PRESIDENT CLARK KERR FIRED * * * Class Boycott, Rallies Today University of California, Irvine EXTRA "A GREAT METROPOLITAN NEWSPAPER" Monday, January 23,, 1967 Reagan Says Regents Fire Kerr Kerr Provoked ICHH COMMITTEE URGES BOYCOTT With 14-8 Decision Regents' Decision The UCI "It Can't Happen Her,e" Committee (ICHH) has In executive session Friday the President of the State Board of Governor Ronald Reagan indi- called on UCI students to boycott classes beginning at 11 Board of Regents voted to remove Agriculture, originally made the 55-year old Clark Kerr from his proposal. However, he withdrew cated Friday that Clark Kerr had today to express concern over the future of the University. position as President of the Uni- it because of his newness. forced the matter of his tenure on Plans for the organized boycott and demonstration the Regents, and that they had act- versity of California by a vote of The motion was reaffirmed by w,ere sparked by the firing of UC President Clark Kerr by ed wisely in firing him. 1 14 to 8. Laurence Kennedy, Jr., of Red- Reagan, who left the Friday af- the Board of Regents last Friday, and today's boycott is The formal announcement was ding and passed. ternoon Regents meeting b e f o r e part of a demonstration being conducted on at l,east five made by Ted Sorensen, Vice Presi- (Continued on Page 2) it adjourned was among the 14 University of California campuses. dent of University Relations at Cal, Board members who voted to ter- Meeting spontaneously in the snack bar after word to newsmen, students, and staff minate Kerr's tenure. of Kerr's firing reach,ed UCI, about 50 students formed who were waiting outside the clos- In an official statement issued ICHH and vot,ed to conduct the campus forum and boycott ed doors of the meeting. by his office the Governor stated, of classes. "I have an announcement to Kerr Says "The matter of a vote of confi- The committee, headed by Student Finance Committee make," said Sorensen. "The Re- dence was brought up by Dr. Kerr. gents of the University of Califor- It was not on the agenda and his Treasurer Dave Altschuler, urges students to stay away nia have today terminated the ten- Regents Acted request came as a complete surprise from classes today and to participate in ralnes which will ure of President Clark Kerr, effec- to all of us." be held on the lawn. tive today. The vote was 14 to 8." Reagan said that Kerr had asked · Accordtng to Altschuler, a large portion of the faculty The Board action came as a sur- for "a decision one way or an- has been contact.ed, and faculty cooperation is expeded prise and shock to everyone includ- 'Too Quickly' other," then added, "I believe the in the boycott, and Chancellor Daniel Aldrich will speak at ing the President himself, who was In a news conference Friday af- Board took a very reasonable action the forum at noon . not present at the meeting. Kerr ternoon, Clark Kerr accused the in dismissing President Kerr." said in a press conference later in Regents of responding "Too quick- In appraising Dr. Kerr as an aca- the day that he had not been asked ly to the swirls of political winds demican and educator, the Gover- by Governor Reagan to resign, nor in the state." nor stated that he felt Kerr was did he have any idea that such an He flatly stated, "I don't be- superior· in the field of educating Students Take Action action would take place. lieve in the policy that because rather than the field of adminis- Kerr has been embroiled in trou- there is a new Governor of the trating. Said Reagan, "He did ble at Berkeley since December state there needs to be a new Pres- things I disagree with." 1964 when students demonstrated ident of the University. This has The Governor refused to make for more political freedom on the never happened before." any further comment until he was On five UC Campuses campus. Addressing a large number of able to see the formal statement Student action is being taken on at the Santa Cruz campus decided Governor Reagan, who was at- newsmen, students, and staff mem- (Continued on Page 2) at least five University of Califor- Friday evening to have a boycott tending his first Regents meeting, bers, Kerr talked for several min- nia campuses today in response of classes Monday. left the closed session an hour be- utes about some of the policies to the firing of President Clark UCLA Student Body President fore Kerr's dismissal was announc- which had been foremost in his Regents Discuss Kerr. Bob Michaels ·has stated that a ed. He gave no indication of career as President, including di- Ad Hoc committees and student campus rally has been scheduled what haa happened