UNIVERSITE DE STRASBOURG FRANCE UNIVERSITE D'AMSTERDAM PAYS-BAS ÉCOLE DOCTORALE Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé (ED 414) Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives (CNRS UPR 3212) THÈSE EN COTUTELLE présentée par : PAWAN KUMAR JHA Soutenue le : 06 Juillet 2016 Pour obtenir le grade de : Docteur de l’université de Strasbourg & Docteur de l'université d'Amsterdam Discipline/ Spécialité : Sciences de la vie / Neurosciences Sleep deprivation and its impact on circadian rhythms and glucose metabolism THÈSE dirigée par: Dr. CHALLET E. Docteur, Université de Strasbourg Prof. KALSBEEK A. Professeur, Université d'Amsterdam RAPPORTEURS: ) Dr. BONNEFONT X. Docteur, Université de Montpellier Prof. CAJOCHEN C. Professeur, Université de Bâle Prof. SCHLICHTER R. Professeur, Université de Strasbourg Prof. FLIERS E. Professeur, Université d'Amsterdam Dr. La FLEUR S.E. Docteur, Université d'Amsterdam Dr. CRISCUOLO F. Docteur, Université de Strasbourg 1 2 SLEEP DEPPRIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS AND GLUCOSE METABOLISM ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in het Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives de Strasbourg op woensdag 06 Juli 2016, te 09.00 uur door PAWAN KUMAR JHA geboren te Supaul, India 3 PROMOTIECOMMISSIE: Promotores : Prof. Dr. A. Kalsbeek Universiteit van Amsterdam Dr. E. Challet Universiteit van Straatsburg Overige leden : Dr. X. Bonnefont Universiteit van Montpellier Prof. Dr. C. Cajochen Universiteit van Basel Prof. Dr. R. Schlichter Universiteit van Straatsburg Prof. Dr. E. Fliers Universiteit van Amsterdam Dr. S.E. la Fleur Universiteit van Amsterdam Dr. F. Criscuolo Universiteit van Straatsburg Faculteit der Geneeskunde 4 5 Mr PAWAN KUMAR JHA was a member of the European Doctoral College of the University of Strasbourg during the preparation of his PhD, from 2013 to 2015, Nelson Mandela (promotion). He has benefited from specific financial support offered by the College and, has followed a special course on topics of general European interest presented by international experts. This PhD research project has been conducted as part of a cotutelle agreement between University of Strasbourg and University of Amsterdam. 6 7 8 CONTENTS Chapter 1 General Introduction 11 Partly based on Mol Cell Endocrinol 418, 74-88 (2015) Chapter 2 Effects of central gastrin-releasing peptide on glucose metabolism 67 Brain Res. 1626, 135-141(2015) Chapter 3 Acute sleep restriction severely impairs glucose tolerance in rats 79 (Accepted) Chapter 4 Sleep deprivation and caffeine treatment potentiate photic resetting of 95 circadian clock in diurnal rodent, the Sudanian grass rat (Arvicanthis ansorgei) (Ready for submission) Chapter 5 General Discussion 121 Appendices Summary Samenvating Résumé Thesis Abstract PhD Portfolio Acknowledgements 9 10 Chapter 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1. Homeostasis and rhythms 2. Rhythms of Life 3. Circadian clock system 3.1 Circadian rhythm properties 3.2 The suprachiasmatic nucleus: the biological clock 3.2.1 Localization and properties 3.2.2 Neurotransmitters of SCN 3.2.3 Mammalian Molecular Clock 3.3 Circadian entrainment 3.3.1 Photic entrainment 3.3.2 Non-photic entrainment 3.4 SCN outputs 4. Feedback action of arousal on clock 4.1 Arousal dependent on locomotor activity 4.2 Arousal independent of locomotor activity 4.3 Interaction between behavioral arousal and photic entraining stimuli 4.4 Pathways and neurotransmitters 4.4.1 The GHT 4.4.2 Serotonin and raphe nuclei 4.4.3 Orexin and the lateral hypothalamic area 4.5 Molecular mechanism and signaling pathways 4.6 SCN electrical activity suppression and clock resetting 4.7 Non-photic entrainment: Diurnal species 5. Circadian control of metabolism 5.1. Rhythms of metabolic processes 5.2 Circadian regulation of hormones in nocturnal mammals 5.2.1 Leptin and ghrelin rhythms 5.2.2 Glucocorticoid rhythm 5.2.3 Melatonin rhythm 5.3 Circadian regulation of glucose homeostasis in nocturnal mammals 5.3.1 Daily rhythm of glucose metabolism 5.3.2 Role of clock components in glucose metabolism 5.4 Circadian regulation of lipid homeostasis in nocturnal mammals 5.4.1 Daily rhythms of lipid metabolism 5.4.2 Role of clock components in lipid metabolism 5.5 Circadian regulation of metabolic homeostasis in diurnal mammals 5.5.1 Hormonal rhythms in diurnal mammals 5.5.2 Circadian regulation of glucose metabolism in diurnal mammals 5.5.3 Circadian regulation of lipid metabolism in diurnal mammals 6. Circadian desynchronization 6.1 Deleterious effects of circadian desynchronization on metabolic health SCOPE OF THESIS 11 1. Homeostasis and rhythms Charles Darwin (1809-1882) demonstrated the considerable