8716 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1909. and approaches canying Bridge-street over the Parish of Walton Superior.—Walton Bridge? Bridgewatcr Canal, Doctor's Bridge and ap- and approaches carrying Halton and Walton- proaches cairying Green way-road over the road over the Bridgewater Canal; Hough's Bridgewater Canal, Waterloo Bridge and ap- Bridge and approaches carrying Hough's- proaches carrying Waterloo-road or Station- lane over Bridgewater Canal. road over the Bridgewater Canal, bridge and Parish of Stockton Heath.—Stockton Bridge- approaches carrying Creemvay-road over the and approaches carrying the Northwich-road London and North Western Railway, bridge and over the Bridgewater Canal, Red-lane Bridge approaches carrying Heath-road over the Lon- and approaches carrying Red-lane over Bridge- don and North-Western. Eailway, bridge and water Canal. approaches carrying footpath from Balfour- Parish of Thelwall.—Shepherdsbank Bridges- street over tho London ard North Western and approaches carrying the Warrington-roadl Railway to Pico\v-street, Victoria-road Bridge over the London and North Western Railway and approaches carrying Victoria-road over (Warrington and Stockport branch) and over the Bridgewater Canal. the old railway siding. (b) Railways.—So ranch of the railway Parish of Grappenhall.—Bridge and ap- sidings, bridges and approaches as cross the proaches carrying Bellhouse-lane over- the Runcorn and Weston Canal near the Delamere Bridgewater Canal. Dock and so much of the railway sidings as run Parish of Bartington.—Bridge and ap- along or across on the level the above-mentioned proaches carrying Warrington and Acton-road? road running from the Weston-road to the Salt over the Trent and Mersey Canal. Union Limited's Works, level crossing across the Parish of Dutton.—Bridge and approaches sidings of the Manchester Ship Canal Company carrying Higher-lane over the London and at the said branch of Cock and Hen-lane leading North Western Railway (Grand Junction Line), to the Runcorn and Weston Canal, level cros- bridge and approaches carrying Higher-lane sing across the sidings of the Manchester Ship over the Preston Tunnel of the Trent and Mer- Canal Company at a point near the western end sey Canal. of Percival-lane. Parish of Preston-o'-th'-Hill.—Preston Bridge Rural district of Runcorn— and approaches carrying the Warrington to (a) Streets : Parish of Halton.—Astmoor Frodsham-road over the Bridgewater Canal, Bridge and approaches carrying the Warrington bridge and approaches at Preston station carry? to Halton-road over Bridgewater Canal. ing Warrington to Frodsham-road over the London and North Western Railway (Grand Parish of Weston.—Road from South-road Junction Line). to Old Basin of the River Weaver Canal, Parish of Keckwick.—Keckwick Bridge and. road known as Post Office-road from South- approaches carrying Daresbury and Keekwick- road to the Old Basin of the River Weaver road over Bridgcwater Canal, Keckwick Hill? • Canal, road from Weston to the United Alkali Bridge and approaches carrying Daresbury and Company's Weston Works, road from the said Keckwick-road over Bridgewater Canal, bridge- United Alkali Company's Weston Works to and approaches canying Daresbury and Keck- Clifton, so much as is within the rural district wick-road over London and North Western: of Runcorn of i^o road which runs at right and Great Western Joint Railway. angles from the "\Yeston-road to the Salt Union ^Parish of Sutton.—Bridge and approaches at Limited's Works, bridge and approaches carry- Halton Station carrying road over London and ing Sandy-lane over the Runcorn and Weston North Western and Great Western Joint Rail- Canal, bridge and approaches carrying road way, Bridge and approaches carrying Warring- known as Post Office-road over the Runcorn ton to Frodsham-road over the Mill Cut, . and Weston Canal. Frodsham Bridge and approaches carrying- Parish of Norton.—Norton TownSeld Bridge Warrington to Frodsham-road over the River and approaches carrying Runcorn and Norton- Weaver. road over the Bridge water Canal, bridge Parish of Aston-by-Sutton.—Bridge and and approaches at Norton Station carrying road approaches carrying Warrington to Aston-road over London and North Western and Great over the London and North Western Railway Western Joint Railway, Borrow's Bridge and (Ditton and Runcorn Branch). approaches carrying iho Norton and Dares- Parish of Alvanley.—Bridge and approaches bury-road over the Bridgewater Canal. carrying Frodsham to Dunham-road over the Parish of Moore.—Bridge and approaches Cheshire Lines Railway, bridge and approaches carrying Mooro-Ianc over the London and North carrying Kapsford-road over Cheshire Lines Western and Great "Western Joint Railway, Railway. bridge and approaches carrying Moore-lane over Parishes of FiodsLam and Frodsham Lord- the London and North Western Railway (Grand ship.—Frodsham Bridge and approaches carry- Junction Line), Moore Bridges and approaches ing Warrington to Frodsham-road over River carrying Hobb-lanc over Bridgewater Canal, Weaver, bridge and approaches carrying- bridge and approaches at Darcsbury Station Frodsham main street over London and North-. carrying road over London and North Western Western and Great Western Joint Railway^ and Great Western Joint Railway, bridge and bridge and approaches carrying Fluin-lane approaches at Moore Station carrying road over over London and North Western and Great London and Noitli Western Railway (Grand Western Joint Railway, Main street, Frodsham, Junction Line), bridge and approaches carry- under bridge of the London and North Western ing Moss-lane over the London and North and Great Western Joint Railway. Western Raihvay (Grand Junction Line). Parish of Helsby.—Bridge and approaches Parish of Acton Grange.—Acton Grange carrying Rake-lane over London and North? Bridge and approaches carrying the War- Western and Great Western Joint Railway, rington and Moore-road over the Bridge- bridge and approaches carrying Runcorn and water-Canal. Helsby-roaf] over Cheshire Luvft Railwayv.
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