, 7, 1943 .. ..... I = Ration Calendar Continued Mild FIJi'lL OIL e •• ,on •• plrll April III llins rOU'EIl •• UpOD !ffi •• plr.. April fB: 0, B p.JId F blue .la.mp. flspl_ r~ AprU 10, IOWA: ConUnued mild today !t, A ••I d' B ud .'.... 1'1 e.p.re April 3D: iats, • J OA8 "AU eDU!10DI G expJre MaT 2J: with H,ht IIhowers In the south­ T tHE' DAILY IOWAN SUOAR eoupon 1~ esltire. MIY :JI; . SHOES .",OD n expl,.. LG, west pOrtion this afternoon, J... Iowa Cit Y , 5 M 0 r n i n g .. N e w s p a per ---: !re USing FIVE CENTS THE ASSOCIATED rRI88 IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1943 Tal AIJIOCIATID ,alII VOLUME XLID NUMBER lilS 1e living suddenl, 5t cover. bottom? U founel I the bag • • it? Well ! pin in~ ting OVer he bright Britis.. I merlean' ro,ops oln orces specimen air? You I peeking • Ibout his ving too ut then, jobs, You ' F·e :e'i n,g. og'S back , aZI orps ~d combs it on the * * * *** *** ' **'*' *** 1 on YOur " ALLIES, AXIS EACH PRESENT .,HOTOS AS EVIDENCE OF THEiR ABILITIES ON THE TUN~SIAN FRONT * * * rthy and Over 6,000 Prisoners Captured rise·lOOk. I-rimmed lone, His el I)alure As ArmiesI Smash Rommel's tel~ You ormation, is much, lund an<! Defenses 20 Miles From Gabes a bl'ighl, !mlin be. By DANIEL DE LUCE itt AIJI..JIED HEADQUARTER I TOI{T H AlnUCA (AP) ast bit or The British Eightb army hus smashcd eomplctcly Marshnl Rom ­ iny, then mel's Walli Akarit defenses 20 mil es llol'lh of Cabcs, and ycstCl'­ .n to faU, day joincd rOl'CeS with American troops nnder LieuL Gen, George loud; th~ " Patton .h, ill rclentless pUl'suit of the, fleeing Afrlea Corp, " and the whose I'anks were rippcd by Jow-flying allied airmcn, I chimney on your Prime Mjni tOl' Churchill told the 110u, of commons in J"O UdOll ' ~ mighty tliat mOt'C tlltU1 6.000 pl'i 'onel'S already hnd b Jl taken in this are guar. , JU'W "ictory, which led 10 11 quick union betw ell the BritislJ and lst house. Amel'icull al'mi Ron Ille Gaf'sll·Oahcs road, ~. 'rlll~ 101lg' anticipated jUllction of thc Rt'itiKh anti Al1Ict'icllns u)so members met'god the ail' forces which werc declared in a special communi. 'tant lobs, n to make que to be "now cnjoying common targets'" ing your Advallced hoops of the Accolld American COI'PS fought tlll'ougb ! the gas tlie flank of tIle with'tlrawing encmy fo~'ces aJld united with the jangerous British on lhc ridge of Chcmsi, 15 miles east of El Guetar on the 19 up the road to the coast. ~ a meal, THIS ~S PRPPAQANDA picture, accordln, to the caplion attached, shows an Amerlcan ~ bomber ICONSIDERABLE SCRAP METAL Is contributed by the Germans to the allies as three Mark m tanks As the Americall!) and tbe Bt'ilish mct triumpbantly on the hill r iust as ,lane downed In the fl,htlng over Tunisia, But the photo shows what appear to be twin fuslIllares whIch lie battered and flamlor, above, on a TunJsIan battlelleld, They and two otbel'5, not shown In this photo, where Elitc Gcrman troops had fought bitterl,v only a few hours car out, lI'Oul4 Indicate tbe plane is not a botnber but a P·38 (Lockheed L1,btnlng) fl,bter. " were smashed by a Brltlsh Elrhlh army anti· lank rerlment near the l\tarcth line, ' earlier, heavy forc s of American Billy Mitchell bOUlbers with a in your , --------~--~'--~--~--~------------------------------------------------------ Spitfire c cort were bombing the two, '.I A lhe enemy transport.' fl cing :h a time , i northward fi'om the arca, tasks too It