·ltle Newark Post NEWARK, DELAWARE, S EPTEMBER 24, 1924. N Firemen Win First HOW' T HE INorman H. Collison, rmu.... u_mm ... mumm __ mu __ m__ ._ um_mmmu_um_m_mu .. __ mu.. _......... mm ...........--m·11 :.~~:~:~~fl~l!:~::~ : "~:U~:J:r[.~:·~~~~~ i D.~::~:~!~~sJ~~!::i:. I ~· ·· ...~·~ ·~~~·~~!~~~· ... ?·~·~~·~ ....~ .~~.~, ~.~ .~~. ..: .~~.~.:.. .... Ill Been Feature of Firemens' \ ! und a complete Newark Re- I day Night Calts Gloom Men's "Frosh" Enrollment Reaches 110· Dr. Stearns Addresses Parades All Summer - tail ~ I arket Report, including ' Over Campus Here 107 N Gi I· E W 'C 'C . d· 68 in Line Last Night I ~ ~~eP r ~:c;rain, Meal, ~t eats :\orman Harold olli on, aged 20 ew r s nt~r omen s ollege I onvocahon Au lenc~ Till I I ,hirt of the Aetna Ho e, Farmers. Hou ewives, ~t e r- year' . of Bridge\'ill, Del., and a Total of Universitt Student Body Will Reach Well Over Degrees Conferred on Mem- Ho nK lind Ladder Compuny, of chants and Out of Town hop- Junior in th Unh' I' ity of Delaware, 50 A d' ng L F- rel 5 k b f C ark, ag in flashed to the front at the per are il\\'ited to take advan- was fatally injur d hortly after 0, ccor B t0 a~*: IlgE - Newar era N19~ /asa - Two Flrl'lllln', Parade in Huvre de Grace tage of T he Po \' Market col- midnight, Monday morning, wh n the oyl, 14 If I, nter ew ro elsorl . III' l'\·,·ning. umn. car he wa driving wa ' struck by 11 M ANY ENT E R HIS CO U R S E ollege totalled 105 und at the \\-om- (3.1- P. ~1. freight train on the D laware Road I Till· :\l'wark laddie. were awarded at th cros 'ing in Bridgedlle. ========== ==== en' ollege, 107. The 'niver ity of Dclawur WII till' IiI''' l:a~ h prize of 25.00 for th Young ollison was thrown out of ' It wa the lurge t Freshman enroll- offi ially opened for IInother term thi' br'; loo king outfit in line. Firemen th car again t a telegraph pole and I ment in the hi. torv of the lutter in- afternoon shortly after thr e 0' lock, il"m " dozen nearby town comp ted Savage Gets 10 Years utTered a fractured kull. He died I titution.· when the unnual Convocation exer- in thl' parade. which wa held in con- F about fifte n minutes later. The clas of 19~:. i believed to ci es were held under the trees on the ju\;ctiu!l with the Havre de Grac Fire- or Attack On Girl From report of the tragedy, it was hold the record at the ~len' s olleg. upper campus. Illen·, ( nrnh·al. • learned that the young man wa re- 'Yhen that elas enter d in 191" ov r Th Rpeaker of the day was Dr. AI - ~Ixty- ... ight men were in line a 30 Lashes and $200 Fine Allo ' turning to his home in Bridgeville, 1~0 m n were enrolled. fr d Eme [ tearn. head master of ·"\\·,·ll·k ~w ung into he proce ion. I d d h I PIII'II' p- Ando\' I' ' cadelll'" l'n '1 ' . mpose on Hockessin a.n a( to.pped hi coup to talk. to I - -"' J ' " a. a- 'Tw ." \'-four member of the onti- Neara in Court oll.le acquamtan~e near the cro mg. .\' U'al·k }-OllllgStCI'S E liteI' chu etts. one of the leading prepurn- l1~n"II' Da d helped well the total. EVIdently he dId not see the ap- )1ewark . ent fourt n of h r duugh- tory schools in the country. Jlanv ;\t'wark- r~ "followed the fire- wift a nd peed~ ' ju tice wa meted prouching train, moving at u moder- tel' to th Women's 011 ge thi year, President Hullihen's announcement IIll.II:' " Hane de Grace, and they re- out by Judge Richard and Rodlley ate rate of peed, for it i reported mo t of whom are graduates from at 'OI\\'ocl1tion today w re as follow ' : pIll hat he locul boy made a great in the ourt of General es ions he drove on the cro ing directly in the )l ewark High chool. Th town Before making any nnnounccment· impl'l""io'1 upon the hundred ' of spec- ;\[onday afternoon in the Cll e of the front of the engine. The force of the never nt a larg t· number to the [want to expre - my pi a ure in ee- taton'. tate \·s. Lee avage, 30 years ol d cru h