^ 'nr" m i ^ \ - '••' - .. '. ^nP -) •■ ‘? ^.•• 4--'«^tr' . .!(,■' V - ..... ,ry.iJ >■;.,.**»'-* ’ »r"J^ •• «J, • >..^ , - ■.•. .. j.iV.rfj- .v,f,v».,.\/ j t 'v j H ..t.'a.-; )■ -yt ■V ■ »^!'-J^<l^^< FS» i-y. *-: A ^ ^ Jm -M .■Ci&V ^ I V. A n ttt y»«.» •• • 'J ^w. .‘-/..Si*-’'>. 'V ■ - a o b A m S) ^ < A ■W:;'.;Ji. ■ i V ■ f L«:S: A n A n - F « H ( h U I I l k w . y 1 rtPb|m’*% , i --eimaa ■t *. • i L -( t'/ A L :iy ' -j.' -f- K:k $ M « a l Atteadilr Clears Its GERMANS REFUSE Gmlifi Tto ; Ib^ 1% J k i t k t f e r k i & n — I t e t TO PAY IN GOLD .'V S^^nt^lFARIffiRS DISAGREE 1 ^ Nation fiold b Act Soon or Special Sos- ^WKETHAN o t a U a I n n o d i t d f B e N e e d e d . K SoccessM American Bond Arm lbiinoili ,ibieria’tP ro n siliitjb Holders Stand to Lose 1 6 ■o' ^ 1^ A e y N e w T r a d e B i ^ HutfMTd, May 18.— (AP)— Sig- ' Lond(m;‘ May 18.— Ambassador G b o t m ib v y n>i« clearing the tracks tot linme* Dtoo. Grandl o f. Italy 'ul told Itorr P e r C e n t riars to hcreaM Diiieif- diate consideration of the problem man H..'d ^v1s, United StatM Am<^ H i t c of relief and the state bud^t pro­ ■ i', baasador-at-Large, that Italy, stood posed by the appropriations com­ New York, May 18.-*-Germany, O' ■ todulder to shoulder with the Unit* 'tiet'Dariiig Coaung i n - . ■ I mittee have been hoisted , by the Gen­ eay Wall Street bankers, haa taken yd Statab Prance and.BHtaln to the ' o'. iT eral Assembly. • X leaf out df toe American bo^ r , ; I crisis prmtoked by Germany^s de- -Bonueftr^. - "I / ' H tob|ide> f i t ,to * dlaarmAment confer- Purlng a week of excitement a ^ They eiqtress the hbUef'that Amer-\ The' toahOlty Bofitoo and (Has^ .tMdlng legalisation of beer and ^ lea’s ' recent anhouncement that >■ II !!■ II —i*———I '"" " ' ' ,■ ■ ' i . ■ Trts Mtotfiitiniit uma InnkniT luirm In I tohbnrv farmeta to reach atf agree- . ■ .1. }\ almost Incessant debate on a wide principal and interest on fov0S&* BUstoy a ti«n for womanhood to. the Add of toternatloiial dlpldaiiljig^M^ Bfith .Bryan.Pwen.'(eenter),. new ment to co«pr^^ ^ 18- (AP)-Piffy ' ranee of controversial Issues, the — — --------- «. taUBaM'fM o#ihia**v fHe*tv. Kar. sadeteBiL gy g-gy M frt- - iiW 'tiin e aa .aucttoo'matoet for 'Woduoe."to I nattofis Were called ou today-tojoto; • ouestKm of aiding financially dls- ment Issues would be payable in United States Mtoiater to Denmaric, to t o b ^ here sAth'lriw^ (tight)’, her aaalBtant^ teessed munidpaUtles and their un­ dollars and not gold, as called for Mlea Itory Hopkins, secretary, as they sailed from'Jersey .CSty,^r'jn!eot:®eM . l-T -that''ftr^er M ussj’lnl -was Utong Mantoeiter, last ntot)t ekilaed the qm ijminedlate tariff. truce now '^^ em ployed citlsena bobbed ^ P®^ In toe contract, to the basis for G«r- [jfie patience with the Nagls iind kad I organtoktlens .to * - •weak’ off- aU I .by'eight heading: oounlslea.. iU^tty. Leaders are vlrti^y inany’s action