University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons Pacific Review University of the Pacific ubP lications 12-1-1923 The aP cific Alumni December 1923 Pacific Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacific-review Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Pacific Alumni Association, "The aP cific Alumni December 1923" (1923). Pacific Review. 25. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacific-review/25 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific ubP lications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Pacific Review by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE PACIFIC ALUMNINo. 2. Vol I. COLLEGE OF THE PACIFIC, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, DECEMBER, 1923 CHRISTMAS AT GREEN LOCAL ALUMNI ORGANIZE HILL, WUHU, CHINA MEMORY First Chapter in Hawaii The Pacific Alumni and former stu­ "We had a lovely Christmas. Boys dents who are living in Honolulu have from our Methodist School caroled formed a local organization with Rev. under our windows at one o'clock Elmer S. Freeman as president and Christmas morning, and how we have Anna D. Schwartz as secretary. We been keeping the air ringing with the Henry Meade Bland give them greeting and hope to hear dear old songs these weeks. The from them often. girls in Wuhu Boarding school and Raymond Elliot is on the staff of some of our day school gave a play the Paauhau sugar plantation on the "Love, the Conqueror," which por­ Island of Hawaii. trayed vividly the only means of sav­ Our white winged.ship is sailing, sailing, Mrs. DeYoe, a former matron of ing the world from sorrow and sin. the dining hall is a member of Mr. It is good indeed to see how God's Into the mild sea-calm of the past; Freeman's parish and at present is truth is marching on in this land. dangerously ill with heart trouble. Kit. I passed through Foochow, but had And twilight stars are flashing, paling, Helen Murphy '21, is teaching at only three hours there in which to do Iolani School, the Episcopal school two days of work so saw none of my And the oars of memory sweetly trailing for boys in Honolulu. friends. I am still county itinerator The principal of the Iolani School and love the work. This next month Into the mist-blown vast. is Robert R. Spencer who married I shall spend largely at home studying Edith Brodie, a graduate of College Chinese and catching up with reading Park Academy. They have a little and correspondence. Most of our ac­ By how many magic isles do we wander son about a year old. tive work is done in the spring and Rev Elmer S. Freeman '19 is a fall, but we need to watch and pray Back on this unforgotten sea? member of the faculty of the Iolani continually lest the devil snatch some School giving the religious instruc­ of the flock. He is never so busy as By how many shores de we wait and tion to the Junior and Senior High when we most praise God. ponder? schools. He is also Rector of the There was a good crop this year in Epiphany Church, Kaimuki. Mr. and this region, but just now we greatly And still the old faces grown fonder, Mrs. Freeman have two little daugh­ need rain. It is warm, like spring, fonder— ters, Margaret, three and a half years with night frosts but no snow so far." old and Alice Lee, aged two. The above extract is from a letter The faces that used to be. Anna Dale Schwartz is a techer in written December 29, 1922 by Bertha the McKinley High School in Hono­ L. Riecher. In February, 1923, she lulu. was transferred from Wuhu to Nan­ Oh, ships may you ever be ready for sailing Dr. Henry B. Schwartz, a former king and is now working in the schools member of the faculty at Pacific, is of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Again to this mystical marvellous foam; supervisor of foreign language schools Society in that-place. Her address is for the entire territory of Hawaii. Nanking 3, China. For the odorous winds, they will blow— never failing—; PROGRAMS FROM THE LIBRARY And the old and the good will prove all- availing To anchor you safely home. Thursday, Dec. 6—The winter car­ How the Alumnae Can Help in the nival and pageant will be presented Scholarship and in Important by the Associated Women Students. Booths for refreshments and Christ­ Debates at the College the check-list of the broken files, and OMEGA PHI ALPHA mas gifts will afford a part of the next month we will be able to give evening's entertainment. Friday, Dec. 7—The Foreign stu­ our full list of "wants." In the mean­ The Bulldog will make its first It is a