wrecked the car, and threw college. ing back again so many of the faculty 1-1:1\' Had Brill iant Sea on I "'egro of near H~ckessin... Colli on against a n arby pole. The "len's College drew five young and stud nt- of la t year, ready on Taken all in all, the Aetna boys avage plead guIlty earhel' 1Il the Was On 1 "(11' ity quad )lewark men into t he fold, with a op ~illg day f I' the wOI'k of another ma\' wdl be proud of their parade day to an attempted serious a ault The unfortunate young man promise of at lea t two more being se slon. 1 al. 0 want to xL nd a \'ery 'l.z· _.' hI·" "ea on. E\'el'.'·\vhel·e they I upon 15-year old ~lary Hannu.m,· , k th I tt t f I' g is er d bE'fore the week close. hll!lrty greetlllg to the Fr shmen ana pr , _ _ ., 1Il ewar e a er par 0 all othel' new students on behalf of wen. hey were applauded, and in granddaughter of Mr. and Mr. AI- week, coming up from D laware I P rof. George A _ Koer ber The g}rls who nt'oll d from " ew- the Trustees, Faculty and upper nearh' c\'cry ca e came home with a fl'ed r~ san of near Korner Ket~h , Beach wl~h. the football squad.. \~her ark as l' re ' hm n w r : cia se5. \\'e are glad to hay you prize: on the ntght of Augu t th la t. Bnef he had JOllled them m prehmlllary Twenty Fre hmen have 0 far Eleanor . Brooks, Emilie P. ar- her und to receiv YOU into OUI' Th dr reate tingle feat was the argument by counsel reviewed the pl·actice. H .Ief t hr. atul:day ~f- I ent l' d th Electrical Engineer- I penter, atherin Holton, [urjorie , academic fellow hip. \\'e are glad to fi d d ca e, and the judges decided upon the t f h h B d 11 D I h winn ing of both rst an secon sentence while still on the bench. ernoon or lome Ill . n .gen e Iing ours at e aware tiL. Johnson, Lora H. Little, Hazel I. accept you as our partner in a great p riz~5 a Kennett Square, Pa., ubout to spend th w~ek-end WIth hI. par- term. This ourse i becoming I Malcolm, arah E. Pott , Bonnie A. and worthy enterpri e and we count two weeks ago. Seldom ha this suc- Judge Richard then entenced ent , and had In~ended returlllng to m re popular each year. P r o- Walk rand H tel' P. " iddoes. upon your be t endeavor to ussist u ce ~ been equalled in Delaware fire- Savage to pay the costs of the .case, Newark londay m ord I' to regl ter Ife or Koerber head that De- The Xewark boys 0 far enter d at in holding always high thE' '~tandard men 's circles. to. pay a fine of 200, to be whIpped for the coming tenn. partment. the Men' oll ege 'are: lof thi Univ r i'ty's ducuti o~ nl -lim I i;: al~o pointed out that Newark I w1th 30 I~ hes next aturday, ep- Young olli on howed to good ad- • A B 11' I H dl a:, und undertakings'. We want each' one alwa\'; urn out in a practical way. I tember 21th at the 'ew Ca stle vantage in the eady football prac- :u· .I.no H ' k~ tn R b at~U~ J an ~t of you to feel that you are now a '1'1 \: ar fire men first, la t and al- C?unty :V0rkhou e, and to then be- tice thi year, and wa expected to With I' gi tration about completed, - ~11~n . op ~ni 0 I d . I1que e, full co-operating member of this I . I If t I gm serVIng a entence of 10 year. land a guard on th \'ari tv This but official figure not a yet forth- an eOI ge . own en . way::. and carry no nove ty e ec l It wa con idel'ed by court attache I . .., ': . ent purely mutual corporation; that your along to ;way the judge. When they one of the e\'ere t enalties handed :\ o~ld hav~ been .hl th.'.ld ~eal .on the coming, indications point to new high intere ts are, and your purposes \' ,down the streets of Havre de . p ~q u"d. HI WIllIngness 0 lealn and ,' nrollment mark in the Women's hould be from the very first identical C\ .~~': II\~ night they looked the part Idown tn y~ars: rugg d phy ique greatly impr s d College Freshman las thi Fall, with. tho' of the larger whole.
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