to refuslDg to pay tBe y SfSSSt taSyimrSd r **»««•* MaePontfd. chairman of amH^^that consideration of this June 1 tntmat on toe Young 8 1-8 ^ p p r t to them I t to k n t ^ to w b g M economic copfeienoe. to mblem In aU its ramifications ^ - per cent bonds to’ gold. Pjteinier M p saoltol ^ displeased A s s ^ to m ^ "hojfid w»WQ y ^ seektex untvereal adheraaoa to JJto be delayed much longer and have If carried out, .American holders by the reemt irlalt of Heniaum W ll- dlvldBMl'unto and «iriyAon Ite A c ^ - ^ .p rsie n ttS Indicated the subject will dominate of these bends would receive paper AimANES helm Goertag,,the ^ Reich Avlatloa ' a * y ~ ^ the legislative activities next week. dollars and be penalised about 16 Minister, whoCwas.much too ex.- Bold Conferences. per cent, toe present depreciation of treme to suit the Italian F asd sta' RY and BUton-w Ill .dbrialdei^ the 4dvto- 1 Governor W. L. Cross^ed to toe d«?^aT to iermk at gold standard , IBM At Brova Shlrta le a S rs of both Houses during the eurrendas.. FOR abillty.of a market to Xq discuss s rslisf pr^flfrsni# 73ie Young loan, technically ; r Moreover, premier MussojUnl’s re­ The snbject also was taken «P »>y known as toe. “German government cent exprauim of wlUtognesr’ to to- Olnde the .S a c k Shirts . in ItalJ^s nmndiws of the Judiciary con^ttee, internal 5 1-2 per cent loan,” totaled rers 'waa' while House Democrats met in a 8300.000.000, of which America’s ipaoese Ainihm Carrier miwary strtogth yras regmrded h ^ caucus to adopt a resolution u r g i^ share was 808,200,000. It was as a sli^ of'dfseensioil between the , "Umt lm*"*^l*^*^ action be taken by floated here to June.. 1980.- m i l t B e o H two Fascist gevernments, toe Hitler .. ,. the committees on the Judiciary and Unlque daneeu Anebon Off Tioifdai, 3 S # 6v6rnfiMnt* tha th ^ ry I ^ nurtkrmm I -i-- '< - ^^paal , . - finance to give state «dd to toe un­ With toe Bank for Inteniationa Smt^Sasl^SSsnShlrts an?S wSSK T|ie:,toetlon of toe. truce addje^;^ employed In toe towns and dues ot Settlements as trustee for toe bonds, Miles Eattef dtipeseCitn »ht« ntate.” there to one' underlying' todentu^ tto v o Senator Bergin, maj<^ty plus separate indentures drawn up Igghder. a warning to toe Sen­ by toe ojmdlcate to each country, B ig Battie faniuneiff. Caps CSiart Mhao He Sais , w 4 M a s ate that that problem is met before Jwia where toe loan was floated. The oroceedinsH ■ -.^^'*31 {iM remaining few weelu be- blanket Indenture to unt^e in that foeelmal adjouniment a special s ^ jt'a n y new it has toe fdlowlhg gold clause. _ ___ __ _ . r ita uiem-1 h v m .' vhinh *« skm of the U^ddature would be “the principal and interest of Tientsto, .China, M ay 18.