FRIDAY • FRIDAY Edition t Edition Washington and Lee Senu-Weekly New:.papcr Volume LVIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MARCH 14, 1958 Number 42 Another Book NUM~ OF' W 1..HI:N INTECMEwtD II 1,100 SIP A Journalists Meet Here In April By DAVE GOLLER Carolina's by. the Winston-Salem Ifeatu res of the convention will be More than 1,000 high rehool dele­ J oumaJ and Twin City ~ li nel , the cnticism sessions o( the varaous gates and sponsors wiJI com·erge on and West Virglnia's by the Charles- publications to be held Saturday. Washington and Lee University ton Pre--· Club. I Social funct1ons will include a Apn l 25-26 for the 29th annual QulU and Scroll banquet FrJday Southern Interscholastic Press A!J­ A SlPA PRESIDENT wall be elec- mght, a SIPA dance also Friday sociat.ion meeting. t~ by the_delegat~, and many so- night, and the awards banquet Sat­ The association is composed or Cia! and mformatave events have urday afternoon. A get-acquainted persons engaged in publ:cations been p~nne<;J. Mo~ than 25 round party will be held Thursday night work in ~ccondary schools lhrougout table dasc~aons will be held on all for delega~s arrl\•ing early. phalie:t of JOUrna!Jsm, and four short a nme-state area. The convention iJ cou~cs in newspapers, magaz.ines, Arrangements are now being com­ sponsored by the Robert E. Leo yearbooks, and photography will be pleted Cor howilil~J the delegates. Journalism Foundation, and Includes held. One or the most important All hotel and motel facilities in and the states of V1rgmia, We~ Virgirua, around Lexington will be used, and Maryland, Kentucky, North Caro­ it is expected thal some of the rep­ Ilina, South Carohna, Alab..ma, Geor­ resentatives will have to stay in gia. Tennessee, and the District of Wieting Wins private homes. Columb•a. In addition to offering the young journallm an opportunity to learn TilE APPROXIMATELY 1,100 Phi Beta Kappa more about their chosen fields the delegates and sponsors from 160 I the convention will also give many tccondary schools represent 266 pub­ or the students their first opportu­ l!cations which are competing for Soph Award nity to see W. and L. Many SfPA awards for outstandmg work in their Thomas Warren Wieting, sopho- delegates have decided to attend I respective fields. The publicntions mort' from Owt>nsboro, Kentucky, W. and L. alter first seeing the are currently being judged by 17 was named as the recapient of (he c:ampua while attending an SIPA professional journalists throughout Phi Beta Kappa Sophomore Award, Iconve ntion. John Wh1te, sophomore Virginia, and each public:~iton will al was announced today by Dr. Lambda Chi, was elected president receive a certificate of its rating. W W. Pusey, president of the Gam- of SIPA in 1956. the popularity o( diiTerent rorporatioru. wiU1 Trophies will be pr~nted Cor the rna of Virginaa chapter. Drawing by belton Ibes t newspaper, magazme, yearbook, This award is made annually to and radio tape according to the en­ rollment of the sponsoring school. W. Goodman Seven trophies will be awarded in Industrial Representatives the newspaper and the yearbook categories, two to magazmes, anrl one for radio. Wins Award Three Scholastic Press Association Bill Goodman, a senior from Lex­ Express Employment Views trophies will be awarded to out­ ington, has been awarded a Ful­ standing newspapers oC Virginia, By MIKE MEADE tr1cs in writing this article, so that bright sc:hol.arahip for graduate &tudy West Virginia, and North Carolina. (Editorial Note: Tbe following he could present clearly the Place­ in theology al the Univl•rsity of The Virginia award is sponsored by ls the first of two articles dealing mt:nl Program o£ Washington and Edinburgh in the United Kingdom the Virginia Press Association, North with the Washington and Lee Lel' from industries' point of view, for the academic year 1958-59. Measles Epidemic Subsides Placement Program. The objec:t as well as the student's ouUook. Goodman received one of approx­ imately nine hundred grants {or After Partyless Weekend of the articles Is to acquaint the TilE INDUSTRIAL representa­ W&L man with the many ru;pec:ts livcs Interviewed feel that in think­ graduate study abrood awarded un­ Stipend For der the Intemalionol Educational The threat of a widespread measles of the program by c:iting both Ing about placement interviews and Exchange program of the Depart­ epidemic at Washington and Lee has Industry's and the student's out­ buslne!!S opportunities for Wnshmg­ subsided and fratcrnny house parties look on it.) ton and L<>e mt'n, the purpose of the ment of Slate. and other student activities will be