-- -- Bryant University's campus newspaper since 1946 Volume 72, Issue 19 he ext big step i Spring Weekend comedians announced Bryant COllllllUni ation By Bryan Sergeant Staff Writer By Emilie La oje David Lettemlan, ,. "Premium ber. Hi mO ,· t n table comedic .\.'I'sl. Camplls News Editor Blend" on Comedy Cenrral, and peTfonnance skill bas been hi ' everal Iher ftlm credits. knack for impressions of fam u' Cont'd on page 5 Due to Mitch Hedberg' , Gaffigan, considered a "triple people. Not oilly does he do untimely death, the lineup for threat" in stand-up, a ling, and these iJDpre sion . but he picks Spring Weekend's comedians writin8-r bas made appearances n audience member and every­ had to be changed witft little on both CBS's "Late Show with day people. He al 0, in one par­ notice. SPB Concert Chau, Chris David Letterman" and NBC' , ticular show, did an extensive AA is recognized as a Compwllk'05isnowreadyto "Late Nigbt with Conan routi ne about the unwritten rules announce that Jim Gaffigan and O'Brian." He has also main­ of the men's room. This had the Dean Edward~ will bl: replacing tained one of the highe I rank­ audience i tears. ajor organization in Mitch Hedberg as headlining ings for aJ I stand-up shows on Edwards hill headline top performers for Saturday night of the Comedy Central network comedy club across the country Spring Weekend. I Me Witty with his comedy special, and appeared on Comedy will at() join the pair as an Comedy Central Presents: Jim Central's "USa Comedy Tour" r giona competition opener and MC throughout the Gaffigan. He has also performed "Prenuum Blend," "The World By Bethany Thornton only did the organization take show. his routine at the HBO US Stand Up," and also "Rus ell Editor-III-Chief hom an award, but their new Isaac Witty began his stand­ Comedy Arts Festival and the Simmon' DefComedy Jam." website also received the "2005 up career at the age of 16 at a Just For Laughs Internabonal He has also contributed his voice On Saturday, April 9, the Out '\< ndmg Web.'ile Award." church talent show. His love for Come y Fe tival in M ntreaL to show such as MTV's tudent AI mni 0\.- clatIOn Mi 'hael OJiveri '08 was the comedy developed much earlier. Gaffigan has also made con" '·Celebrity Deathmatch" and AAI received the "2005 webmaster wh reared the however, while touring with his sistenl appearances on TV's BET's animaled ·erie · "Hey Outslanding gamzalion wehsite, Oliveri was able to put parents and performing Christian "That 70' Show," "Ed," the Monie." Re eOlly he made a ward" given by the The wehsite together Tn 15 d< ys. sleet 11 comedy. "Late Show with David very notable appearance on As 'iatio of Student .'It W .1 light time table, iIlt Wilty egan wri ti ng and per­ Letterman," and his filmography HBO's bit serie "The Advancmg Programs (ASAP). we ed up WIth II great prod­ forming hi ' own material shortly stretches from 1997 to 2005 with Sopranos," and now has plans to e mp tilion t ) pI ce' 1 uct to erve the organizati n. I after his lirsl set in his home­ over 30 fLlm , You may remem­ pJay It r Ie in an upcoming fea­ Won: ter Polytechnic Institute, plan to c nlinue to hold it all town of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was ber seeing him io Super ture film. who hnppene 10 po e strong together as bme goes on," there that he WilS named the win­ Troopers, 13 Going On 30. and All three comedian have ompetltion for Br ant. Oliveri ~t.'lle d ncerning the ner of the Tulsa "Comedy even R ad Trip. He ha woo received rav reviews from those This w' . the fust year that time crunch in which he had to Central Laugh Off." Many con­ several awards for his commer­ attending their stand-up features, AA ent red int the competi­ de ign ami implement the new tinue to d scribe Witty's routine cial campaigns including to tho e who have seen their tion and amazmgly came out a sit . In . pe t t tbe award he as clean and unique. Although Bu iness Wee s 1999 numerous films and TV appear­ winner. Bryant's SAA comp t­ received. he lated, '1 feel bon- ill st comedians continue t "Salesman of The Year" . ances. Bryant certainly is lucky ed with 22 lh r sch I. in b red 10 receive such a high chum their originalit , Witty's Along with Gaffigan' and to host three highly regarded district The district is made up award. 