Ifev":'::;'' 'f-V-'" ; Weather;her Sunny, WaVarmer rme riMK ^3 Ediiicn^y ~ TilTh* Magle Yaney Newspaper Dedluted to ServingT in g hiidhnd Promoting the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idahoito CoantCounties ■ 44, NO. 188 -g; ________________ ~ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,3AH0, FRFRIDAY, AUGUSTr 81, 1962 ^ "! ~ Algeriamians Shout ^ ^ HIHI g S t e eI l FF i r m s ^ Hopes fofor Peace;'p * (C o n tej m m p t o f 1 TroopsNs Near City F a c e C ALGIERS, Aug. 8131 (UPI)—Thousands(UPI) of Algerians stormed through thele streets today calling for an end to the newly-lndependentBndent country'scc latest crisis. Na- G o n gp n e s s C!]h h; a rg e s tionol liberation armyiy (ALN)(ALN; troops were poised wlth- w ith- WASHINGTON, Aug. 81 (UPI)—The senatenate antitiantitrust subcommittee 'voted.^ttHTl ]n 80 miles of the cityity in a showi of stren^h intended titatlons a g a in st four b ig steel - coiik." to quash a rebellion of milita day to rccommcnd1 contemcontempt of congress citations a of military commanders in Algiers, ’ thdr officers for defyingg subpoensubpoenas fo r production cost datsi-^ Radio broadcasts every 10 panics and nine of thdr oi very 10 minutes, apparently!y from .. The vote was five to two aalong straight party•ty lines. 'The eighth member of'itha' willays (military zone)one) four which controls the'he city, committecASen. Alexanderlexander Wiley. R.. Wls., waa out of town. Tha action came »only.;‘ summoned the demonstra-lonstra- “— -^----------------------------------- : a few houra after thetJ'e fofour u r ----------------- tors. “S'baa e'neen bara- 1 companies and the nine of-of­ ket," ("S even y ears ia BritishJ Court>urt ficers failed to showw up as enough") the war-weary i ordered by the subcom-subcom­ ' . A lgerians cried in'ttain tho Deniesj Final mittee. headed by Sen.len. Estea streets. Kefauver, D.. Tenn, and3d to pro-pro­ ■ ■ ■ .■ Tha threftt of civil war hung * duce Uie requested cost data. over tho- countrjr as troops back* Spyi Request Kc/auver had teetued thothe r . Inj Btiongmon Ahmed Ben Bella four firms and defiant execu- h " waited for order# In p<»lUon# , (uro--oon- Uves of .“contumaciousI conduct"conduct' -; touth Md west of here. | A. when toey faUed to appear at ■ ^ . Soblen lost hts final courtiourt case toe hearing. There were no r e p o r t as of Bitainst, deporUtlon ui thetoe Unit-Unlt- Four empty wiUiessss chairs fljhUng t y tote afternoon’WK> but ed« SWtes and a Uie term in prls- mutely testified to toe companies*nmpanies' ALN troopa backed by artltleryartillery onq today. Then, in elfect,„he boycott ol toe hearing. SubpoenasSubpoenas vere poUed on tho borderswders ot threwi himself on the mercy of hoa been served on boto toe Oie districts, held by the two thet British home oWce: tp lt t .? officials snd toe £cmpasymy order-order­ anti-Ben Belllat sectionss of thcthe himh go free. •• • ing their appearance. army. wlUayas (MlUtary dis­ A three-judge court of appeal Alter caUlng toe roll>11 of-fileof-the tricts) tbree and four. - - turned down his plea% against four companies—Betoldiem,diem, Re-Re­ ^ , The demonstrations here be- deportaUon<j thia afumloon, oon, aqd ^ K | ^ 9 ^ B | | S M | H f i l s 9 public. NaUonol and Armco-ond pm ftt S pjn. (10 ftjn.n. EDT) thetl pale-faced esplonogetgft agent toe nine subpoenaed officials,onioijii., ' when trucks and carloadsloads of wasi escorted back toI Brlxton Kefauver denounced their re-re­ men. women and childrensn be^nbesan priunc to await final stepssteca lor fusals to i^>pear os ‘‘wilirulUlful pre- clrmilatinK through thehe cityelty hish return to New York, - m ediuted contempt of! congress brandishing Algerian nagslags and as he was led away from toethe ond toe processes ot a. duly ou-su- banners and shouting slogans courtroom.c Solomon Kaufman,Kaufman. toorlzed committee.” In Arabic and French. oone of Soblen's lawyers,rerg, told In urging contempt aeUon,cUon,Ke- Ke­ AlglM h ad been calmllm this cnewsmen: fauver said: "It Is amazinguing ththat at momlng and business was as ‘'There wUl be no moreiore court such representaUves of toese - usual, but shops, cafes and>nd busl-bust- ffights. ‘This is the last court ap- large steel companies completely»mpletely .n ess placee began closingng down ipeol.- ignored a duly consUtutednted com- as the demonstraUons ^>read.m a d . ■ He said the 61-year-old>id uLlthu- to u - . mittee in defiance of toe^ e senate ‘bro th e r Algerians.” thehe radio »anlan-bom psychiatrist would and Its processes.” broadctM said. “Algeriansians are |] appeal to the housee of -lordslords He sold toelr conduct was going to ib M t a t Algeriansns in the .