,~. ~ . ~ ••~, '~-"-""'~."--''''''~- __''_:~'''' ..,I - _._"'.- ..... -" •••,- .' '" .- ..... - ..... :. "-."'-. Archives LD729.6 C5 075 Orion. vol. 47 no. 6 WEDNESDAY Oct. 3, 2001 neriamLibrary--CSU Chico U,(BKO OCTOBER S, toOl INSIDE ~ OPINION, A6 .. SPORTS, 81 ((I used to hose down the cages and ifa dog decides POLITICAL PUNKERS .. ENTERTAINMENT, Cl Face Down keeps spirits • CALENDAR, C5 to roll t'n it, you have to clean them off. " of Chico music scene up .. COMICS, C7 - MARISA QUESTA. MANGROVE VETERINARY HOSPITAL EMPLOYEE f Dl:UI .. D1 EN H 6 TA I N MEN T .. C1 .. CLASsiFIEDS, C8 .. FOCUS, 01 Volume 47. Issue 6 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. CHICO http://\\'ww.orion-on! i n e . net & Fire burns .through glass-lab roof NIESHA GAlES dents working in the lab that morning. caught tire burned inside the ceiling and couldn't get NEWS EDITOR '~Basically, we didn't h41ve enough ventilation." much air. Gepner said. "The furnace is usually about 2,000 Three Chico fire engines and a truck responded to A fIre ignited in Taylor Hall's glass laboi.ltory early degrees, and we were filling it up with glass for . the call at 2: 13 41,111. The first engine on the scene was Highway to hell Monday morning after students left the furnace charg­ today. It was abou\ 2.200 degrees when the ceiling' able to put out the fire on the roof of the building. Chico Organized religion is useless. ing for glass-blowing later that day. caught fire:· Fire Marshal Morton Myers said. At least lhat's what I think. The ceiling of the metal siding-covered lab in Taylor Gepner said he, :llong with a shop technician and a About 200 pounds of molten glass had to be Regardless of how drn5tically I Hall caught fire at about 2 a.m., after 2.000-degree heat glass blower. left the furnace heating for students to usc removed so the furnace wouldn't be damaged. Mycrs - disagreed with lhe outspoken from the furnace warmed the metal ceiling. The intense the next day. When they returned 10 the lab. located on said. The fire departmenl is also telltatively people who were preaching lheir temperature, combined with poor ventilation. caused the west side of Taylor Hall, about :ln hour later. the citing poor ventilation as a possible C~1llSC for the Christian beliefs, sometimes wood beams in the ceiling to catch tire, said Matt Chico Fire Department was already responding to the ludely, to students in the Free Gepner. a 21-year-old an major who was one of tlle stu- fire. He said the fire didn't go far because the wood that Plellsf' set' fiRE ~ A3 Speech Area on Monday afternoon .:... 1 respect their opinions. Six people from local churches and America Gospel Missions, an John Kincaid helps his 9- Atlanta-based group that has year-old son Shean put an "I'm here because / believ,e tbere are other options traveled to college campuses an American flag sUcker besides bombing, batred and violence ... ,.. across the country, managed (0 at downtown Chico's - Scorr ROSAKO. STUDENT stir things up on a typica1ly calm peace march Saturday• . campus. As the Bell Memorial .. Union's electronic marqUis flashed a reminder that the lemper-.lturc bad climbed to 99 degrees, lhc words of lhe A piece of .peace preachers and lhc mass of students arguing with tllem got even honer. LERETTE DORKON sibility to help pL'bple remember there is Bea~s of sweat dripped down one SENI"" WHITEII (lI1othcr options or choices to respond to pastor's face andanto the Bible the acts of violence," Ripley said. he gripped.harder than Jerry Rice Scott ROSllko. 33. a student and local grips a football as he responded to --. he protest slog~ns weren't exactly farmer. said he's not afr.lid to e:'\press his a student who yelil:d ilt him to T. "Make love. not war." but the sen­ opinions because he's willing to except , leave the campus. timentwas the same. In an anti-war others' opinions and beliefs. so he ·'Read the sign," the pastor peace march reminiscent or Vietnam War expects the same CoUl1esy . said. ''This is a frce-speech area." protests. students and community mem­ "I'm here because I believe there arc ,He's right. Even though he bers converged in downtown Chico on other options besides bombing, hatred rumoyed quite a few students. he Saturday,teUingalllistenersand passers­ and violence against other nations and can say whatever heWllntS.