Berti* Porzeliu* Margi« Dodson Linda Ballenger Jams Kirby Sharon Thompson Five Finalists TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY • • • • FORT WORTH, TEXAS VOL. 58, No. 35 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1960 8 PAGES Are Named Dr. D. E. Trueblood Will Be Best-Dressed Finalist! in the besl dressed hostess from Sherley: Mis Mabel contest were chosen Friday at Morton from Foster and Miss Main Speaker for RE Week a tea in Room 21(> of the Student Minnie Harrison from Colby. Center Also Miss Beth Adair Morris. By GARY BLEVINS Dr. Trueblood has written 17 vard University; Ph.D., Johns They are Misses Lynda Ballen- Skiff editor; Dr. James Varda- Religious Emphasis Week books, his latest being "Idea of Hopkins University; I.itt 1) . ger. Midland freshman, nominat- man, assistant professor of his- a College " speaker, Dr. D. Elton Trueblood, Washington and Lee; LL.D., ed by Sherley Hall Dorm Coun- tory; Dean Laurence Smith, dean In a statement made this year. Miami University; Litt.D. Uni- cil; Margie Dodson, Fort Worth was termed "the best known of students and David Freeman, Harper and Brothers Publishers \arsity of Vermont; ST 11 , [Upon senior. Delta Gamma; Jams Kir- vice president of the student Quaker writer of our generation" staled that total sales of his College; EMI)., Simpson Col- by, Houston junior, Kappa Kap- body. in a recent Pulpit Book Club books have exceeded 400,000. lege. pa Gamma; Bettie B. Porzelius, Bulletin. Dr. Trueblood is a native of Dr. Trueblood is a member of Chattanooga, Tenn. junior, Colby The Bulletin also recognized Pleasantville, Iowa. He is cur- the American Philosophical As Hall Dorm Council and Sharon Dr. Trueblood's "talent for stat- rently a professor of philosophy sociation, Theta Chi, and the Thompson. Houston sophomore, Two Schools ing profound truths in a force- at Earlham College, the Quaker Cosmos Club. nominated by Sigma Phi Kpsilon. ful way, making a strong appeal Institution, Richmond, Ind, He was Chairman of the A second judging will take Show Gains to the lay mind." where he has been since 1046 Friends World Committee for place tomorrow afternoon in His literary work is of two He was on leave during 1954 and Consultation, 1947 1963. He is Room 216 of the Student (en different types. Some of it is 1955 to serve as chief of religious a Member of the Board, Church ter to select the final winner In Enrollment philosophical, yet other writ- information in the United States Peace Union; a Member of the from these five. She will be TCC's ings reveal a flair for popular Information Agency. Board, William Penn College; entry in Glamour Magazine's Spring enrollment increased interpretation of religion in re- He holds the following degrees; and President of Yokefellow As- national contest to choose the in two of the eight colleges of lation to contemporary life. B A, Penn College; STB, Har- sociates. the ten best dressed college girls the Universitx Before coming to Earlham Col- in America An increase of eight students lege, he held positions at Guil- When the winner is selected, in the Graduate School was mo- Eleven Given Scholarships ford College, llaverford College, she will be photographed m three dest compared to the significant Harvard University, Garrett Bib- separate outfit! The photographs increase of 108 in the School of Eleven students have received Four special high school schol- lical Institute, Wabash College, will be sent with the official Business. Stanford University, and Wood entry blank Registration in the other six scholarships for the spring term. arships in the School of Fine Aits were awarded to freshmen San- broiike. England He was editor The ten national winners will colleges decreased in varying The scholarships range from $75 dra K. Roy of Springfield, Mo, of The Friend, 1935 1941! be announced in April They numbers An enrollment drop of to $150 per semester. Phyllis Taylor, Phoenix, Ariz., His Convocation topics during will be flown to New York the ;ni in the Evening College was Sherrie II Payne, Kort Worth, RE Week will be "The Reason first week m June to spend two the greatest, and the smallest and Patrick I,. Simpson, Dallas for a University." "Loving God weeks as quests of Glamour. was in the School of Education Sadler Voted A Fine Arts Foundation grant With All One's Intellect" and There they will attend fashion with a decrease of four Students was awarded Billy Ben I<awson, ' "The University and Social Con- shows, make TV appearances and Enrollment m the AddKan junior from Cleburne, and an or- cern " be featured in the August issue College of Arts and Sciences de- To Executive chestra scholarship was given to of Glamour. creased by 41; Bnte College of Tom Barton, San Antonio junior. the Bible decreased eight; the Judges last Friday, when TCU*S