HONDA Honda Siel Power Products Ltd. Head Office & Works : Plot No. 5, Sector-41, (Kasna) Greater Noida lnduslrial DevelopmenlArea, Disn. Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.) Pin-201310 Tel. : +91~120—2341050-59 June 07, 2019 Fax : +91»120—2341078-79 Website :www.hondasielpower.com cm : L40103DL2004PLC203950 _ , Corporate Relationship Department E-mail : [email protected] BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 25th Floor, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai — 400001 Listing Department The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, 5’h Floor, Plot No. C/1, G- Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E), Mumbai 7 400 051 Sub: Compliance with Regulation 23(9) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for the half year ended on March 31, 2019 In Compliance with Regulation 23(9) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed disclosures of related party transactions on consolidated basis as on March 31, 2019. We hereby request you to take the aforesaid certificate on record. Thanking you. Yours Truly, For Honda Sie’I/ throducts Limited, k M \< 339%V Sunita Ganjoo \\_/ Company Secretary Encl. as above. - 110025 Regd. Office : 409, DLF Tower B, Jasola Commercial Complex, New Delhi Honda Siel Power Products Limited (All amounts ill [NR IGHLS, unless otherwise stared} Related party transactions (a) Parent entity The Company is controlled by the following entity: - Place of Dw-nershi interest Name Type -E incurpnrah'on March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 and “1mm” Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Japan Japan 66.67% 56.67% gum?“oldmg company (b) Other related parties Place of Type ”a” incorporation Fellow subsidiaries with whom transactions liave . “was Ph‘l‘ppmes mc' lieen undertaken Philippines Honda Del Peru S.A. Peru Honda de Mexico SA. de CV. Mexico Honda Australia M. at P. Pty. Limited Australia Asian Honda Motor Co. Limited Tnailand Honda Trading corporation Japan Honda Trading Asia Co, Limited Tliailand PT. Honda Power Products Indonesia Indonesia Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Private Limited India Mote Ilonda da Amazonia Ltd. Brazil Honda Trading (South China) Co. Limited Hong Kong Honda R at D Co. Limited .Iapan Honda R & D (India) Private limited India Honda Motor de Argentina S.A. Argentina Shanghai Honda Trading Co. limited Cliina PL Honda Trading Indonesia Indonesia Honda Trading Brasil Ltd. Brasil Honda Canada Inc. Canada American Honda Motor Co. Inc. USA Honda Trading De Argentina SA Argentina Honda Trading Corporation India Private Limited India Honda Gulf FZE UAE Honda Taiwan Co Ltd Taiwan Thai Honda Manuiaeturing Co Ltd Thailand Honda Access India Private Limited India Honda Mindong Generator Co. Ltd. China Honda Kailiatsu Co. Ltd. Japan Honda Trading Europe Ltd. Belgium Honda Motor Europe limited UK Jialinngonda Motors Co. Ltd. China Honda Cars India limited India Honda Selva Del Peru SA. Peru HendaTrading Philippines Ecozone Corporation Philippines Honda Trading America Corp. America Honda Motor De Chile SA. Chile Taiwan Honda Trading Co. Ltd. Taiwan Honda Vietnam Power Products Co. Ltd. Vietnam Raiastlian Prime Steel Processing Center Private Limited India Key management personnel Mr. Yoshifumi lida~ President and CEO Mr. Hiloyoslii Sugimizur Senior Vice President and Whole time director Mr. Vinay Mittal- Senior Vice President, Whole time director and CFO Mr. Siddharfll Siniram, Cliairrnan Mr. D.v. Kapur, Director (Retired on 31st March 2019) Mr. Ravi V. Gupta, Director (Retired on 31st March 2019) Mn Manoj Arora, Director MS. Alka M. Bhamcl'la, Director (0) Key management personnel (KI/KP) compensafion’ March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 snort-term employee benefits Mr ilosliiiurni do 241 201 Mr Himyoslii Sugimiau 211 167 MI Vinay Mittal 127 no sitting fees Mr Siddhanh Slniram Mr D.V. Kapur Mr Ravi V. Gupta Mr Manoj Arora MS Alka. M. Bharucll'cl haunted umaam short» term employee benefits payable: Payable to employees 10 