influence of environmental variations on life. Living beings on the Earth are subjected to various external changes (e.g. food availability, light, temperature, predation). Organisms therefore have to adapt to their environment in order to survive and maintain their own species. Contemporary to this, a new concept of internal processing and function was proposed by Claude Bernard (1813-1878). Bernard proposed the notion of the interior milieu, referring to the extra-cellular fluid environment, more particularly the interstitial fluid surrounding the organs of the individual. He suggested that maintaining the stability of the internal fluid (blood and other body fluids) is essential for the life of higher organisms, because multiple and/or chronic disturbances of this interior milieu would lead to pathophysiology. This concept has been redefined over decades and termed homeostasis (Homeo = same; stasis = steadiness) by Walter B. Cannon (1871-1945). Cannon defined homeostasis as “all organic processes that act to maintain the steady state of the organization, in its morphology and its internal conditions, despite external disturbances”. In a more simple way, homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain a state of relative stability of the different components of its internal environment despite the constant changes in the external environment. More recently, according to the Thermal Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS; 2001), homeostasis is characterized by “the relative constancy of physiochemical properties of the internal environment of an organism as being maintained by regulation”. In the body, homeostasis applies to many physiological processes such as the regulation of osmolarity, blood sodium level, plasma glucose, blood pressure, body temperature, feeding and sleep. It is of prime importance to note that physiological variables are not maintained constant in the absence of environmental perturbations and instead, display more or less marked rhythms, i.e., a relative constancy is maintained. Daily and seasonal changes in the environment are important variables that influence the homeostatic setting of the organism. However, the predictability of these changes also allows an organism to anticipate these environmental changes. The structures and mechanisms which are involved in the anticipation of these daily changes on their turn also interfere with the (constancy of the) internal environment. The interactions of both these processes, i.e., process 1 and process 2, and their consequences for the organisms‟ adaptive capacities encompass the subject of this thesis. The 24-h period of Earth‟s rotation is correlated with major oscillations in many critical variables in the environment such as ambient illumination and temperature, the availability of 12 nutrients and activity of predators. The periodicity of these challenges and opportunities permits anticipation to these daily changes that in turn will shape the temporal organization of behavior and physiology of the organism. The internal temporal capability enables the organism to anticipate the probability of predictable demands upon the homeostatic system and therefore will decrease the homeostatic perturbation within a certain time frame and eventually reduce risks of disease. This feature is clearly illustrated with the rises in body temperature and plasma corticosteroid in advance of the time when animals awake from their daily sleep period. Waking itself may occur in advance of the time of lights-on in diurnal animals. Another example of physiological anticipation to daily changes is the increased level of plasma glucose in anticipation to glucose demands for the upcoming activity period, also called “dawn phenomenon” in humans (Bolli et al., 1984; Arslanian et al., 1990). 2. Rhythms of Life The Earth‟s rotation around its axis generates daily environmental cycles. The daily environmental cycle of greatest importance for daily timing is the highly predictable alteration of light and darkness. Living organisms follow these periodic changes in the environment and display biological variations in 24-h intervals, called daily rhythms. The human sleep-wake cycle constitutes perhaps the best known example of a behavior that occurs with a ~24 h periodicity. Many other organisms display comparable behaviors, commonly referred to as the rest-activity cycle, taking into account that “rest” is not always “sleep”. Also many behavioral and physiological processes display daily rhythms, such as locomotor activity, feeding, body temperature, cardiovascular function, and hormonal secretion. The issue is how these rhythms are generated,
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