FCC Week 2021 Monday, 28 June 2021 - Friday, 2 July 2021 Book of Abstracts ii Contents Layout and optics for a collimation insertion in FCC-ee ................... 1 Human capital formation at the FCC ............................. 1 Combined effect of impedance and beam-beam ....................... 1 A Robotic System for Remote Interventions in the FCC Complex .............. 1 SRF characterization of multilayers .............................. 2 Status of the high-energy booster ............................... 2 Mechanical design of the MDI ................................. 3 Transport and logistics for FCC ................................ 3 Two Stage High Efficiency Klystron for FCC-ee ....................... 4 Overview of the EIC Beam instrumentation and synergies with FCC ............ 4 Electron cloud simulations for arc quadrupoles ........................ 4 Electron Cloud Simulations for the FCC-ee .......................... 5 Design of the FCC-ee collider magnets ............................ 5 Collective effects for single-beam in FCC-ee and Impedance database ........... 6 Physics at FCC .......................................... 6 RF Characterization Techniques of 1.3 GHz Cavities ..................... 6 Mining the Future contest performance and output ..................... 7 Prospects of positron and positronium physics with a highly intense low energy positron source ............................................ 7 Cooling and ventilation concepts for the FCC ........................ 8 HTS Coated Conductors for beam impedance reduction in the FCC-hh .......... 8 FCC-ee collective effects: introduction and overview(including Full Energy Booster) . 9 Status and plans for optics corrections and emittance performance ............ 9 Status and plans for FCC-hh optics studies .......................... 10 iii First steps towards a collaborative software framework for the FCC-ee simulations: Amul- ticode comparison ...................................... 10 Machine Detector Interface Alignment System Update ................... 10 Prototyping the Nb coating of the copper Wide Open Waveguide Crab Cavity (WOWCC) for FCC-hh .......................................... 11 Key Vacuum Surface Parameters for FCC-ee Operation ................... 11 Overview, plan and open questions .............................. 12 SuperKEKB collimation system ................................ 12 Powering strategy - focus on main dipole magnets ...................... 12 Arc vacuum system and synchrotron radiation ........................ 12 Filling schemes through injector chain ............................ 13 Roadmap for the FCC Feasibility Study ............................ 13 The status of global FCC collaboration ............................ 13 Synchrotron Radiation studies for the FCC-ee arc with FLUKA . 14 Status of Electricity and energy management work package . 14 Technical Infrastructure operations today and in the future . 15 Mining the Future - status and progress ............................ 15 Progress in the design of the linacs and electron sources for the FCC-ee injector complex 16 The SWELL cavity development ................................ 16 Introduction on the socio-economic impact assessment model . 16 Regional and territorial benefit identification: approach and method . 17 Spatial impact analysis of Large Research Infrastructures: A case study on SRF cavities . 17 Status of bellows and flanges impedance studies ....................... 17 Geodetic studies for FCC .................................... 18 What software for ’Higgs and Electroweak Factories’? ................... 18 Bc -> tau nu at FCC-ee ..................................... 18 ARC: a solution for particle identification at FCC-ee ..................... 19 Long-lived particles at FCC ................................... 19 Status and plans for FCC-hh collimation ........................... 20 Overview and layout ...................................... 20 iv Performance of a Crystal + Dual readout Calorimeter system at FCC-ee . 20 FCC-ee & hh cryogenic system conceptual design, status & perspectives . 21 FCC-ee booster as ultimate storage ring photon source ................... 21 Parameters - update and plan ................................. 22 Robust Modelling of FCC-ee with Analytical Equations and Simulations . 22 Hydroforming Elliptical SRF Cavities : Studies on 1.3 GHz and Beyond . 22 Bridging research & industry: Creating value from FCC‘s technologies for the general pub- lic ............................................... 23 Training the professionals of the future ............................ 23 WP7 results and prospects ................................... 23 FCC.eh: Update and ERLs ................................... 23 LHeC Racetrack as Injector to FCC-ee ............................. 