Race Dirt 1400M TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:24Dec.16 1:23.0 DES,WEIGHT for AGE,MAIDEN

Race Dirt 1400M TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:24Dec.16 1:23.0 DES,WEIGHT for AGE,MAIDEN

HANSHIN SUNDAY,DECEMBER 20TH Post Time 10:05 1 ! Race Dirt 1400m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:24Dec.16 1:23.0 DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,680,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,100,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 770,000 510,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Dearest Club Co.,Ltd. 2,770,000 S 20101 Life30102M 10001 1 1 55.0 Hideaki Miyuki(7.0%,61−80−72−654,13th) Turf10001 I 00000 Allure Bulto(JPN) Dirt20101L 00000 +Fenomeno(0.34) +Matsurida Gogh C2,b. Katsuichi Nishiura(5.2%,14−19−16−220,111st) Course10100E 00000 Wht. ,Triandrus ,Developpe 30Mar.18 Dearest Club Wet 00000 6Dec.20 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 14 12 1:13.2 2nd/16 Suguru Hamanaka 55.0 446" True Barows 1:13.2 <NS> Allure Bulto <5> Daisy Moon 25Oct.20 KYOTO MDN D1200Go 8 6 1:12.5 4th/12 Hideaki Miyuki 55.0 450' Sugino Majesty 1:12.1 <NK> Satono Apollon <1/2> Land Volcano 11Oct.20 KYOTO NWC T1800Go 2 3 1:51.5 11th/14 Hideaki Miyuki 55.0 460% Vasa 1:49.7 <HD> Brave Jackal <3/4> Badenweiler Ow. Yoshio Matsumoto 0 S 10001 Life20002M 10001 1 2 52.0 Keishi Yamada(3.2%,17−15−23−476,57th) Turf00000 I 00000 Meisho Honami(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 +I’ll Have Another(0.86)+Galileo F2,ch. Yoshiyuki Arakawa(5.6%,17−35−25−229,87th) Course10001E 00000 Wht. ,Do The Bosanova ,Sateen 23Feb.18 Mitsuishi Kawakami Bokujo Wet 00000 5Dec.20 CHUKYO MDN D1800St 4433 2:00.013th/16Shinji Kawashima 54.0 422* Violet Zinc 1:55.9 <1 1/2> Love of My Life <3/4> Square Sail 21Nov.20 HANSHIN NWC D1200St 8 8 1:16.3 9th/15 Ken Tanaka 54.0 424( Le Chat Libre 1:14.0 <1/2+1/2> Ciel Bleu <> Baby Ash Ow. Yushun Horse 1,800,000 S 00000 Life10010M 10010 2 3 55.0 Ryuji Wada(7.2%,59−90−79−594,14th) Turf00000 I 00000 Integral City(JPN) Dirt10010L 00000 +Curren Black Hill(0.85)+King Kamehameha C2,ch. Kazuya Makita(4.0%,11−14−22−226,138th) Course10010E 00000 Blk. ,Hishi Title ,Hishi Taeko 17Feb.18 Masaaki Nakamura Wet 00000 29Nov.20 HANSHIN NWC D1800St 4422 1:57.03rd/10Kyosuke Kokubun 55.0 510! Taisei Venus 1:55.8 <2> Hirono Queen <5> Integral City Ow. K.Thoroughbred Club Ruffian 3,610,000 S 00000 Life50023M 40022 2 4 55.0 Yusaku Kokubun(2.5%,12−20−21−420,68th) Turf30012 I 10001 Meiner Gustav(JPN) Dirt20011L 00000 +Screen Hero(1.14) +Soviet Star C2,ch. Naohiro Yoshida(9.0%,22−14−19−189,54th) Course20011E 00000 Blk. ,Cosmo Ruby ,Robinia 24Feb.18 Big Red Farm Wet 00000 5Dec.20 HANSHIN MDN D1400St 1 1 1:27.2 5th/16 Yusaku Kokubun 55.0 470# Shigeru Sosai 1:26.7 <1> Hiya <1/2> Noble Grace 