Public Document Pack TENTERDEN TOWN COUNCIL Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden, Kent. TN30 6AN Website: www.tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01580 762271 Facsimile: 01580 765647 Tuesday, 28 January 2020 PLANNING COMMITTEE Notice is given that a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held in the Assembly Room on MONDAY, 3RD FEBRUARY, 2020 which will start at 7.00 pm. All members of the committee are summoned to attend to consider and resolve upon the business to be transacted at the meeting. Claire Gilbert, Deputy Town Clerk. Councillors Serving: M. Carter, V. Cole, J. Crawford (Chair), Mrs. J. Curteis, Dr. L. Lovelidge, K. Mulholland, R. Parkin, R. Quinton and Mrs. K. Walder (Vice-Chair). PARTICIPATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Members of the public can make representation at this meeting by submitting a request to speak (indicating the relevant agenda item) to the Town Clerk’s office no later than midday on the day of the meeting. Speakers must be resident in Tenterden, and give their name and street of residence when asked to speak. Representations will be invited at the relevant point in the meeting. Speeches may not exceed three minutes and speakers may not participate in any subsequent debate. At the Chairman’s discretion, only one speech may be made in support of each side of any contentious issue. AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. 3. MINUTES. To consider and, if approved, confirm and sign the minutes and report of the meeting held on 6th January 2020. 4. MATTERS ARISING. 5. COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS. At the Chairman’s discretion Councillors may ask a question about any relevant matter not on the agenda. Questions shall be put and answered without discussion. Answers may take the form of a direct oral answer or reference to a Town Council publication. Where a reply cannot be conveniently given an oral or written answer may be circulated at a later date. 6. REPRESENTATIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC. Previously notified to the Chairman. 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. To consider the following applications. 17/00708/AS Land north of 14, Westwell Court. Erection of a fifty six bed care home and 23 units for assisted living (Use class C2) comprising 16 cottages and seven flats (including Manager's accommodation) with associated landscaping, parking, stores and service areas, estate roads, access and landscaping buffers. Application for full planning permission. WEST WARD. 20/00010/AS Fairlight, Cranbrook Road. Change of use of agricultural land to residential to include access driveway with hedging and fencing to serve both Sharmi and Fairlight. Application for full planning permission. WEST WARD. 20/00025/AS 20 Heather Drive. Proposed single storey rear extension. Application for full planning permission. ST. MICHAEL’S WARD. 20/00034/AS Woodacre, Ingleden Park Road. Variation of condition 2 on planning permission 18/00673/AS (Demolition of existing garage and construction of a new 3 bedroom dwelling) to substitute approved drawing X01 with X01 Rev A to allow for changes to fenestration, addition of flue and internal alterations Application for variation/modification of condition. NORTH WARD. 20/00052/AS Fair Dinkum, Ox Lane. Proposed roof conversion and two storey extension; addition of dormer and rooflights; new front gable projection; change of external facing materials. Application for full planning permission. ST. MICHAEL’S WARD 20/00067/AS Town Hall, 24 High Street. Repair and minor alterations to existing roof to prevent water ingress to include raising height of flashing/valley gutter and installation of new external and internal rainwater pipes. Application for listed building consent. NORTH WARD. 20/00070/AS Heronden, Smallhythe Road. Variation of condition 12 on planning permission 18/01094/AS (Proposed dwelling and associated external works) to make reference to drawing no: 20547 Arb TPP D in the Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement Application for variation/modification of condition. WEST WARD. 20/00071/AS 28 Heather Drive. Erection of Single Storey Rear Extension and Shed. Application for full planning permission. ST. MICHAEL’S WARD. 20/00074/AS Ashburnham House, Ashford Road, St Michaels. Change of Use of part of amenity garden to provide two new semi-detached dwellings with outbuildings and amenity facilities (revision to approved application 18/01637/AS). Application for full planning permission. ST. MICHAEL’S WARD. 20/00084/AS Coach House, Finchden Manor, Appledore Road. Retention of internal modifications including two external flues. Application for Listed Building Consent. SOUTH WARD. 20/00100/AS Barn at Ratsbury, Smallhythe Road. Conversion of main barn and conversion of and extension to lodge barn into 2 no. detached dwellings with associated parking