____ [ORONTO MEMBER OF COUNCIL REPORT ON OUT-OF-PROVINCE CONFERENCE (To be circulated to standing committees and posted on the internet) Name of Member of Council: Councillor Michael Thompson Name of Conference: Economic Forum of the Americas Location: Montreal Date(s) Attended: 12/06/2016 to 13/06/2016 I confirm I attended the following sessions (please use additional sheet if required): DATE TIME NAME OF SESSION 131106/2016 9:00 am Inaugural Session of the Forum of Montreal 13/06/2016 12:00 pm Opening luncheon 13106/2016 3:00 pm Towards a New Geopolitic Order —7 Authorizing Signature Removed Member of Council Si I. / MONDAY, JUNE 13 ECONOMY, GOVERNANCE AND PENSIONS DAY PRESENTED BY THE AUTORITE DES MARCHES FINANCIERS (AMF) 7:00AM REGlST4TlON 7:30AM WORKING BREAKFAST Macroeconomic Outlook on Interest Rates: How Do we Adjust our Expectations in the “New Normal”? In collaboration with Finance Montreal, Ia Coisse de déoôt etplocement du Québec and Power Financial Corporation 8:30AM OPENING OF THE 22qd EDITION OF THE CONFERENCE OF MONTREAL INAUGURALSESSION OF THE CONFERENCE OF MONTREAL 9:00AM Shaping a New Era of Prosperity In collaboration with the Autoritb des marchésfmoncwrs (AMP) 10: 30 AM FORUM 1 simultaneously Regulations in the FinTech Industry In collaboration with the Autaritd des morchésfnanciers (AMP) FORUM 2 simultaneously Fintech: Unlocking New Opportunities for Small Business Finance In collaboration with the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC FORUM 3 simultaneously Low Rates of Return: Changing Pension Plans In coliaborotion with Finance Montréal, to caisse de ddpht et plocemen t du Québec and Power Financial Corpora con FORUM 4 simultaneously Migration and the Global Economy in collaborotion with the Ministhre de i’imrnigrot:nn, de Ia Diversité et de l’lnclusion du Québec (MIDi) FORUM 5 simultaneously Long Term Investment to Foster a Sustainable Economic Growth 12:00 PM OPENING LUNCHEON 3:00PM PLENARY SESSION @ArnericasForum #IEFA #ConfMTL MONDAY, JUNE 13 ECONOMY, GOVERNANCE AND PENSIONS Towards a New Geopolitic Order 3:00PM IPCM PLENARY SESSION Low Rates of Return: How to Ensure that Retirement Systems Are Sustainable and Effective? in coiloboration with Cnance Mnntreo Ia Caisse de ddpdt at piocerlient du Québec and Power Financial Corporation ROUND-TABLE simultaneously 4:30PM 1 Facing Disruption: Managing Innovation In collaboration with HEC Montreal ROUND-TABLE 2 simultaneously An Overview of Quebec’s International Action ‘o:½00rat’n ca’rrans Pe..-2 005 cterratonales at de a Fo-r:.cpror.e RECEPTION 5:00PM Cce’aab.FmtDee.oco;atCcnodc’EDC) @AmericasForum #IEFA #ConfMTL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 ENERGY, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7:00AM REGISTTlON 7:30AM WORKING BREAKFAST 1 simultaneously Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Francophonie’s Response to the Paris Climate Agreement In collaboration with the lnstrul dc/a Froncophonie pour/c ddveloppement durable (IPDDf subsidiary body of the Oroonisotion international dela Froncophonie (Oh) WORKING BREAKFAST 2 simultaneously Commodities Industry: The Aluminium Sector Revolution In collaboration with Alum inu.rn Association of Canada WORKING BREAKFAST3 simultaneously Involving First Nations in the Economic Development 9:00AM PLENARY SESSION Building TomorroWs Infrastructure FORUM 1 simultaneously 10: 30 AM Strenghtening Youth and Women Entrepreneurship: A Priority for a Sustainable Economic Development of the Francophonie Area /n collaboration with the Ministdre des Relations internntionoles et de ha Francaphonie du Québec (.fthRiFy and Inc Orgnnsat.on International dc/a Francophanie (0/F) FORUM 2 simultaneously Energy Storage: the Revolution of Batteries In collabarahan with investissemen: Québec (/0) FORUM 3 simultaneously Innovation in the Agricultural Sector: Towards a Technological Revolution In colioboratian with La Coop fédérée FORUM 4simultaneously Energy Infrastructure: Adapting to Changing Realities In collaboration with SNC-Lavolin LUNCHEON 12: 00 PM Presented by Hydra-Québec @ Amer c as Forum #IEFA 4ConfMTL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 ENERGY, INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 3:00PM PLENARY SESSION Facing a New Global Energy Reality Jo oC(o ::- T’ansCanoda ROUND-TABLE 1 simultaneously 4:30PM The Paris Climate Agreement: Finding New Financial Solutions to Reduce Carbon Emissions fl o.—or-o’- Insr to de ‘a -‘oronrarn n91r cpvno-U0e”e’u (iFoo) ;bsdo.soo. e Q’garoa:or n,coraoo Ye id F rcovincc.