Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 2-15-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 15, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1990 Volume 75, Issue 100 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday, February 15. 1990, VoL '75, No. 100,20 Pages Death threats no concern to Bush Daily Egyptian wire services based drug cartels have marked from Indiana kidnapped by leftist way deemed appropriate to belp MedeWn cartel, told police and Bush f<r death in reuiliaIion f<l" his guerriUas remained in captivity resolve this situation. The United journalists where they could find President Bush will wear a buI· :!:lO",o: .nri~ stmd and efforts 10 Wednesday. A second American States government cannot allow the COUDtIy's tbn:e largest cocaine Iet·proof vest f<l" much of his >lay b...~g thfo rlrug loms to jUo:lo:'::: ;., 1cidnapped was said to have been Ihn:aIS of IemJrism 10 influence ::s processing labs, police in BogOla in Colombia for the anti-<:ocaine U.S. courts. f't".Ieaseo. lAo.. y':~':" - I"'flU!d nor con­ policies Ill' its activities. " said Wednesday. summit but says be's oot worried However, Colombia's mOSlIlOll>­ firm tIJe rq,.,.;.., Police confmned Wedoesday About 25 journalists accompa­ about his safety or that of his rious drug cartel turned over to In Washington, White nu.. ~ ,~.,. bOtui.oings. inc1uding two that nied police lIS they seized the labs enlDUnlge. authorities three labs capable of press secretary Marlin Fi!Zwalr.r caused cousi<!crable damage to !are Thcsday night in the Ihidt ; 'lD­ But tense Scaet Service officials producing 20 tons of cocaine a said, "The president shares the em­ M<rmoo churches in Bogota. No gIe around Ul'81a, a banana-grow· are taking much greater security. month, in a new move to bring \he cern of all Americans about \he kid· injuries were n:portcd in any of the ing region in AIIIioquia stale about !X'OC8Utions. government to the negotiating nappings of Ihese U.s. citizens. The explosioos. .300 ~!!O!lhwest ofBogOla.. There have been recurring rable, police said Wednesday. United States will coopersIC with Meanwbile, drdg traffickers, reports that leaders of Colombian- _. And meanwhileJ an American \he govemmeot ofJ;;glolllbia in any reponedly, .w51r~!'.&. !oJ. !be _ ~ ~ Page 16, Hartigan pushes for drug strike force By Dale Walker Staff Writer Bill to target Attorney General Neil F. Hartigan said youths who illinois will have a Drug Profit avoid drugs Strike Force modeled after SPRJNGFlELD (UP!) - .. t It e Youths who avoid drugs Nell HartIgan Untouchables," would get preferential U'eal' who caught AI Capone f<l" fall eva· men! in state schoI'llShip and sion, if \he SIate";de grand jury bill job selections under a series is passed. of bills introduced On March 6 \he Illinois General Wednesday in the IWnois Assembly will decide wbether or House of Representatives. nOI Lo accept the Governor's Slate Rep. Jerry Weller, R· amendaIay veto of Hartigan '$ bill Morris, said lite sevco·bill package ia 4e~ed 1.0 cT ....uni a _ide dru& grand _ yOUlbs who my away jury. Hanigan said at a news con­ fen:nce Wednesday 8l \he Jackson [rom drugs and penalize Coomty Counbouse. adults who sell min<rs drugs ''I recognize that S<rne legislators and alcohol The provisions Born to be wildflowers may have problems with the mirror a Texas youth drug WIlt VaIenIIne's Day tald, .k*l rtde !'.arne JiInW In Governor's amendatory veto, .. program. canaIIons '" get a tom Fladw, ~ Gleason, sap/lamDl8ln EcU:aIIDn, pcepanIS to ~ Cannulk:aIIon ~ Hartig.m said. "So what? Either "The package provides we're serious aboul this or we're positive reinforcements for IlOL It's time to put up <I" shut up. our young people to stay Th= is 00 room for partisanship away from drugs, provides a safe haven those wanting 00 this issue. This Slate ~ the f<l" to avoid drugs after they've Head count shows bars might be statewide dl'Ug grand jury to go received _ f<r a pro!>- after \he profits of drug dealing." In \he past. \he govemmeooi could lem and bolds accountable not seize someone's a.sets until those who use drugs and pro violating city fire safety standards they were convicted of drug deal· By Jackie SpInner Daily Egyptian staff members Carbondale Fue Cbief Everett ing. and then it would be ooIy those Stall Writer also coonted patroIIS 1..... 