul Guinan and Family 'uttons, Japanese Ita@ura na Ki## 1:00 PM Meet Anina Bennett) (ospla Bleach: 61-37 Sub8 &avid Feud and Memories of 'adgers 0obody (Movie, T &ubbing )anel 2incent &ub) 3ith =odd and 2:00 PM (.ris 13+ Kaitou Ten#.i Advanced 1isembool Sumie =3in An$el K un K un To+ime+i Kingdom (osplay: 1angers and Fans 'oys Be (1-3, Anime Anime )aradi#eBB (1-37 )rops and Dub) =.e Match Hearts /raphic )hotoBooth Sub8 3:00 PM 2oice Actin$ for Acce##ories Anime 101: 13+ 2ideo /ame# /ame &esign Ma$ical Witc. 6&a"id Vincent, (olorin$ Hunter# (lassroom =he Melancholy of )unie-(.an (1-37 (.ris Cason8 Introduction Haruhi Su@umiya Sub8 !dition (1-37 Dub) 4:00 PM to Cosplay: A Super Street Field Guide Fighter IV: Auto$raph# 139 139 1omaHetaOni to Costumed *pen Mic Arcade *rigami Seating C=urning the Cosplay -ig Survival !dition =odd Haberkorn -agnariaBB Sailor Stars (1-3, Sub) Table#C with Skits 101 Intro to /undam Tournament (1-3, Sub) 5:00 PM Styling: (hris Cason (featuring Advanced Hetalia It! T =.e Anime Fangames /undam 139 'ishounen AMV Hunters) Scale Autographs /.o#t Hunt Shounen- /A: 61-3, &ub8 6:00 PM (ontest Kumoricon Idol Models Ai &avid Vincent /eijutsuka Art and Karao+e Scenes &esign Cla## (o#pla H brid 1,9 From a Hat -acom Tablet Kumoricon Stand- (1-3, Sub8 (ontest =ip# and =ric+# Up (omed )andora Hearts (1-37 Sub8 P/-13 Main Events %ive E"ent# Panel 1 Panel 2 )anel 3 Panel , Workshop Karaoke Console Gaming %A0 Gamin$ Chibi Room PhotoBooth Auto$rap.# Viewing 1 Viewing 2 Heritage &isco"er B/C Discovery A Oak Hemlock Cedar Pine/Spruce Alder Parking Garage )arkin$ Garage Ash Birch )arkin$ Garage Discovery E Discovery D Pandora Hearts (1-3, 7:00 PM Kumoricon Idol Scenes From a -acom Tablet Kumoricon *pen Gamin$ Gundam Wing Sub) and Karao+e Hat =ip# and =ric+# AMV Sho3 (o#pla H brid Stand-Up Endless Waltz PG-13 (ontest /uests of (omed 'ig Eyes, (Movie, Dub) Honor/2>) Small <<<H*%iC 8:00 PM 13+ Mixer ;rom )aper Mouth: Marvel "#E (1-3, &ub) -hose to Pi<el: (apcom 3 )hotoBooth How to %ine is it !xquisite )art 1 Tournament *utla3 Star 139 &raw (1-3, &ub8 9:00 PM Anywa G (orpse Fanfiction Manga Kyo Kara Maoh 'edtime 139 1 (1-3, Sub) (osplay Stories King Of )re- =he Big O T 10:00 PM 1)/S: &J Kid IOU Meetin$ )hotoshop =.e &HD (1-3, &ub) *pen Mic Kaboom Slightly &*0'T 101 /ame /intama: 139 Anime K0*W Miniskirt 6Aason Shinyaku 'enizakura- 11:00 PM &ating JA(K Army (owboy Bebop =.ompson) Hen (Movie, &J Initial P /ame (15-17, Dub) Adult Sub) AMV (haracter 13+ Studio Story, 12:00 AM &esign Samurai -here Story, DieB &eadman &J Gra@ and Editor Champloo (1-4, Fanfic *ftenly Spotlights -onderland Dub) (1-3, Sub) Iaoi! /oes to 1enamed 17+ 1:00 AM Die Citrus and Adult Online )anel Dogs: Bullets & &J JesiahB Iou: The Art 1olepla Carnage (1-3, Sub) of Writing Smut Miniskirt 101 17+ Army Kimi ni 2:00 AM Uncensored 'accano (1-3, Todoke &J Little &ub) (Movie, Terror 179 Sub8 3:00 AM Black Blood Brothers (1-3, &ub) %>;! (1-2, 17+ 4:00 AM Sub8 &eath Note (1-3, &ub) Iankee- 15+ 5:00 AM kun to Himitsu: The 1evelation (1-3, Megane- Sub) chan (1-2, 6:00 AM Sub8 Araiso Private HS Student (ouncil !xecutive (ommittee (1-2, Sub) Sa+i (1-3, Sub8 Kumoricon 2011 - Updated: 09/05 10:17 AM Red Lion September 3rd - Saturday Exhibitors Hall Artists Alley =abletop ((/ 1)/ Manga Library Art S.ow LARP LA1P Silent Auction Centennial Center Deck Rooms -est River I/II & East River II -e#t 1iver I/II & !ast River II -est River I/II & East River II East River I /ull's Nest Quayside/Portside 1iverdeck Poolside 7:00 AM *pen Pla 7:00 AM Jan Ken Pon Tournament 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM Flux< Art Show 10:00 AM SPA0(: )athfinder 10:00 AM Setup Space Society )irate -ork#.op Munchkin 