School of Fine Arts' enrollment Three special scholarships in Joseph H. Buys finalists were chosen, were Miss Positions the School of Business wore pre- dropped six, and Harris College Dlsabeth Youngblood, social sented to Linda Ann Frye, Commands Camp of Nursing enrollment was de- Chancellor M E. Sadler has director. Miss Elizabeth Shel- creased by nine students Shreveport senior; Juliane Prit- burne. dean of women: Mis F been elected vice-president of Col Joseph H Buys, professor Distribution of enrollment by chard. Danville. Ind junior; and K. Latimer, hostess from Waits the Council of Protestant Col- of Military Science and Tactics schools and colleges is based on Don E Boswell, Nocona sopho Hall; Mrs Flla May O'Brien, leges and Universities at the more. at Texas Western College, El major subjects of students ex- group's annual meeting held re- Two students enrolling at TCU Paso, has been named deputy cept Graduate School, Evening cently in Boston. He also was this spring were awarded scholar- Camp Commander for the annual Winesanker Gives Paper College and Bute College are named to the Council's execu- ships as valedictorians of their ROTC Summer Camp to lie held not classified by major, but aie tive committee high school graduating classes at Fort Hood beginning June 1(1 Dr. Michael Winesanker, chair included in the total Evening Dr Sadler is in his nineteenth last June. They were Gary Van Approximately 14(H) ROTC ca man of the music department College count year here. He came to the Uni- Snapp of Prairie Valley School dels from 29 universities and col- will read a paper Fcb 29 in Little Graduate students who have versity as its sixth president in in Nocona, and F.rrol Wade Ro- leges in the Fourth Army area, Rock, Ark at the Southwestern bachelor's degrees are tabulated 1941, and has been Chancellor berts of Jessieville High School, which Includes TCU, will attend regional meeting of the Music in Graduate School and not by since Sept. 1, 1959. Jessleville, Arkansas. this year's six week encampment Teachers National Association. major subjects. Wednesday, February 24, I960 Page 1 THE SKIFF Muse-Ments Young Republicans Meet Team workers 'Fisherman' Holds Over To Organize On Campus Win Seventh "We want to give the students semester ends, the group plans As 'Last Voyage' Opens a political choice, and a chance several rallies, and group panel Place Award discussions within the organi- By JNELL ROGERS gineer Edmund O'Brien in trying to develop their individual views zation and with the Young Demo- The debate team placed seven- to check the trouble. and to take a stand on them," The Big Fisherman crats. th in one of the nation's largest The most heartstirring story said Charley Walker, junior from If anyone feared that great The organization will operate which viewers witness is the Munday. debate tournaments, the Owen L Biblical spectaculars died with independently, determining its plight of a young couple and Walker had just announced Coon Memorial Debate Tourna- the late Cecil B. DeMille, his an organizational meeting of own policies. It will be charted fears were groundless. their daughter who are passen- ment held at Northwestern Uni- gers. the Young Republicans to be held by the Texas Federation of Young Rowland V. Lee has produced at 3 p.m. today in Room 210 Republicans. versity, Evanston, 111, Feb. 11-13, One* More With Feeling one of the most authentic spiri- of the Student Center. Walker said that 27 students Seventy colleges and univer- A technicolor comedy starring tual sagas to come out of Holly- 'The purpose of this meeting have indicated a desire to join sities, representing 30 states, sent Yol Brynner, with bald head shin- wood in quite some time with is to elect officers and to organ- the new club, and added that if 104 teams to the debate. his technicolor adaptation of ing and Kay Kendall in her last ize committees. We hope to pro- others are interested, they may The team, composed of Nell Lloyd ('. Douglas' book "The movie before her death, starts mote the understanding of, and sign up at the information desk Big Fisherman " tomorrow at the Hollywood. It's to stimulate interest in. the Re- in the Student Center New mem- Wcatherhogg, a junior from Ros- Now showing at the Bowie 'Once More With Feeling" which publican Party and the functions bers must be students between coe, Tex , and Ixmn Taylor, Jr., Theater, "The Big Fisherman" was the sneak at the Hollywood of the American political sys- the ages of 18 and 36. a Fort Worth junior, lost one is about Simon Peter and how Sunday. tem," Walker said. Sponsor for the new organiza- round in the preliminaries and his life was changed by the Lord. Brynner is an orchestra direc- Walker said the new group's tion will be Dr John T.
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