19 and Rushing says an inspection team assets that we'" used during the Jan. 27 at Frankie's, 204 W. f<r \he city takts a ~ COOIll of drug deal, Hartigan said. If this bill Carbondale bars along South College St.; Hangar 9, 511 S. is psssed. \he assets can be seized gram will consist of a team of pros­ illinois Avenue and West College Illinois Ave.; Sidetracks, West s.. BARS, PIgo 5 after an indictment and \ben every· ecuun, aa:owuanlS and investiga· Stroet do r. booming rus;.ness. lust College SlIeeI; Amc:rican Thp, 518 thing has been maintained by the un, Hartigan said. nobody yell fin:. S. DIinois Ave:, ODd ;·Birds, 111 N. JXOfits made from drug dealing can "We have ~.gun assembling our During peak business bours at WasbingIoo St. be sei1od, be said. strike foo:e wilh existing resources least two weekend nigbts in late Franltie's exceeded its legal "We'", going after the greed fac· in our office," Hartigan said. "It is January, foul' oo.s were pacl<ed wiIb capacity of 124 by more than 200 tor to take \he profits out of drug imponant that we lay the founda· more PattalS :han allowed by city both Ian. 19 ODd Jan. TI. Hangar 9 dealing," Hartigan said. tion now. so tha.. we can hit the law.• was well over its capacity of 225 The assets could tIlCI' be put back ground running when the statewide Daily Egyptian staff members Jan. 27 with about 400 patrons into the community and into the drug grand jury becomes law." conduc1td a pattOO COWIt during \he crowding the bar. Sideuacks had fight against drugs, Hartigan said. Hartigan said be has directed the third &nd fourth wed< in lanuary at almost 100 extra palronS over its ''I ·"ouId like to be assured that strike fOlCC to implement a multi· seven Carbondale bars. 124 tey&cit"j1 smd American Tap \he mooeys limllhese ge~ will point program to implement the The staff members counled exceeded its 244 limit Jan. 19 by be put back into the community," statewide drug grand jury. JlIItroIlS Ian. TI at Gatsby's Bar &; about 83 paII'OOS. ("oUssayswheneveryonegOttS Bill Kilqwst, lackson County sher· The strike force will m~t with. Billiards Parlour in the Campus Stix, Gatsby's and T-Binls stayed oul!OhavefUntherelsn'talway iff, said. SboppingCenrer and Jan. 19 atSIix within their legal capacity both senO:::iQhroomforpeople:oen The con: of the grand jury pro- SOlo HAR11GAN, Page 5 Bar &; Billian:ls, 517 S. Illinois Ave. nighlS,181l. 19 andJ8Il. 27. jo·tt'* !llvescomfortably. This Monrlng Carbondale loses in first round of 'mall wars' By usa Miller judge's decision III throw out the The lawsuit c:baIged that Marion eoccdsignificant growth arvI de>d­ Iowa makes bid on Stall Writer case before they drop the lawsuit was using 11F subsidies 10 build the opmeIII in the irA IS yeas. altogetber. new mall 00 an area that was not Marion May.. Robert B~1Ier said riverboat gambling Carbondale's tax increment "We' ll be reviewing the legal bligblcd. <I" fwd 10 develop. \hen: was DOl doubt in his mind that -Page 9 financing lawsuit against \he city of docwnenL' and coosuIting with the As mandated by state law, TIF \he area COOlplies wiIb stale guido­ Marion was dismissed Wednesday city council as well as other city incentives may only be used for lines. in IX'>-IriaI bearings. officials before we make our final developments on land that is blight· "How long do yoo have to wait MVC suspends Carbondale oIfici..Js filM a law· decision." Hoffner said. "There is a ed and CaIboodaIe', lawsuit coo­ to determine it's not going to be 1\IIsa coach suit late last year mandating that lot 10 go over before a decision tan tends that the Droeking ProjleIty, 00 developed Wtthout some kind.of Marion WaJ improperly using TIF be reacbecL " ... IIicb Marion proposes 10 build the incentive?" Butler W:M. I:l -~rts19 subsidies to fmance the proposed Hoffner said be did nOlImow \he .,..all, is prime development proper. Dlioois Centre Mall. specifics of \he decision 10 dISmiss ty near Inlerstate 57. Don Prosser, legal counsel for SO&, dIance 01 ran City Manger Steve Hoffner said the case, but he would hav~ the According 10 court "'portS, the carbondale, could not be reached city officials will be reviewing \he informaJion soon. area near In_te 57 has experi- J<I"comment. Page 20 February IS, 1990 pO.rts Salukis' Maule to pursue pro C81·eer By Er1c Bugger sponsor and a little lucie ):., could traie 90kly on bis game. " since Aledo <lid not bave a team. StaflWriter fa::c Agassi again someday. Mawe first picJced up 8 racket Maule did however co"tinue his Maule willQaYC to work bis way w):.,n be was 8 years old.
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