— (AP)' necessary. .He further wanjied that eacb.bo^ sh^ be payaUe at such — A-Japanese airplane carrier ar­ Iw n c h ^ niaiiy 'varieties of ' toe Mate must either “fight or feed W w IbRoilCliiM ,^ ^ment oonfe*^**^®s i- -tl' .4 ... „ -___.arresting totei3» t o h>nic or or Other financial to- rived today off'TUigku, 86 mffes ars called in for'a^fflMl. ^**'®i^^,j mtokai' jp unemptoyad. rtltYYttep or institutioito as shall :ihe corffertoce-to Hsae of the-offidals -who have east of^Tlentito. their part of tito'jtotot toffi|^jBB4 i { r ■'•YTv -”^*®^ " • ^ '1 peinfodSBut that 1 J[une unto: from time to tlme.be named by the A baff. doam.af the forlly. air? Iw e n ;fo include n » ^ g , r i iVrWpiyoj' .' , ^ * til \ ' * - , •* copcernad tk is iasl y a wttb ^ iMHVt situated to toe ooihitry where Wg^'fi>kton,'. M ay 18^ L&i|itoig pqUto , liiiiitruei ■ ' ■ ■ oTkm'given: any drtnite planee carried were reported mak­ ticn .pro. -----. op- : - -MitENOByB^ i s i f u a lief pzpUeto toe hoods shall reqpectively be to- ing reeonhalaaace flighta. ,tof tag 'Ctftflfdn* kset hift std^Use' sned, to toe currency of toe country (^leratlon lakkllg AS- nnd gave w h ^ ha swears to ther' recomnaended ’tp ^ to wktob.it to to p i^ to* unit'of such .................. toe pur- Fyarsv l<VdP^'''iJ»Siwgh.' b M Of rdief one of the fR)9& •an to unf0 oTtokie presiM* to aU dreuto i-H.' I . ■■ ■ ^ -■ ■ - ,yr\ the- * ^ t of Itoa — .1 T fifiin for^^tlrbi ' ^ Th*Hip|t ■ 'Y - w An."bwjte4it- ^fj^"huditet blU, for JkM oowtot hn*e be^ ■ ■ -sahWo>be:i__ _ |ip7toeaiin:.i Yuh Buto’ffkonW. eonunandtf of held, in; JMoataless a;iiM>nse b y ope rfiuftoirtisia^ t^rtatlag $88,17*;fiM *°F “The bbndboldir 'b entfOed to re­ be loried totrak - ,aewiiiM>»>M** , (^ n isn . has been reported to the ceive the uMuAyrtent at the due date the Tlenteln «| e ^ garrison and ofr'tke mbst^ smeirthg ’ stoffM ever iag^.fppd chtogia^ia Ih i V*., rHouCe and probably will come up ot toe same gold*^ value to the cur-' provtoctol goyetopr, said be was '06p bofU-tokie.^'^C .fi rthrr the i.whleh baa keeptsetoetto ha cen- . ^ ‘"'■a p jqpltojlkliW;' p o p yw ; m unfolded , Ltinl p^ 'Tp ' Mtova;" and moaetaryr ntoajhwea for a vote early In toe week. renfy of the place, of payment* hut convtoc^ the Japanese to that Meaito,’ the'sadret-^etptfte agtra^ 'cotototirtlon w ^ % J, d b S -M Bepoirted FsworaUy nob'leep' than; .toe’nominal amount area were headed for Felping. He ordtatoty,- ’ hitoter ;0 f Ciofornttotots, *“ ^V " i fi.' i> Reported favorably by the a^ believed they win also occupy. i>acmltti^' ahd<tonvietod swtodtor,.tmiy|ht hU mittee was ipitoed P— a il BnliPcct-Repwt nron^tlons committee over toe (Ooatliraed On P a ^ Tanndian, headqiurters of toe niuiativo to 'a a astoumUng diimax to rpiMh: an ‘ayrtonutot op .................... of Senator , William H. BrlOsh r Kalian i mining toterects. yesterday with the testimony that day.-'. -'r ; to Id N'igffrot; Backett, of New Haven, toe midway between Tientsin and ^ the the\ body .Colonel^ Cbprles A^'lLtod- poded budget, most observers Lwani.
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