INDEX DAI MICROFILM T-81 ROLL 320 VOMI 944-947 FRAME DOCUMENT SUMMARY OF DOCUMENT DATE Y SCRIPT FILM ROLL GROUP VOMI COMMENTS Folders of DAI Resettlement Questionnaires of 2450359 Cover T-81 320 1035 944 Bessarabia, Dobrudsha & Buchenland; 2450360 Note Table of Contents 1-8 Typed 2450361 Note Table of Contents 9-10 Typed 2450362 Note Abstract from Dr. Stumpp Correspondence 12 Feb 1941 Typed 2450363 Note Camp totals in 9 areas 18-Apr-41 Script 2450364 Note Reverse of #2450363 Script List of Resettlement Camps receiving Kinship Survey Information 2450365 List Dispatches from DAI-FRD- page 1 15-Feb-41 Typed 2450366 List Duplicate of 2450365 List of Resettlement Camps receiving Kinship Survey Information 2450367 List Dispatches from DAI-FRD- page 2 Typed 2450368 List Duplicate of 2450367 2450369 List Duplicate of 2450367 2450370 Letter Dr. Stumpp of Camp Commanders 1-Jan-41 Typed 2450371 Letter Camp Bad Berka Commander to Dr. Stumpp 7-Feb-41 Typed 2450372 Letter Dr. Stumpp to Camp Bad Berka 6-Feb-41 Typed Thanks from Dr. Stumpp to Miss Rath/Bad Berka-Wilhelmsburg for 2450373 Letter Kindship Survey Information 7-Feb-41 Typed 2450374 Letter Camp #2 Rehefeld/Saxony Commander to DAI 5-Feb-41 Typed 2450375 Letter Dr. Stumpp to Camp #2 Rehefeld/Saxony Commander 7-Feb-41 Typed 2450376 List List of 10 Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders 15-Feb-41 Typed 2450377 Envelope 2450378 Letter VOMI Camp #51 Fischlham near Lambach/Upper Donau to DAI 7-Feb-41 Typed 2450379 Envelope 2450380 Letter Camp #11-e Unternerzach/Ebern-Lower Franconia to DAI 10-Feb-41 Typed Dobrudscha From Brienne: August Adolf, Emil Hannemann, Herbert Hannemann, Johann Hannemann, 2450381 List 26 Names of Residents in Camp #98 Lauenhain -page 1 23-Jan-40 Typed Otto Hannemann, Reinhold Hannemann, Hulda Klav, Peter Lang, Gustav Mattheis, Artur 2450382 List 25 Names of Residents in Camp #98 Lauenhain -page 2 23-Jan-40 Typed Mattheis, Bernhard Martsch, Katarina Martsch Johanna Martsch, Christoph Mattheis, Adolf 2450383 List 15 Names of Residents in Camp #98 Lauenhain -page 3 23-Jan-40 Typed Schell, Rkobert Schaalo, Ausut Wernick, 2450384 Letter Camp #111 Mitteldorf (Turnhalle) to DAI 8-Feb-41 Typed 2450385 Envelope 2450386 Letter Camp #9-a Wuerzburg/Main-Franconia to DAI 11-Feb-41 Typed 2450387 Letter Camp #9-b Wuerzburg-Kloster Oberzell/Main-Franconia to DAI 10-Feb-41 Typed Atmagea 2450388 Note Scribbling Script 2450389 Note Scribbling Script 2450390 Letter Camp #127 Radiumbad-Oberschlema/Saxony to DAI 15-Mar-41 Typed Page 1 of 38 INDEX DAI MICROFILM T-81 ROLL 320 VOMI 944-947 FRAME DOCUMENT SUMMARY OF DOCUMENT DATE Y SCRIPT FILM ROLL GROUP VOMI COMMENTS 2450391 Letter Camp #127 Radiumbad-Oberschlema/Saxony to DAI 12-Feb-41 Typed 2450392 Note Camp Nussdorf/Atterse-Upper Donau 19-Feb-41 Typed 2450393 List List of 21 Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders 20-Feb-41 Typed 2450394 Letter Camp #101 Buchheim above Bad Lausick to DAI 2-Feb-41 Typed 2450395 Letter Camp Saaz 136 (Humanik) & Saaz 137 to DAI 6-Feb-41 Typed Korntal I, Korntal II 2450396 Letter Dr. Stumpp to Camp #136 Mr. R. Tobler 8-Feb-41 Typed 2450397 Letter Dr. Stumpp to Camp #136 Mr. H. Schmidt 8-Feb-41 Typed Korntal I, Korntal II 2450398 Post Card Friedrich Fink