Official Publication of The American Legion Department of Michigan - www.michiganlegion.org - April/May 2013 MIMichigan Legionnaire & Wolverine Auxiliaire Vol. LXXXI No.7 GIVE A HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME THE MICHIGAN LEGION EDUCATING FUTURE LEADERS SINCE 1938 It has been said that at the close of students attend Boys State at www.michiganlegion.org/boysstate DO YOU KNOW OF A HIGH the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Northwood University in Midland, What about the young ladies? SCHOOL STUDENT INTER- a lady asked Benjamin Franklin “Well Michigan to learn by doing. On the ESTED IN LAW ENFORCE- Doctor do we have a Monarchy or a job training is the best training anyone The American Legion Auxiliary MENT? Republic?”, the kind Franklin replied, can receive; you can learn by reading Department of Michigan sponsors Girl “A Republic, if you can keep it.” something in a book, you can learn State for the young high school junior The Michigan Legion Student The United States of America is a even more by actually doing it. ladies to attend. Where they too learn Trooper program is forming now. The representative Republic type of gov- about how government works and have 2013 summer class will be July 14th – ernment, not a democracy. A repub- What do attendees of Boys a chance at scholarship money, life- July 19th, 2013 at the Michigan State lic takes work; it takes people who State receive when they long friends, and an experience that Police Academy in Lansing Michigan. understand the system in order to attend? will last a life time. Senator Debbie High school students interested in work properly. What does our school Stabenow is a proud Michigan Girls learning more about the different system really teach about how the A week of learning through doing, State Alumni. Girls State will be at careers available in law enforcement process of choosing candidates, run- the opportunity to meet lifelong Michigan State University June 16th – should attend this program. This is June 22nd, 2013. For more informa- ning for an office, and then running friends, the possibility of extra points open to both boys and girls ages 16 to tion visit www.michalaux.org that office work? If the students are on a college acceptance application, 18 in good physical condition. lucky they will read about it in a book. and if they are a descendant of a vet- eran, the chance to win $20,000 in Do you know of any young For the past 76 years The American For more information visit Legion Department of Michigan has scholarship money. Two young men High School Juniors who want www.michiganlegion.org/trooper or been teaching, showing, and allowing will be chosen to attend Boys Nation to spend a week that will young men to experience all of those to meet President of the United States change their life this summer? call Deanna Clark at 517-371-4720 things it takes to be a representative, a and learn more about the US ext 11. mayor, a governor, a county official, a Congress first hand. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND city official, and other positions held by Boys State will be June 16th – June YOUNG LADIES FOR BOYS IS YOUR POST SPONSORING people in government. Every year for 22nd, 2013, for more information visit AND GIRLS STATE A FUTURE LEADER? one week young junior high school HOST POST Do you wish to Helpserve on aWanted Department Level Committee? NEEDED!! Visit www.michiganlegion.org/fyi for a Department commit- The Leadership Committee is tee form and send it to Kim Siedelberg at support@michi- looking for Posts willing to host a . ganlegion.org or mail to State Headquarters. Forms will be 2013-2014 Leadership College d e t reviewed by the new state commander after the elections at class. If your Post can be a host s e please contact Bud Hansbarger u State Convention. To have a form mailed contact Kim at 517- q e 371-4720 ext 13 - Deadline COB on June 29th 2013 at 616-262-6169 or by email R 3 [email protected] e 1 g 0 a t 2 s y o a P Top 5 Districts! (as of 3/20/13) M n / l r i r u 2nd - District 19 90.28% t p e A District 12 R 3rd - District 6 90.12% o N 90.61% 4th - District 1 89.91% 5th - District 2 89.55% Membership Report is Available Online at: michiganlegion.org/membership 2 | MICHIGAN LEGIONNAIRE & AUXILIAIRE | April/May 2013 | WWW.MICHIGANLEGION.ORG MICHIGAN LEGIONNAIRE & AUXILIAIRE Chaplains Corner (USPS 010637) is published monthly Jennifer L. Smith, State Chaplain except February, May, August, and December by The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, Department “LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE” of Michigan, 212 N. Verlinden, Lansing, MI 48915-1297. Periodical postage paid Since last issue, I have been