J Ftonaeu Hi Read the Herald Read the Herald Wot Lo«?al News '_*" tocal News erving Summit Iwr fff tmm Serving Sununit fur 67 \taru *md Summit Record 47th Year—N*. 41 * I Vittt Ik* act Countryside Area CMc Groups Local GOP Primary Candidates lesidenfs Plan to Spare ihopper Boycott Have Clear Sailing This Year • ... i- Threats of a boycott against Dn Hew Parking Let al merchants were Issued this Considerable concern over Petition Filing Shows Several New pPfc by a score of Countryside proposed landscaping of the ci T. tali Oaks residents in protest new 162-car parking lot to be 'or .last .week's action by Coin- veloped on DeForest and W< Entries for City Committee Seats on Council in banning out-of- avenues has been expressed \\n commuters from the Elm and Council by letters from several Summit Republicans who will be candidates in the aple street parting IBU. organisations, mainly gardes April 17 Primary electioa for the nomination to municipal Several local merchants report dubs. office* as well as those seeking membership on the Repub- •«eiving letters signed- by Coun- Practically al) tl.e eoinntuniee* lican County Committee will have clear sipng, according' : v,-h!c and Tall Oaks charge CUB- tions urge that the- utilitarian ap* to a check pf nominating petitions filed last Thursday with •meti objecting to the parking pearance of the parking lot be City Clerk. In no instance is there , t restrictions' and pointing out essened by the planting of any inter-party opposition. In sev- hat since they do W per «eot of bery and trees, and in this suggt§» eral Cases, however, new candi- their shopping here, some excep- tlon the city concurs. Sheffield Road dates are entered for City Commit- should be made by Council. However, there is one item ta tee posts. letters ulso point out that «ke S landscaping plans where the Cosa- The GOP candidates for munici-,. ban v.iU force them to park and cil and civic organizations Protest Goes to 'pal' polls -are Harry C, Kates of shop.in other towns. ; . Tnoniai t. Smith and that is the future of a 177 Colonial road, incumbent seek- Some Merchants Upaet elm tree that stands approximate Superior Court ing another term as. City Clerk;' The threat to shop elsewhere Is ly in the center of the lot. & E Wallace Wilkinson of 81 Hill- matter of concern to some mer- Mr. and Mrs. Garrison JR. Rice crest avenue who is a candidate Numerous residents want of 25 Robin Hood road last week cunts. One reported that he tree to remain and one for the nomination as Ward I T. L SmitF Steps carried their protest over a $1,- checked his books and discovered personally paid for an exemina&o Councilman, the office to which he that one of the objectors who had it. the tree by two different tree 090 street improvement assess- was appointed earlier this year sent him a letter cbsrged more Down as Head of surgeons who1 reportedly found that ment to Superior'Court Judge when Councilman Donald T. Law- * han $i,soo in merchandise last it has hot yet been touched by the Richard J. Hughes, ley resigned; and Fletcher j*P. l»r. Another merchant reported elm tree blight and has every Judge Hughes signed an order Thornton, Jr. of 1 Primrose ppec tliat lie had six Countryside and City Zoning Board prospect of remaining in a bealtiv directing City Solicitor Peter C. •.vhu is seeking the Ward 2 Coun- Tall Oaks charge customer* and ly state for "three or four more Triolo to appear before hhn next cil- seat that will • be vacated by that their total charge talea for Thomas L Smith of 66 Prospect years." Thursday, March 22, to explain Councilman Edgar T. Higgins, wh» deserving local High School student. Expansion of kst year exceeded $7,600. street, chalrmsn of the Zoning Tree b Hazard A GIFT FOR THE PCHWB—Rotary Club mem- why the assessment should stand. die not seek re-elect'ton. (A copy of the tetter being te- Board of Adjustment for the last bers Monday made a $2,000 donation to the Albert the fund so that greater grants may be given is The order was accompanied by But the city contends that by al- now under way. Each Rotary member agreed to An anticipated GOP cimlesl be- reived by stores as weU as com- 31 years and a member of the J. Bartholomew Scholarship Fund, thus bringing a temporary, restraint against the tween Thornton and C. Victor lowing the tree to.remain it wilt the total to the current effort to increase the cap- increase his club dues by $10 per year far the next city's demand for payment of the munications to the Common Coun- be a costly