15Nov.20 HANSHIN MDN D1400St 5 4 1:26.0 3rd/15 Yusaku Kokubun 55.0 472$ B I Felipe 1:25.7 <NK> Smasher <1 1/4> Meiner Gustav 24Oct.20 KYOTO MDN T1600Go 2 2 1:38.0 7th/12 Yusaku Kokubun 55.0 472' Vigenere 1:37.3 <NK> Frank Etoile <1 1/4> Weckmann 6Sep.20 SAPPORO MDN T2000Fi 13 12 11 9 2:03.8 6th/16 Yuji Tannai 54.0 476$ Milou 2:02.9 <2 1/2> Tosen Alex <1 1/4> Rosette 30Aug.20 SAPPORO NWC T1800Yi 3232 1:55.83rd/10YujiTannai 54.0474# Veloce Oro 1:55.4 <1 1/2> Cardinal <1> Meiner Gustav Ow. Fujiko Mizukami 1,800,000 S 00000 Life20011M 20011 3 5 54.0 Suguru Hamanaka(8.4%,34−44−35−294,34th) Turf20011 I 00000 Sol Fi Net(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Makfi(0.45) +Special Week F2,b. Sei Ishizaka(10.0%,28−24−22−205,31st) Course00000E 00000 Red ,Sun Coronet ,Sugino Charlotte 11Feb.18 Kasamatsu Bokujo Wet 00000 25Oct.20 NIIGATA MDN T1400Yi 3 2 1:25.1 6th/13 Hayato Yoshida 54.0 422" W Snatch 1:24.2 <2> Albarino <1/2> Shura Vhara 27Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC T1400Fi 10 12 1:22.6 3rd/18 Hayato Yoshida 54.0 424) Coup de Coeur 1:22.6 <NS> Smart Passat <NS> Sol Fi Net Ow. Jun Yoshikawa 1,100,000 S 20002 Life20002M 00000 3 6 54.0 Ryota Sameshima(4.7%,9−6−13−163,85th) Turf20002 I 00000 June Bianca(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Belshazzar(0.52) +Company F2,b. Sachio Yukubo(5.0%,11−13−15−183,139th) Course00000E 00000 Red ,June Vienna ,Goldkrone 2Apr.18 Yoshikawa Holdings Wet 00000 6Dec.20 CHUKYO MDN T1200Fi 9 11 1:10.2 17th/18 Ryoya Kozaki 54.0 454) Zelia 1:08.5 <1 1/2> Kawakami Carina <1 3/4> Toho Red 23Nov.20 HANSHIN NWC T1200Fi 3 3 1:10.6 4th/12 Ryoya Kozaki 54.0 456& Meisho Funkei 1:10.1 <1 1/4> Lance of Muse <NK> Gempachi Meteor Ow. Kumiko Watanabe 2,820,000 S 30012 Life30012M 00000 4 7 55.0 Yasunari Iwata(9.1%,49−43−53−393,20th) Turf00000 I 00000 Bonin Blue(JPN) Dirt30012L 00000 +Hokko Tarumae(0.31) +Victoire Pisa C2,b. Ken Kozaki(5.7%,13−18−13−183,126th) Course10001E 00000 Blu. ,Agnes Fairy ,Agnes Luck 10May.18 Kumiko Watanabe Wet 10010 6Dec.20 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 6 7 1:14.1 5th/16 Yasunari Iwata 55.0 452' True Barows 1:13.2 <NS> Allure Bulto <5> Daisy Moon 1Nov.20 KYOTO MDN D1200St 6 7 1:14.2 5th/10 Ryoya Kozaki 55.0 456# Miyaji Osharaku 1:13.1 <2 1/2> Jet Emblem <1/2> Sablon Kazuma 10Oct.20 KYOTO NWC D1200Sl 9 10 1:12.4 3rd/16 Ryoya Kozaki 55.0 456' Dioskuroi 1:11.6 <5> Shigeru Riji <HD> Bonin Blue Ow. Shadai Race Horse Co.,Ltd. 2,800,000 S 00000 Life10100M 10100 4 8 55.0 Kenichi Ikezoe(11.0%,57−54−54−354,17th) Turf00000 I 00000 Magnum Heart(JPN) Dirt10100L 00000 +Daiwa Major(1.19) +Storm Cat C2,ch. Hisashi Shimizu(9.1%,37−34−40−297,9th) Course10100E 00000 Blu. ,Heart Shaped ,Twenty Eight Carat 20Feb.18 Shadai Farm Wet 00000 6Dec.20 HANSHIN NWC D1400St 1 1 1:27.5 2nd/10 Kenichi Ikezoe 55.0 