Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Nov. 6 Remarks on Signing Legislation To Establish the Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site November 6, 1998 Thank you very much. You know, when Ernie rorist attack. No nation should live under the was up here introducing me, I remembered that threat of violence and terror that they live under he was the only senior among the Little Rock every day. Nine. He graduated in the spring in 1958, and When Prime Minister Netanyahu and Chair- when they called him up to receive his diploma, man Arafat signed the Wye River agreement, the whole auditorium was quiet, not a single they knew they would face this moment. They person clapped. But we're all clapping for you knew when they went home both of them would today, buddy. be under more danger and the terrorists would I would like to thank all the members of target innocent civilians. They knew they would the Little Rock Nine who are here, including have to muster a lot of courage in their people Elizabeth Eckford, Carlotta LaNier, Jefferson to stick to the path of peace in the face of Thomas, Minnijean Trickey, Terrence Roberts. repeated acts of provocation. Melba Pattillo Beals is not here. Gloria Ray There are some people, you know, who have Karlmark is not here. Thelma Mothershed-Wair a big stake in the continuing misery and hatred is not here. I think we should give all of them in the Middle East, and indeed everywhere else another hand. [Applause] in this whole world, just like some people had I would like to thank Congressman Elijah a big stake in continuing it in Little Rock over Cummings, Congressman Gregory Meeks for 40 years ago. coming; Mayor Woodrow Stanley of Flint, I ask for your prayers and support today for Michigan; Commissioner Edna Bell, the presi- the Israelis and the Palestinians who believe in dent of the National Association of Black County this agreement and who are determined to carry Officials, from Wayne County, Michigan. I'd like out their responsibilities and who understand to thank and welcome the mayor-elect of Wash- that the agreement is the best way to protect ington, DC, Anthony Williams. I told him I'd the safety of the Israeli people. It was tena- be for more Federal aid if he'd teach me how ciously negotiated, hard fought, but it is the to tie a bow tie. I never learned how to do best way to safety for the Israelis, the best way that. to achieve the aspirations of the Palestinians, I would like to thank Secretary of Transpor- and in the end, the only answer to today's act tation Rodney Slater and the Secretary of the of criminal terror. I hope you will all feel that Interior Bruce Babbitt for their presence and in your heart. leadership. And I would like to say a special Let me say, this is a very, very happy day word of welcome, and profound appreciation for for the people who were part of the Little Rock his historic role in Tuesday's historic turnout Nine experience, for the people of Little Rock, of voters, to Reverend Jesse Jackson. Welcome, all the Arkansans who are here, African-Ameri- sir, we're delighted to have you here. cans from throughout our country. There was I thank the United States Marine Band, as an earlier reference made by Congressman always, for their great performance, on the occa- Bennie ThompsonÐand I thank him for his out- sion of John Philip Sousa's birth anniversary. standing leadership in this endeavor and for his And let me say a special word of welcome again fine remarks todayÐabout the election. to the White House to the magnificent young Now, most of the publicity about the election people of the Eastern High School Choir from has been the enormous turnout of African- Washington, DC. Thank you. American citizens in a midterm election that Let me say, since we are here to talk about resulted in the victories that have been well our reconciliation, I hope you will forgive me publicized for non-African-American elected of- for taking just a momentÐand I know I speak ficials. And having been one of those on several for all Americans who are hereÐto express my occasions, I am immensely grateful. [Laughter] sympathy to the people of Israel, who this morn- But what has received less publicity that I ing were once again the target of a vicious ter- would like to point out, because this too was 1993 Nov. 6 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 a part of the road that the Little Rock Nine We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude began to walk for us, is that on Tuesday in for his nearly five decades of caring, often cou- the State of Georgia, an African-American was rageous public service, and I cannot thank him elected the attorney general of the State, an enough. African-American was elected the labor commis- The bill that Senator Bumpers and Congress- sioner of the State. And in the South on Tues- man Thompson have presented to me for signa- day, African-American Congressmen were re- ture today recognizes the courage of the Little elected in majority white districts, with large Rock Nine and that of their parents, their lead- majorityÐlarge majority. That is a part of the ers, their community leaders, especially our road we have walked together, a part of what great friend Daisy Bates, who could not be here we celebrate today. today. There are so many here who played a role Because of all of them, Central High has be- in it. One more person I would be remiss if come a hallowed place, a place every bit as I did not recognize, that Hillary and I love so sacred as Gettysburg and Independence Hall. much and are so grateful to, is the wonderful Interestingly enough, back in the 1920's, it was Dr. Dorothy Height, chairman of the National voted the most beautiful school in America. It Commission of Negro Women. Thank you for is still a functioning school, very much so. There being here, Dorothy. Let's give her a big hand. are some years when its students comprise 25 percent of our State's entire roster of National [Applause] Thank you, and bless you. Merit Scholars. It's a place where children can Ladies and gentlemen, there is only one bit- still go and study Greek and Latin, something tersweet element in this magnificent moment that's rare in all school districts throughout for Hillary and for me, and that is that we America. It is, I believe, about to become the are celebrating the last piece of legislation only open, fully operating school that is a Na- passed by our good friend Dale Bumpers. We tional Historic Site. have walked a lot of steps together since I first As Ernie said, Hillary and I welcomed the met Dale Bumpers about 25 years ago when Little Rock Nine back to Little Rock on the he was Governor. And we've had a lot of laughs 30th anniversary of the integration of Little at each other's expense. After I became Presi- Rock Central High School. Then I was pro- dent, just to make sure that I didn't get the foundly honored to hold open the door of the big head, he went around Washington intro- school so they could walk through on the 40th ducing me to people as the second-best Gov- anniversary. Today I was able to welcome them ernor Arkansas ever had. [Laughter] Today I all to the White House to the Oval Office and told him that I hadn't had much time to review now on the South Lawn. my remarks and, therefore, hadn't had the op- On the fateful day they slipped into Central portunity to delete all the nice things that had High School and were removed by the police, been written for me to say about him. [Laugh- President Eisenhower was on vacation in New- ter] port. When he learned what had happened to But I do want to tell you that this is a truly them, and that Governor Faubus had turned astonishing public servant. Hillary and I admire over the streets to the mob, he realized thatÐ him, admire his wife Betty, admire the things even as a conservativeÐthe Federal Govern- that he's stood for and she's stood for, and we ment had to act. The next day he flew back will miss them. Last month, in a final and, as to the White House. His helicopter landed just always, brilliant speech on the Senate floor, Dale a few steps from here. He had just ordered mentioned an inspiring teacher who once General Maxwell Taylor to put the might of stopped him when he was reading out loud and the 101st Airborne Division behind their right- said to the whole class, ``Doesn't he have a eous march through the doors of Central High. nice voice? Wouldn't it be tragic if he didn't Now, thanks to Senators Bumpers and Con- use that talent?'' I think it's fair to say that gressman Thompson, and many others, as they Dale Bumpers has done his teacher proud, be- said, our Nation has found two very fitting ways cause he used that eloquent, impassioned voice to honor that march to ensure that the memory to make sure that all the children of his State of the Little Rock Nine and all they represent and our Nation could make use of their God- remains alive long after those of us with living given talents.
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