“ixuuse no useful meansUIS would BRICKS JABBED LOOSE fromfroa baUdlags by strong>g eazthqvakeazthqvake.Jn northern Otahi TharodarThttndoT amashig" Inasmucb qubah, aC-OrleansvUle. aIt t Blrlne.Blrlne, »»«rved."° - ^ ek af .«hls car parted In a Logon oiler.oUer. No oaone wos hnrt; (AP wirephoto)iMoh^iSi “ the subcommittee hodod worked smashed onto the baek af .«hls car irtp a o w ^ ogiwm ent wlto U. S. Steel a t Stdl-Alasa. and In theI Kabylle^Kabylie. — ■ ■ i — * 4 ^ » * * * Oo out and dem<mstrate a t four i and seven otoer companies«MLnles to o'clock to p m e n t this clash t>e- Satellitei Bill i _ ■ J ___keep aU cost daUi confldenUaLifidenUaL (ween brothers.'* jT l T Q To bring contemptrt uUsetioa oa , / X I . I / O agaUist the nine executives, toe Ute troop« at Bhine, only eo ^ U t a i f t bCache d Valleyley Residents lUves. toe clUitlons must be an>rovedproved by miles to th e aouth, were port ot Has■ Approval , _ 1 _ toe subcommittee, lU parent Ju- a thiee-ooAumn force on ttloALNthe ALN :^ __ , 1 Ju- . clpslng In on th e anU-Ben Bell- ’ Q t 7 ' £ k dlclaiy eocnmlttee and toe senate iewlUayae. Heavy eoocentn- • dy Begin MopiMopping up) iAfter i i QuakeC » J C \ . ^ Itself. The cItaUons wouldould toen By Kennedy J be sent to toe JusUce deportmenteportment tid»s of AU«r troopa .also w e r e '^ WASHINOTON. Aug. 81 (« - 11 (/Pl^Resldents of northemn Utah.’aUtah’s CC^che valley pitchedd ied in to-to - for proaecuUon. pertMl-»t Reltona and Tlaret, j . 81 (» - LpGAN, Aug. 81 (/P>—Res; Kennedy signedW ,, ‘h».d8yiikdd.began;tteth» A le massive -cleanup and repair:lr job necnecessary a a a resultsuit of an _ -----------=— jM ' UUe* west of bere. aWSldl communications. satelUte bUl to- S Als«a,< about SO m lla away^and day.d setting up the legalS frame-taLiSl earthquake which' caused witwidespread damage ThursdayThursdays momlng. And there was sastvC'Arlne. - ... ^work for a prlv*tely ownedwned cor- s till apprehension, asa s aomesom e fifeared additional strong ahshocks might knock down U.S.F^mers..^ ~ i-1 poratlon to handle this' country's buildipSBht weakenedd by ThurcThursday's severe, batt short, trtremor,- Residents ^ jlo rt^ kJOTJJIBs • -------- ------------------ ■— ' slight tremors durlMg*^h« Ofcay'Whea&"eafC p. night. In the Clarkstoh- _ •' - . ^ ' provldff beneflU for all people J . Newton area, residents 5 Wieners'rs AddedA( to were^ warned to boil their Control Againgain Fair DisplaysS iyS ' :Sd UDd’^uS** f f l . _ water after toe watertoter supply WASHINOTON, Aur. 8! <A-« - I A large group of top offldab ^ r r C line ruptured. The Uneme had been The nation's wheat fareiersmers havebave I r n and congressmen surrounded the “Store Night”Nig' Gifts■.VO repaired1 today, but; toere wwas voted to continue controlsotrois on ■BH H H H H BH BH i I In Minidoka President as he used 166 pens to «f ®yil * shortege.le. toelr e r ^ , but by toes smaQest ~ ' b u p e r t , Aug. Sl — Record siwutehin. <One more grocery Item was addiaddod'Frlday to the armload of ^ Logan's source ofot cuUnary margin in 13 sucih tcsUesU since HOB1EWAB1»,B01JNI^lONtC WH rs. F. Kean^ and - crowds viewed’ the displaysATS and . Komwly said the new Uw, gregrocerlea to be given to toe tlrst l;I.S00 women attending Monday water,« DeW ltt SpringsIgs In Logan 1941. Caroline, wave goodbyedbye OS tbeytb< boaird nUno a t - B o s atopM Judgtog of 4-H and FFAfA dairy ° * loo* controv^oversy in ol«olgbt'a game between the Maglo ^Valley Cowboys and Pocatello canyon,^ had Inotased Its flow and Labor-day reanhn with tbe FratO atia congress, provides *'oiaay ob ^ Ito now nnottlctol rrtonu ftom» atoe i M39 fo r night to C..B.MMI Labor, d stock Prlday as the Uinldoka ^ u>r safe- ObSeta n t Jaycee park. .s* second feett- commercial wheat aUtesS wherewh(« Jfewport, E. L T U«y t hmrahava.teen .hw -raftstientey nivBaTtfc^ county talr went Into itsr ^second n d £ WbUo in- IIndependent Meat company haahas added a package *’*of eight Crews were checkingck 1 n g toe balloUng jn toe referendum^ “4was 2 (Ag wirtphoto via radio IrimIrem-Beeae) : >--.i :! day. Judging was delayed because Falls Brand wieners toa toe grocery bonanza. ' — I Night" is sponsored by toe Times-News.«M » » . ®“ter supply line ot)t toe ttown ^ conducted Thursday gavekve 16U43 ' of the Urge number ot entries. ^ or group The "Country Store Night" is si nes-New JUchmond In Cherryberry Creek for ond 14.4&4 against markeUng Dairy cows and horses in the t] sdominate ' , s 5 riAdmission for adulU U 18 cents <and a coupon, which wUl be lage of today's Hmes-News.
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