-e (C/F, ROUND-TABLE 2 simultaneously Technology and Manufacturing Sector: Prospering in a New Industrial Era In co/Inborn non with Investissement Quebec ((0) ROUND-TABLE 3 simultaneously The Transformation of the Arctic ROUND-TABLE4 simultaneously How Ecotourism Is Reshaping the Tourism Industry in collaboration with RDEE Canada RECEPTION 5:30PM @AmericasForurn #IEFA 44ConIMTL WEDNESDAY, JUNE15 INTERNATIONALTRADE, HEALTH AND INNOVATION 7:00AM REGISTRATION WORKING BREAKFAST 1 simultaneously 7:30 AM. Innovation Districts. Pioreehng for Prosperity on :50 - Ecoe he :eoo.oce soonCeure lETS, WORKING BREAKFAST2 simultaneously The Transpacific Partnership rise Minsre’e C!? C ‘0 Er once et ae i’;nnov:st;oq doChour ‘DES WORKING BREAKFAS 3 simultaneously Cracking the Code: The Promises and Pitfalls of Digital Economies In coiloborari on with the I.nternarinnoi Development Research Ce.ntre (IDAC) WORKING BREAKFAST4 simultaneously Smart Cities In collaboration with the Cf ty of Montreal 9:00AM PLENARY SESSION Emerging Countries and the Global Economy: Adopting the Right Strategy In coilaborahon with Export Development Canada (EDc 10: 30 AM FORUM 1 simultaneously Boosting the Inclusive Impact of Trade ‘u::cn with Soc n. ‘nc Conada FORUM 2 simultaneously The Future of Cities: SVfting to a Green Economy FORUM 3 simultareoLsly Leveraging Private Finance for Cltnate-Smart Development inco..acn’o:.o 5n*nn:*e;.;*..-n;. 0n .. :Znerrn CertreliDPC, FORUM 4 simultaneously Healthcare for Growth: The Case for Prevention in Emerging Economies /n collaboration ..ith Sannh Pasteur @Americasrotum PIEFA #ConTMTL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 INTERNATIONAL TRADE, HEALTH AND INNOVATION LUNCHEON 12: 00 PM Presented bj the c-c Bank of Ccox ‘RBC1 PLENARY 3:00 PM SESSION Innovating for Global Health SancOPaseu ROUND-TABLE 1 smultaneously 4:30PM Techno’ogy, Innovation and EdLcation: Transforming the Learnng Experience incc::i;hnrqcnn with Cariurdic tin/vets i•ty ROUND-TABLE 2 simultaneously The Blue Economy In co//aborat/on with the Secretariat ou Affaires mar/times Cu Québec 5: 30 PM RECEPTION @ A cleric as F or ci i-n ifIEFA #ConfMTL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 INTERNATIONAL TRADE, HEALTH AND INNOVATION 11: 00 AM REGISTTION CLOSING LUNCHEON 12: 00 PM Amer-ica S Forum #IEFA #ConfMfL ____________________________________________ CONFERENCE OF MONTREAL 22 EDITION - SHAPING A NEW ERA OF PROSPERITY JUNE 13-16, 2016 CO-CHAIRS OF THE 22 EDITION OF THE CONFERENCE OF MONTREAL Adesina, Akinwumi A., President, The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Bokova, Irma, Director-General, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Hutchins, Glenn, Co-Founder, Silver Lake LIST OF CONFIRMED SPEAKERS Abouchakra, Rabih, Managing Director, Office of Strategic Affairs, The Court of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Adler, Kern,, President and Chief Executive Officer, SkyPower Global Almagro, Luis, Secretary General, Organisation of American States (OAS) Anderson, Margaret, Executive Director, FasterCures, Milken Institute Andrus, ion, Executive Vice President, and Director, Vaccine Advocacy and Education, Sabin Vaccine Institute Anglade, Dominique, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy, Québec Anttonen, Matti, Under-Secretary of State for External Economic Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland Arcand, Pierre, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources; and Minister responsible for the Northern Plan, Québec Ashok, B., Chairman, Indian Oil Corporation Audet, Michel, Québec Delegate in Brussels Authers, John, Senior Investment Correspondent, Financial Times Baker, John, President and Chief Executive Officer, D2L Corporation htw://forum-a me ricas.orgJmontrea 112016/speakers April29, 2016 _____ CONFERENCE OF MONTREAL 22” EDITION - SHAPING A NEW ERA OF PROSPERITY JUNE 13-16, 2016 Balbuena Patricia, Vice Minister for Intercultural Affairs, Peru Beatty, Perrin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Chamber of Commerce Beauchamp, Line, Representative, Québec Representation in the Permanent Delegation of Canada to UNESCO Beauchemin, Robert, Chief Executive Officer, Knowledgeone Berezin, Peter, Chief Strategist, Global Investment Strategy, BCA Research Beringaye, Madjissem, Founder, Living the African Dream Blackwell, Tom, Health-Care Reporter, National Post Boyer, Pascal, Deputy Director General, International Office for Water (lOWater) Breslow, Noah, Chief Executive Officer, OnDeck Breeders, Dirk, Senior Strategy Advisor, Supervisory Policy Division, De Nederlandsche Bank Bruyninckx, Eddy, Chief Executive Officer, Antwerp Port Authority Calderon, Ania, Director General of Open Data, Presidency of the Republic — Mexico, Coordination of National Digital Strategy in the Office in the President of Mexico Cameron, Edward, Managing Director, Business for Social Responsibility Charron, Dominique, Director of Agriculture and Environment International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Coon Come, Matthew, Grand Chief, Grand Council of the Crees Cordobés, David, Program Head, Youth and Trade, International Trade Centre (CrC) Correa, Maria Emilia,
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