Pictorial collection name: Samuel Rea collection of photographs Collection number: BA2596 Collection Item Caption Description Date No. No. BA2596/1 Album of photographs taken mainly by Constable Samuel James Rea between 1918-1932, predominantly of Kimberley and Pilbara regions BA2596/1 /1 Fitzroy to Derby with Native 1921 Prisoners Dec 1921 BA2596/1 /2 Martin & A B Scott, Fitzroy 1919 River, 1919 BA2596/1 /3 Netting Fish Meda Stn, Derby, 1921 1921, Nov BA2596/1 /4 Netting Fish Meda Stn 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /5 Fitzroy River from Geikie 1919 Range, 1919 BA2596/1 /6 Geikie Gorge Fitzroy River 1919 looking east 1919 BA2596/1 /7 Fitzroy River from Geikie 1920 Range, 1920 East BA2596/1 /8 Fitzroy River from Geikie Range 1920 1920 Westward BA2596/1 /9 Kimberley Downs Stn 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /10 Telemere Gorge. Watery River, 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /11 Martin's Emerald. Fitzroy R, Horse and jockey, another man 1920 1920 holding the horse BA2596/1 /12 A snake climbing a tree. Same as 1922 BA2596/1/57 captioned: Tree snake 7ft Champman R 1922 BA2596/1 /13 Scarsdale Martin Horse and jockey, another man n.d. standing nearby BA2596/1 /14 Jubilee Downs Stn Fitzroy 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /15 Martin at Fitzroy n.d. BA2596/1 /16 Post Office Fitzroy 1919 Fitzroy Crossing Post Office 1919 BA2596/1 /17 Gum tree n.d. BA2596/1 /18 Fitzroy Post Office Garden Fitzroy Crossing Post Office n.d. BA2596/1 /19 Geo Poole cutting out bullock 1919 Go Go Stn 1919 BA2596/1 /20 Aboriginal woman sitting on log n.d. above river. See BA2596/1/175 for complete photo BA2596/1 /21 Geo Poole cutting out n.d. BA2596 1 Copyright SLWA ©2018 Collection Item Caption Description Date No. No. BA2596/1 /22 Forrest River Jubilee Stn 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /23 River crossing with pack horses n.d. BA2596/1 /24 Tin Hut, Go Go n.d. BA2596/1 /25 Forrest River Jubilee Stn 1920 1920 BA2596/1 /26 Waterfall n.d. BA2596/1 /27 Fitzroy River River crossing with camels. See also 1921 BA2596/1/51 and BA2596/1/53 BA2596/1 /28 Chamberlain River, West of 1922 Durack Range, May 1922 BA2596/1 /29 Chamberlain River, West of 1922 Durack Range, May 1922 BA2596/1 /30 Chapman River Nth Kimberley, 1922 June 1922 BA2596/1 /31 Head of Chamberlain River 1922 Valley, August 1922 BA2596/1 /32 Gap Head Gibb River July 1922 1922 BA2596/1 /33 At C20. Archibald - I & Constable W.H. Archibald (left) and 1922 prisoners in July 1922 Constable Samuel James Rea with prisoners in the background BA2596/1 /34 Margaret River May 1922 1922 BA2596/1 /35 Pine Forest Head Scadden Or Scaddan? 1922 River, June 1922 BA2596/1 /36 O'Donnell River 1920 1920 BA2596/1 /37 Drysdale River. July 1922 1922 BA2596/1 /38 O'Donnell River 1920 1920 BA2596/1 /39 Constable W.H. Archibald making 1922 damper in camp August 1922. A section of a larger photograph at BA2596/1/54 BA2596/1 /40 People outside buildings at an 1922 unidentified location BA2596/1 /41 Na[unintelligable] Stn. Probably Napier Downs Station. 1922 Homestead July 1922 Three men on verandah BA2596/1 /42 Scotty Menmuir Tableland Stn ie George Morrison Menmuir 1922 1922 BA2596/1 /43 Aboriginal woman sitting on log n.d. above river. See BA2596/1/175 for complete photo BA2596/1 /44 Halls Creek (M?)ay 1922. Store, Similar photo BA2596/1/312, 1922 Hotel, Police Stn, Post Office, duplicate BA2596/2/180 Hospital BA2596/1 /45 On Durack River. June 1922 Engraved into tree "W, Okes, 1922 5.12.1912, Bobab, Camp" BA2596/1 /46 Paddy Quilty, Const Archibald, Left: Paddy. Right: Constable 1922 Aug 1922 Archibald BA2596/1 /47 Scotty Menmuir ie George Morrison Menmuir n.d. BA2596/1 /48 8 Mile Pool. Fitzroy River 1919 1919 BA2596 Page 2 of 22 Copyright SLWA ©2018 Collection Item Caption Description Date No. No. BA2596/1 /49 Possibly an Aboriginal person n.d. BA2596/1 /50 On patrol. Landsdown Stn. Lansdowne Station 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /51 Fitzroy River Crossing 1921 Camel wagon 1921 BA2596/1 /52 Aboriginal people - performance or n.d. ceremony BA2596/1 /53 Fitzroy Xing Fitzroy Crossing. Crossing the river n.d. BA2596/1 /54 Archibald & I Nth Kimberley Constable W.H. Archibald and 1922 Aug 1922 Samuel Rea. A section of this photograph showing W.H. Archibald making damper is at BA2596/1/39 BA2596/1 /55 Louisa River 1918. W. 1918 Kimberley BA2596/1 /56 Lightering Wool Onslow 1921 Boat 1921 BA2596/1 /57 Tree snake. 