■ t ■ t * WEDNESDAY, MAY li, 194T PAOESCTTESIt iKaurljratfr €urnlttt}, Ifwali Aventfe Daily Circalation The Weather For tiM Mootb ot AprU, 1M1 PoroeMt of V. S. Weather Boreaa Jlfenilieih Of the Challoner Club! Light ihoaem ending thin eve­ Mancheater araitpe niembera The executive ommlttee of the W omena n u b will meet tomoe- will ny et at 7:4.1 tonight In front 9,298 ning, eleorlng nnd cooler toalght; are urged to attend the meeting of the W P Qiilah Kiinei-al Home, About Town . thla evening In the Maaonlc Tem­ i*,»w evi'iihvr with Ml-**. Il.'irley II. V (aiiiiit .Si/.p 22** X 3 6 “ Member of Ibo Audit Friday fair and aeoeonoMy wom --- - / DeWolfe ol 4<l Phelpa road. Th<> li. pay their leapecta to John F otcept for cooetol area. ple. aa a vote a-lll be taken to aec S.dlivan. whow .si.i, Joneph, i* a { Pui Your Home Jn Borauu of CItcttlaUoua The M ^ ’Stlon Ajrlny >'oiinf peo­ annual meeting la whediiled for whether or not the Grange will luemlwr of the elub. Niagara (llircknl ple will meet IdniRht at the cita­ purcfiaae the property, on Harl- Mondav evening at the South Manchester— A City of Village Charm T del with l* ^ erh e Qroeble in foW Road. The option on the new Methodiet chill eh. Piiiil Joiie.a of 23 Wellington idtarge. Thp profram will Include alte will expire before another PRICE POUR CENTS educatioi^ picturea and all mem- o ian g e meeting and the Z^mlng rood, uell-known |(m-b1 hiialness Shining Order -VOL. LXVI., N a 198 (Claneteed Advortlelag oa Paco MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, MAY 22. 1947 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Aniii.'irn legion aiixiiiuiv mini .iiinoiliieetl tralay that he ha.H Glass and Dish Towels bera o t'W t Oorpa are ln\1t«sl to Biuird will paaa upon the matter picnileera w ill jiie.U thi.' e\ ening .it aae m picturea which u1ll be at Ita meeting t«>morrow evening. 7:V> at the V.’iitkina l•■ull<■rHl lerm lnafed hia aaMociallon with the •bo'tm at S p. «. Home. Ill tiltm te lo Mr . Kniylin OM Colony nirniture Company ^ Building Inapertor David (.Tiam- '. Bronkie, mother ol .Mra. hud Ke .1 Hartford .Mr. Jonea hail be»m 5 9 c ea. Gamers Ox-er Food Prices her yeaterday afternoon granted n Wo idhoiiae. a pa.at pie iiliuil ol lonnerted with the furniture Mrm for the paat y< ai He la ftrooms Two Posilionn Now [permit to Mra, Anna Kutrher ol . th^ unit . ' Building^s Owners, Truman Says Aid Bill ! 109 Foater atreet for the erection II reiipliohdeiy -lervlee In .\|km hea­ Tlicse same towels were niaih- for\lic Navy during the Decline Seen of a alnglc one family clwelllng on ler He already hiii(> a la/|oiy and Open for Capublr ^ The iiniiiinl iiu etiii" of Ho Kdu- aiile.-rooin In Kaaf H.irtfiird and In- war. fiiiaralitccd not to lint, ‘extra ahsorhent and long I the north aide of Wetherell atreet ■ewtlonHl• eliib will he hi'ld lonior- w'eariiig. (iiaiit siZe, will (lr\ more dishes fa.stcrl Saleajsirla ' The permit calla for the erection of low Hftrrnooii lit .'1..*10 o’l lof k .i* li iiil- to ofieii a tuinfiiire atoie in Declare Governor For Slimmer touit. Smart one-incli red check. 1 • 4( Hour Week a building 2« feet by *24 feet two the llurniinl ?ii lioo! Dust ' atorlea high containing aix rooma Step Toward Peace; • Good Halar.v • Moutkljr Boniia, I The coat la eatimated at gS.OOO. M i l k , ( 3iee»e, Fru iU | • ri»» Inaoram* 1 Repudiated Lease e Paid Vacattona I Membera of th^ Man<heater And VegetahlrH, Fish Apply in Person lo i Green Parent-Teacher aaaoclatlon TAMPAX ' B. NEVICO And l>real Products Palmer will have a B>ipi*or Ihlt. evening In Wet Mops Signs in Hotel Room the cafeteria of the achool. follow­ MoNthly Sanitary Prata&tlon Seen Likely to Drop ed by a. talk bv Milton Stocking, N.m.c i>>'ih;™«p» Senate Vot^ w . T . (; r a n t C O . atate foreat fire technician. an<l I 3 ahsorbancy tliaa & SONS >aa PreaidPnt Says Nt» ‘O p ­ ^ ailt MAIN STREET election of offlcera for the year. portunity to Present Washington, May 22—uT)—The I'refliilpDt EmphasiEFti l-.WiNG ( (»NTU,\(TORS Bill Gliaiigiiig Bureau of Agricultural Economics miU)ER.SOF ’ ' V s * Their Side of Issue is standing firm on Its earlier Nearly Million Tons FumU Calleil for Un- Minute Mops To Him' Given by forecasts that retail food prices flor Meaaure Will Not DRIVEWAYS Labor Laws will decline somewhat during the M eConuiighy*s Aetitni summer and fall. Of Food for Reich Rp ITaril to Benefit HALE'S SELF SERVE (Old Ones Made New) Fxtrn Sitevial! In a review of the national food 3 1 ( $1.59 Concurs W ith House in sltiiatlnn Issuetl totlay, the bureau ‘Any Partiriilar Group ^ The Orifiinai'ln New Knuiand! I,AW NS ROU.ED W ITH State Capitol. Hartford. said foixls likely to liecome cheap­ AVNAOI 81.00 anil 81.29 .