496" Wakino Queen 1:26.8 <4> Magnum Heart <HD> Shigeru Dynamic Ow. Masayuki Yamaguchi 4,800,000 S 00000 Life20200M 20200 5 9 55.0 Yuga Kawada(28.0%,162−109−61−246,2nd) Turf00000 I 00000 Hiya(JPN) Dirt20200L 00000 +Pas de Trois(0.70) +Gold Allure C2,b. Ippo Sameshima(6.8%,20−25−22−227,60th) Course20200E 00000 Ylw. ,Gold Pierce ,Muguet Rouge 21Apr.18 Masayuki Yamaguchi Wet 00000 5Dec.20 HANSHIN MDN D1400St 2 2 1:26.9 2nd/16 Yuga Kawada 55.0 446! Shigeru Sosai 1:26.7 <1> Hiya <1/2> Noble Grace 14Nov.20 HANSHIN NWC D1400St 5 4 1:26.4 2nd/16 Yuga Kawada 55.0 448& Ladybug 1:25.6 <5> Hiya <1 1/2> Meisho Hyuma Ow. Silk Racing Co.,Ltd. 510,000 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 5 10 55.0 Yuichi Kitamura(9.8%,52−59−68−352,19th) Turf00000 I 00000 Loco Por Ti(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 +Henny Hughes(1.08) +King Kamehameha C2,b. Masato Nishizono(7.9%,26−24−25−256,38th) Course10001E 00000 Ylw. ,Sadamu Grand Jete ,Shes Like Rio 28Jan.18 Northern Farm Wet 00000 28Nov.20 HANSHIN MDN D1800St 2222 1:55.75th/13AkatsukiTomita54.0520! France Go de Ina 1:53.9 <4> Emerging Role <2 1/2> Bishamonten 19Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC D1800St 1111FF /10YugaKawada 54.0522" Taisei Again 1:57.4 <8> Lime <3> Meisho Mitsuhide Ow. Ryoji Yagi 2,570,000 S 10001 Life40013M 30012 6 11 55.0 Mirai Iwata(9.1%,69−66−67−554,10th) Turf40013 I 00000 Tagano Supernova(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 *Maurice(0.59) *King Kamehameha C2,br. Yoshihiko Kawamura(6.0%,16−19−23−207,96th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. +Tagano Etoile +Seaside Breeze 30Mar.18 Ryoji Yagi Wet 00000 5Dec.20 HANSHIN MDN T1400Fi 4 3 1:22.4 4th/16 Kosei Miura 55.0 434$ Satono Ai 1:21.9 <NK> Toho Dias <1 1/4> Terrine 14Nov.20 HANSHIN MDN T1200Fi 11 10 1:09.6 7th/15 Ryuji Wada 55.0 422# T M Tokkyu 1:08.8 <1 1/2> Satono Ai <1/2> Mieno Beruru 25Oct.20 KYOTO MDN T1400Fi 5 3 1:24.3 9th/18 Ryuji Wada 55.0 430# Super Hope 1:23.5 <1 1/2> Air Shrub <1/2> Lively King 10Oct.20 KYOTO NWC T1600So 1 1 1:36.8 3rd/14 Ryuji Wada 55.0 424& Art de Vivre 1:36.6 <NK> Vigenere <1> Tagano Supernova Ow. Kazuo Yamada 0 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 6 12 54.0 Manabu Sakai(4.0%,21−29−29−445,50th) Turf10001 I 00000 Yamakatsu Yell(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 *Majestic Warrior(0.71) *Kurofune F2,d.b. Kiyoshi Tani(7.3%,18−17−14−199,83rd) Course00000E 00000 Grn. +Yamakatsu Majalis +Yamakatsu Suzuran 26Jan.18 Hiroyasu Yamada Wet 00000 5Dec.20 CHUKYO MDN D1800St 6688 2:00.014th/16ArataSaito 53.0468" Violet Zinc 1:55.9 <1 1/2> Love of My Life <3/4> Square Sail 15Nov.20 HANSHIN NWC T1400Fi 4 7 1:23.1 9th/17 Arata Saito 53.0 462( Shigeru Pink Ruby 1:22.3 <1> Zelia <1/2> Mrs Barows Ow.

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