disappointed student, some­ dents will hold an open reception to time we would gladly receive, bound formal appearance this year in an times, perhaps an important debater, the people of the campus. or unbound, the following names open meeting on Thursday evening, who, after getting his lists of articles Chautauquans: (All dates are inclu­ December 13th. Social Hall again Sunday, Dec. 16—At 3:30 the Ninth from the Reader's Guide, is informed sive) clothed in the Purple and the Gold Annual Performance of the Messiah that the library does not have the vs. 9-12 (Aug. 1888-Sept. 1890.) invites cordially all who are interested will be presented by the College Chor­ magazines called for. It is particular­ vs. 24-27 (Oct. 1896-Sept. 1898). in any form of Pacific Spirit. Old us and Orchestra, assisted by Helen ly so when it is found that only that vs. 29-47 (Apr. 1899-Aug. 1907) members are especially invited and Fletcher Riddell, Soprano; Ardis Car- special issue is missing.. You see, we Especially do we need Oct., 1893 urged to come and see what the old ter'22, Contralto; Hugh J. Williams, have of the dates preceding June, 1915 to March 1898; May, 1898; July, Aug­ Frat is doing. Other Pacificites will tenor; and Charles Lloyd, Basso. Ad­ (the date when the old library was ust and October of 1899; June and be interested in the showing of the mission by ticket, collection taken. lost) only such as were given us by October of 1899; June and October Omega Phi Alpha fraternity. Those Sunday, Dec 16 at 7:30 Vesper ser­ friends, and these files were naturally of 1900; July of 1907. of you who do not know what Omega vice at First M. E. Church, San Jose very incomplete. As fast as possible Thanking our many friends who Phi Alpha is, come out and see. A by A Capella Choir. we have tried to fill these out and to have already shared with us their old young fraternity, its fourth birthday Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 8:00 Concert by get them bound. Especially is this literary treasures, and those who yet yet to come, is growing and making A Capella Choir at First M. E. Church to be desired these coming months, will, do so, I remain, of itself one of the foremost organi­ San Jose, after which the choir will so that they can go to the binders Gratefully yours, zations on the College of the Pacific be entertained by the State Music and from thence direct to our new HARRIET E. BOSS, Campus. Remember the date, De- Teachers' Association at the home of school, thus saving repacking. Mrs. Caroline Pitkin Brock '17. The library staff is busy revising Librarian. 'Cember 13th. * December, 1923 THE PACIFIC ALUMNI Graduates of '23 RHIZOMIA THE PACIFIC ALUMNI CLASS OF '23 Render Fine Music Rhizomia's initiation took place Published monthly during the college Dwight Curtis is teaching in Glenn Thursday evening, November 8th and year by the Alumni Association of County. several former members were present. the College of the Pacific. Alysc Donovan and Edith Oilman At the College of the Pacific Audi­ Mr. E. K. Taylor of Alameda, a EVVIE M. TILLMAN '02 are taking graduate work at U. C. torium, Tuesday evening, November Rhizitc of the class of '81 and a form­ Editor Chilson Stevens has a position in 20th, the Conservatory presented two er state senator had several surprises the educational department of the 439 N. Sixth Street, San Jose, Calif. of its graduates Jean Madsen, Mus. B for the boys during the meeting that Standard Oil Co. and Agnes Ward, Mus. B., both of preceeded the initiation. Gaining per­ EDITORIAL STAFF Russel Shiras and William Irahern the class of '23 in joint recital. As mission from the chair to make a few Stockton Campus are taking gradute work at Sta'nford the opening numbers on the even­ remarks, he came forward and pre­ Mrs. Adelaide "Coburn '18 where they hold fellowships. ing's program Miss Ward chose to sented the fraternity with the original San Jose Campus Mrs. Ted Walker (Ramona Wood­ play the Sonata in G by Greig. copy of "Old Rhizomia Booms," the Lorraine Knowles '21 ward) is also attending Stanford. The second group by Miss Madsen oldest song on the Pacific campus. Conservatory Alumni . - Ray Bryant is assistant secretary consisted of "Marche Grotesque' by The song written verse by verse in Josephine Sinclair '03 of the Y. M. C. A. at Riverside, Calif. Sinding; "Country Gardens by I ercy pencil on brown wrapping paper was "Hy" Coleman is teaching physical Grainger; "Passipied" by Delibes; pasted into a note book.
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