Wonderful Woody Is Coming ... "If you want to hate Woody Hayes, upset the Bucks to clinch a trip to the can work. then you must never let yourself hear Rose Bowl. Hayes plans football like a general him make a speech;' said a longtime as­ In his years at OSU Hayes has led his preparing for battle. He studies game sociate of controversal OSU coach in teams to two national championships, films for hours. When the playing dis­ the Nov. 21 issue of Life. two Rose Bowls, and three Big Ten titles pleases Hayes he takes his anger out on LOSU students will be able to decide in four years. his players or opposing coaches. Occa­ for themselves today when Coach Hayes sionally he also expresses his opinions Hayes prefers a rushing game, and stops at the Lima campus on his way to to the game officials. Vietnam. made "three yards and a cloud of dust" Hayes' one trademark is his short­ Hayes, who coached the Buckeyes a legend at Ohio State. He once said, ''there are only three things that can hap­ sleeved white shirt. Only once has he for 19 years, this year led the team to a worn a jacket at a football game. 22-game winning streak. The winning pen to a pass, and two of them are bad." ways of the Bucks were stopped in the In recent years Hayes has turned to the Football is Woody Hayes' game and W.W. (WOODY) HAYES last game of the season when Michigan pass with Rex Kem proving that passes he is a perfectionist about it. HeedCollCh THE EME Vol. 3 No. 2 Dec. 9, 1969 O.S.U. - Lima London·s Esp Amazes Skeptical Students What do you say to someone you meet ception expert and professional enter­ for the first time and he says to you "don't tainer stumped magic lovers and cynics tell me your name, let me tell you"? alike at his Nov. 18 performance in the Or what do you say to someone who LOSU auditorium. knows how much change you have in Many of the students claimed to under­ your pocket when you don't even know? stand London's magical feats but when Tim Fortman is still trying to figure that they were asked to explain the tricks they one out. stuttered and stammered saying "well uh, Jack London, noted Extra Sensory Per- it's kinda hard to explain." London's performance included many ROTC Option Pep Band Organized To Promote card tricks, an escape act and some ex­ ceptional memory feats. After several Change Effective School Spirit at Baron Ballgames tricks London stated "what you have just seen is impossible and cannot be Effective winter quarter LOSU stu­ done, and if you believe that you're in dents may fulfill the University National Will the L.0.S.U. Barons dance their pay or academic credit. Any reward they more trouble than I thought." Defense Optiori (R.O.T.C.) in one or a way to repeated victory this year? Whe­ get comes from the fun they have being Besides London's ESP abilities he is combination of the two following ways: ther or not they do, they will be backed in the band and the feeling that they are also an expert on crime technique. He ( 1) Twelve credit hours of courses in musically by the newly-formed pep band, helping a winning cause. lectures for law enforcement agencies Military Science, Air Force, Aerospace which has been organized to promote on the methods of pickpockets, gyp art­ Studies or Naval Science. and liven up school spirit at Baron hard­ Members include: Dennis Walker (2) Twelve credit hours of courses not ists, breaking and entering, burglary and wood games. and Cindy Lamastus, clarinet; Randy shoplifting. otherwise specified in the degree re­ The miniature band holds practices He has toured halfway around the quirements of the selected curriculum. Bohnlein, trombone; Denny Miller, bass; throughout the week and then performs world through Canada, the West Indies, Students can take any twelve elec­ Mike Flick and Martha Miller, trumpet; at the games. They are performing com­ Europe and the United States. He has tive hours on a pass or non-pass basis. Bill Clinger, drums; Teresa Lahman, pletely as an all-volunteer group without also made guest appearances on tele­ French horn; Dennis Hedric, E-flat vision shows such as Play Your Hunch, EXAMINATION D·DAY NEARING alto horn; and Bob Simmons, sax. What's My Line, and The Tonight Show. THE FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE FOLLOWS AND IS COMPLETE AS SUBMITTED. ALL UVC-100 FINAL EXAMS WILL BE AD- MINISTERED DURING THE LAST CLASS PERIOD . .......... MONDAY-DECEMBER IS 8:00 - 10:00 All morning ENGLISH classes Georgiana, Gilson, Larsen, Steahly, Winegardner ..... AUD Wilson .......................................................................... 