issue number 20 - November 2009 Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Convictions, issue number 20 - November 2009 1 Dear readers, Our Lady asked the children of Fatima to pray the Rosary and to pray it every day. She invites us to recite the rosary so that Communism will not be spread throughout the world, so that sinners will convert, and she promised the triumph of the Immaculate Heart at the end of our eff orts. Since March 25th our Superior General invites us to a third Rosary Crusade. He would like the Catholic faithful to unite throughout the world and to say – all combined – twelve million rosaries. But is it the multitude of rosaries that the Superior General seeks? Is the quantity of prayers the cause of the request of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima? Certainly, the great number of rosaries manifests our fervour and our devotion. We love our dear Mother from Heaven and we have confi dence in her. Naturally, we take our rosary in order to tell her we love her, to entrust her with all our problems, to request her intercession and to sing her praises. Thus the frequent recitation is nothing less than the proof of our Marian devotion. Mary never allows herself to be overcome in her goodness. If we on our part are faithful and gen- erous in our prayers, she, on her part, will also show herself generous. If we meditate on the Rosary every day, she will give us – as she has done since the time of St. Dominic – the grace to make our- selves resemble Our Lord Jesus Christ. The prayer of the Rosary has a force all its own. Through Mary, the words of the “Our Fathers” and the “Hail Marys” are like doors which permit us to enter into the life of Jesus. Whoever meditates attentively on one or several of the fi fteen mysteries will place himself in the hands of the Blessed Virgin. She will take his hand and reveal to him her Divine Son. It is through her that the faithful will always understand better who Jesus Christ is, what are His in- tentions and His reasons, how He loves us and how much He has suff ered for us. It is also through the intercession of the Virgin Mary that we then receive the grace of a strong will. The prayer of the rosary helps us to change our life. From the Annunciation to the Crowning in Heaven, each step of the life of Our Lord fi nds her there. And each mystery reveals to us another characteristic, another vir- tue. The rosary is the perfect and complete school of the Christian life. Having once entered into this school, the faithful person who recites his rosary regularly will progressively change his thoughts, his words and his actions. He who loves his rosary will begin to say it constantly. In visiting a friend he will think of Mary on her way to Elizabeth, as she hastens to render service to her cousin. He will regard the intense prayer of Mary who, in spite of the pains of the voyage, always keeps her heart united to her Divine Son. When falsely accused, he will admire the patience and the renouncement of Jesus, who takes His cross to place it upon His shoulders. Jesus embraces His cross with love, seeing therein the instru- ment of salvation, seeking nothing else but the accomplishment of the will of the Father. And so, with the rosary in our hands, we will ask through our suff erings to obtain the same patience, the same love. Maybe we will have to grit our teeth, but without a doubt we will come to fi nd the graces which Mary has prepared for us. Maybe we seek the reason why we are overwhelmed by an injustice: the example of Jesus carrying out the will of the Father will give to our tormented soul the strength to accept the divine will without complaining and without rebelling. If we are envious of the new car of our neighbour: what must we do? Let us take up our rosary. Let us meditate the mystery of the Ascension. We see the apostles, their gaze fi xed on heaven, where their Master has gone. We will very quickly come to understand the triviality of the things of this world and the importance, the beauty, the perpetuity of that which God has promised. There it is – the reason for which the Blessed Virgin has given us the Rosary, which she wishes us to say every day. That is what our Superior General wants of us: That we become true Christians – Christians who resemble Our Lord Jesus Christ. Father Jürgen Wegner 2 Editorial issue number 20 - November 2009 480 McKenzie Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 5B9 Tel / Fax: 204-589-4524, [email protected] Editorial_________________________________________________________2 “Forming Our Lady asked the children of Fatima to pray the Rosary and to pray it every day. But is the quantity Catholic of prayers the cause of the request of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima? Minds” Rev. Fr. Jürgen Wegner, SSPX The Immaculate Heart of Mary? __________________4 If someone were to ask you what devotion Publisher: to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means, would Rev. Fr. Jürgen Wegner District Superior you be able to answer them? Editor: Rev. Fr. Gerard Rusak, SSPX Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard Chroniclers Rev. Fr. Emanuel Herkel A Devotion for our time ________________________________9 Mr. Marc Ratusz, BA., MA.Th. Some devotions are more appropriate than Translations: others for certain times in the history of the world. Rev. Fr. Patrick Girouard Printer: The main idea of this devotion is a Dave’s Quick Print, Winnipeg special love for God and His saints. Rev. Fr. Emanuel Herkel, SSPX What is an Acolyte? _________________________________12 Subscription Rates: The chief offi ces of an acolyte are to light Canada: $ 25.00 CND, USA: 30.00 USD International: 35 USD or 28 Euro the candles on the altar, to carry them in Price per issue: $ 3.00 CND procession and to prepare wine and water. Rev. Fr. Todd Angele, SSPX Contributions: You may contribute to this apostolate of the Good Press by submitting articles or information, Ought children to be spanked? ___________________14 which could foster the Restoration of Christ’s Social In the previous article we discussed the pros Kingdom, through the enrichment of both the human and the religious aspects of our readers’ lives. Please and the contras of corporal punishment. It now mention your sources. We do not send back any remains to be seen whether these two viewpoints documents. Finally, money being war’s fuel, we gladly can be reconciled. accept any donation even though small. Rev. Fr. Peter Scott, SSPX Responsibility: The authors of the articles presented here are solely The Oblates of Mary Immaculate________________16 responsible for their judgments and opinions. The Oblates of Mary Immaculate spread throughout the West and the North of Canada in the second half of the 19th century. © SSPX 2009 Rev. Fr. Roger Guéguen, SSPX Offi cial Publication of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X for Canada What’s happening in the Church?________________20 News from the Church CONVICTIONS is a work of apostolate Rev. Fr. Peter Scott, SSPX done under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Pius X, and is published Coast to Coast__________________________________________23 ten times a year. Activities of the SSPX in Canada Convictions, issue number 20 - November 2009 Summary 3 What is devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary? If someone were to ask you what devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary means, would you be able to answer them? Would you think it important to do so? Do you know yourself what this devotion is? Fr. Gerard Rusak, SSPX Introduction Our Blessed Mother says that those souls de- I think we should all refl ect on these ques- voted to her Immaculate Heart will one day be tions. The dramatic words of Our Lady, on June united in the company of great saints like St. 13, 1917, to Lucy, one of the seers of Fatima, in- Thérèse the Little Flower. Since this is true, con- cite us to do so. It was the second apparition of sidering the Church’s approval of the Fatima Mes- Our Lady at Fatima. At this point, the Blessed Vir- sage, it is absolutely necessary for each one of us gin had just promised that Jacinta and Francisco that we understand what is meant by devotion to would soon go to heaven but it would not be so the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is especially soon for Lucy. She had a mission to accomplish. true for us in modern times, as is clear from the Our Lady, then spoke these three sentences: “Je- second sentence in the quote above. Jesus “wishes sus wishes to make use of you in order to make to establish in the world devotion to my Immac- me known and loved. He wishes to establish in ulate Heart.” Clearly, that means it was a devo- the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. To tion which was not present in the Church up until whoever embraces this devotion, I promise sal- Fatima. God knew that it would not be needed vation; those souls will be cherished by God, as until our times, and thus He awaited the oppor- fl owers placed by me to adorn His throne.” tune moment to establish it. The third sentence is the most striking for us. Our sources: In this article, without having re- Our Lady promises salvation to those who em- course to any other sources than Fatima, we would brace the devotion to her Immaculate Heart.
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