now can be disclosed offi· cially that an American infan· America! try division which for more than tomorrow, two weeks has been trying to bat­ ] have to ter thl'Ough to the coast has per­ ,utwit us, Hig r rrarmersI 00'0 he rqn'teed formed the vital role of contain­ lin hunt· " -------"--- ing most of Rommel's armor in this sector, thereby weakening his defcns~s. lil'st at .the MRreth line I the Ber· Registration eir seals, Yanks Damage and then on the new line along the Summer Session 'Seglnning April 26 r Wadi El Akaril which the Eighth Isian who REGISTRATION MATERIAL army cracked in two hours Tues­ Students ill thc colleges or liberal 81't8, COmlJ1crce, education day, uud the gruduatc college may obtain l'cgistl'ation materials at 7Nazi U7Boats Loses Gamble nlC orrice of thc l'egistJ'ul· bogillning lomol'row mOl'lIing at 9 When the British infantrymeo WASHINQrl'ON (AP) - 'I'he fooa admini'trlllol', 'hestcl' C, scaled two hills commaoding tbe o'clock, upon prcscntotiun of ~luueJ)t id 'utilicution cards, Wadi Akarit line early Tuesday, Duvis, anuolmcrd last night that the governmcnt would guaran- Wavell Adjusts Line ' REGISTRATION DATES Experts Believe Raid Ice farmers higher prices fOl' fh-e vital war cropR-dry beaus and smashed a counterattack and peaS, and peanut, soybcans and flaxseeds- to eUCO Ul'uge gt'eatest As Enemy Advances J,;' l'csliUl CJl ulld ~ophomol'es l'cgistCI· ill I'oom 2, office of stu­ On Vegesack Slowed began mopping up, Rommel's dent uffail'!;, Old CupitoJ, April 12 through Apl'il16,l :10 p, 111 , Production for Months gamble to hold his triangular possible production, Above Port of Akyab LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) - The flank against the Americans was The highcr prices wiU rcplace a $100,000,000 incentiy payment _____ to 5 p, m, '1'JlOsc with last JUIT)lCS beginning wilh A throllgu E, Bolivian government last nIght l·cgifltcr Apl'il ] 2; l~ 1I1l'011gh re, April 13; L through P, April lost. pror":l'am previously anuounced by. ecretal'Y of Agt'iculture Wick· CALCU'ITA (AP) _ J"U)anese LONDON (AP)-The RAF dis- published a decree declru'ing Bo­ 14: (~tlll'ough ',AprIl] ii, and 'J' tlu:ough Z, April 16, In this triangle between the &I'(\. ]'und ' closed through a commentator yes­ fOI' such })ayments hayc not been providcu by congres infiltrations and the approach of livia at war with the axis powers .!tmiot" " seniors, gruduat and uncia sified studcnts l'egilStcl' sea, EI Guetar and Maknassy, the terday thal Am e ri 0 a n heavy Americans had waged day altel' bee$u 'e of farm bloc opposition, the monsoon Iorced the British and ,Ol'del'ing general mobilization, in ]owa nion, April 17, from 9 a, m, 103 p , m, The. gO\'CI'J)ment has asked for gol·cally i11C1'cased aCl'cage' of Indian army to start pulling out bombers in their dayligh t aHack clay the billerest kind of struggle PROFESSIONAL COLLEqES licans a'nd pea,', cOlllUlodities ' 11ow rationed, and peanut, soy of the Mayu peninsula above the March 18 at Vegesack had inflicted to gain a few hundred yards across The decree was tormulated by Stlu]cuts in tll c colleges of dentistL'y, cngin eriug, law and a rugged terrain pocketed with lieaIJ8 and rla."