and amenity gardens. Application for full planning permission. WEST WARD. 8. NOTIFICATION OF DISCHARGE OF CONDITIONS. (PAGE 1) List No. 19. * 9. DECISIONS OF THE ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE. (PAGES 2 - 3) List No. 587. * 10. SUB-COMMITTEE & WORKING GROUPS. (a) Selective Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. Feedback from a meeting held on 8th January 2020. * 11. LAND BETWEEN WOODCHURCH ROAD AND APPLEDORE ROAD APPLICATION NO. 19/01788/AS (PAGES 4 - 5) (a) Wates planning application. To note the formal review of the application will take place at a Special Planning Committee meeting on 17th February 2020. (b) Legal Advice regarding Limes Land. To consider funding legal advice on aspects of the planning application. (c) Dispensations for councillors. To note the granting of dispensations.* 12. PLANNING COMMITTEE INCOME & EXPENDITURE (PAGE 6) To approve the Planning Committee income and expenditure report for the quarter ended 31st December 2019. * 13. REGULATION 18 CONSULTATION ON GYPSY & TRAVELLER ACCOMMODATION LOCAL PLAN OPTIONS REPORT. (PAGES 7 - 44) To note the options report from Ashford Borough Council and consider a response as appropriate.* 14. MINOR MATTERS. (PAGES 45 - 56) (a) Public Footpath AB32 (Prohibition of Traffic) Temporary Order 2016. To note the extension of the temporary closure of AB32. * (b) Public Footpath AB32 Extract of the Definitive Map showing closed footpath and alternative route. To note the temporary closure of AB32. * (c) Proposed diversion of Public Footpath AB68 (Part) & AB69 (Part) Diversion Order 2019. To note the diversion of a section of AB68 & AB69.* (d) Public Footpaths AB68 & AB69 Definitive Map Modification Order 2019. To note the modification of the Definitive Map and Statement for the AB69 & AB69.* (e) Appeal Proposal for 16, Rogersmead. An appeal proposal has been received from Ashford Borough Council for the erection of a single storey 2 bedroom dwelling. * 15. CORRESPONDENCE. None. 16. ANY OTHER BUSINESS PREVIOUSLY NOTIFIED TO THE CHAIRMAN. No decision may be made, but matters involving an exchange of information may be discussed. End. Attachments and tabled documents can be obtained from the Town Clerk’s office or read on the Town Council website www.tenterdentowncouncil.gov.uk. TENTERDEN TOWN COUNCIL Agenda Item 8 PLANNING COMMITTEE 3rd February 2020 AGENDA ITEM 8 DISCHARGE LIST NO. 019 APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF CONDITIONS. To note that the following applications have been made for Discharge of Conditions: Planning Applications: 18/01094/CONA/AS Heronden, Smallhythe Road. Discharge of conditions: 7, 8, 15, 16 and 17 PERMIT. Page 1 Agenda Item 9TENTERDEN TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE 3rd February 2020 AGENDA ITEM 9 DECISIONS LIST NO. 587 DECISIONS OF ASHFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE. The following decisions have been made: PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 18/01094/AM01/AS Heronden, Smallhythe Road. Non-material amendment to planning permission 18/01094/AS (Proposed dwelling and associated external works) to amend road/track layout leading to dwelling. WITHDRAWN – INAPPROPRIATE PROCEDURE. 18/01637/AMND/AS Ashburnham House, Ashford Road, St Michaels. Revision to planning permission 18/01637/AS (Change of Use of part of amenity garden to provide two new semi detached dwellings with outbuildings and amenity facilities) for internal alterations with external opening reconfiguration and roof lights to front elevation. WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT. 19/01462/AS 4 West Cross. Change of use from class A1 Shop/Retail to 2 No. 3 bedroom houses including alterations to front bays/door. PERMIT. 19/01463/AS 4 West Cross. Works of conversion from retail to 2 no. 3 bedroom houses including removal of existing single storey extension; alterations to front bays/door; addition of windows to rear elevation GRANT CONSENT. 19/01562/AS Tenterden Bowls Club, Recreation Ground Road. Single storey extension to clubhouse to include toilets and changing rooms, including the demolition of current changing rooms and conversion of existing toilet block to storage. PERMIT. 19/01632/AS Little Oak, Smallhythe Road. Two-storey rear extension, bay window to front elevation, replacement of single-storey side extension roof; alterations to fenestration and windows. PERMIT. 19/01637/AS L'Hermitage, Ox Lane. Certificate of Lawful Development- Existing- use of driveway for residential access. EXISTING USE/DEVELOPMENT IS LAWFUL Page 2 19/01643/AS 107 Shrubcote. Two storey side extension to provide annex and associated alterations. PERMIT. TREE APPLICATIONS: 19/00259/TP 17 Knockwood Road. Lime (T1) to remove everything up to the first major branch on fence line and reduce back to previous points. GRANT CONSENT. 19/00266/TP Willow Tree Barn,
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