March 26, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2331 postal carriers, the service responds to more There was no objection. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I than 1,000 postal-related assaults and credit Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield yield myself such time as I might con- threats, 75,000 complaints of consumer mail myself such time as I may consume. sume. fraud, and it arrests 12,000 criminal suspects Mr. Speaker, it is a real honor and (Mr. DAVIS of Illinois asked and was for mail-related crimes each year. privilege for me to bring this par- given permission to revise and extend Today, my colleagues have a special oppor- ticular legislation to the floor at this his remarks.) tunity to honor the entire United States Postal time because Floyd Spence was a close, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Service, by naming a postal facility after one personal friend of mine and one of the H.R. 917, which names a postal facility of their own heroes. With the passage of H.R. greatest Members this body has ever located at 1830 South Lake Drive in 825, The House of Representatives will re- seen. I had the privilege of traveling Lexington, South Carolina, after Floyd name the Moraine Valley, Illinois Post Office several different places with Congress- Spence, was introduced on February 25, the Michael J. Healy Post Office. man Spence and working with him on 2003, by the gentleman from South Finally, I would like to recognize Joan many different pieces of legislation. Carolina (Mr. WILSON). Healy, Michael’s mother, his brother David, H.R. 917, introduced by the gen- Floyd D. Spence, a former Member of sister Mary, and widow Barbara, as well as tleman from South Carolina (Mr. WIL- Congress, was born in Columbia, South Lieutenant Michael Ruth and the Fraternal SON), a great and honorable replace- Carolina, in 1928. He was a graduate of Lexington High School and the Univer- Order of Police, Labor Council #2, who have ment for Congressman Spence, des- sity of South Carolina. He served in the ably continued Officer Healy’s memory. ignates the facility of the United Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I States Postal Service located at 1830 United States Navy first as an ensign have no additional speakers, and I South Lake Drive in Lexington, South and later as group commander before yield back the balance of my time. Carolina, as the Floyd Spence Post Of- he retired as a captain from the U.S. Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I have no fice Building. The entire House delega- Naval Reserve in 1988. As a Democrat, Floyd Spence was additional speakers, and I yield back tion from the State of South Carolina first elected to public office in 1956 as a the balance of my time. has signed on as cosponsors of this leg- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The islation. member of the South Carolina State question is on the motion offered by Mr. Speaker, Congressman Floyd House of Representatives. He later switched to the Republican party and the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. Spence served for 16 terms in this went on to serve in the State Senate. DUNCAN) that the House suspend the House and was unquestionably one of He was first elected to the U.S. House rules and pass the bill, H.R. 825. its most influential and devoted Mem- of Representatives, representing the The question was taken; and (two- bers. Congressman Spence was first 2nd Congressional District of South thirds having voted in favor thereof) elected to this body in 1970 and was re- Carolina, in 1970. He served as chair- the rules were suspended and the bill elected 15 times by the citizens of man of the House Committee on Na- was passed. South Carolina’s 2nd District before tional Security from 1995 to 1999 and as A motion to reconsider was laid on sadly passing away on August 16, 2001. Chairman of the House Committee on the table. His diligence for his constituents, the Armed Services from 1991 to 2001. In f people of South Carolina, indeed all of America, was legendary. the last Congress, he served on the FLOYD SPENCE POST OFFICE As a Member of this House, Congress- House Committee on Armed Services BUILDING man Spence chaired the Committee on and Committee on Veterans Affairs. Mr. Speaker, Representative Floyd Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I move to Armed Services for 6 years. Chairing Spence represented his district for 31 suspend the rules and pass the bill the Committee on Armed Services was years until his untimely death on Au- (H.R. 917) to designate the facility of one of the most appropriate congres- gust 16, 2001. He truly is deserving of the United States Postal Service lo- sional positions Congressman Spence this honor, and I urge swift passage of cated at 1830 South Lake Drive in Lex- could have held because for much of his adult life he served in the United this measure. ington, South Carolina, as the ‘‘Floyd Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance States Naval Reserves. Spence Post Office Building’’. of my time. After graduating from the University The Clerk read as follows: Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask of South Carolina in 1952, where he had H.R. 917 unanimous consent that all remaining Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- a great athletic career, he initially was time on this legislation on our side be resentatives of the United States of America in commissioned as an ensign and later controlled by the gentleman from Con- Congress assembled, served as the group commander of all necticut (Mr. SHAYS). SECTION 1. FLOYD SPENCE POST OFFICE BUILD- naval reserve units in his hometown of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ING. Columbia, South Carolina. In 1988, Con- objection to the request of the gen- (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the gressman Spence retired from the United States Postal Service located at 1830 tleman from Tennessee? naval reserves as a captain. There was no objection. South Lake Drive in Lexington, South Caro- During his career in the House, he lina, shall be known and designated as the Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ‘‘Floyd Spence Post Office Building’’. made no mistake about his priority to self such time as I might consume, (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, protect all Americans by being one of which will not be much because we map, regulation, document, paper, or other the strongest advocates for a strong have already put on the record that record of the United States to the facility re- national defense. Furthermore, many Floyd Spence was a tremendous Mem- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to have looked back and credited Con- ber of Congress and an outstanding be a reference to the Floyd Spence Post Of- gressman Spence for his presence in public servant; and we are just eager to fice Building. recognizing the threat that terrorism move forward on this piece of legisla- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- posed against our country, despite the tion. ant to the rule, the gentleman from fact that he passed away less than one Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) and the gen- month before September 11, 2001. may consume to the gentleman from tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each This House will always miss the con- South Carolina (Mr. WILSON). will control 20 minutes. tributions of Congressman Floyd Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Spence, as well as the wonderful person Speaker, I thank the gentleman for from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN). with a great sense of humor and great yielding me the time. GENERAL LEAVE kindness and compassion that he had It is a great honor for me to be the Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask for all people. author of this particular bill to name unanimous consent that all Members Mr. Speaker, for these reasons I urge the postal facility of the city of Lex- may have 5 legislative days within all Members to support the adoption of ington, which is located in the Red which to revise and extend their re- H.R. 917. I thank my colleague from Bank community, which is the central marks on the bill under consideration. South Carolina for introducing this im- part of Lexington County. It is very ap- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there portant measure. propriate, and I want to thank my col- objection to the request of the gen- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of leagues, the balance of the South Caro- tleman from Tennessee? my time. lina delegation, Mr. BROWN, Mr. VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:44 Mar 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26MR7.021 H26PT1 H2332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 26, 2003 DEMINT, Mr. BARRETT, Mr. SPRATT and ternity. He then went on to the Univer- to warn against terrorism. He pointed Mr. CLYBURN, for joining with me as sity of South Carolina Law School out that steps needed to be taken. He cosponsors of this bill. where he achieved the highest position was a leader on that effort, and he was It is very appropriate that the Lex- available at the law school, and that also a leader in promoting a ballistic ington Post Office be named in honor was to be editor of the law review. missile defense system, working very of Congressman Floyd Spence. The rea- His military service includes service closely with President Reagan.
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