on a cou- assisting Post or District/Zone officers as Additionally, I ask that all take full advan- at Lansing, MI, and additional mailing ple few-day business travels as this is one needed. Even if not required, the show tage of training available throughout offices. Subscription $10.00 non-mem- of my busy times of year. By the time this of support and a reciprocated positive the year via Department, etc. with a bers, members receive the publication issue is published, I will likely be back vis- response is often empowering for the renewed focus and constructive mindset. as part of their dues. POSTMASTER: iting even more Posts with a glad heart. entire Post. Why? Able and credible Let’s keep the good service going strong! Send address changes to Michigan To refresh, I enjoy visiting Posts through- mentorship is vital to our organization- Last, in past articles, we have dis- Legionnaire, Department of Michigan, out the state, often on non-meeting days al health and creates a stronger rapport. cussed the importance of maintaining 212 N. Verlinden, Lansing, MI 48915- and usually find something rather posi- Proverbs 27:17 ESV aptly relates, “Iron the Legion’s amazing legacy of service. 1297. tive at each. I encourage members to sharpens iron, and one man sharpens By helping train tomorrow’s leaders and do the likewise if you can to show sup- another.” cultivating an environment of integrity DEADLINE DATES port to others in our Legion Family. How many of you have ever stepped at our Posts, in our Ladies Auxiliaries, into a job without the proper training? SAL, Riders, and Jr. Auxiliary units, we JUNE- MAYs 1, 2013 However, if not, perhaps spend a bit more time at your Post to contribute as How about with a template of what to help ensure the continuity needed to Circulation: 83,168 Printed: 3-28-13 • you can. do, but not knowing all the details patriotically enrich our cities, state, and Mailed: 4-1-13 As for hurried times, I am certain involved? This is sometimes true at Posts nation. In short, those that endeavor to many of you have similar experience(s) as well. Moreover, it is easy to criticize, live with integrity and lead ethically are LEGION STATE HEADQUARTERS throughout the year. The same is true for but sometimes very intimidating to step beacons unto others; Per Matthew 5:16, DIRECTORY officers at your Posts, who must also file up. Accordingly, I ask seasoned leaders “ In the same way, let your light shine taxes among a dozen other organiza- to share their knowledge with interested before others, so that they may see your PUBLISHER: PATRICK W. LAFFERTY tional responsibilities. Therefore, those junior members. I ask the less experi- good works and give glory to your Father EDITOR:MARK SUTTON interested in helping or perhaps mov- enced members to appreciate and proac- who is in heaven.” ing through the chairs should consider tively utilize the information shared. May God bless you. The American Legion Dept. of Michigan 212 N. Verlinden, Lansing, MI 48915 (517) 371-4720 ¥ Fax: (517) 371-2401 Web Site: www.michiganlegion.org Past Department Commander (1966-67) Email: [email protected] Edwin J. Scuitema Oct 3rd, 1918 – Feb 10th, 2013 Legion and SAL Membership - 24 - [email protected] As the United States Ed left on June 13, 1944 and served the US the rehabilitation center to a Battle Creek was fighting in Europe, Navy as Gunners Mate on a liberty ship, USS hospital. Ed decided that the need for hous- Programs, Boys State and Scholarships - 11 - the Schuitema family, of Essex-Hopkins, between the US and the ing and care for veterans who were unable to [email protected] Grand Rapids, MI, was Mediterranean, until January 17, 1946. When survive on their own in the community was celebrating as they wel- Ed returned home, he took over leadership of something The American Legion could pro- Legion Finance - 17 - comed a bundle of joy the family business, and then joined The vide at their facility, and he developed “The [email protected] into their lives, with the American Legion Post #33, in Zeeland, MI. Legion Villa”. He continued to develop that He later transferred to Post #6, in Holland, program until he retired in 1985. During his Baseball, Website and History - 23 - birth of their son, Edwin [email protected] John, on October 3, where he held most all of the offices. He retirement he continued to work for the rights Edwin J. Scuitema 1918. In 1919, his was Boys State chairman, and also hosted of veterans. Veterans Service - 12 - Wednesdays only father (Bert) and mother (Anna) moved to the Tulip Time event for the Department Ed was devoted to his family and The Holland where they purchased a business Commanders for many years.
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