other Recoverable from employees ‘Bxcludes Contribution to the gratuity fund and provision {or leave eucaslmlem determined on an actuarial basis, as these are determined for the Company as a whole. Honda Siel Power Products Limited (d) Transactions wiih related parties March 3:, 2019 March 31, 2018 Holding Comnany Purchase quoods Slack-in-n-ade EJSD 1,263 3750 Componems, raw material, consumables and spares 4.035 Purchase qfcapital glands Other Expenses Technical guidance fee 339 280 Royalty 2:975 2,841 Export commission on sales 2,521 2,498 Sale otprodncts Finished goods 507 625 Spares and components Dividend paid 609 507 Reimbursement ofex‘penses Paid 866 573 Received 46 59 Fellow subsidiaries with whom transaction exceeds 10% ofthe tnial class oftransaction Purchase of stonk-in-trade Asian Honda Mmal' Co. Limited, Thailand 4,536 31470 Others Purchase ofcompcnems, raw material, consumables and spares Asian Honda Motor Co. Limited, Thailand 1,642 2,213 Honda Trading Asia Cur Ltd., Thailand 354 339 iionda Trading Corporation, Japan 680 581 Rajasthan Pn‘mc Steel Processing Center Privale Limited, india 458 377 shanghai Honda Trading Co. Ltd., China 488 435 Honda Trading Corp. india pvt. Ltd, india 329 Others 104 90 purchase orconitol goods HondaTrading Corporation, Japan 10 Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd., India Sale offinished goods American Honda Motor Co. Inc, USA 22,915 21,048 Honda Australia M. and p.13. PTY Ltd., Australia 1 Y638 1,855 Honda Canada Inc., Canada 3,055 2,509 Honda Motor Europe Ltd, United Kingdom 1,786 1,936 Others 1,263 784 Sale otspares and components Honda Cars indie Ltd., India 359 371 Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd., India 944 Others 253 1o Fee for infrastructure support services 16 Honda Had) (India) Pvt. Ltd, India 16 Support service fees Honda Cars India Ltd., India 178 140 Loan to fellow subsidiary Honda Cars India Ltd., India” 16,000 Interest income on Loan Honda Cars India Ltd., India 195 Reimbursement of expenses paid American Honda Motor Co. Inc, USA mg 138 Honda Canada Inc., Canada 35 Others 98 89 ‘Reimburserncnt of expenses received Honda Cars India Ltd., India 12 11 Honda RELD (India) Pvt. Ltd., India Others v This is subject to an approval from the shareholders in its ensuing Annual General Meeting. Honda Siel Power Products Limited (2) Outstanding balances arising from sales/purchases of goods and services, purchase of assets and other transactions The following balances are outstanding at the end of the reverting period in relation to transactions with related parties: March 31, 20x9 March 31, 2018 Holding Company Trade Payable 2,254 2,727 Trade Receivable . 43 124 Other Recoverable 30 7 Fellow subsidiaries Trade payable Asian Honda Motor Co. Ltd.. Thailand 500 383 Others 207 198 Trade Receivable Amen'mn Honda Motor Co. Inc, USA 1,995 1,379 Honda Australia M. and RE. I’l‘Y Ltd, Australia 124 385 Honda Canada Inc., Canada 399 558 Honda Motor Europe Ltd, United Kingdom 121 175 Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd, India 192 - Honda Gulf FZE 124 - Others 163 265 Loan to fellow subsidiary Honda Cars India Limited, India 16,000 - Interest accrued on loan to fellow subsidiary Honda Cars India Limited, India 175 - Other Recuverable American Honda Motor Co. Inc, USA > 1 Honda Rial) (India) Pvt. Limited, India 1 1 Others 2 0 Advance from customers 'Ihai Honda Manufacturing Co Ltd 22 _ OtheIs o 0 There is no impairment allowance recognised in respect of receivables due from related parties. (0 Terms and conditions Transactions relating to dividends were on the same terms and conditions that applied to other shareholders. Goods and services were sold to the related parties during the year based on the price lists in force / other appropriate basis, as applicable, and terms that would be available to third parties. All other transactions were made on normal commercial terms and conditions and at market rates. All outstanding balances are unsecured and settled in cash..
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