7ft. Chapman R. 1922 1922 (?) BA2596/1 /58 Lightering Wool Onslow 1921 Boat 1921 BA2596/1 /59 Const Delmage, wife & child Pt 1922 Headland (sic) 1922 BA2596/1 /60 Mrs Douglas. Derby 1921 Julia Douglas wife of police Sgt 1921 W.A. Douglas BA2596/1 /61 - Hamilton. Derby 1921 Young woman 1921 BA2596/1 /62 Fossil Downs Homestead Fitzroy Crossing 1919 Fitzroy Xing. 1919 BA2596/1 /63 Fossil Downs Stn. 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /64 Near Sunday Island Derby 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /65 Islands near Derby 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /66 Lock St Derby 1921 Probably Loch St 1921 BA2596/1 /67 Port Hotel, Goods Shed, Derby 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /68 Luggers. Broome 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /69 Luggers. Broome n.d. BA2596/1 /70 Asiatic Town. Broome 1921 ie chinatown 1921 BA2596/1 /71 Port Hedland 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /72 Lock St Derby Probably Loch St n.d. BA2596/1 /73 Lock St Derby Probably Loch St n.d. BA2596/1 /74 Brooking CK. 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /75 Brooking Ck. Fitzroy Crossing n.d. BA2596/1 /76 Carting Timber 1920 Aboriginal women and men 1920 BA2596/1 /77 Razor Hill Watery River, W. 1919 Kimberley 1919 BA2596/1 /78 Fitzroy Natives 1919 Performance or ceremony 1919 BA2596/1 /79 Carting Timber n.d. BA2596/1 /80 Long-Pool (8. miles) Fitzroy R. 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /81 Limestone. Geike Gorge 1919 1919 BA2596 Page 3 of 22 Copyright SLWA ©2018 Collection Item Caption Description Date No. No. BA2596/1 /82 Geike Gorge. Fitzroy R. n.d. BA2596/1 /83 Geike Gorge. Fitzroy R. 1919 1919 BA2596/1 /84 Wild turkey n.d. BA2596/1 /85 Native carving on Boab Tree n.d. BA2596/1 /86 Fossil Downs Natives 1919. Two men and a child wearing body 1919 Long Charlie 6'-4" paint BA2596/1 /87 Freney's Oil No. 1 Bore Duplicate BA2596/2/194 n.d. BA2596/1 /88 S.S. Bambra at Broome Jetty n.d. BA2596/1 /89 Freneys Bore Duplicate BA2596/2/195 n.d. BA2596/1 /90 Bedford Downs Homestead E. n.d. Kimberley BA2596/1 /91 Fitzroy Xing 1921 Fitzroy Crossing 1921 BA2596/1 /92 Fitzroy Xing Fitzroy Crossing. Donkey team n.d. crossing the river BA2596/1 /93 Royal Mail. Fitzroy-Hall's Ck 180 n.d. miles BA2596/1 /94 Fossil Downs Natives Group wearing body paint n.d. BA2596/1 /95 Yellow Dog Snake 7'-6" n.d. BA2596/1 /96 Derby Police Stn 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /97 Private Residence Derby 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /98 On board Bambra 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /99 Netting fish. Meda Stn n.d. BA2596/1 /100 Derby Races 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /101 Derby Races 1921 Crowd leaning against the rails 1921 BA2596/1 /102 Meda Stn. Derby n.d. BA2596/1 /103 Camp. Kimberley Downs Stn n.d. BA2596/1 /104 Bob Gordon Fossil Downs Stn. Robert Gordon n.d. Killing BA2596/1 /105 Natives cooking Bungarra n.d. BA2596/1 /106 Point Sampson [sic] Jetty. 1921 ie Point Samson 1921 BA2596/1 /107 Point Sampson [sic] Jetty. 1921. ie Point Samson 1921 Blown away in Jan 1925 BA2596/1 /108 Kimberley Downs Stn n.d. BA2596/1 /109 Kimberley Downs Homestead 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /110 Port Hedland 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /111 Lennard R. 1921 1921 BA2596/1 /112 Ant Hills n.d. BA2596/1 /113 Stock yard Meda Stn. Derby n.d. BA2596/1 /114 Misses Wells & Const Monahan ie Constable Cornelius Moynihan 1922 [sic]. 1922 based at Fitzroy Crossing in 1922 BA2596/1 /115 I & Ford. Fitzroy Xing. 1922 Samuel Rea driving a Ford at 1922 Fitzroy Crossing BA2596/1 /116 Annear's Murder Chapman Probably Harry Annear, boundary 1921 River. 1921 rider on Bedford Downs Station. See The West Australian, 15/11/1921, p. 6. Note Aboriginal BA2596 Page 4 of 22 Copyright SLWA ©2018 Collection Item Caption Description Date No. No. men in chains in background BA2596/1 /117 Annear's Murderers 1921 BA2596/1 /118 Native King. Murdered by Long 1920 Charlie & hid in limestone cave, Fitzroy R. 1920 BA2596/1 /119 Native King. Murdered by Long 1920 Charlie & hid in limestone cave, Fitzroy R. 1920 BA2596/1 /120 On Patrol 1920 1920 BA2596/1 /121 Kings Remains 1920 BA2596/1 /122 S.S. Bambra on the Sea Bed at 1922 Broome after the tide has gone out, 3636 ton. 1922 BA2596/1 /123 S.S. Bambra on the Sea Bed at 1922 Broome after the tide has gone out, 3636 ton. 1922 BA2596/1 /124 Barnett River. North Kimberley n.d. BA2596/1 /125 Barnett R. n.d. BA2596/1 /126 Crossing Barnett River n.d. BA2596/1 /127 Crossing Barnett River n.d. BA2596/1 /128 On Canning Stock Route 1922 1922 BA2596/1 /129 Desert Country Warburton n.d. track BA2596/1 /130 Barnett River. West Kimberley Waterfall n.d. BA2596/1 /131 Barnett River.
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