A Newspaper With A Constructive PER COPY VOLUME 19, NUMBER 85 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1951 AssumesCommand WASHINGTON. D. C. — (SNS) —• both to the United States and to the General Douglass MacArthur has United Nations officials. been relieved of his duties as Asia­ The White House statement, an­ tic Commander for . the United nouncing the discontinuance of Gen WASHINGTON — The Supreme States and UN forces, effective at era! MacArthur's services, declared Court Monday unanimously reversed once, the White House announced that, he had been unable to execute the death sentences of two Florida early Wednesday morning. He will UN policies as the Korean Com­ men convicted of allegedly raping be replaced by General Ridgeway, mander. As late as Tuesday after­ a 17-year-old girl. ;.■■ who will assume full command, noon, President Truman decided The reversal, made without ex­ while General Ridgeway will . be not to rebuke General MacArthur planation, was announced In only, succeeded by Lt. General Van Fleet. for his public utterances, many of four words, “The judgement is re­ It had been known since the out­ which were delicate and explosive. versed.” It was accompanied by a break of the Korean war that Gen­ "Any nctlon,” said the President statement from Justices Jackson, eral MacArthur’s statements to the late Tuesday afternoon, "would be and Frankfurter asserting that the press were causing embarrassment, (Continued On Page Five) gulit of the two men "had been pre-' judlced" and that their trial "was but a legal gesture to register a verdict, already dictated by.the press and public opinion . , ,'i. Alberta Mickens Hew Bronze NEW TRIAL MANDATORY This action by the Supreme Court THE UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE FUND opened its and Dr. Rofus E. Clement, right, president of At­ makes a new trial m mdatory for eighth annual nationwide campaign for $1,500,- Queen-Heads Parade Cleanup Samuel Shepard and Walter Irvin, lanta University, Atlanta,.Ga., are shown here at two of the defendants, convicted on 000 on April 3, with a meeting at the Hotel Plaza the meeting with Thomas I. Parkinson, national charges of alleged rape in connect­ in New York City. The principal speakers fob chairman of the fund. An overflow crowd of ion with an attack on the girl on the occasion, Mark Woods, left, chairman of the Campaign; Parade Saturday July 16, 1949 near Groveland, Fla. more than 600 persons attended the meeting at Charles Greenlee, another defen­ board of the American Broadcasting Company, which the Hampton Choir also sang. All hail tlie new Bronze Queen Miss Ethel Lois Isabel of 582 Lip­ of the City Beautiful Commis­ lord; and Miss'Dorothy Bailey, of dant, won a recommendation of sion. She is lovely and vivacious 2554 Park Ave. They will serve re­ mercy with his conviction and did Alberta Marie Mickens; of 572 Al­ spectively as first and second prm (Continued On Page Five) 'S ston Avenue, who came down the cess. finish line ahead of a field ot Miss Mickens, sponsored by the thirty-two other, beautiful contest­ Booker T. Washington High ants during climax of the cam­ School, _garnered her . winning paign Tuesday night at Foote points on the basis of poise, per­ Homes Auditorium. sonality, stage appearance, speech, Return To United' States and glamour and beauty. She hud Runners-up In the contest were no points to spare in view Of the MR. CLYDE WINKFIELD, talented young piano virtuoso from Chi- Clowns BY HOWARD HANDLEMAN Far Eastern Director, INS high-calibre competition given her TOKYO - (INS) — Gen. Douglas MacArthur, abruptly reliev- by each of the contestants. It was cagOf.jsdb^’, special, guest artist during the LeMoyne College jSprihg ed ,of qll.his commi^nd 5Tby~President jrjjman, made, plans. Wed.- .an unusual tough, assignment _foi Festival,fMr. Winkfield will. make his-appeaegnee nesdoy to return to ine United States for the first time in 15 years. the four judges who included:- Wednesday night at 8:30 P. M. at the Second Congregational Prof. A. A. Branch, head of the Church, Walker Avenue at McDowell. The Press says: "A sen­ From Washington-it was indicated that the 71-year-old Gen- Determined to repeat their 1950 era! may appeal science' department, LeMoyne. Col­ sitive musician with a sound technique"—Chicago Daily Tribune; ir in three weeks before a joint session of Congress. lege; Lewis II. Twigg, presldeht, performance of winning the eastern . Swiftly and with: the military "Chicago has been awaiting with, keen anticipation, the appear­ division championship honors’ of the Tile’ five-star general first learn­ Union Protective ’ Assurance Co.: . precision that has marked his 50 Prof. N.at D. Williams, .social scl- ance of this talented artist, and without a doubt, they were not Negro American League, Syd Pol­ years of service in the United ed of the President's action from lock’s Indianapolis Clowns will an Armed Forces radio newscast at' ence inslructor at Booker Wush- disappointed. He possesses an amazing ahd prolific technique. States Army, MacArthur turned ington High School, and disc provide top-notch opposition for -- over his four topmost, commands to his American embassy home’short­ It was very easy to see that diligent study ancLpracticIng had been the popular Memphis Red Sox ball ly before 3:30 p m Wednesday, jockey, WDIA; and' Lewis O his chief of staff within a few Swlngler, editor of the Memphis. done."