Vol. 102, No. 20 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL. On the Masked Iranians Protest Shah By ANDY CLINE and KATE TYLER return, said a demonstrator. \ Inside With chants of "Down with university community's at­ The Shah's police, SA VAK, the Shah" and "U.S. ad­ tention the true nature of allegedly keep tabs on Ira­ visors, CIA agents out of repression in Iran; to make nian students studying Iran," seventeen masked Ira­ people more sensitive to a abroad. nian students marched across situation that on the surface The protestors marched to The "Real World" campus on Friday to protest seems beyond the scope of the International Center, set the policies of Shah Moham­ students day to day life," said. up a picket line, and con­ explained med Reza Pahlavi of Iran. student supporter Steven tinued chanting. In their Business Exec. visits On the steps of Hullihen Krevisky. chants they compared the Hall, one demonstrator read The letter alleges "over- struggle in Iran to that in campus ................ p. 3 an open letter from the Ira­ 20,000 innocent men, women Vietnam. They called for the nian Student Association and children have been continued "solidarity bet­ ( ISA) outlining their massacred under the direct ween Iranian and American grievances with the Shah's orders of the Shah during the peoples." It Hasn't government. past eight months," in order By noon, the demonstration A copy of the letter was to suppress political dissent. moved back across campus Been Easy taken to university President The demonstrators wore toward the Student Center. E.A. Trabant's office and to cardboard masks to guard Female Minister Relates The masked students were ig­ International Student Advisor against reprisals to family nored by most university ly a student would raise a fist Experiences ........... p: 10 Dean Loomis. "The letters members in Iran, and to pro­ students in the midst of in support or comment were delivered to call to the tect themselves when they - . changing classes. Occasional- "we're with you." At the request of the Ira­ nian students, Lt. Jack Dowl­ Puppet Noodle ing of university Security ac­ companied the demonstra­ Theatre canned tion. Our drama critic sheers There are 43 Iranian "Sheep" .............. p. 11 students on campus. Many did not participate in the demonstration. One demonstrator said that a lack of attendance did not mean Coffee and a lack of support. Some stayed away out of fear, some Sandwich : 30¢ because they felt it would do luncheonette Changes After no good, he said. 50 years .............. p. 13 The demonstration came after the recent outbreak of civil disturbance in Tehran. Retrospect ............. p. 4 At this point, the military is in control of the government by Somethings Happening .. p. 5 order of the Shah. This action Campus Briefs .......... p. 5 was taken to control distur­ bances including recent Editorial ............... p. 8 strikes by oil workers, EtCetera .............. p. 11 teachers, government Classified ............. p. 16 workers, national airline per­ Review photographer Andy Cline sonnel and bank employees. Sports ................ p. 20 MARCHING IN PROTEST of the Shah of Iran, 17 Iranian students staged a noon demonstra­ Over the past year the Shah tion across campus to call attention to the situation in their country. has attempted to liberalize !}le government in Iran, ac­ cording to news sources in Tehran. The Shah allegedly Student Wastes 'Reek' Havoc on Drainage promises modernization to By ANDY WILLIAMSON to the resident's complaints. They entered the crawl returned on Monday, one of improve the standard of liv­ ing. A demonstrator said For the past two years, It seemed to remedy the pro­ space under Rodney F and the buckets was filled with residents in Rodney F have blem because there was no cut the pipe which connected the "putrid liquid "He (the Shah) brings some complained about "offensive odor in the rooms over the the afflicted rooms. When substance." discos to Tehran and call it odors" coming from the summer, according to Moore. they did, a "pukey green "Because the air condition­ modernization." heating units in their rooms. However, residents com­ slime" gushed from the pipe ing was off, there shouldn't have been anything in there," According to the universi­ Two weeks ago, maintenance plained about the foul odor att,d drenched the men. The ty's Iranian students, the men finally found the cause: again when the ·air condition­ smlell was so vile that they said Moore. This made it Shah remains in power due to residents have been dumping ing was shut off this fall. Ap­ had to go home and change clear that the students were dumping wastes down the direct aid from the United "urine and bong juice" down parently, the condensing their elothes, according to States government. the drains which carry con­ water from the air condi­ Robert