of Camp 136 Saaz to Dr. Stumpp 13-Feb-41 Script Front side of Frame 2450398 - Picture of 2 Police & words: "Day of the 2450399 Post Card German Police" Print 2450400 Letter DAI to Camp #136 Mr. Friedrich Fink 17-Feb-41 Typed Kortal I 2450401 Envelope 2450402 Note DAI Address Script 2450403 Note DAI Address Script 2450404 Envelope 2450405 Letter Camp #4-b Lüsfeld-Kloster/Main-Franconia to DAI 12-Feb-41 Typed Colelia 2450406 Note Camp NSDAP-Leitmeritz to DAI Script 2450407 Letter Camp #35 Stift Schlägl to DAI 15-Feb-41 Typed 2450408 Letter Camp #66 Chemnitz-Meyer's Feldschlöschen/Saxony to DAI 13-Feb-41 Typed 2450409 Note Camp #143 to DAI Typed 2450410 Letter Camp Zoeptau/Mähr.-Schoenberg to DAI 14-Feb-41 Typed Luxenburg/Ackermann 2450411 Letter Camp #6-c Gemünden Josefshaus/Main-Franconia to DAI 15-Feb-41 Typed 2450412 Envelope 2450413 Envelope 2450414 Letter Camp #16 Lichtenberg-Lehnstück to DAI 15-Feb-41 Typed 2450415 Letter Camp #6 Pflochsbach/Main-Franconia to DAI 14-Feb-41 Typed Kotschealak (Cotschealac) 2450416 Letter Camp #93 in Saxony to DAI 17-Feb-41 Typed 2450417 Note Camp #101 Ziedler Typed 2450418 Letter Camp Waizenkirchen/Upper Donau to DAI 15-Feb-41 Script 2450419 Letter DAI to Camp Lindenhof #125 at Teplitz-Schönau/Sudetenland 20-Feb-41 Typed 2450420 List List of 22 Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders 3-Mar-41 Typed 2450421 List List of 10 Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders 3-Mar-41 Typed 2450422 Letter Camp #10 Freiberg, Sächsischer Hof/Saxony to DAI 18-Feb-41 Typed 2450423 Note Camp #109 Stellberg (print very faint) Typed 2450424 Letter Camp Bad-Berka to DAI 19-Feb-41 Typed 2450425 Letter Camp #37 Drausendorf/Zittau to DAI 19-Feb-41 Typed 2450426 Note Camp Oberkratzau/Reichenberg information 22-Feb-41 Typed Gnadental, Plotzk 2450427 Letter Camp #84 Grottau/Reichenberg-Sudetenland 19-Feb-41 Typed 2450428 Envelope 2450429 Envelope 2450430 Envelope Page 2 of 38 INDEX DAI MICROFILM T-81 ROLL 320 VOMI 944-947 FRAME DOCUMENT SUMMARY OF DOCUMENT DATE Y SCRIPT FILM ROLL GROUP VOMI COMMENTS Alber, Banek, Funk, Georgia, Haller, Rall, 2450431 List Resident List of 12 Households in Mähr.-Schönberg Camp #42 Script Riethmuller, Oelke, Jawall, Schlauch, Schulz 2450432 Letter DAI to Camp Mähr.-Schönberg/Sudetenland 3-Mar-41 Typed 2450433 Letter Camp Mähr.-Schönberg to DAI 13-Mar-41 Typed 2450434 Letter Camp #143 Bad Schandau/Saxony to DAI 14-Feb-41 Typed 2450435 Letter DAI to Camp #143 Bad Schandau/Saxony 30-Mar-41 Typed 2450436 Envelope 2450437 Letter Camp #94-a Moritzburg/Saxony to DAI 12-Feb-41 Typed 2450438 Letter Camp #94-a Moritzburg/Saxony to DAI 13-Feb-41 Typed 2450439 Letter Camp #42 Neugersdorf/Saxony to DAI 15-Feb-41 Typed 2450440 Letter Camp #7-a Miltenberg to DAI 23-Feb-41 Typed Tari-Verde 2450441 Letter Camp #47 Schirgiswalde/Saxony to DAI 24-Feb-41 Typed 2450442 Envelope 2450443 Envelope 2450444 Envelope 2450445 Letter Camp #139 Schmiedeberg/Sudetenland to DAI 24-Feb-41 Typed 2450446 Letter Camp #98 Burgstädt/Saxony to DAI 19-Feb-41 Typed 2450447 Envelope 2450448 Letter Camp #68 Limbach/Saxony to DAI 20-Feb-41 Typed 2450449 Letter Camp #97 Taura/Saxony to DAI 20-Feb-41 Typed 2450450 Letter Camp #104 Zschagast/Saxony to DAI 17-Feb-41 Script 2450451 