THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Saturday, September 17, 1949 Number I • Slight Decrease In Enrollment Expected V Over 5,400 Obtain Permits To Register By TOMMIE DANIEL Toreador Staff Writer Registration for the fall semes- Student Council Approves Texas Aggie ter opened officially Thursday and It found many upperclassmen n renewing acquaintances neglected Game As Official Away From Home Tr .r during the summer months and hundreds of bewildered freshmen The Student Council has ap- in the week at the Student Council roaming the halls in search of proved the Tech-Tex. A&M foot- office. ever-needed information. - ball game in San Antonio next Sat- One of the highlights of the San A total of 5,442 permits to regis- urday as the official out-of-town Antonio trip will be a speech by ter had been issued late Thursday trip for this year according to an Gov. Allan Shivers at the annual according to the registrar's office. announcement made Thursday by ex-student luncheon which will be A large number of transfer stu- Curtis Sterling, student body presi- held in the St. Anthony hotel at dents and approximately 1,100 en- dent. noon Saturday. A suite of rooms in tering freshmen should swell the enrollment over the expected mark Sterling said this would be the the Gunter hotel has been desig- of 5,800 students. game this nated as the site of an axes party only away from home Of the above amount 1,800 were ; year which students would be ex- which will be held Friday night veterans. Coordinator H. A. An- - cused from classes to attend. and Saturday. derson mid besides the 1,800 ex- Arrangements have been made G.1.'s there were also 75 ex-service with the Texas, New Mexico and men and women who were taking Oklahoma Bus company whereby advantage of the Hazelwood act for special buses may be chartered for the first time this year. the trip. Former Techsan The Hazelwood act is a state law To be eligible for the trip Ster- which allows veterans of either ling mid student organizations World War to enter a state school must have a sponsor and most sub- To Be Presented tuition free. The veteran must be mit a list of those students attend- a citizen of this state. Anderson ing prior to leaving. Tickets will said the increase of students tak- cost $8.75 per person round trip ing advantage of the state law was but the buses must be filled before Annual Ex Award largely due to the fact that many this rate becomes available. of them have completed their al- Sterling went on to say those stu- The eseelitive board of the Tex. lotted time under the Federal G. I. dents who are on either scholastic Tech Ex-Student association voted Bill. or disciplinary probation could not to give an award each year to an Dorms Filled be granted excused absence for the Dormitories have been filled to trip. outstanding ex-student of the col- capacity with the exception of the When student organizations have lege in a recent meeting held on second floor of Drane hall which drawn up the fists of names of stu- the campus. has been reserved for married dents who plan to attend along The group set aside 3 p.m. Oct. couples. A waiting list for the oth- DR. D. M. WIGGINS er dorms has been started for the with the name of their sponsor 14 as the day for a meeting of the President they should be turned in to the benefit of students living In town Dean of Men or Women. association council. Th at will be who wish to move to the dorm as the day before Homecoming. soon as possible. Tickets are on sale now in the Board members also appointed The familiar long lines greeted ticket office under the east stands a committee ko nominate two peo- students registering Thursday and of Jones Stadium and Morley Jen- ple for sad& office of the. Es- Friday. Fur the first time in several nings, athletic director, has an- Students association and discussed years, this fall only two days were nounced they must be picked up Many Improvements Seen In plans for Homecoming this year. allotted for registration. Freshmen before Thursday evening. Guy Carter, Wayne Sellers and and seniors scheduled classes He said choice seats were avail- Chick McElya compose the com- Thursday while sophomores and 'tile to Tech students but could not mittee to plan the mechanics for junior signed up Friday. Classes Wiggins's First Year At Tech lie held here later than Thursday presentation of the outstanding started this morning at 8 a.m. because all unsold tickets must be student award and they will report The freshman counseling pro- With the opening of classes to- president; Frank Junell, Marshall returned to San Antonio Friday to the group when they meet in gram began Monday afternoon in morning. Admission