European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2003) 57, 324–327 ß 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0954–3007/03 $25.00 www.nature.com/ejcn ORIGINAL COMMUNICATION A randomized controlled trial of phytoestrogen supplementation, growth and bone turnover in adolescent males G Jones1*, T Dwyer1, K Hynes1, FS Dalais2, V Parameswaran3 and TM Greenaway3 1Menzies Centre for Population Health Research, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; 2Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, The Alfred Hospital, Prahran, Victoria, Australia; and 3Diabetes and Endocrine Services, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania Objective: To assess the effect of phytoestrogens on bone turnover and growth in adolescent boys. Design: Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Setting: Single school in northwest Tasmania. Participants: Adolescent boys (treatment n ¼ 69, placebo n ¼ 59, mean age 16.8 y). Interventions: Six weeks of isoflavone supplementation (Novasoy, 50 mg daily of isoflavone equivalents). Bone turnover markers (bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and pyridinoline creatinine ratio (PYR)) were measured at baseline and follow-up. Results: Despite marked increases in urinary genistein and daidzein in the treatment arm (both P < 0.001), there were no significant differences in BAP, PYR or short-term height or weight change. This applied to both intention-to-treat and per protocol analysis. Neither was there a significant correlation between urinary genistein and daidzein levels and BAP or PYR. Conclusions: Phytoestrogen supplementation to the level of usual Japanese dietary intake has no measurable effect on bone turnover in adolescent boys. Longer-term studies of bone density may be desirable but it is unlikely that there will be a large effect in either girls or boys given the lower endogenous oestrogen levels in boys. Sponsorship: National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Arthritis Foundation of Australia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2003) 57, 324 – 327. doi:10.1038=sj.ejcn.1601544 Keywords: phytoestrogens; trial; bone; adolescence Introduction isoflavone intake. It is estimated that Japanese intake is Fractures due to osteoporosis are a significant public health around 40 – 50 mg of isoflavone per day (Kimira et al, 1998; problem. There are well-documented differences in fracture Somekawa et al, 2001), while Western intake is minimal. incidence between Asian and Caucasian populations. The Studies in rats have suggested that both isoflavones (Fanti reason for this is not fully understood but may involve hip et al, 1998; Ishida et al, 1998; Picherit et al, 2001) and axis length variations (Wang et al, 1997) or phytoestrogen or coumestrol (Draper et al, 1997) can prevent bone loss in the ovariectomy model, most likely through prevention of bone resorption (Ishida et al, 1998; Tsutsumi, 1995). Human *Correspondence: G Jones, Menzies Centre for Population Health studies have provided conflicting results on the effect of Research, GPO Box 252-23, Hobart, Tasmania 7000, Australia. these agents both on hot flushes (Dalais et al, 1998; Upmalis E-mail: [email protected] et al, 2000) and a variable, and possibly dose-dependent, Guarantor: G Jones. effect on prevention of bone loss (Alekel et al, 2000; Dalais Contributors: GJ was responsible for study conception, data analysis and overall manuscript composition. TD and TMG were responsible et al, 1998; Potter et al, 1998), but uncertain effects on bone for study conception and manuscript review. KH was responsible for turnover (Wangen et al, 2000). Fracture risk in later life is also data collection and manuscript review. FS was responsible for affected by peak bone mass. However, there have been no phytoestrogen assays and manuscript review. VP was responsible for studies of the effect of phytoestrogens in children or adoles- bone assays and manuscript review. Received 1 November 2001; revised 15 May 2002; cents. Furthermore, males have lower estrogen levels than accepted 28 May 2002 females and, in adult males, estrogen levels appear to be a Phytoestrogens and bone turnover in boys G Jones et al 325 stronger determinant of bone density than androgens was assessed by the bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (Falahati-Nini et al, 2000). The aim of this study was to immunoassay (Alkphase B, Metra Biosystems). It is highly assess the effect of 6 weeks of isoflavone supplementation specific for bone with a long half-life and responds rapidly on bone turnover markers in adolescent boys. to antiresorptive therapy in adults (Ettinger et al, 1999; Schnitzer et al, 2000). The coefficient of variation (CV) in this study was 5.6%. Bone resorption was assessed by urinary deoxypyridinoline creatinine ratio measured by competitive Methods immunoassay on a 20 ml aliquot taken from the urine The study was conducted in Burnie, Tasmania (latitude 42S) collection, protected from