11:00 AM Amazon 11:00 AM 0inja Shadowrun (atgirl# -ork#.op Magic: the 12:00 PM /athering 12:00 PM Modern Tournament Manga 1:00 PM )athfinder %ibrary 1:00 PM King's Society Shadowrun: Munchkin: 'lood Scenario Street Duel (hez Iu-Gi-Oh! Amtgard )irates vs =(/ Intro# 2:00 PM (thulhu Silent 2:00 PM !xhibitors 0inja &ice Tournament (harity Hall /ames Artists Art Show Auction 3:00 PM Alle -orld of *pen 3:00 PM &arkne## -ork#.op 4:00 PM SPA0(: 4:00 PM Hogwarts Space )anty School of Munchkin )irate !xplosion -itchcraft 5:00 PM 'itesB Amazon 5:00 PM )erfect /host in -orld of and 0inja Magic: the the Shell: &arkne##: -izardry (atgirl# /athering Mesh =.e Zoo M12 Sealed 6:00 PM &eck 0etwork 6:00 PM Tournament 6%ong Session) Exhibitors Hall Artists Alley =abletop ((/ 1)/ Manga Library Art S.ow LARP LA1P Silent Auction Centennial Center Deck Rooms -est River I/II & East River II -e#t 1iver I/II & !ast River II -est River I/II & East River II East River I /ull's Nest Quayside/Portside 1iverdeck Poolside 7:00 PM *pen Pla 7:00 PM !xhibitors Hogwarts Hall Awful -orld of School of Super /reen &arkne##: -itchcraft 8:00 PM Munchkin 8:00 PM =.in$# /host in =.e Zoo and Magic: the the Shell: -izardry ;1AG + /athering Mesh M12 Sealed 9:00 PM ;=- &eck 0etwork 9:00 PM Tournament 6%ong Session) 10:00 PM 10:00 PM Manga Are You A %ibrary -ere3olfG 11:00 PM 11:00 PM Magic: the 12:00 AM /athering 12:00 AM Midnight !lder Dragon Munchkin: Highlander Tournament 1:00 AM =.e 1:00 AM Horror! 2:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 6:00 AM Kumoricon 2011 - Updated: 09/05 10:17 AM Hilton September 4th - Sunda Main Events %ive E"ent# Panel 1 Panel 2 )anel 3 Panel , Workshop Karaoke Console Gaming %A0 Gamin$ Chibi Room PhotoBooth Auto$rap.# Viewing 1 Viewing 2 Heritage &isco"er B/C Discovery A Oak Hemlock Cedar Pine/Spruce Alder Parking Garage )arkin$ Garage Ash Birch )arkin$ Garage Discovery E Discovery D Araiso )ri"ate HS Student (ouncil 7:00 AM !<ecuti"e (ommittee (1-27 Sub8 Saki (1-3, Usagi Sub8 &rop (1-3, 8:00 AM *pen Gamin$ Sub8 )rince of Tennis - 0ational C.ampions.ip ;inal (1-3, Sub) (osplay G Kamichama Technical Karin (1-3, 9:00 AM -alkthroug. Anime Big Windup! &olly Sub) Aeopard (1-3, Dub) (onte#tant Making Selection Ara+a3a Under G 10:00 AM Super t.e Brid$e (1-3, !xam Sub8 Smash Bros. (olorin$ Uta no Prince- (ensorship in Story 'rawl Heat 1 G #ama Maji Manga (Jason 1andom Filkin$ 101 %ove 1000L 11:00 AM =hompson8 )anel of -ork#.op *uran &.Gray-man 61-3, Sub8 (%AMP In (1-3, Dub) Kumoriland (Dark &oom HSHC Horse Comics, Traditional Hosting Japanese Autographs 1,9 !mma: A Victorian FUNimation, Art 1omance (1-3, 12:00 PM Todd Haberkorn) /arden# Sub) =.e Future of Ciel Method# Super (hris Cason ;ate/stay nig.t Manga (Jason Phantomhive's Smash Bros. 61-3, &ub) 13+ =.ompson) Grand Party 'rawl Heat 2 139 His and Her (rossplay Circumstances (1-3, 1:00 PM Autographs Dub) FU0imation 1019 *pen Mic El Hazard: The Sneak Pee+# 1eligion in Wanderers (1-3, 13+ Anime: Behind 'asic &avid Vincent Dub) (osplay Hetalia Ano Hi Mita the Scenes Anime =.e Big 13+ 2:00 PM 6(hris Cason8 Japanese Hana no 0amae and Manga (hris (ostume -orld Super o Bokutachi wa )anel! Judgin$ Meetin$ Smash Bros. )hotoBooth &antalian Mada S.iranai 1adio Sans FM 'rawl Heat 3 61-3, Sub8 6=odd Haberkorn, Moon no Shoka (hris Cason, )rism 3:00 PM &avid Vincent) State of the (1-3, Sub) Zombie Loan Industry (Dark )ower, (1-3, Sub) Horse Comics, =#uba#a: 1!SE12oir FUNimation) Make Up! Traditional Koi Fish (H1o0iC%! (1-3, T Anime &ub) 4:00 PM Kumoricon Voice Jeopardy Fanfiction (olorin$ Kites Acting Contest Filk It Up! Super 139 'lue (David Vincent, >2: Trivia (ontest Smash Bros.
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