Best Library Not.e in the graph the large num- interviews should be exaolly defined. AS PROVIDED by the Fulbright held as scheduled this weekend .. ber of American industries that hove The main purpose from industry's Act, a U students are selected by the Dr. F. A. Feddeman, W&L stu­ appeared on the Washington and Lee vieY.poinl is lo fmd capable men Is Offered Board o( Foreign Scholarships, the dent. physician, said today the meas­ campus, the categories in which the who can fill the1r needs. members oC which are appointed by les outbreak, which started more industries are placed, and the com- Quahficalions may vary Y.idcly A $30 prize will be awarded by the President of the United Slates. than three weeks ago, has "quieted parativc partiCipation of each cor- Cor each company, but in this reporl­ the Friends of The Library to the Students are recommended by the down." Only two cases have been poratlon as shown by the number of crs intervieW One Of the rcprcscn­ senior in the academic college who campus Fulbright committees and by reported this week. he said. W&L students each industry inter- tatJvcs stated that one thing we all has assembled, for consideration, the Institution of International Edu­ Last weekend, fraternity parties viewed. This reporter inlervied var- have m common U. that, ''we are the best student library acquired 1 cation. were canceled. lous representatives o! these indus- looking for men that show marked durmg his undergraduate years. The International Educational Ex­ --------------------------- Iqualities or lt-a dershlp. responsibility. Final dale !or entering the an- · change Program is designed to pro­ and delcnnination." Most industries nuaJ contest IS May 10. The winner mote a better understanding between Mary Was · gton Glee Cl ub do not draw their executives £rom will be announced May 16. people of the United States and the hin an outside company, but depend people of other countries. T0)1 WIETING upon the steady flow from the ranks ANY SENIOR m the undergradu­ The program also provides op­ • W&L • c Soph Award Winner Will om m oncert to fill the upper echelon positions. ate academic college who wlU re­ portunities for foreign nationals to J The ability of getting along well ceive his diploma in J une is ellgible study in American colleges and uni­ the sophomore who has attained the Fifty members of the Mary Wash - ton group was given in the Spring with hilt fellow workers is a quality to enter the contest. haght>St scholastic average in his first versities, and for an exchange of ington College Glee Club will ap- of last year, and was reportedly n Cor which all industries search­ Only those books - including are three semesters at Washington and teachers, lecturers, research schol­ pear in a joint concer.l. with the great success. Stewart. says he feels inR; t'V<'n though an individual's paperbacks-acquired by contestants Lee. ai'S and specialists between the Washington and Lee Glee Club in the club is al it's greatest strength, m<'ntal capacity or Willingness to do since enrolling in the University United States and more than seven­ Doremus Gymnasium on F riday, and that the student body will be work is great. lh<'re IS no place will be considered. Merit of the li­ WIETING'S RECORD consists of ty foreign countries. March 21, at 8 p.m. greatly surprised at the improvement for h1m in Industry if h<' lacks this brary will depend upon size, quality, straight A's, or a 3.00 average (or Robert Stewart, director of the the group has made since it's last all-important quality. and repr~entation of the contestant's three semesters of work. W&L Glee Club, said today the concert.. interests. The pme consists of books to the purpose of the concert is to get . I ~ DUSTRY WANTS men that Library Sends the W&L group slart.ed off artistical- A PARTY will be given m the have o keen fcelmg Cor the company BEFORE 1\lAY 10, each conle~>tant vulue o£ twenty-five dollars to be 1 and financially for their spring Student ~nion for the Mary Wash- they join; on mterest that considers should submit to the hbrnrian, Henry selected by the recipient for his per­ ~ ington garls after the concert by more than salJry or po~ltion (ac:tors Coleman, a typewritten hst, In du­ sonal hbrary App1-opriate bookplates Postal Cards ur. Ith e W&L group. alone. "Ir o person has a keen in- plicate, of hi.s library arranged al­ are f~rn iShed by the local chap~ r B RICK 1\IARSHALL TilE PROGRAI\1 will be divided Admission for the concert is SOc terest In a company, he will rise to 1 phabelically by authors or in sub­ of Phi Beta Kappa.
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