for students day; Dr. D. M. Wiggins will begin Pennington and others to join me October. the gym with all entering students in the administrative task ahead," will be $1.20 with a student activi- Board members voted that D. M. required to take entrance exams. his second year president of ty ticket. Texas Technological college. Look- he added. McElroy, executive secretary, Further Instruction and aid neon Present plans call for the Tech ing back over the first 12 months New Teachers should have charge of all Home- given to new students throughout band and the Saddle Tramps to the week which was highlighted by of his administration, the progress Thirty-nine new faculty members coming arrangements. The annual make the trip. The cheer leaders a reception in the president's home which has been made is—to say have been employed for the fall Homecoming game this year will will also be on hand Sterling said. Tuesday evening for all new stu- the least—astounding. semester. Of the additions two are be with Baylor university in Jones There will be a large pep rally and dents. in Agriculture. 16 in Arts and stadiumson Oct. 15. Doctor Wiggins. who came to parade Saturday morning in down- Sciences. two in Business Admin- Plans were also discussed for Freshmen Meet Tech from Texas Western college town San Antonio. Plans for the Wednesday night the Freshman istration, 17 in Engineering and improving the association's official Sept. 1. 1948, has in one year net pep rally have not been completed men and women students held sep- two in Home Economics. The fac- publication by use of more funds a pace which clearly indicates that as yet but will be announced later arate meetings in the recreation ulty at Tech numbers 336 in all. for art work. A discussion of redis- he has grasped the full meaning hall and gym. Dean of Women There are 82 professors, 67 assist- tricting of Texas, which is now di- and needs of not only the college Margarette Walker and Dean of ant professors. 110 instructors. 50 vided according to senatorial dis- but also the city and area in gen- ACS Will Meet Wednesday Men James G. Allen addressed the associate professors and 27 - teach- tricts, was tabled until the October era l. two groups. ing fellows. The first meeting of the Ameri- meeting. One of the outstanding features All of the divisions, with the ex- Doctor Wiggins is stressing pub- can Chemistry Society will be held Attending the meeting were Hur- ception of the graduate division, of his first year is the large build- lic relations with schools of this in the chemistry building room CG ley Carpenter, Lubbock; E. A. ing program which is underway. are expecting a slight drop in en- area and extension of college good at 7:00 p.m. stated Warner Peti- McCullough, Midland; Wayne Sel- rollment when the final figures are Within a short time workmen will will Into the ranks of industry. COilt, president. lers, Fort Worth; Fred Rollins, El begin construction of two wings determined. Approximately 2 5 0 business. agriculture, engineering Dr. Watson, professor of chemis- Paso; George Langford. Lubbock; graduate students have asked for extending 130 feet south of the and geology. try will give the purpose and aims McElya, Dallas and McElroy, Lub- Administration building at a cost permission to register this year "I think one of the greatest of the organization, PetIcol. mid. bock. where only 176 students were en- of approximately $750,000. Later things about Texas Tech Is the re- Peticolas said that freshmen and ings rolled in that division last fall. two w wil be added to the En- lationship if the college to the stu- sophomores who were majoring in Miss P.m Butler, 1947 Tech gineering building; a Home Eco- Three additional parking areas dents," Doctor Wiggins said. "I chemistry or chemical engineering graduate, is supervisor of music in are now open on the campus, ac- nomics building will be construct- have never known an institution are particularly invited and that Coleman schools. She received her cording to Frank Junell, assistant ed, and within a year a Science where students have assumed re coffee and donuts wil be served as master's degree in music from the to the president. Junell said the and Music hall will be added to the refreshments. University of Texas in January. new lots, which are located west campus. See WIGGINS Page 2 of the Engineering building, north At the present time workmen are of Men's Dorm three and four and busy in the interior of several west of West hall, brought the buildings renovating, repairing and Board Considers Discussion Of Teaching Opportunities number of all weather parking lots repainting.
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