light by a black bag and stored at a single school (Hellyer College) between 5 July and 27 at 720C prior to analysis (Pyrilinks-D, Metra Biosystems). August 1999. All male students aged 16 – 18 y were eligible to The CV in this study was 6%. Urinary creatinine excretion participate and were invited to participate through an infor- was also assessed on a first void morning urine sample. mation sheet sent to the home address and distributed Aliquots from each sample were diluted with neutral through the school’s daily newsletter. Of the 297 boys pH buffer and analysed by the Ektachem method. The CV eligible, 136 volunteered and provided informed consent. was 5.4%. The study was granted ethical approval by the University of Tasmania Human Research Ethics Committee (Project no. H0003116). Statistics Subjects were randomly assigned to receive Novasoy Descriptive variables are listed as means or percentages. (Archer Daniels Midland, 50 mg in total isoflavones) or Unpaired t-tests or Mann – Whitney U-tests (where appropri- identical placebo taken as tablets (round, 11 mm diameter). ate) were utilized to compare baseline variable and change in The randomization was determined by the manufacturer short-term growth, bone turnover markers and urinary phy- using computer-generated random numbers and subjects toestrogen assays. For the main hypotheses, analysis utilized were allocated in the order determined by the manufacturer both an intention-to-treat approach and a per protocol at their baseline appointment. Both subjects and field approach. For the latter, compliance was defined as achiev- assistants were blinded. Compliance was assessed by tablet ing an increase in urinary genistein of 100 ng=mmol Cr or counts and urinary assays of genistein and daidzein at urinary daidzein of 200 ng=mmol Cr over baseline. A P-value baseline and 6 weeks using high performance liquid chro- less than 0.05 (two-tailed) or a 95% confidence interval not matography as previously described (Dalais et al, 1998). including the null point were regarded as statistically sig- Weight was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg (with shoes, nificant. All statistical analyses were performed on SPSS socks and bulky clothing removed) using a single pair of version 9.0 for Windows (Cary, NC, USA). electronic scales (Seca Delta Model 707), which were cali- brated using a known weight at the beginning of each clinic. Height was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm (with shoes and Results socks removed) using a Leicester Height Measure (Child A total of 136 boys enrolled in the trial. Four were outside Growth Foundation). One observer (KH) performed all the age limits and deemed ineligible. During the course of physical measurements. Tanner pubertal stage was self- the trial four more subjects withdraw. A total of 128 boys assessed by questionnaire by using drawings made from completed the trial period: 69 in the treatment group and 59 Tanner’s photographs illustrating the five stages of pubertal in the placebo group. In a test of subject knowledge of development. This approach has good agreement with actual allocation at the end of the trial period, 11.6 and 10.2% of examination in males (ICC 0.63; Morris & Udry, 1980). subjects in the treatment and placebo groups, respectively, Bone turnover was assessed at baseline and 6 weeks by two correctly ascertained which group they were assigned to. The assays on first void morning urine samples. Bone formation remainder indicated that they did not know which group Table 1 Characteristics of participants at baselinea Study factor Isoflavone (n ¼ 69) Placebo (n ¼ 59) P-value for difference Age (y) 16.7 (0.78) 16.8 (0.76) 0.68 Weight (kg) 73.4 (13.8) 72.8 (9.7) 0.77 Height (cm) 177.9 (6.8) 177.4 (6.8) 0.67 Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase at baseline (IU) 46.3 (21.2) 49.0 (24.9) 0.50 Pyridinoline creatinine ratio at baseline (nmol=mmol Cr) 8.72 (3.44) 9.29 (3.85) 0.36 Urinary genistein (ng=mmol Cr) 34 (53) 25 (41) 0.27 Urinary daidzein (ng=mmol Cr) 66 (110) 55 (109) 0.58 aData are presented as mean (standard deviation). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition Phytoestrogens and bone turnover in boys G Jones et al 326 Table 2 Effect of isoflavone supplementation on change over 6 weeks in urinary phytoestrogens, bone turnover markers and growtha Study factor Isoflavone (n ¼ 69) Placebo (n ¼ 59) P-value for difference Urinary daidzein (ng=mmol Cr) 466 (565) 31 (118) < 0.001 Urinary genistein (ng=mmol Cr) 250 (322) 16 (63) < 0.001 Bone specific alkaline phosphatase (units) 9.69 (9.04) 8.37 (10.1) 0.47 Pyridinoline creatinine ratio (nmol=mmol creatinine) 0.36 (2.94) 0.77 (2.36) 0.39 Height change (cm) 0.23 (0.81) 0.15 (1.08) 0.65 Weight change (kg) 0.66 (1.49) 0.62 (1.79) 0.91 aAll measures are mean (s.d.). they were in (76.8 and 83.1%) or they guessed incorrectly tion in children (Marowska et al, 1996), suggesting that (11.6 and 6.7%).
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