~~ OFFICIAL BALLOT - GENERAL ELECTION (BOLETA OFICIAL) - (ELECCION GENERAL) + INSTRUCTION NOTE: 1. Vote for the candidate of your choice in each race by darkening in the oval <_> provided to the left of the name of the candidate. LEGEND OF PARTY AFFILI~TION 2. You may cast a straight-party vote (that is, cast a vote for all the nominees of one party) (LEYENDA DE AF/L1AC/ON) by darkening in the. oval provided to the left of the name of the party. If you cast a straight-party vote for all the nominees of one party and also cast a vote for an opponent of Republican Party = (REP) one of that party's nominees, your vote for the opponent will be counted as well as your vote Partido Republieano = (REP) for all the other nominees of the party for which the straight-party vote was cast. 3. You may vote for a write-in candidate by writing in the name of the candidate on the line provided and darkening in the oval provided to the left of the line. NOTA DE INSTRUCCION: 1. (Vote par el candidato de su preferencia en cada carrera I/enando completa!!JfZnte espacio ovalado <_> a la izquierda del nombre del candidato. 2. Usted podra votar par todos los candidatos de un solo todos los candidatos nombrados del mismo partido espacio ovalado a la izquierda del nombre de solo partido politico ("straight-ticket") y tambien ____ ~ candidatos de dicho partido politico, se com ra su ~ vola par todos los demas candidat e 'd oliti 3. Usted poe/ra votar par ins~' sc~ e ib ndo provista y I/enando co~arVent~ I e~pjlci do c Justice, Supreme Court, Place 4 , REP~ueR AN PARTY ~~P) \ ~~\P'ias ~s\mlative, District, 6 (Juez, Corte Suprema, Lugar Num. 4) ~c 0 epub~cil""T\ irnWn ue 'os Estados Unidos c=> Joe L Barton c=> John Devine (Partido c=> LIBERTARIAN (LIB) c=> Kenneth Sanders c=> Tom Oxford (Partido Libertario) c=> GREEN PARTY (GRN) c=> Hugh Chauvin c=> Charles E. Waterbury (Partido Verde) Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6 (Juez, Corte Suprema, Lugar Num. 6) c=> Nathan Hecht President and Vice-President Railroad Commissioner (Presidente y Vice Presidente) (Comisionado de Ferroearrifes) c=> Michele Petty c=> Mitt Romney I Paul Ryan c=> Christi Craddick c=> Mark Ash c=> Barack Obama I Joe Biden c=> Dale Henry c=> Jim Chisholm c=> Gary Johnson I Jim Gray c=> Vivekananda (Vik) Wall Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals c=> Jill Stein I Cheri Honkala c=> Chris Kennedy (Juez Presidente, Corte de Ape/aeiones Criminates) c=> Railroad Commissioner, Unexpired Term Write-in (Voto Eserito) (Comisionado de Ferroearrifes, Termino No Comp/etado) c=> Sharon Keller c=> Barry Smitherman c=> Keith Hampton United States Senator (Senador de los Estados Unidos) c=> Jaime O. Perez c=> Lance Slott c=> Ted Cruz c=> Josh Wendel f-------------IIJUdge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place -- Corte de Ape/aeiones Criminates, c=> Paul Sadler Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2 Lugar Num. 7) (Juez, Corte Suprema, Lugar Num. 2) c=> John Jay Myers Barbara Parker Hervey (REP) c=> David B. Collins c=> Don Willett Mark W. Bennett c=> RS Roberto Koelsch Vote Both Sides (Voto ambos lados) Side 1 of 2 (Primer /ado de dos partes) © Election systems & Software, Inc. 1981,2002 ~~ + + + ..,11 • Court of Criminal Appeals, Place Constable, Precinct No.4 Corte de Apelaciones Criminales, (Condestable, Precinto Num. 4) Lugar Num. 8) CJ Elsa Alcala CJ Mike Jones CJ William Bryan Strange, III Member, State Board of Education, District 14 (Miembro de la Junta Estatal de Educaci6n Publica, Distrito Num. 14) CJ Sue Melton CJ Stephen Hawkins State Senator, Dislf!CN12 (Senador "otoJarRi<friiJ,,'Nlj~ CJ ~~'0 CJ Tom State Representative, District (Representante Estatal, Distrito Num. CJ Jim Pitts Chief Justice, 10th Court of Appeals District (Juez Presidente, Corte de Apelaciones, Distrito Num. 10) CJ Tom Gray District Judge, 378th Judicial District (Juez del Distrito, Distrito Judicial Num. County and District Attorney (Procurador del Condado y Distrito) CJ Patrick Wilson Sheriff (Sheri/e) CJ Johnny D. Brown Tax Assessor-Collector I IIAsesor-Colector de Impuestos del Condado) CJ John Bridges Vote Both Sides (Voto ambos /ados) • Side 2 of 2 (Segundo /ado de dos partes) I • • ...L -+ .
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