Algorithms for Robotic Motion and Manipulation Taylor &Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com Algorithms for Robotic Motion and Manipulation 1996 Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics edited, by Jean-Paul Laumond LAAS-CNRS Toulouse, France Mark Overmars Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business First published 1997 by AK Peters Ltd. Published 2018 by CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 1997 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint ofTaylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works ISBN-13: 978-1-56881-067-6 (hbk) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. 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Copyright in Italy by the Istituto Geograqfico De Agostini - Novara - 1956. C ontents Foreword ix Participants xi Planning Rachid Alami 1 Multi-robot Cooperation based on a Distributed and Incremental Plan Merging Paradigm Steven M. LaValle 15 Robot Motion Planning: A Game-Theoretic Foundation Pierre Ferbach and Jean-Frangois Rit 31 Constrained Motion Planning: Applications in Mobile Robotics and in Maintenance Operations Sensor Based Motion Planning Howie Choset and Joel Burdick 47 Sensor Based Motion Planning: The Hierarchical Generalized Voronoi Graph Rajeev Sharma and Herry Sutanto 63 Integrating Configuration Space and Sensor Space for Vision-based Robot Motion Planning Control and Motion Planning Sepanta Sekhavat, Petr Svestka, Jean-Paul Laumond and Mark Overmars 79 Multi-Level Path Planning for Nonholonomic Robots using Semi-Holonomic Subsystems John Reif and Hongyan Wang 97 Non- Uniform Discretization Approximations for Kinodynamic Motion Planning and its Applications Milos Zefran, Jaydev P. Desai and Vijay Kumar 113 Continuous Motion Plans for Robotic Systems with Changing Dynamic Behavior G eom etric Algorithms Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha, Jon Cohen and Stefan Gottschalk 129 Collision Detection: Algorithms and Applications Pankaj K. Agarwal, Nina Amenta, Boris Aronov and Micha Sharir 143 Largest Placements and Motion Planning of a Convex Polygon Dan Halperin, Jean-Claude Latombe and Rajeev Motwani 155 Dynamic Maintenance of Kinematic Structures Julien Basch, Leonidas J. Guibas, G.D. Ramkumar and Lyle Ramshaw 171 Polyhedral Tracings and their Convolution V isib ility Eric Paulos and John Canny 185 Fast Construction of Near Optimal Probing Strategies Amy J. Briggs and Bruce R. Donald 197 Robust Geometric Algorithms for Sensor Planning Marilena Vendittelli and Jean-Paul Laumond 213 Visible Positions for a Car-like Robot amidst Obstacles Minimalism and Controllability Srinivas Akella, Wesley H. Huang, Kevin M. Lynch and Matthew T. Mason 229 Sensorless Parts Feeding with a One Joint Robot Michael Erdmann 239 An Exploration of Nonprehensile Two-Palm Manipulation Using Two Zebras Karl-Friedrich Bohringer, Bruce Randall Donald and Noel C. MacDonald 255 Upper and Lower Bounds for Programmable Vector Fields with Applications to MEMS and Vibratory Plate Parts Feeders Yacine Chitour, Alessia Marigo, Domenico Prattichizzo and Antonio Bicchi 277 Rolling Polyhedra on a Plane, Analysis of the Reachable Set Algorithms for Manufacturing Alan K. Jones 287 CAD Geometry Algorithms in a Large Industrial Enterprise Johan W.H. Tangelder, Joris S.M. Vergeest and Mark Overmars 301 Freeform Shape Machining Using Minkowski Operations Marek Teichmann and Bud Mishra 311 The Power of Friction: Quantifying the “Goodness” of Frictional Grasps Chantal Wentink, A. Frank van der Stappen and Mark Overmars 321 Algorithms for Fixture Design Prasad Chalasani, Rajeev Motwani and Anil S. Rao 347 Algorithms for Robot Grasp and Delivery Attawith Sudsang, Jean Ponce and Narayan Srinivasa 363 Algorithms for Constructing Immobilizing Fixtures and Grasps of Three-Dimensional Objects Contact and Tolerancy Hirohisa Hirukawa 381 On Motion Planning of Polyhedra in Contact Chee Yap and Ee-Chien Chang 393 Issues in the Metrology of Geometric Tolerancing Leo Joskowicz, Elisha Sacks and Vijay Srinivasan 401 Kinematic Tolerance Analysis Ammar Joukhadar and Christian Laugier 419 Dynamic Simulation: Model, Basic Algorithms, and Optimization Beyond Robotics Lydia E. Kavraki 435 Geometry and the Discovery of New Ligands Tony Ezzat and Tomaso Poggio 449 Facial Analysis and Synthesis Using Image-Based Models Taylor &Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com Foreword Robotics research is often organized along functional approaches attacking basic isues in percep­ tion and modeling, task planning, motion planning, motion control, decisional architecture, and more. Each of these issues uses its own domain of knowledge, such as control theory, computational geometry, computer science, signal processing, with only few interactions between them. This diversity is one of the reasons that make the design of integrated robotics systems so hard. The necessity of combining the use of tools from various domains requires a formal and abstract viewpoint of the robot-environment relationship. Exploring the algorithmic foundations of this relation­ ship should be based on a common knowledge and understanding of the different theoretical isues; this study appears recently as the main objective of several research groups. In February 1994 the first workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics was held in San Francisco. The response was very enthusiastic. Hence, it was decided to turn this into a biennial event. The second workshop was held in July 1996 in Toulouse, France. We deviated slightly from the previous format in the sense that this time the program consisted of both invited and contributing papers. The invited talks were given bu R. Alami (Toulouse), M. Erdmann (Pittsburgh), H. Hirukawa (Tsukuba), A. Jones (Seattle), L. Kavraki (Stanford), M. Lin (Chapel Hill), D. Manocha (Chapel Hill), M. Mason (Pittsburgh), M. Overmars (Utrecht), T. Poggio (Cambridge), S. Sastry (Berkeley), and C. Yap (New York). The contributing papers were selected from 27 high-level submissions, by a program committee consisting of, in addition to the editors of this volume, A. Bicchi (Pisa), S. Cameron (Oxford), B. Donald (Ithaca), K Goldberg (Berkeley), D. Halperin (Stanford), J. C. Latombe (Stanford), M. Mason (Pittsburgh), T. Matsui (Tsukaba), P. Raghavan (Almaden), and R. Wilson (Albuquerque). This book contains the frill versions of both the invited and contributing papers. Aside from papers that treat core problems in robotics, like motion planning, sensor-based planning, manipulation, and assembly planning, we also invited some speakers to talk about the application of robotics algorithms in other domains, like molecular modeling, computer graphics, and image analysis. The workshop has been supported by CNRS, the Region Midi-Pyr6n6es, and the Conseil G6n6ral de la Haute-Garonne. We thank the Public and International Relations Section of LAAS-CNRS and Jackie Som for her now legendary efficiency and kindness. Jean-Paul Laumond (Toulouse) Mark Overmars (Utrecht) August 1996 ix Taylor &Francis Taylor & Francis Group http://taylorandfrancis.com P articipan ts Rachid Alami LAAS-CNRS ([email protected]) Robert-Paul Berretty Utrecht University ([email protected]) Antonio Bicchi Universita di Pisa ([email protected]) Karl F. Bohringer Cornell University ([email protected]) Jean-Daniel Boissonnat INRIA Sophia Antipolis ([email protected]) Amy J. Briggs Middlebury College ([email protected]) Joel Burdick California Institute of Technology ([email protected]) Stephen Cameron Oxford University ([email protected])
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