Hedley, assistant drains. densed water from the air tioner coils moved the wastes director for Maintenance. Since then, the pipes have One Iranian student ex­ conditioners, according to through the drains. But, when been flushed with a clean~er pressed concern over his housing officials. that water stopped flowing, A plumber who was there and a deodorizer. Moore said eventual return home. There ·~I didn't believe the the waste stagnated at the did not want to comment on he is sending the residents a are few jobs to look forward plumbers at first," said Jim bottom of the line and the the incident. "At the time, we memo this week explaining to even for the college­ Moore, West Complex area vapors came back through didn't know what the the problem and the obvious educated. Some students are manager. "I thought they the pipes and into the rooms. substance was," said Moore. health hazard. arrested after their return couldn't find the real cause To determine which pipes Moore said, "I don't think home for participating in and were just blaming it on On Friday, October 27, the liquid was coming from, there is anything in the "Stu­ demonstrations abroad. the residents." university plumbers decided the men disconnected the dent Guide to Policies" that When asked about what he In June, the maintenance to find the source of the drains from each side of the covers this.'' Sanctions will would do when he eventually men flushed out the drains repulsive odors before hall and had them empty into be set by the complex coor­ returned home, he replied, "I with an algacide in response flushing the drains again. different buckets. When they dinators, he added. don't know." I· l Page2 THE REVJEW, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL . November 14, 1978 Students Awake to Find Apartment up in Smoke Five University of Delaware students escaped injury as their apartment at 107 N. College Ave. was enveloped in flame at 4:30 a.m. on Friday. Thomas Jacquette, Bill Wheatley, and John Allen told police they had gone to bed around 2:30 a.m. and were awakened by smoke two hours later. The other occupants, Michael Garef and Steve Unruh both fled from the building while Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder firemen were called. Jacquette was treated at the Newark Emergency Room NT for minor burns of the knees and arms after falling on a bur­ ning sofa. Careless smoking was the apparent cause of the A SPECIAL RING PROMOTION WITH YOUR blaze, according to police. JOSTEN'S REPRESENTATIVF WORLD Handmade jewelry, l Special clothing, S"'ieaters, FAMILY and accessories. ~ " low prices All your winter IMPORTS I needs from Afghanistan, Bolivia, Mexico, Guatamala, (near corner of . Nepal India, Ecuador, Peru. Academy & Main ~t . ) 92 E. Main St. (rear) behind Abbotts Shoes 731 -9182 TUDE NT GENERAL PROGRAM MEETING ASSOCIATION THURSDAY, NOV.16 ALL MIMBERS MUST 4P.M. DATE: AnEND NEW MEMBERS KIRKWOOD Thurs., Nov. 16 TIME: PLACE: ARE WELCOME RM. (S.C.) Fri., Nov. 17 10:30-4:00 Student Center TOPICS : FILMS, MUSIC, BUS TRIPS, TOURNAMENTS, STUDENT CENTER DAY. LECTURES, BACCHUS AVAILABLE FINANCIAL INFORMATION With the completion of the fiscal y-r as of June 30, 1978 and the start of a (5) Transfers and Allocations are terms that are used in fund accounting req<Jired by new academic y-r,lt Is an appropriate time to report on the operating results generally accepting accounting principles for colleges and universities. The University of ofor 1977-78 compored to the Budget for 1971-79. Delaware has five basic fund groups including the Current Funds, loan Funds, The pr-ntatlon of any financial Information cr-tes a dilemma. If too many Endowment and Similar Funds, Plant Funds and Agency Funds. The Revenues, details are reported, the average non-financial r-der Is overwhelmed and Expenditures, Transfers and Allocations contained in this presentation are of the confused. If a summary Is presented that may be cl-rer to most Individuals, Current Funds and reflect the basic operations of the University, but not the entire some r-ders may have questions that remain unanswered. In order to operations. minimize the dilemma, this presentation contains two basic sections: For instance, cost of buildings must be recorded as expenditures in the Plant Funds. If 1. A summary of the Budget for the coming y-r compored to the Actual Current Funds Revenues ore used to pay for building construction or maintenance, the Results of the past year. Explanations of certain captions have b-n provided payment must be recorded as a Transfer in the Current Funds. An illustration of this is by footnotes (1) through (5). approximately $2,000,000 of debt retirement on residence and dining halls that is 2. A listing and explanation of other available financial reports and where recorded as a Transfer each year.
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