—The Pittsburgh Courier, June 22, 1946; "Virtuoso and pi­ club at Martin Stadium, Memphis hours after receiving the President’s half an hour after the Chief Exe- anist of the first rank, his clearness of tone and ease of the diffi­ on Sunday afternoon, ■ -April -IBtlj., startling order. World. (Continued On Page Five) Sponsors of the two princesses cult passages proved him to.be a marvelous artist." — Bluefield when the clubs meet in a double- I (Continued On Page Five) header exhibition bargain bill start- n Daily Telegraph, January 21, 1945. tag at 2:00 o’clock. Despite the fact that they, arp j Hew Farmers, Homemakers White Slayer Of popularly reknown for their zany exploits afield, in pre-game exhi- • Filling Station bition and on the side-lines, .the; Clowns last season proved they had a Attendant Sentenced to be reckoned with when the chips. , NORFOLK. Va—(A N Pl^-J. T are down. Whenever a timely hit '; TENN. STATE COLLEGE, Nash- ly. In the Quiz Contest Bobby Award $1500 Scholarship was needed to drive In a winning , Ville, was host to approximately 850 Landers Payne of Central High T. McGee, 29-year-old slayer of run, or a spectacular plav was re­ New Homemakers and New Farm­ School, Lucy. Tennessee, scored se­ James Pittman,’ a Negro gas sta­ The Most. Worshipful Prince Hall State College—$100.00; Mr. Willie Jackson, Lane College—$75.00I; and quired to halt a rally by the op­ ers of America,. meeting simultan­ cond; Allen Yancey. Fayette Coun­ tion attendant, received a three- Grand Lodge of tile Stale of Ten­ position, the fun makers always had eously, last week. The two associa­ ty . Training School', Somerville, year probationary sentence at his nessee announces through its Miss Mattie Lowery, Tenn. A and I. State College—$75:00. Most Outstand the right answer. And their great tions in joint session were welcomed third; Charles Miller, Bolivar, 4th; trial in corporation court here last Grand Master1, Rfiverned Charles ■ ball playing is not limited to NAL by President W. S. Davis of the Col­ Benny Taylor, Fayetteville. won week. P. Williams, the awards of $1500 in big Sophomorps: Miss Anita M. Ballard, Lane College—,$50.00; Mls.> official games either. They are just lege; William Johnson, president of first place In public speaking and McGee was indicted for murder, Scholarships for students attending as tough to conquer in exhibition the1 Collegiate NFA Chapter, and Huley Moore, Eads Junior High, se­ but at his trial pleaded guilty to Fisk University, Lane College, Knox­ Mattle Mae Bradley, LeMoyne Col­ Involuntary manslaughter. Judge lege—$50.00; Mr. Roger Askew, Fisk contests as majority of opposing Miss Ola Hudson. Collegiate Home cond place. Thomas Nixon of CHICAGO POLICEWOMAN.FORM .(Facing camera) during visit to the ville College, LeMoyne College and clubs can attest. Economics Club President. Haynes High, Nashville, and Rob­ Richard B Spindle Jr., delayed Tennessee A. and I State College University—$50.00; Miss Florence. G. ER MEMPHIAN, RELATES EX­ office of the Memphis World. passing -sentence pending a proba­ Marsh, LeMoyne College—$50.00, Returning for another season with L. W. Bonner, Acting Director of ert Cleaves, Barrett’s Chapel of Ar­ PERIENCES ON VISIT BACK TO The Chicago policewoman who for 950-51. The scholarships were the Clowns are such stand-out per­ Agriculture, Alabama A. and M. lington, tied for third place while tion officer’s report. Worthy High School Students: Miss BLUFF CITY—Mrs. Sarah Thrower directs traffic nt a busy intersection The defendant claimed that* he granted under the following regu­ formers as player-manager Buster College, was the convention speak­ John Sneed, Webb High in Mc­ back in Memphis, her native home where the safety of school young­ lations as submitted by the Grand Imogene Love, Tenn. A. and I,. Haywood. Sam (Piggy) Sands, er. Mr. Bonner emphasized ' the Im­ Kenzie, placed fourth. killed Pittman while demonstrating State College—$50.00. Superior Stu­ after an absence of eleven years, sters is at stake has likewise be­ a homemade weapon similar to an Commission of Education: Sons and Henry (Speed) Merchant. Ray Neil, portance of trained farmers becom­ proudly sho\vs her police badge come an important civic and politi­ dents' In Athletics: Mr.
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