Notes brèves the other hand, the area method was applied to the BIRD, A. F. (1959). Development of the root-knot nematode average juvenile and the average female of H. sacchari. Meloidogyne javanica (Treub)and Meloidogynehapla The area values wereof 237.6 x 103pm3 for the female Chitwood in the tomato. Nenzatologica, 4 : 31-42. and of 8.9 x 103 pmZ for the juvenile and the ratio BIRD,A. F. (1971). Thestructure of nematodes. NewYork, equaled 26.7, which was very close to the value of 32 Academic Press, 318 p. observed by Bird (1959). COOK,R. (1977). The relationshipbetween feeding and Resultswere different on the two varieties. On fecundity of females of Heterodera avenue. Nematologica, " IR 1529 ", the development was more rapid than on 23 : 403-410. " Morobérékan " and the maximum valueof COD was DROIWN,V. H., MARTIN,G. C. & JOHNSON, R.W. (1958). higher. This effect of host varieties on the feedingof the Effect of osmotic concentration on hatching of some plant parasitehas been observed in Heteroderaavenue by parasitic nematodes. Nematologica, 3 : 115-126. Cook (1977). HOAGLAND,D. R. & ARNON, D.1. (1950). The water culture Between 4 and 5 weeks, the COD decreasedon method for growing plants without soil. Circ. Calif: agric. IR 1529 ". This was related with the presenceof some Exp. Stat.,No. 347. eggs in the nutritive solution of the jars. Thus, eggs formed by this species may be partly layed freely in soil. HOMINICK,W. M. (1983). Oxygen uptake during tanning of Thisdecrease of COD couldbe also related with Globodera rostochiensis. Revue Nématol., 6 : 199-206. chemical changes occuring when females becomecysts, KRUSBERG,L. R., HUSSEY,R. S. & FLETCHER,C. L. (1973). especially the tanning of the cuticle, which involves a Lipid and fatty acid composition of females and eggs of largeoxygen uptake in Globodera rostochiensis Meloidogyne incognita and M. arenaria. Comp. Biochenz. (Hominick, 1983). Physiol., 45 B : 335-341. There was not enough material produced to evaluate LUC, M. & MERNY,G. (1963). Heteroderasacchari n.sp. the egg content of females at each time. Thiswas done (Nematoda : Tylenchoidea) parasite de la canne à sucre au only at 5 weeks for " IR 1529 ". Five batches of Congo-Brazzaville. Nematologica, 9 : 31-37. 30 females were recovered and kept for 4 weeks in a OHBA,K. & ISHIBASHI,N. (1981). Effect of procaine on the 0.3 M NaCl solution, which inhibits hatching but allows development,longevity and fecundity of Caenorhabditis the development (Dropkin, Martin & Johnson, 1958). elegans. Nematologica, 27 : 275-284. The cysts were crushed and the juveniles hatched with REVERSAT, G. (1976).Étude de la composition biochimique potassiumpermanganate (Reversat, 1981 b). The globale des juvéniles des nématodes Meloidogyne javanica individual cyst content had an average of 327 juveniles et Heterodera o yzae. Cah. ORSTOM, sér. Biol., 11 : (standarddeviation : 41). Inthe COD value of the 225-234. female, thepart due to the eggs was13.8 pl REVERSAT,G. (1980).More about the drop by drop (327 x 0.042), which represents 26 "/O of the total value. distribution of a nematode suspension. Revue NématoL, 3 : 146-150. REVERSAT,G. (1981a). Age related changes in the chemical REFERENCES oxygen demand of second stage juveniles of Meloidogyne ANDRASSY,1. (1956).Die Rauminhalts- undGewicht- javanica and Heterodera oyzae. Nematologica, 27 : 220-227. bestimmungder Fadenwiirmer (Nematoden). Act. Zool. REVERSAT,G. (1981 b). Potassium permanganate as a hatching Acad. Scient. Hungar., 2 : 1-15. agent for Heterodera sacchari. Revue Nénzatol., 4 : 174-176. Accepté pour publication le 23 juillet 1986. HOST RANGE OF ANGUINA AMSINCHAE WITHIN THE GENUSAMSINCIUA Dan J. PANTONE" Anguina amsinckiae (Steiner & Scott, 1934) Thorne, Lehmann, andA. glonosa Suksdorf (Pantone, Griesbach 1961 is a potential agentfor biological weed control and & Maggenti, 1986). The genus Amsinckia hasfour is known to have three hosts under natural conditions : sections(Ray & Chisaki, 1957a,b,c), and al1 known Amsinckia intemedia Fischer & Meyer, A. lycopsoides hosts are either inthe Muricatae or the Tessellatae * Graduate Group in Ecology and Department of Plant Pathology, UniversiQ of California, Davis, Ca 95616, USA. Revue Nématol. 10 (1) (1987) 117 D. J. Pantone Table 1 seed coat of the imbibed seeds with a fine jeweler's Locations of seed sources of Amsinckia spp. forceps on the side opposite the hilum, and planted into used in host range tests. sandy loam soil (61 O/O Sand, 20 Yo Clay, and 19 O/o silt) approximately 1 cm deep. Seedlings were thinned to Amsinckia Location four plants per 15 cm Clay pot. Eight replicate pots were species used for each Amsinckia species, and the pots were arranged in a randomized complete block design. Plants A. menziesii were watered as needed withHoagland's solution at (489*)Monterey County, 6.4 km WestofHighway one-half strength by subinigation. Al1 plants were grown (Muricatae**) 101 on Highway G18 within a growth chamber maintained at 15' with a light A. intermedia intensity of 200 uE .m-'. S-'. The photoperiod was (385) SantaClara County, 3.2 km south of eight hours per day for the fmt 60 days of the exper- (Muricatae) Morgan Hill on Monterey Road at Crowner iment, when the photoperiod was increased to twelve Avenue hours for the remainder of the experiment to induce A. lycopsoides flowering. Nine species of Amsinckia (Tab. 1) were used (425) San Benito County, intersection of High- in the study, and three of the species (A. intermedia, (Muricatae) way 25 and Live Oak Road A. lycopsoides, and A. gloriosa) were grown from seed A. lunaris (325) Contra Costa County, 4.6 km east of San obtained from Anguina amsinckiae galled plants. Al1 (Disjunctae) Pablo Dam Road on Bear Creek Road nematodes used in the experiments were obtained from A. spectabilis galls collected from a single population of Amsinckia intermedia (Tab. 1). Forty days after planting, al1 pots (485) (Micro- San Luis Obispo County, 3.1 km north of were inoculated at the soil surface near the base of the carpae) Santa Maria River on Highway 101 plants with 10 O00 second-stage juvenilesobtained from previously dried galls that had been soaked in water for A. tessellata one hour to revive the anhydrobiotic nematodes. After KernCounty, 1.6 east of Interstate (605) km inoculation, al1 pots werecovered with polyethelene (Tessellatae) Highway 5 on Highway 138 plastic bags to maintain the humidity at approximately A. gloriosa (563) San Luis Obispo County, 4.8 km east of 95 percent, and a small hole (approximately 1 cm') was (Tessellatae) Simmler on Highway 58 cut at thebase and topof the plastic bag forventilation. A. douglasiana Plants were harvested ,after 120 days and evaluated for (575) Santa Barbara County, 1.6km West of Little the presence of nematode galls. (Tessellatae) Pine Mountain, San Rafael Mountains Nematode galls withreproducing adults formedon A. A, vernicosa intermedia and A. menziesii, which represented the first (566) San Luis Obispo County, 4.8 km east of time that artificially inoculated plants were induced to (Tessellatae) Simmler on Highway 58 form galls. Previously, A. menziesii was not known as a host of the nematode. No galls with reproducing nema- * Assessionnumber. Voucher specimens deposited in the todes were found on any other species, including A. University of California, Davis, Deparunent of Botany Her- lycopsoides or A. gloriosa, both of which were grown barium (DAV). from seed obtained from nematode-galled plants. How- ** Section within the genus Amsinckia. ever, A. spectabilis Fischer & Meyer formed one gall approximately 1.5 mm in diameter; only juvenile nema- todes were found inside, and the inner gall surface was (Tab. 1). It is probable that additional species of Am- necrotic, indicating ahypersensitive response of the sinckia within the Muricatae or Tessellatae are hosts of plant to the nematode. In addition to flower galls, two the nematode. In the present study, nine of the ten leaf galls were found on A. intemedia. California species ofAmsinckia, as interpreted by Munz A. rnenziesii hybridizes with A. intermedia (Ray & (1959), were evaluated as potential hosts of the nema- Chisaki, 1957c) and, therefore, it should not be surpri- tode. A.grandijlora Kleeberger was not used because it sing thata nematode population from A. intermedia can is a protected endangered species (Anon., 1982) and, also reproduce on A. menziesii. However, A. intermedia therefore, collecting seeds from the last known popu- can also hybridize with A. lycopsoides (Ray & Chisaki, lation was not feasible. No evaluation of host range 1957c), but no nematode galls formed on A. lycopsoides, for Anguina amsinckiaehad been performed under con- a known host of Anguina amsinckiae. This failure to trolled conditions previous to this study. stimulate Amsinckia lycopsoides and A. gloriosa to form Seeds from Amsinckia spp. were placedin Petri dishes galls could indicate that the environment provided was on two pieces of dampened filter paper and allowed to not favorable for thenematode to attack these two hosts. imbibe water overnight (approximately 17 hours). Scari- More likely, there may be different races of the nema- fication of seeds was achieved by cutting through the tode, and the race used in this study may not have been 118 Revue Nématol. 10 (1) : II 7-119 (1987) Notes brèves virulent on A. lycopsoides or A. gloriosa. The latter and bulb-infesting nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci var. am- hypothesis agrees with the field observations of Pantone, sinckiae. Phytopathology, 38 : 41-53. Griesbach andMaggenti (1986) Who reported that MUNZ,P. A. (1959). A California Flora. Berkeley, Univ. Calif. known hosts of the nematodewere unaffected at several Press, 1681 p. sites of nematosis where only one species was galled. NAGAMINE,C., & MAGGENTI, A. R. (1980). Blindingof shoots A. spectabilis, which is in the section Microcarpae, is and a leaf gall inAmsinckia intennediainduced by Anguina not as close taxonomically to A.
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