bit of landscaping for Jehnson, Jr. of 96 Lamed road Board for the last 32 years., step- italisation of the fund to more than $6,000. The three years sa that the $2,000 contribution could be assessment. cil and the Herald on the matter ped down ss chairman upon his it will eliminate three or four park- failed to develop, Johnson had an- appear on Page 6.) fund is named in honor of Rotary president Albert made. Above, left to right, are Frank J. Kerrigan, Mr. and Mrs. Rice are repre- ing spaces. Furthermore, the tree chairman of the service club committee of the nounced that he would be a can- The Countryside group points own request Monday night follow- J. Bartholomew who is retiring after 38 years' sented by Robert -C.reenbaum, didate but apparently changed his will be a hazard for motorists Fund; Robert M. Dunsmorc, chairman of the drive it that it considers itself a part ing the meeting of the Board. He service as principal of the High School this year. Newark attorney, who claimed mlnti for he filed no petitions iit using the lot who may easily bump to expand the Fund, and Richard L, Carby, Jr., vice Summit even though It Is geo- will be succeeded as chairman by into it in their maneuvering of ears The fund was created in IMS in honor of Mr. Bar- I that the assessments for improve- his behalf. « tholomew's 30th anniversary as principal and is president of Rotary who will succeed Mr. Bar graphically and politically in James B. Burke of 6 Llewellyn and that if the tree is left stand- " ments were illegal and that the No Democrats File Berkeley Heights. Tall Oaks is a ing it will create a problem in the used to provide an annual college scholarship to a tholomew. (Wolin photo) 1 improvements were made over road. r the Rice's objections. Nor a single Democrat filed fur tcction of New Providence, design of the lot. any of the municipal offices al- Have Summit link Rice, who lives at the corner of Mr. Smith was first named to The lot at present contains four though it is reported in Democratic thinjr1gl!iat"Zonli(g"Boirtf-in tm trees, att -scheduled -for -the~m, pp Visiting Hurse Borough Woman has long protested the improve- ritif^H both sections have Summit Post by former Mayor Edward Top- but the others are located along made for at least one Council seat. ping and was elected its chair- curbs. The tree in the center «f ments for Sheffield road, a paper Office addresses and it is main- street at the time the Rice resi- However noLname was mentioned. tained that most residents support man in 1825. He has been re- the lot is the stateliest one hut, Hew President Filing for members of the Re- the city feels, it Is destined for.a Fund Drive Tops dence was built several years ago. local churches and philanthropic elected to that office annually by The assessment charge, made publican County Committee were organizations as Well as local mer- each Board,. jhort life because the blight Qtat Gerald Harwood of 49 West End has ravaged practically all other against Sice and five Sheffield Monday Digit at the Annual or- Goal by H806, Of YWCA Board road property owners, is for avenue and Lillian R. Stringham of though merchant* here are In elm* in Summit will eventually de\ ganteaiion m«ting-of-the Board Mrs. Fred G of Inwood widening, paving and curbing. 15 Wfest End avenue, Ward 1, dis- sympathy with fee plight of be chairmanship, «troy it. Countryside it appear* Tbe dtr.Jf.,, ltd presSfwit df&eTwart of trui Hood roid was dead end torttK committee woman were fug can be donirtf 1&6 ordinance tonal request that it .be given to it will be e'canol ally unsound w ices of the YWCA at a joint meet- bating at Sheffield road. The ob- %. Eubank and Mrs. Robert Nine- supporting the McCrosky recom- another member. He stressed preserve the tree because It trill man meeting of the board of trustees ing of the retiring and new roads jectors claim this was safer and steel. mendation that the two major that there was no. lessening in his usurp valuable parking area and of the Visiting Nurse Association Monday evening. Long a member more desireable. In district 2 of ,Ward 1, those commuter parking lots be restrict- interest lo theJBoard and that he also because it will undoubtedly filing were George Twill of 89 have to be removed within a few f Summit and Vicinity, held ut UreTWCA, .Mrs, Greenley has Owners of 13 lots which fronted ed for Summit' residents is to be will continue as a member, rather Butler Parkway and Mrs.
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