\lteriiig U II e 111 p 1 o y • Or Faction* «n Either MONTH'S tUmV l.ir.HT May* 22.—(/P)—The Namac er Include cvapoimted milk, cheese, i ‘ » n (iii/iori- Trumairs Makes mopping and cleaning corporation, owners of ^ a iiieiit Com pensation most fresh and pnx'eased fruits Greece or Turkey; AND HEALTH MARKET POW EREI) ROl.I.ER .and vegetables, fish and cereal Uen Annoanre I In ea.sy. Sanitary — keep.s hands out Hartford building which lias Seen Support for UN Pure Irish Linen become the center of a con­ Act, Iiieliiding T a x C u t products. Ships Arriving to Alle­ \ --------------------------------------------------- ROCKY H lU o CONN. of water. The agency said retail prices Voice Strong flu jW HAI.^COM troversy in the Ix>gislaturc of butter, fluid milk and cream, viate Critical Shortage Kansan City, Mo., ,May 22. MMCMima trnmm TEL. HARTFORD resulting in the resignation Slate Capital, Hartford,' May 22 |H)tatoes, and canned citrus pro­ THURSDAY SPECIALS! Dish Toweling —(ypt—The Senate concurred with ducts may remain substantls(ly l*re»iilcnl*fi M o th e r R e ­ —(’'P) — President Truman, » _____ a of one state official, today as­ Berlin, .Ma.v 22.—(A’)—-Bre­ proclaiminff it a “step toward serted th at Gov. James L. the Houac toda> in approving a unchanged. p o r t r i l ‘ProgrraaiiiK bin making acveral major changea Mugar Price .May Increase men jKirt Huthoritiea an- jH>ace” amt a “support” for I f _>IcOonaughy haa ‘‘repuillated a (Ireen Stantpa Given With Ca.nh Saies! contract’' without Rl\1ng Ita offi- in the unemployipent componaatlon Meat prices, the bureau said, mninced today tliat 116 ahipa INirely* hy IMiyaiciuii th(> United Nations signed 7 9 c yd. Window are likely to advance within the loaded with nearly 1,000,000 the $-100,000,000 Greek-Turk- cera “an opportunity to present law,' including a cut in the tax next few niontlia, but decline again tJielr aide of the laauc to him.'* paid by employers and an Increase His head pillowed In a baseball glove. Rdwsrd FlhiMtrlck, 11, lies tona of f)M)d were arriving Grandview, Mo.. May 22 (A*)— ish aid bill today before a 1 ' i in benefits for workers. In the tall. The prtie of sugar. FROSTED FOODS ARE NOW ON Now yon can have real Irish linen di.sh towels at a i>opu« I 1 : A greem ent Sfade ‘*tn Good Faith** on a safety Island in a New York city street after bm g struck nnd It added, may go up In the fall. from May I to July 18 to al­ President Truman's mother w-as re- liattery of cameras in (^mid- Shades In a formal atatement bearing Aaaoil Several Proviainna hurled 30 feet hy an automohlle. In the hackgroiind, a playmate lakes I’llce contro'l on sugar will expire leviate the critical ahortatfes ptirted “pmgressing nicely." totlay wehtem hotel room. lar price. Ked, him*, green and gold borders. Before passing the bill by a off his coat to cover John Kennnhan, 10. also injured. The'-^.vs had the aignature of Dr. John J. Mc- Oct. 31 unless extended by 0>n- in the American and Britiah nearly 24 hours after she was HIrnngly EmphoslZea Point SALE IN THE SELF SERVE Lean, “prealdcnt, the coiporation unnnimoua voice vote, Democrats Just flniahed their had game and were hen leil home. (NKA telbphotol. gress. The bureau said that stocks He told assembled newsmen aatd it had entered an agreement assailed several of its provisions iK'dipalinn Zone.s. placed In an oscillating bed for Ilf sugar at that time are lunially passive exercise. later that he "could not emphosiu to lease the Plimpton building, in and charged that the measure had low- a fact which, it said, would No Right lo Urm and AarrlAr-eii too ntrongly’’ thla purpoM of tha FalrmpuBt All Our lienular Sloch of K ea. downtown Hartford, to the stale been drafted by interests outside While five of the shi])s were un­ Brlg.i Gen, Wallace H. GriUtam, I-..-. exert an upward pressura on tlie president's physician said the bill setting In force a historic for* 1 -. - j--- . “In good faith" and “without any ot the legislature. They .sought to -prices It controls expire. loading in Bremen and others <-lgn policy of bolstering weak misrepresentation, withholding of change those provisions by offer­ Bulgaria Will Oppose were discharging PkmI eargoes in 94-ycar-t)lil M rs.M artha E.
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