in the meeting versity among .the various cam- legislative bodies met Friday after- for noon Monday to discuss the as he left to catch a plane for Los puses, de-centralization of Univer- Tuition, noon and evening after hearing possibility of a boycott of classes Angeles. sity administration, the mainten- the Regents' de<;:ision. on that campus. At the Southern California air- ance of high quality faculty and Admissions At Santa Barbara the Student A dance Friday night at Davis port the Governor expressed sur- student life on the campuses and Legislative Council met and voted was taken over by members of the prise over the decision. He said the establishment of certain free- Tuition and student admissions to have a campus rally today at student government and turned in- that he had left before balloting dom rights for students. to the University of California noon. All regular academic ac- to a "love demonstration." Danc- began and did not vote on the He spoke of atonomy among Re- were among the items considered tivities will be suspended and stu- ing was intersperced by talks in firing. gents as being the most important, by Regents at their Thursday-Fri- dents, faculty and administrators which Student Body President Bob This statement, however, was not however, indicating the obligation day meeting in Berkeley. The will vote on a proposal which has Black made the proposal that stu- true. A roll call vote, made pub- of the Board to be a buffer against topics were introduced by Speaker been prepared by the Council. dents "love everyone including the lic, revealed that Reagan had vot- "shifting political winds." of the Assembly, Jesse Unruh and The resolution asks for the adop- Governor." ed "yes" on the motion to termin- "The University should serve it was agreed that Board members tion and support of a University- It was also suggested that stu- ate Kerr's Presidency. truth, and not political partisan- will make clear their positions on wide boycott of classes sometime dents hold a vigil of the Capitol Chairman of the Regents, Theo- ship," he commented. tuition by the first part of March. during the week. in Sacramento Saturday, although dore Meyer, told newsmen that The ex-administrator stated that Unruh asked that the matter of John Maybury, editor of El Gau- the proposal was not accepted. Reagan had discussed the firing of he does not see the University ever President Kerr's "admission freeze" cho, UCSB's student newspaper, Students at Berkeley have not Kerr with Regents before Friday's falling under a "police state," re- be clarified, as many Californians stated that students there will pro- as yet planned any official action meeting. ferring· to one of Governor Rea- have been "frig h t en e d" at the bably proceed with the boycott against the Friday decision; stu- Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh gan's threatened changes - that of threat of closed UC enrollment for even if the measure is not accept- dents at Riverside, San Diego, and said the motion to fire Kerr was bringing UC jurisdiction to state the coming year. ed at a University-wide level. San Francisco were not available brought up by two of the Regents. legislators and out of the hands of Dr. Kerr reported that two In lieu of an official student for comment on planned rallies and One of the newest members of the the Regents. "They couldn't have (Continued on Page 2) government, an Ad Hoc committee demonstrations. Board, Allan Grant, who is the solved the problems any better." Page 2 ANTHILL Monday, January 23, 1967 Anthill Editorial Floyd Norris Politics Infect Higher Education Don't Let UC Become The firing of Clark Kerr by the Uni- If you are concerned about Governor A Second Rate Institution versity Regents should not have come as Reagan's disasterous proposals . for a bud- a surprise to anyone who has been observ· get cut and for tuition; if you ar,e disturbed For the past two weeks, the citizens of California have ing the trends within the University since by the proposals now before the legisla- been bombarded with headlines that can only be considered 1964 and the political events i.n Sacramento alarming. First there was the budget cut and tuition, then of the past three weeks. This irrational ture to radically change the Board of Re- the freeze on admissions, and now Clark Kerr has been fired. action, the firing of one of the UniversitYs gents; if you are angered by the dismissal I am concerned about the future of UC, as I am sure most finest presidents for clearly political rea- of President Kerr; you will be able to make of the students are.
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