The Industry Leader in Professional Quality Lighting Products Professional Portable Lighting Products

The Industry Leader in Professional Quality Lighting Products Professional Portable Lighting Products

The Industry Leader in Professional Quality Lighting Products Professional Portable Lighting Products Tactical Light TABLE OF CONTENTS Polymer Tactical Flashlight - Non-Rechargeable 48K847 / TAC-300B Pg. 28 BAYCO Polymer Tactical Flashlight - Non-Rechargeable 48K849 / TAC-300T Pg. 28 LED Lights Polymer Tactical Flashlight - Non-Rechargeable 48K848 / TAC-300Y Pg. 29 Under Hook Work Light - Rechargeable 38D268 / SLR-2120 Pg. 3 Metal Tactical Flashlight - Non-Rechargeable 48K850 / TAC-350B Pg. 29 2-in-1 LED Work Light w/Spot Light - Rechargeable 38D269 / SLR-2134 Pg. 3 Xtreme Lumens Metal Tactical Flashlight - Non-Rechargeable 20VC31 / TAC-360XL Pg. 30 2-in-1 LED Work Light w/Spot Light - Rechargeable 38D270 / SLR-2166 Pg. 4 Polymer Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 38D265 / TAC-400B Pg. 30 Corded LED Work Light w/ Magnetic Hook 38W565 / SL-2125 Pg. 4 Polymer Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW16 / TAC-400T Pg. 31 3-in-1 LED Task Light w/ Adjustable Hanger - Rechargeable 9TVF6 / NSR-2482 Pg. 5 Polymer Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW15 / TAC-400Y Pg. 31 Flourescent Lights Metal Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW14 / TAC-450B Pg. 32 3-in-1 LED Task Light w/ Adjustable Hanger - Rechargeable 8YUX7 / NSR-2492 Pg. 5 Xtreme Lumens Metal Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable Pending / TAC-460XL Pg. 32 13w Fluorescent Work Light 38W577 / SL-520 Pg. 6 Polymer Multi-Function Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW17 / TAC-500B Pg. 33 13w Fluorescent Work Light w/ Spotlight - OSHA Polymer Multi-Function Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW19 / TAC-500T Pg. 33 NRTL Compliant 38W564 / SL-677 Pg. 6 Polymer Multi-Function Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW18 / TAC-500Y Pg. 34 13w Fluorescent Work Light w/ Spotlight & Single Outlet 3LGX2 / SL-935 Pg. 7 Xtreme Lumens Metal Multi-Function Tactical Flashlight - 13w Fluorescent Work Light w/ Spotlight & Single Outlet 3LGX3 / SL-936 Pg. 7 Non-Rechargeable Pending / TAC-540XL Pg. 34 26w Fluorescent Work Light w/ Single Outlet 3LGX4 / SL-975 Pg. 8 Metal Multi-Function Tactical Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW13 / TAC-550B Pg. 35 UV Flourescent Lights Xtreme Lumens Metal Multi-Function Tactical Flashlight 13w UV Fluorescent Rechargeable Work Light w/ Single - Rechargeable Pending / TAC-560XL Pg. 35 Battery & Yellow Safety Glasses 8MDC6 / UVR-9000 Pg. 8 Duty / Personal-Size Light Halogen Lights Metal Multi-Function Duty / Personal-Size 1000w Halogen Single Fixture Work Light 8MAX1 / SL-1002 Pg. 9 Flashlight - Rechargeable Pending / NSR-9614B Pg. 36 1000w Convertible Halogen Dual Fixture Work Light 8MAX0 / SL-1005 Pg. 9 Xtreme Lumens Polymer Multi-Function Duty/Personal 500w Convertible Halogen Single Fixture Work Light 8YUW6 / SL-1022 Pg. 10 -Size Dual-Light w/Magnet - Rechargeable Pending / NSR-9920XL Pg. 36 Clamp Lights Xtreme Lumens Metal Multi-Function Duty/ 5 1/2” Clamp Light 38W587 / SL-201PDQ6 Pg. 10 Personal-Size Dual-Light - Rechargeable Pending / NSR-9944XL Pg. 37 8 1/2” Clamp Light 38W574 / SL-300N4 Pg. 11 Full-Size Light 10 1/2” Brooder Clamp Light 38W596 / SL-302B3 Pg. 11 Metal Multi-Function Full-Size Flashlight - Rechargeable 22KW12 / NSR-9746B Pg. 37 10 1/2” Clamp Light 38W595 / SL-310B4 Pg. 12 Intrinsically Safe Cord Management Intrinsically Safe Polymer Penlight - Non-Rechargeable 22KW10 / XPP-5410G Pg. 38 Cord Wrap 38W562 / K-150 Pg. 12 Intrinsically Safe Polymer Penlight - Non-Rechargeable 22KW11 / XPP-5412G Pg. 38 Heavy Duty Cord Storage Reel w/ Center Spin Handle 38W590 / KW-130 Pg. 13 Intrinsically Safe Flashlight - Non-Rechargeable 5RAG2 / XPP-5420G Pg. 39 Reels Intrinsically Safe Permissible Dual-Light - Non-Rechargeable 38D267 / XPP-5422B Pg. 39 25ft Cord Reel w/ Integrated Cord & 4 Outlets 38W592 / SL-755 Pg. 13 Intrinsically Safe Permissible Dual-Light - Non-Rechargeable 5RAG1 / XPP-5422G Pg. 40 30ft Retractable Metal Cord Reel w/ 3 Outlets - 10amp 3LKL4 / SL-800 Pg. 14 Intrinsically Safe Dual-Function Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 48K842 / XPP-5450G Pg. 40 30ft Retractable Metal Cord Reel w/ 3 Outlets - 13amp 3KUP3 / SL-801 Pg. 14 Intrinsically Safe Dual-Function Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 48K841 / XPP-5452G Pg. 41 50ft Retractable Polymer Cord Reel w/ 3 Outlets - 13amp 3KUP1 / SL-8903 Pg. 15 Intrinsically Safe Multi-Function Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 48K844 / XPP-5456G Pg. 41 50ft Retractable Polymer Cord Reel w/ 4 Outlets - 15amp 3KVA6 / SL-8904 Pg. 15 Intrinsically Safe Multi-Function Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 48K843 / XPP-5458G Pg. 42 13w Fluorescent Work Light w/ Single Outlet & Dual Swivel Multi-Purpose Light Hooks on 40ft Metal Reel 3LKL5 / SL-821 Pg. 16 Multi-Purpose - Dual-Light w/ Integrated Magnet - 13w Fluorescent Work Light / Spotlight w/ Single Outlet on Non-Rechargeable Pending / NSP-1224R Pg. 42 40ft Metal Reel 6GGW2 / SL-825 Pg. 16 Multi-Purpose LED Light - Non-Rechargeable 5RAF4 / NSP-1236 Pg. 43 13w Fluorescent Work Light on 50ft Metal Reel 38W589 / SL-826 Pg. 17 Multi-Purpose LED Light - Non-Rechargeable 38W582 / NSP-1160 Pg. 43 26w Fluorescent Work Light w/ Single Outlet on 50ft Reel 38W602 / SL-8908 Pg. 17 LED Multi-Function - Flashlight/Floodlight/Dual-Light 5RAF3 / NSP-1260 Pg. 44 Incandescent Work Light w/ Metal Guard & Single Outlet on Multi-Purpose Dual-Switch Dual-Light - Non-Rechargeable Pending / NSP-1400B Pg. 44 40ft Metal Reel 3LKL3 / SL-840 Pg. 18 Multi-Purpose Dual-Switch Dual-Light - Non-Rechargeable Pending / NSP-1400R Pg. 45 60 LED Work Light on Retractable Reel 38D271 / SL-864 Pg. 18 Multi-Purpose Dual-Switch Dual-Light - Non-Rechargeable Pending / NSP-1400T Pg. 45 Booster Cables Multi-Purpose Dual-Light w/Magnet 20VC19 / NSP-2422R Pg. 46 16’ Booster Cable - Heavy-Duty - 400 amp 3VRZ7 / SL-3006 Pg. 19 Headlamp 20’ Booster Cable - Extra Heavy-Duty - 500 amp 3MJW7 / SL-3008 Pg. 19 Multi-Function LED Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 38W569 / NSP-4602B Pg. 46 25’ Booster Cable - Extreme-Duty - 800 amp 3MJX2 / SL-3010 Pg. 19 LED Dual-Light Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 38D264 / NSP-4604B Pg. 47 20’ Booster Cable - Extra Heavy-Duty - 500 amp 3VRZ8 / SL-3029 Pg. 20 Multi-Function LED Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 48K846 / NSP-4608B Pg. 47 LBC Multi-Function LED Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 48K845 / NSP-4610B Pg. 48 Light Bulb Changer w/11’ 3-Section Steel Pole & 3 Changer Dual-Light Multi-Function Headlamp - Non-Rechargeable 20VC18 / NSP-4612B Pg. 48 Heads plus 2-Piece Broken Bulb Changer & Duster 38W576 / LBC-600SDLBD Pg. 20 Safety Light Light Bulb Changer Head for Extracting Broken Bulbs Safety Light / Flashlight 38W599 / NSP-1162 Pg. 49 - 2-Piece Set 8YDC7 / LBC-800 Pg. 20 Safety Light / Flashlight 38W586 / NSP-1164 Pg. 49 Replacement Part Safety Light / Flashlight 38W579 / NSP-1172 Pg. 50 Replacement Magnetic Hook 20VC22 / 2166-HOOK Pg. 21 Safety Light / Flashlight 38W601 / NSP-1174 Pg. 50 Replacement 13w Fluorescent Bulb 3LKL6 / SL-103PDQ Pg. 21 Safety Light / Flashlight 38W581 / NSP-1178 Pg. 51 Replacement 13w UV Fluorescent Bulb 3LKP6 / SL-513-BULB Pg. 21 Safety Light / Flashlight Combo Kit 38W606 / NSP-1174-K01 Pg. 51 Replacement Fluorescent Head 6GGV9 / SL-200 Pg. 22 Accessory Replacement Fluorescent Head 38W605 / SL-908H Pg. 22 Red Safety Cone 5RAG3 / 1200-RCONE Pg. 52 Replacement LED Work Light Head 38W604 / SL-260 Pg. 22 Yellow Safety Cone 5RAG4 / 1200-YCONE Pg. 52 Replacement Tube Assembly 6GGW0 / SL-202 Pg. 23 Red Safety Cone 38W568 / 1260-RCONE Pg. 52 Replacement Jaws for Extreme-Duty 500 amp Booster Cables 3MJX4 / SL-3015 Pg. 23 Red Safety Cone 5RAH8 / 9914-RCONE Pg. 52 Yellow Safety Cone 5RAH9 / 9914-YCONE Pg. 53 NIGHTSTICK Blue Safety Cone 20VC28 / 9914-BCONE Pg. 53 Mini-TAC Light Red Safety Cone 20VC27 / 9600-RCONE Pg. 53 Mini-TAC – 2 AAA Pending / MT-100 Pg. 24 Yellow Safety Cone 20VC26 / 9600-YCONE Pg. 53 Mini-TAC – 1 AA Pending / MT-110 Pg. 24 Blue Safety Cone 20VC25 / 9600-BCONE Pg. 54 Mini-TAC – 2 AA Pending / MT-120 Pg. 25 Pocket Clip 5RAG7 / 1200-CLIP Pg. 54 Mini-TAC Gooseneck – 2 AA Pending / MT-130 Pg. 25 Magnetic Clip 5RAG5 / 1200-MAGNET Pg. 54 Mini-TAC Pro – 2 AAA Pending / MT-200 Pg. 26 Heavy Weighted Magnetic Base 20VC23 / 1160-BASE Pg. 54 Mini-TAC Pro – 1 AA Pending / MT-210 Pg. 26 Protective Rubber Bumpers 20VC30 / 1260-BUMPERS Pg. 55 Mini-TAC Pro – 2 AA Pending / MT-220 Pg. 27 Holster 5RAG6 / 1200-HOLSTER Pg. 55 Mini-TAC Pro EMT – 1 AA Pending / MT-230 Pg. 27 Holster - Cordura 20VC24 / 5420-HOLSTER Pg. 55 Holster - Basket Weave Leather 5RAH6 / 9810-LH Pg. 55 LED Light Under Hook Work Light - Rechargeable GRAINGER PART NUMBER: 38D268 BAYCO PART NUMBER: SLR-2120 • 120 LEDs with two brightness modes - full-power & half-power • Dual spring-loaded grippers with 48”-77” capacity built into the cradle • Light bar can be rotated 360 degrees in the cradle or removed all together • Light bar handles have 3 magnets each and an integrated hook for added hands-free functionality • Integrated rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride battery - no recharge memory effect PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The SLR-2120 Under The Hood Light, is purpose built as an all LED, hands-free fl oodlight for the automotive enthusiast. This rechargeable work light has an adjustable cradle with a pair of spring-loaded, foam-covered grippers that will extend 48” – 77” to fi t on the underside of virtually any automobile hood. The light bar can then be rotated 360 degrees to place the lighting exactly where it’s needed. The 2120 has a total of 120 LEDs and two brightness modes…Full Power (330 lumens) and Half-Power (150 lumens). The dual On/Off Buttons, one located on each of the two handles, operate in tandem with each other. One press of either button turns the light on in Half-Power Mode, a second press and you’re in Full-Power Mode and then of course a third press of either button turns the light off.

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