24 Interaction Region Design Optimization ........................... 24 Probing Spacetime with Colliders ............................... 24 FCC-ee Aperture and Collimation ............................... 24 Experience at SuperKEKB ................................... 25 Science case for high-energy photons ............................. 25 Optics and layout - update and plan .............................. 25 Superconducting Thin Films Studies at CERN ........................ 26 Cavity Engineering & Fabrication at CERN .......................... 26 Placement: Report from the review and next steps ...................... 27 Beam-beam background and beamstrahlung studies at FCC-ee . 27 Advanced Fabrication and Vacuum Compatibility of Tl-1223 Superconducting Thin Films for the Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) Beam Screen . 27 From vertex to wrapper: the IDEA tracklng system for FCC-ee . 28 FCC-ee positron source ..................................... 29 The FCC-PED Informal Forum of National Contacts ..................... 29 Beam-cavity interaction challenges for the FCC-ee ..................... 29 ECFA roadmap for Detector R&D and plans for ECFA workshops on an e+e- Higgs/EW/Top factory ............................................ 30 Global Plans for High Field Magnet R&D ........................... 30 v FCCAnalysis: tools and algorithms for analysis ....................... 30 Communicating the FCC feasibility study ........................... 30 What’s new at Overleaf in 2021? ................................ 31 Requirements on FCC-ee from the physics programme ................... 31 Status of implementation of high-priority Accelerator R&D initiatives . 32 Physics, Experiments and Detectors pillar: Structure and Objectives . 32 Targets, milestones and progress of Physics Performance . 32 News on the Q1 magnet prototype’ .............................. 32 Baseline & Cavity options for FCC-ee ............................. 33 Update on Snowmass process & US perspectives incl. EIC . 33 Higgs mass and model-independent cross-section studies from the recoil mass . 33 The turnkey software stack Key4hep: status and plans ................... 33 Jet Flavour tagging at the FCC-ee ............................... 34 FCCSW: status and (users) workflows ............................. 34 Probing heavy new physics systematically at FCC ...................... 34 Excavation materials management plan: progress and ongoing work . 34 Host states processes: Update and next steps ......................... 35 From collaboration to submission ............................... 35 Round table discussion ..................................... 35 Modifications of injection and beam dump systems for new collider layout . 35 FCCIS scientific meetings and publication status ....................... 35 FCC Communication Strategy ................................. 35 FCC-ee upgrade to muon collider ............................... 36 Overview of Multilayer Developments at Jlab ........................ 36 Accelerator summary ...................................... 36 Technologies summary ..................................... 36 Summary of FCCIS work packages 3, 4 and 5 ......................... 37 Technical Infrastructure and Civil Engineering summary . 37 Physics, Experiments and Detectors summary ........................ 37 Closing remarks ......................................... 37 vi Detector challenges, towards detector concepts at FCC-ee . 37 Overview of the EIC RF system and synergies with FCC-ee . 38 Status of heavy neutrino searches at ep colliders ....................... 38 Recent developments on scintillator materials for calorimetry . 38 Integration of the FCC ..................................... 39 Turbocompressor test facility operating with Nelium mixtures and heat transfer effects . 39 Safety for the FCC Feasibility Study .............................. 39 Electro-hydraulic forming of SRF cavities: Effect of strain rate on niobium single crystals 40 Top up injection - Status and next steps ............................ 40 FPC challenges and perspectives for FCC-ee ......................... 41 LHeC and FCC-eh detector status ............................... 41 3D geological modelling and subsurface uncertainties quantification to guide the optimal FCC placement ....................................... 41 Design Studies and HiRadMat test for the FCC-ee Beam Dump System . 42 Opening, CERN vision and plans until 2025 .......................... 42 Civil Engineering assessment of placement scenarios by ILF Consulting . 42 SRF summary .......................................... 42 ERL-based e+e- collider ..................................... 43 Civil Engineering Status and Plans .............................. 43 Some
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