124 Continued on page 3 O.S.U. ·Lima Dec. 9, 1969 Page 2 Kennedy Is New THUMBS DOWN ~ THUMBS UP (~) ~ Bookstore Manager . .for Christmas vacation. ....on lack of courses . ....for the LOSU Pep Band. ...on people who complain about the Tim Kennedy, a former LOSU student, Mr. Kennedy is too formal." . .for the great work by the Entertain- Deme but not to the Deme . is our new Book Store manager. Kennedy's wife, the former Jan Newell, ment Committee. (Letters and suggestions welcome.) Kennedy, who succeeds. Ken Berthol· is an OSU graduate and teaches third ....for Santa Claus. .on the draft board for drafting the omy, was graduated from Elida High grade at Elida. Their home is at 2520 . .for Woody Hayes coming to LOSU. Deme's managing editor . School in 1966 and began his studies at Lowell Ave. in Lima. ...for the new library books and new OSU Lima the following autumn quarter. magazine room. Double Thumbs Down .... Then during the academic year '68-'69 . .for the bookstore for having the ..on night class students who don't he taught seventh and eighth grade Eng- nerve to defend itself. buy parking stickers. _ lish at St. Gerrard's parochial school. Kennedy:s bobbies include collecting . records, especially folk music, dancing, and sports of all kinds. His favorite foot­ ball team is the OSU BUCKS, naturally, Library Will Expand but, bis favorite basketball team is Shaw­ nee. The goal of the Lima Campus Library The North Central Association of Col­ Regarding his position as Book Store is 20,000 volumes by the end of 1970. leges and Secondary Schools has sched­ manager, Kennedy says, "I like the chal­ J. McLean Reed, director of LOSU is uled the Lima, Newark, Mansfield, and lenge of a business world. There is re­ planning an expansion of the 13,500 Marion campuses of Ohio State Univ­ sponsibility involved but the people here volume collection and the seating cap­ ersity for examination to be held dur­ are so nice to work with it really makes it acity in order to meet recognized stan­ ing the 1971-72 academic year for the enjoyable. Also, l like to be called Tim, dards for a two-year college library. purpose of accreditation independent of the main campus. This accrediting agency believes that the availability of the library resources of the parent cam­ pus does not lessen the need to provide a basic and reasonably justified collection OSU Student Visits Lima, Peru on each regional campus. This quarter the current periodical LOSU Student Nancy Leatherman visited Lima, Peru last summer collection will move into an additional and describes her adventures to Deme reporter Pearl Waitman space of 450 square feet where new dis­ play type shelving will make available the Nancy visited with close friends and The older Peruvian homes have patios States and the life in Peru, unless one three hundred titles now coming to the spent a lot of time sightseeing around inside the houses, but the modern homes goes there. Her most pleasant memory library. The space released by this move the Lima, Peru area. are all enclosed by a wall 6 feet high. is how friendly the people were, and how will be used for an expanded reference Lima is one of the most beautiful cit­ The decor is mostly Spanish, but religious well she was accepted. collection, additional shelving and card ies in the world, and the oldest univer­ influence is emphasized by statues and catalog space. sicy in South America is located there. pictures in the homes, museums, and Peruvian students get out of school at churches. Most families have servants age 16, and boys and girls do no t attend who work in exchange for board and Bookstore Lays It classes together. room and their education. Nancy visited Cuzco, the ancient Inca ruins high in the Sierra Mountains and Meals are always served in the dining On The Deme had to travel there by train. The Span: room and one should always eat the food (Editor's Note: This is in reply to a com­ ing change only when purchases are iards destroyed a large part of Cuzco served because it has been especially ment in Thumbs Up - Thumbs Down, made. Change should be made avail­ when they invaded the civilization. prepared for him. The vegetables are which aQI?eared in the previous issue.) able in the area where purchases are Nancy also visited a beautiful old always served cooked, never raw, be­ made. Students should anticipate their church in which the body of Francisco cause they must be sterilized. What is the Bookstore here for: To needs before coming out to the Campus Pizzaro, the founder of Peru, is on view Nancy said a person can not realize the supply the necessary textbooks required and 'not expect to have bills of larger encased in a glass casket.
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