{, eed for vegetable food oil and for livestock pro, Burma port of Akyab to more ten­ the cabinet at a meeting Tuesday severe damage on seven ot 15 U­ teilJ, feed, - ablc positions in the Kyau Apandu, phul'lJltlcy' SCc1.t1'(' 'registl'lltion Jltalcti"J nnd l' gister in tho machineguns and artillery and night, and must be l'eferred to the lxle.ls building there and sub- swathed with minefields, Davis aUJlounccd, howc\' 1', I hat iltccnti \'0 paymcnts would be three miles northwest, Marshal Bolivian congress for confirmation, office of the dcatis of the l'CS!> clive college Oil dates announced made on potRtors and truck Archibald p, Wavell's command oy the UCUllS, marine expel'ls bclieve the yard's By Tuesday afternoon many No d'ltc has been allnounced for of Rommel's crack tank lrooPti ~roPIl--e81'I'QtS, snap bca)1s, -lima said yesterday, congress' mecting, production will be impaired I01' N I A many months, which had long been coneen· kall , b~ots , tomatoes, cabbage, ava ppropriation The c~:~~n:~~:a~~~er The move-beginning with the The oonsensus after examination trated In the EI Guetar area national dcfense council urging onions and greel1 p as - at Of 24 BII S h "The enemy dug in the Taung- or reconnaissllnce photographs was threatening to smasb any over· rales lmvionsl.v announced by maw and then proceeded dul'ing President Enrique Penal'anda to Informed Circles, Say that the Americans had struck extended American effort be,an i ion oug t sign such a decree-coincided with Wickard, Funels [or such payments the past sevel'al days to develop a Hitler, MUlSolini Now Sa'ns Sarong what may hav~ been the heaviest lumbering northward uoder a were available at the time Wick- move against OUI' exposed nOl'thern the visit or U, S, Vice-president single blow of the war against smokescreen. ani annollnced the Inuentive pay- Roosevelt Req~ests flank on the Mayu peninsula, ' In. Hem'y A. Wallace, who conferred Meetingjn Switzerland Dottie LCimour Weds U-boat production, Harassed by flare - dropping ment program, {iltl'aling across the Mayu river with Penal'Hnda and cabinet mem­ Baltimorian Detailed study of lhe pictures RAF bombers Tuesday night, the The food administrator said the Largest Amount Ever &o uth of Kwazoc, the enemy suc- bers yesterday, showed that one U-boat almost enemy's vehicles continued to OW'1' gIIvel1uncnt would support grower I All tt d t S ' F cceded the weekend ill Only one South J\rncricull COUII­ ~ERN, Swi~erland (AP) ready fo\' launching was capsized edge loward the real', and at davin prices o( the five crops at higher I • 0 e 0 ea orees mounU ng il direct threat to QUI' try, Bl'azll, is al war with the axis, BEVl£RLY HILLS, CallI, (AP) in her bel'th; hits were scored on h e I me ted American riflemen Itvels than previously announccd communications in the narrow but it is not at war with Japan, Reports from informed circles in - Dorothy Lamour, who often POl" two being readied fOr mid-May plunged forward against dwin­ by Wickard through purchase and WASHINGTON (AP)- A $24,- stl'ips between the hills and the All except Al'gt;!ntina have broken Rome last night said Hitler Bnd trys a sarong-clad outdoor girl on launching, two wbich would reach dling resistance, loan operations of the commodity , 551,070,000 appropriation for the sea nOrth of Donbatl, To meet this diplomatic l'elations, Mussolini 'were conferring, prob­ the screen, was mal'l'ied yesterday full growth in mid-June and two There is no o(ficial iniormation ci'cdl\ corporation, navy for the fiscal year of 1943- outflanking movmncn~, necessary ably in the Brenner pass, on whal -indoors.
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