'SA iutervlewed 133 originality bas remained con­ Witty'. performance • Dean comedians in celebration of our of New England and southern appli ant. la.t fall ,tJlU .. w the tanl and i one of his more re - Edward will take the mike. Spring Weekend festivities. Cana a. Among their compell ­ rno t putentiallO hven. ognizable traits. His appearances Edwards is a former tw year lors were sehoul. uch as MIT. cont'd on page 4 mclude the "Late Show with Saturday Night Live cast mem- UCO , and Brand is. Not · Do you always change the radio Check OUI our new sport col­ The Variety Editors Jeview station when Country mu IC umn Daley's Weekly on every­ s me of their favorite '; Max comes on'! Find Qut lhe real OILS one's favorite topic, the Boston Creek and I <3 Huckabee . yoo 'bouJlin" in thi week ' ~ Red Sox Ranl. ~- Page 2 National News The Archway Students get more than grades by esig'ning glider began in 2002 with a $100.000 55,000 feel. ing as .. new by, " milh said Students design and build the By Andy Mead Knight Ridder Newspapers grant from NASA. The wlOgs hardened as the For the May 2004 high-alti­ uselage. inflation and atltomalic (KRT) "Airplanes are a strong candi- balloon cnntmued to 89,000 feet. lude night of Big Blue n. or pilot systems and use a proto­ date to explore Mars, just as they fht! plan cut ·Ioose and pem 2 { Deimos, Ihe ludenls rede igned type Mar nyer on loan from have been done so eifectiwly on hours gliding to lhe ground th inflation system and devel- NA A to study techniques for No one has ever flown an air­ Ea h for more than 100 years under a parachute. oped a stronger second-genera­ moonting wmgs plane on Mars. but ngineering now," said Andy tion set of wings. Bi~ Blue is a senior design students at the University of Gonzales, who heads the . The pia was that. project althe Kentucky C Jlege Kentucky are helping NASA fig­ Mars airplane project at . when Deimos gOI close of Engineering. About 200 ure oul how it could be done. the NASA Ames to the ground for mechanical, electrical and com ­ And they're doing itlhrough a Research Center in them to see iI, the stu- puter engin ering students have project called Big Blu . Calilomla and has dents would take control worked on it over three years, That's short for baseline worked with the UK stu- from the onboard com­ Smith said. intlatable blider balloon dents. puter and guide the he doesn't have a current launched unmanned e, periment. The next time planet plane in . count. but said lhal. at one time, It's a ,mall, LUdent-designed alignment will be right The balloon burst at about 10 perccnt of them had glider lhal a high-alLilud bal­ for sending a plane to .000 fcet, however 0 gone on to graduate school in loon carries 10 the ed"c of space Mars \\ ill be in 20 II . Ule plane came down out aeronautics, to jobs in the indus­ at I00.000 feet. where the thm Sev'raJ groups around of sight of the students. try or to internship at ASA. air and hi!!;h levels ot radiallon the world are working on But the wings, which Bobby Jones of Le. ington. a are imilar to the almosphere of Mars n}crs. but all Cace will be displayed in New senior mechanical engineering Mars, the same problem: How Yorl--: , were perfect ~tuuent who worked on Big Blu The plane is () high-tech lhat do you de Ign a plane 1 hi year'. ru hI 0 for two years interned at ILC (h~ one students flev. last vear small enoue;:h to be Big Blue 11l is scheduled Dover la summer and 'aid the Ddmos, named alter one . f the packed into a spaceshir for April 30, with May I company has talkcd with him two moon of Mars will be part for the long trip to Mars COUrlBSy ofKRTas a bad-wealher date about ajob. of an c. hibit lhal openet.l Friday but with a \0\ ingspnn wid Part of the B 9 Blue Glider at the University Thi lime, Smith said, "A lot f the 'ngint.:ers there at th Smithsonian Instilution's enough 10 ny once Il gets of Kentucky. the wlIlgs will be inflat­ \\ho work wilh ASA are really Cooper-Hewitl Nalional Design there? able but won't be treated lmpressed \\ ith Ihal w 're Museum in Ne\\ Yor\... Others have tried WlOgs thaI "It was reall\ tIlt' first Lime ~ith the epoxy thaL would make doing" hl!' said " ad when I The exhihit. which runs mechanically unfold after being thut any n had d nt: this." said them rigi , TIley are mad of walk- into an interview with thal thr ugh Oct.
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