Letter Camp #54 Bautzen/Saxony to DAI 20-Feb-41 Typed 2450452 Note Camp #92 Dresden-A/Saxony to DAI 19-Feb-41 Typed 2450453 Letter Camp #29 Buchholz/Saxony to DAI 8-Feb-41 Typed 2450454 Letter Camp #30 Crottendorf/Saxony to DAI 3-Jan-41 Typed 2450455 Envelope 2450456 Letter Camp #6-b Lohr/Main-Franconia to DAI 25-Feb-41 Typed Cogealac, Tariverde 2450457 Letter Camp #58 Dubenetz/Sudetenland to DAI 6-Feb-41 Script 2450458 Letter DAI to Camp #58 Dubenetz Commander Wilhelm Wahler 12-Feb-41 Typed 2450459 Letter Camp #58 Dubenetz/Sudetenland to DAI 12-Mar-41 Script 2450460 Note Scribbling 24-Feb-41 Script 2450461 List List of Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders - Correspondence Index Typed 2450462 List List of Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders - Correspondence Index Typed 2450463 List List of Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders - Correspondence Index Typed 2450464 List List of Resettlement Camps and Camp Leaders - Correspondence Index Typed 2450465 Envelope 2450466 Letter DAI to Camp Walterskirchen/Lower Donau 4-Mar-41 Typed Alt-Tarutino, Neu-Tarutino, Kurudschika, Page 3 of 38 INDEX DAI MICROFILM T-81 ROLL 320 VOMI 944-947 FRAME DOCUMENT SUMMARY OF DOCUMENT DATE Y SCRIPT FILM ROLL GROUP VOMI COMMENTS 2450467 List 18 Names of Residents in Camp Walterkirchen/Lower Donau -page 1 Script 2450468 List 7 Names of Residents in Camp Walterkirchen/Lower Donau -page 2 Script 2450469 Envelope Rubber Stamp on Blank page from Camp #174 in Chotieschau, Kreis 2450470 Note Mies Print 2450471 Letter Camp #174 Chotieschau/Kreis Mies to DAI 28-Feb-41 Typed 2450472 Letter Camp #174 Chotieschau/Kreis Mies to DAI 7-Feb-41 Script 2450473 Letter Camp #28 Kunau to DAI 27-Feb-41 Typed 2450474 Letter DAI to Camp #28 Kunau 4-Mar-41 Typed 2450475 Letter Camp #28 Kunau to DAI 8-Mar-41 Typed 2450476 Letter DAI to Camp #28 Kunau 11-Mar-41 Typed 2450477 Letter Camp #28 Kunau to DAI 14-Mar-41 Typed 2450478 Letter Camp #58 Rabenstein/Saxony to DAI 27-Feb-41 Typed 2450479 Envelope 2450480 Letter DAI to Camp #144 Bernklau/Sudetenland 4-Mar-41 Typed 2450481 List 19 Names of Residents in Camp #144 Bernklau -page 1 Typed 2450482 List 8 Names of Residents in Camp #144 Bernklau -page 2 Script 2450483 Envelope 2450484 Note Postal Tag Typed 2450485 Letter Camp #129 Auerbach (Vogtland)/Saxony to DAI 26-Feb-41 Print 2450486 Letter Camp #115 Werdau/Saxony to DAI 1-Mar-41 Typed 2450487 Letter Camp St. Aegyd a. Neuwald to DAI 28-Feb-41 Typed Glückstal, Emental 2450488 Envelope 2450489 Letter DAI to Camp #108 Nixdorf/Sudetenland 4-Mar-41 Typed 2450490 List 19 Names of Residents in Camp #108 Nixdorf -page 1 Typed 2450491 List 20 Names of Residents in Camp #108 Nixdorf -page 2 Script 2450492 Envelope 2450493 Letter Camp #69 Pleissa/Saxony to DAI 25-Feb-41 Typed 2450494 Letter Camp #59 Kukus/Sudetenland to DAI 11-Mar-41 Script 2450495 Letter DAI to Camp #59 Kukus/Sudetenland 10-Mar-41 Typed 2450496 Envelope 2450497 Letter Camp #121 Crimmitschau/Saxony to DAI 1-Mar-41 Typed 2450498 Envelope 2450499 Envelope 2450500 Letter Camp #31 Mühlheim/Upper Donau to DAI 3-Mar-41 Typed 2450501 Letter Camp Franzental/Sudetenland to DAI 4-Mar-41 Typed 2450502 Note Camp
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