·lt by that war is not the only option to the Uleir people in the name of extmcting was good to see the Free Speech Sept. II terrolist attacks. resources for profit," he said. ··Obviously Area being. used for something Students and community members war will stimulme prolit. but there arc so other than napping and Frisbee- gathered in Plaza Purk on Saturday to take many other ways we could make moncy." throwing. part in the International People for Peuce John Kincuid. (I. truck driver fwm Sometimes I wonder what it March. ,I global drol1 to expand peace. Orland. brought two of his sons III the · would have been like to be a "If we respond to violence with more march. He said his initial re:lction was to college student in the '60s, violence it will create anger in those he :lI1gry and violence-pronc after · when my parents were in affected ... which will in turn create more watching the mcdia. but thcn hc thought school. Vietnam. the. women's violence. Such a cycle is destructive to about pcople in the Middle East. movement and civil rights all humanity." said Janice Ripley, a grad­ "SOItlChOlly over there might lmvc , issues got young people on their uate student at Chico State University. three boys like me anu not have the feet, talking, debating and most She said she knows people support right to prutest against the Talihan:' , .importulltly - thinking. revenge through violem:e, but she recls Kincaid said, Even if the visitors' ranting pellce is a b,:lter option. Killc.lid said he had a conversation Illude some people mad. at least .... III hcrc becaus·c I believc ;tlthough they got lhem thinking. As 1'111 the minority. llhiilk it is my respon- Nell,I't! Sf't! PEACE ~ A4 students argued with American Gospel Missions members. lhey Tho Orlan/KININ CLARK were geuing a chance to voice their opinions: And as they did thut. they got to luke u deeper look HMU committee, lit why they feel the way they do. Black enrollment low but rising lt Was U beautiful moment. Through the threllls of being MELODY GUTIERREZ Robinson said. campus officials slrUck down for being II sinner Pocus 131) ITO II Melunie King tmnsfcITcd from Sacmmento City College and going straight to hell. 1 could last year when she was offered a tr:lI;k scholarship. Shc said disagree on bill sec Ulat what they were doing MIS Tray Robinson is on a mission, that because there is a small populution of blm:k studenls at importmlt. The more things thot As un IIdmissions counselor lind minority recruiter, Chico Slate, they Imve formed U cOlllmunity, T1l'tl0THY SCOTT prompt us to Ulink. the belter. Robinson hilS mude it his goal to increuse the number of "I wus worried when 1 lirst came here (bcl.:ause of Ihe S ... " ...... \'\IIIITI11t black students enrolled lit Chico State slllall minoritypopulutilln)," said If(l/(Is!m KiafJ(ls CtlTl bu rrJ(Ichod (It: Un~ver!iity. King, II senior health educalion major. Associated Sludl)nts has been usked , managlngedltor@orlon~Qnllne,net AncsU11lllted 315 black students o Ngn·la3idant.A1f~- "I wouldn't havc comc here in thc . to pick up the hill for construction cost enrolled this semester - the hugest [i] lirst place if it wusn~ltor tmck, but overruns of the new Bell Memorial 11gul'l! iuftv!! years. The exact ligures Cl ....... ~ ... 11 now thal I 11111 here I like it." Union thlll could add up 10 Hflpmximule­ King said there has bcen II few ly $1.5 million, The bill IllUY re:,;ull ill ~ :',. will not bc uvaillible uutH the 200 I rm 'j ~." •• census come:! out, Robinson Imido G instlllH;es when she felt discriminated less funding for AS. student progwms "Getting them (students of color) CJ agllinst in her two years here. and un increase in student fees. ::;:'C"HICO here is the biggest challenge," III "When stufr happens. YOll tend 10 Pust Hnd present A.S. representu­ , C·URRfNTS Robinson :mid. illL hilS to be a univer­ think thlll it is u race thing." King said, tives IItU meeling of the Bell MelllOl'ill1 ~'.' . '-_._,' , sity effort (to bring minority enroll­ "It is hard because in dllsses IlIIn usu­ Union Comlllittce the Sept. 26 '::~.;..O=ZA""' .. _=RT=M='=LE::;:-. -------,.-. lllcnt up). I think we clln do u better ally the only bluck person," expressed their concerns to uni versily .::;aldwell Pnrk, " " job os II university, but we nrc 1l1uking She slIid the increase in bluck stu­ olTic.iuls uboUl spl.!llding A.S, money · ,Oct.,7 the efforts." \ Infonnatlon cDurteSy of the OfficlO of deills on CUl1lpUS is noticeable and without AS. uppro'vul. 81t.m. " Despitc Chic~ Stutc's drustic popu­ Inlltltutlonalliesearch. Numburs aro she is happy thllt the university is Consu'uction of Ihe 8M U wus fUllded .~ , , . lulion incrlluse ovcr the lust live yenrs based on 10111999 enrollmentl as tho hiking initiative. , by studenl mOlley from A,S., While uni­ ,' CHICfo WORLD MUSIC FESnvAL - 3,000 more ';student~ llttelld now 2001 enrollmont census Is not finlshod.
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